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Information on Finding Happiness |
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Conditions of Happiness: Happy vs. Unhappy - Do We Have A Choice?
Everyone is in the process of seeking greater happiness. We are each involved in the search for feeling good inside our bodies. What may come as a surprise is in the midst of a binge, anorexia, bulimia, or other addiction process, happiness is essentially at the core of what is being sought. The individual is experiencing some feeling of unease in their emotional state and physical body and is attempting to seek an alternative state of feeling better. There is no crime in wanting to feel better. The body's natural state is meant to be aligned with feeling good. So what do we do when we don't feel good? Certainly, continuing on with an addiction is one choice. And if addiction is the singular lonesome tool a person has in their tool box, than hallelujah! The self-loving survival instinct is alive and functioning as one coping mechanism is chosen in an attempt to feel better. Eventually though, we find that the addiction or fix from the outside doesn't last too long. It's more of an external short-term fix that doesn't work too well in the long term. And the consequences become more than we wish to bear. Eating to cope can lead to excess weight and associated health problems. Bulimia can lead to heart arrhythmia. Anorexia can lead to impaired mental processing. All can lead to an untimely death. So the outcomes may not be wanted, but the often unconscious and underlying intent was love, self-preservation, and feeling good. If we could take all the emotional judgement, shame, and sense of failure off the eating behavior, we would be able to see the deepest desire as an attempt to feel good. Using food (or the lack of food) to cope does not mean that we are sick or defective. Indeed, we are competent managers of our lives. Perhaps stuck in one method of coping that has become complicated and no longer works so well, but none-the-less still coping and still managing life. New solutions are possible and we are capable of creating new strategies for feeling good. Changing behavior does not so much require a deep understanding of what happened in the past, or even how dysfunctional our families were. Change requires us to engage in the effort of developing new patterns of thinking and acting. WHAT IS HAPPINESS? What exactly is this thing called happiness? We know it when we feel it and we certainly know its absence. Just what constitutes happiness? Scientifically speaking, happiness is a basic sense of satisfaction with your self and your environment. Did you know that, as stated by psychologist Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky in a study in 1994, "Happy people do not experience one success after another and unhappy people, one failure after another. Instead surveys show that happy and unhappy people tend to have had very similar life experiences. The difference is that the average unhappy person spends more than twice as much time thinking about unpleasant events in their lives, while happy people tend to seek and rely upon information that brightens their personal outlook." Chronically happy and unhappy individuals differ in the specific thought and motivational strategies they use. For example, happy individuals interpret life events and daily situations in ways that seem to maintain their happiness, while unhappy individuals interpret experiences in ways that seem to reinforce unhappiness. Happy individuals are more aware of the joy and happiness while unhappy people register more sorrow and difficulty. Wow! This is important information. The implication is that greater happiness can be learned. We can decide to take our own unhappy situation into our own hands. We can stop analyzing, stop blaming our parents, our childhoods, even stop hating ourselves for our troubles, and determine instead to focus on changing our thoughts and actions. Instead of focusing on the problem, we can learn to focus on the solution. UNHAPPY IS A NORMAL STATE It might be useful to remind ourselves that happy and unhappy are emotions that do not last forever. Sometimes we can shift from happy to unhappy with the passage of time. Allow more time and we can shift back into happy. Recognize that everyone has experiences of just not feeling happy. Blame it on hormones or PMS or the weather. It doesn't matter. One basic truth in life is that not every day is going to be an easy and miraculously happy day. Happiness is a decision that we make and a decision we support with our thoughts and actions. And it's not a one time decision. It may be a daily, or even hourly, decision to remind ourselves that feeling happy is our primary concern in life and we alone are responsible for creating this state. Acceptance is one tool we can use to deal with unhappy days. Yet it takes courage to use the tool of acceptance. Imagine accepting unhappy as a normal and natural state. Imagine courageously deciding not to fight the current state, but to accept being at peace with the process that is happening right now. The benefit? Once acceptance has taken place, the burden of unhappy being 'wrong' disappears. A certain pressure of perfectionism disappears. A whole new way to relax and take care of one's self opens up. Once unhappy is acceptable, a Pandora's box is available to the curious mind: What actions can I take to love myself while I am feeling unhappy? Can I choose to be okay with this emotion? Can I choose to feel happy while at the same time feeling unhappy? Can I be grateful even while unhappy? Realize the human capacity for enjoyment is great. Reward areas in the brain seem to be greater than areas that produce unpleasant experience. If this doesn't appear to be currently true for you, explore how to expand or enlarge the pleasure areas of the brain. What can I do right now, today, while I'm feeling unhappy to produce pleasant experiences? Also, much of the research on individual happiness boils down to a difference in ability to control one's environment. What can I do to control my environment? HAPPY THOUGHTS The question has been asked, indeed I have asked this question, of why happy moments can be so often forgotten while sad or terrible times become entrenched in the mind? Why is there the tendency to 'play with problem' or fixate on something negative? I do not know. It has occurred to me with realized clarity that we are afraid of happiness and push it away from us. The courageous decision becomes to open up to more possibilities of greater pleasure. When feeling unhappy, it might be useful to remind yourself of a few alternative thoughts. Changing a few thoughts can often be the fastest way to feeling okay and not so lost. Even though I'm unhappy: My life has meaning. There is value in what I am feeling. It's okay to feel what I am feeling. We all have happy and unhappy moods, feelings do not last forever. The world is safe, I don't have to be happy every moment. This too shall pass. I can choose to pamper myself while I am in this unhappy place. HAPPY ACTIONS What actions can I take to pamper myself while I am feeling unhappy? Today I woke up not feeling particularly happy. Actually this feeling has been with me for a few days now. What an opportunity to focus more intently on my own life and the experiences that would feel joyful. No need to fight the unhappy, just an opportunity to be tender to myself. An opportunity to say yes to more pleasure, refrain from playing the martyr, and stop being a pleasure delayer. Here's what I've done so far today and my plan: Instead of immediately starting work, took a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood this morning. Accepted that an unhappy feeling was journeying with me for a short while. This feeling is worthy of my acceptance and my love. I am worthy of loving myself even when I'm not in my typical feeling state. Supported myself with a healthy, colorful, and nourishing breakfast and lunch. Added some protein for better balance and groundedness. Wrote in my journal about my current experience which helped me get a more balanced perspective. I'm not completely unhappy. My life isn't all or nothing. Wrote a detailed gratitude list. Played with my cats. Decided to write this article because even though it seemed demanding in the short-term, it would bring me pleasure in the long-term. Will reward my efforts for completing this task by getting a 20 minute chair massage shortly. Will sit outside in the trees and by the creek behind my house. Have asked myself the question, what specifically do I want to do tonight that will be different and fun? POSITIVE NOTE I honor myself. I meditate, pray or in some way find my 'still point' every day. I do good feeling physical exercise, give myself the right amount of sleep, and eat in a manner that feels good in this moment and in future moments. I commit to consistent and daily renewal for my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual strength. I take note of my efforts. I acknowledge my successes. I am grateful for my life. Dr. Annette Colby, RD
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Mexican Living: What Makes You Happy? Many ask me this question: "Did moving to Mexico make you happier?" My answer to that question is a resounding "no!" Does that shock you? Does that concern you? Does that cause you to pause? Do more questions come to mind? Its All About Me: Why Its Good to Be Selfish I started thinking about this topic during a discussion of "What You Wish You Knew Then". People were talking about the differences in their lives once they discovered that what makes them happy is just as important as what makes other people happy. Happiness Is In Our Own Hands Other people can bring tremendous happiness to our lives but we cannot rely on them alone for happiness. Clinging to people because we think our happiness depends on them can have a disastrous effect on any relationship. 10 Tips for Living the Life of Your Dreams Why Are You Here? Choose To Be Happy What if I told you that you have the ability to decide if you are happy or not. You would probably say that I'm crazy. 1. I'm not crazy and 2. Happiness is a choice. Define Me We've all had a vision or a great idea and had someone who knows better squash it. Making Peace With Sloth: The Value of Natural Pace Though his racing speed is a maximum 6 feet per minute, the sloth has won the race against time. It's not that he's immortal, it's just that he's efficient. While we micro manage time and monopolize our schedule, sloth simply is. In his just being he shows us the value of natural pace. How To Make Your Own Happiness Happiness comes to a person when it is caused by something, such as the person achieving a much-desired goal. Happiness also comes when the person recognizes something of value - seeing children playing together joyfully makes the parent happy. Happiness can be caused by expectation of future good fortune, as the happiness of a couple in a romantic relationhship. Happiness has causes. It can be had by anyone who is able to bring about and recognize a suitable cause. Below are 6 ways to bring a little more happiness into your life. Get Out Those Legos Many of my clients are working harder than smarter. This is not a put-down of their intelligence. It is a statement about the conventions of the way most of us live and work. Without a concerted effort to step back and take an objective look at how we function day in and day out, we find ourselves subject to old ways of doing things without periodic checkups to see if they are working. Acts of Kindness Benefit Everyone Do you really want to be happy? Everyone says yes, but the gateway to happiness makes some of us frown. The gateway to happiness, is giving to others. Think about this: "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." - The Dalai Lama 7 Surprising Keys to Happiness Have you ever had one of those days where you just wish you were in a better mood? Perhaps you tried to shift your state of mind to something better but struggled to achieve it. There is a Cure for the Summertime Blues I have never lived anywhere else where when you walk outside in the summer you not only feel like you have walked into a sauna, you also want to change your shirt after just walking from your car to your office (Tallahassee). How To Achieve Absolute Happiness Everyone wants to be happy. When you decide to be happy you are opening the door to love and inner peace. Many people are ready to spent millions of dollars to find happiness. Some of the affluent people in the world have spent their lives searching for the key to a happy life. Happiness can be described as a feeling of joy, excitement, pleasure, serenity, calmness and tranquility. It is something which you experience within yourself. Happiness is a choice. You can be happy, healthy and wealthy or sad, miserable and poor. Your mind is a very powerful instrument. As you programme your mind towards happiness, your subconscious mind starts to believe them and sooner or later your negative thoughts become fewer and happiness becomes part of your life. What The Bleep Are You So Happy About? Could you stand to have a lot more happiness in your life? I've tried all kinds of self-help techniques and have suddenly found much more happiness and fun than ever before. It's fast, it's easy, and you can see results within a week. I was inspired by two sources: the movie, "What the Bleep Do We Know," and the Laugh Doctor, Dr. Cliff Kuhn. To find more happiness, let's take a look at FUN vs. FRUSTRATION. 10 Survival Strategies to Overcoming Adversity and Being Happy If one thing is for certain, each of us will experience some form of adversity while we are still breathing on this Earth. Unfortunately, some of us will experience more than our fair share of adversity, either in the workplace or in our personal lives. How Good Are You? The demands of being a good person can sometimes mean sacrificing your own happiness. Forgive to Succeed - Im Talking to the You Behind Your Eyes If your blood is still pumping through your veins, you very likely have some forgiving to do. When you truly forgive, you serve yourself much more than you serve the person you are forgiving. What I mean here is this. Forgiveness is great for the other person, but it's absolutely critical for us. We don't really move on with our lives until we fully and completely forgive. Unfortunately for some, they live their entire lives in a state of anger and resentment. What an awful tragedy it is to let someone hurt and limit you for an entire lifetime. Our time could be better spent on creating and enjoying a life of happiness. Do You Love Yourelf? Learning to love yourself isn't easy - especially if you grew up in an environment that involved abuse, neglect, shame or an emotionally dishonest atmosphere. Most people who experience self-love have had it planted as a seed by someone who accepted them unconditionally at a very early phase in their development. But even those fortunate enough to have had this experience, come to find that self-love must continue to evolve as the diversity of life's experiences are faced. For those of us who have not had the seed of self-love planted . . . all is not lost! Self-love is our natural state. We can find our way back to our rightful state of being. Self-love is who and what we are - it is merely hidden by learned patterns of disallowing love. Learning new patterns of allowing love involves an awareness of what self-love is, and then practicing certain skills, self-affirming thoughts, and actions that lead to greater joy. Love and Laughter ? Celebrating the Gift of Life Only you can call me into aliveness. Each time you try to understand and because you really care, my heart begins to grow wings, very small wings, very feeble wings, but wings. With your sensitivity and sympathy, and your power of understanding, you can breathe life into me. ~ Charles C. Finn Life is our brief precious time to feel-to experience love, laughter, and wonder-to design and contribute our unique creations and expressions of who we are and what we want to leave behind. Happy Buttons What makes you happy? What are the simple pleasures that bring you great joy? Review the following list slowly, taking time to savor each one and remember the emotions it evokes. ![]() |
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