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The Golden Moments in Life
This month I'm going to talk about something I've never discussed before. I'll be sharing a technique with you that can help you become a powerful beacon, attracting all the good things in life to you easily and effortlessly. I call it the Attraction Process. Hang on. It's powerful and it works. Last week the Manifesting Made Easy teleclass group completed with our last call. Always, with every group, I have an incredible sense of being blessed and this time was no different. This group created a new phrase that has been amazingly wonderful, and I wanted to share it with you as a prelude to the Attraction Process. It was the idea of having "Golden Moments". "I'm having a Golden Moment" or "This is a Golden Moment" or "It was a Golden Moment" became weekly sayings and reminders as successes were shared. For those of you who don't know, the color gold represents great fortune, understanding, intuition, and attracting higher influences. Energetically, it's an ideal color to surround yourself with, to fill yourself with, and to spread around when you're moving through life. We are all beings of energy and we are all beings of light. Everything we think, say, and do is energy, a vibration, and vibrations are light. Just as a "solid" table is a swirling mass of particles of energy, so are our bodies. Beyond that, each and every one of us has powers that we've barely tapped into and many rarely use. Here's the technique: Allow a beam of golden light to enter into your body through the top of your head (your crown), filling every cell, atom and space with this golden light. Now, allow the light to begin to expand and grow stronger until you can feel the energy growing and almost pulsing out of your skin. Go out in the world and watch the Golden Moments of magic unfold. It's just that simple, and yet the results are amazing. You begin to attract to you wonderful, unexpected, unexplainable experiences. You get to experience the magic of the power of your intentions and you get to spread light in the world for countless others. You get to have some really fun moments as you watch the magical energy transform people and situations around you. When I was first taught this practice, I decided to try it out while I was waiting to meet a friend for lunch at the Museum of Natural History. The museum was in the process of remodeling their entrance, and there were wooden board structures guiding people from the parking lot to the entrance at the front. I filled my body with golden light and allowed the energy to expand until it was pulsing out of my pores. Then I just stood there to see what happened. Handicapped people, old people, and families were all directed to go to the front entrance. I just stood there pulsing the golden energy and waiting for the experience. Before I knew it, it happened. One of the workmen came over to talk to me and he was soon joined by several friends. By the time my friend arrived, we had been having a wonderful conversation. The "man in charge" took us in the back door entrance where we got to see the behind-the-scenes workers with fossils. He then marched up to the entrance and said "These are my friends. They're coming in for free." With that, he said goodbye and we had a very enjoyable afternoon - for free. Now, I'm not asking you to take my word for it. Just try it - you may REALLY like it! Best yet, no one knows that you're doing it! You get to experience the results and be really playful with this new tool in your kit! It is time to remember how to use your powers. It is time to bring your light into the world for good. Create joyful Golden Moments that enrich your life and the lives of others. Create Golden Moments full of magic, love, laughter, joy, and light. YOU deserve it! Debbie Friedman, M.S., C.Ht., is the Manifesting Maven who helps people consciously create the life they love to live. She is the creator of the popular Cleaning Out the Closet of Your Mind for Wealth series. http://www.cleaningoutthecloset.com
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Get Right! Make a Difference Want to make a difference? What can one person do? The answer is everything! In its finest sense, the behavior of every one of us is central to the peace of the world. For the individual, the best thing we can all do is to practice Right Action, with all of its many implications. I have farmed some of them here for you from the book "Looking for a Better World." Conversational Negative Self-Talk Most people don't even know they're doing it. Throughout the course of normal conversation, they bombard themselves with negative self-talk. Even people who are aware of the power of their words seem to miss some of the most commonly used derogatory comments that are made towards ourselves in the course of normal conversation. While plotting out goals and dreams we remember to stop ourselves from saying statements like "I can't," "I'm not good enough," or "I'll never be able to pull this off." However, it's the subtle little things that we say while on conversational autopilot that eats away at our self-confidence. Creating Better Relationships The most important achievements you can ever have in this life is your own happiness. Laughter and Your Health Did you know that according to research, children laugh about 400 times a day while adults only laugh about 15 times a day? Some how we lost the ability to laugh, as we got older. Could it be that putting more humour and laughter into our day will improve our health and wellbeing? Smile - A Look at False Happiness Smile... You'll make your brain wonder what your face is up to. Giving Attention To Happiness When I left England in 2000 there did not seem to be much happiness around. People in modern western society tend to be self focused to the extreme, prone to criticise rather than support or applaud, and with little time or inclination to devote to others. Relationships can be a battleground rather than a haven of mutual support. Thinking about it now, I did not know anyone who I could say was really happy. I was acquainted with a few who might have been in a state of happiness, but I did not know them well enough to be sure. How Do You Define Happiness? I ran a contest in "Your Daily Dose of Happiness" to see how people define happiness. I was stunned to discover that I am the only person who defines happiness as an extra helping of cheesecake. Body, Mind, and Soul Being in tune with your mind, body, and soul and how they work is the one most important thing you can do for yourself. We know now that, the three work together. If the body is ill, the mind and soul are affected as well. If the mind becomes ill the body and soul show the stress of that. But, I think the strongest combination showing the most illness is when the soul becomes stressed. That seems to make the body and mind crumble the quickest. I, myself, have learned that first hand! But, it also works in the reverse! When the body is healthy, the mind is sound and the soul is happy. Keeping these three in balance is a life long task. So, learning how to do it and then maintaining it with little effort is very important. We do have other things in life to accomplish! However, the other things we are accomplishing will be enhanced and go much easier if we take the time to be in tune with ourselves. Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life A friend once said to me, "There is no meaning in life, except what we create". At the time, I thought she was nuts. Now, I understand. Achievement and Happiness the 80/20 Way If there was ever a principle that was responsible for the most happiness and achievement in the world, it would be the 80/20 Principle. A Great Life? How to Score Your Life Is your life really the life you want? Conditions of Happiness: Happy vs. Unhappy - Do We Have A Choice? Everyone is in the process of seeking greater happiness. We are each involved in the search for feeling good inside our bodies. What may come as a surprise is in the midst of a binge, anorexia, bulimia, or other addiction process, happiness is essentially at the core of what is being sought. The individual is experiencing some feeling of unease in their emotional state and physical body and is attempting to seek an alternative state of feeling better. There is a Cure for the Summertime Blues I have never lived anywhere else where when you walk outside in the summer you not only feel like you have walked into a sauna, you also want to change your shirt after just walking from your car to your office (Tallahassee). Lifes Like that It is now 5 years since I passed out of college and started working. I love working. I am not a workaholic but I love working. There is a lot of pressure in the work we all do. This era is all about speed. Everything around us moves at the speed of thought. And the wise guys from the big B-Schools would tell you to be there at the right time or else you'll loose the next big opportunity. All of us try to search for the next big opportunity so that we are not left of out in this race. We travel from place to place in search for that hidden treasure, success, happiness or whatever one may like to call it. I have closely interacted with hundreds of people in these years and one of my favorites activity is studying people and human behavior. In the beginning I used to get surprised (sometimes even laugh) when I hear a new kid out of college and starting his life say that he feels burnt out. But then if you look at it closely, the kid is right. He is burnt out before he even starts because he is always expected to perform beyond what his mind and body can take. There is always this sense of urgency within all of us that usually keeps us unhappy no matter what we achieve. I too was in this rat race till my mother taught me the most important lesson of my life and that is about being in the present and enjoying every moment of it. Sadly though I had lost my mother by then. I still remember that day on 18th December 2002 when I was thinking about my mother in the back of my mind but yet I stayed in the office as we had this requirement to get the ISDN up in our office. I was scared that if the leased lines goes down we'll not have an alternative. So I sat with the providers and did not listen to my heart. As a result by the time I went to see my mom it was too late. I wish I had followed my heart instead. That is when I realized that the ISDN connection had no real significance in my life and yet I gave it an unwanted priority. Here are some rules I live by now which I hope would help all of you. They say that it is best to learn from others mistakes. 6 basic rules that we must all follow to be happy - Live in the present - Most good books on better living talk about being in the present. You cannot afford to think and live in the past. Neither can you think about the future all the time. You do not know what would happen in the future. You do not have control over it. This does not mean that we should not plan. It just means that we do not need to over stress ourselves thinking about what would happen in the future. Let me explain with a simple example. You want to go for a vacation. You need to plan and buy the tickets in time. But it does not mean that when you are in the train or aircraft you start running inside it. You'll not reach any faster than all the other passengers who are traveling with you. However, do remember that you must learn from your past and improve upon it. The food from Pizza Hut is fattening. This means that it would remain the same, unless they do some major changes to the way pizzas are made. So saying that I cannot think about the past and I should keep going over and over again to Pizza Hut does no make sense. Also another important point is that you must learn to visualize about the future. When I was kid our swimming coach used to talk a lot about the power of visualization. He used to say that if you going for a competition tomorrow, the previous night one should visualize the entire event. It goes like this - I feel light and energetic. The weather is great for swimming. I am going to get the best place. My start is perfect. I have a perfect dive in the water. The water is not too hot neither is it too cool. It is just right for me. My breathing is perfect and my strokes are perfect and coordinated. I am the winner... Simulate the same situation when you are facing a client or an ISO auditor. Another aspect I'll like to point out here is that some people get into the urgency because they feel insecure about the future. They think "If I die my wife or family would face a lot of problems... " In the process they start taking insurance policies left and right, try to buy a house etc.. In many cases they are not able to keep up with all the liabilities and in that tension many do really die. One must plan and have a secure future but never over do anything. Take commitments only when it is possible to live up to the commitment. In short it all boils down to one thing. Be happy and live in the moment. Enjoy every moment of it. Because the present will become the past tomorrow and you need to cherish it then. Never have any anger - There are times we are unhappy because we have anger against somebody. That really does not help. All it does is make us sad. In no way does it effect the person who has angered you. As in my case I was angry with the providers for having given us a good for nothing ISDN modem. What I lost in return was a lot more. It is not possible for us to not get angry because the reason why one gets angry is when things do not work the way we want it to. When people do not behave the way we want them to. And this would continue to happen. The best we can do is focus on something else in such situations. That makes us more relaxed. Also, be grateful for what you have and do not think about what you do not have. There are many in this world who are less fortunate than we are. Never have an ego -Most of us have a big ego which makes us all worse than what we think we are. We are nobody to judge another person. We are nobody to justify our actions on others because of what they did to us. In most cases when we do something against a person it would due to some false ego we have inside us. "How could he do this to me. I'll show him who I am".... Like I said a little while ago. I am nobody. If somebody treats you bad it is his fault and there no need for you to teach him a lesson. He needs to have self realization about it. Most of our epics is about teaching a lesson to the other person. I remember as a kid watching Mahabharat and Ramayana on TV, most of times somebody would be testing somebody else's ego. When I do talk about ego, I feel it is necessary to talk about self esteem too.. Both these are very different. We all must have a level of self esteem and dignity. But we must not allow somebody else to treat us as a door mat. If you do not like what the other person did to you. Cut off the relation or remove the expectations. Take pride in who you are - Ten Ways to Eliminate Guilt From Your Life 1. Say "Yes" Only When You Want To SOLD! Again! Contrast Can Work FOR You Have you ever had an experience where everything you wanted had come to you and THEN you discovered something that seemed to spoil the entire event? Laughter The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." e.e.cummings Happiness Without getting into the core basics of philosophy, I will make a few statements about happiness. Happiness is probably the most sought after emotion, and the hardest to retain on an ongoing basis. We all can experience moments of joy that make us happy. How To Experience A Richer, Deeper, And Fuller Life When we choose to move beyond the boundaries of the ego, we choose to step into a different world. We find ourselves above the matrix of conceived causality, alive on a unique plane of experience. Here, much to our amazement, everything happens by itself. Grace, or effortless effort, now define our actions. Life Management Skills for Greater Happiness "Circumstances are the rulers of the weak; they are but the instruments of the wise." -Samuel Lover ![]() |
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