The Golden Moments in Life

This month I'm going to talk about something I've never discussed before. I'll be sharing a technique with you that can help you become a powerful beacon, attracting all the good things in life to you easily and effortlessly. I call it the Attraction Process. Hang on. It's powerful and it works.

Last week the Manifesting Made Easy teleclass group completed with our last call. Always, with every group, I have an incredible sense of being blessed and this time was no different.

This group created a new phrase that has been amazingly wonderful, and I wanted to share it with you as a prelude to the Attraction Process. It was the idea of having "Golden Moments". "I'm having a Golden Moment" or "This is a Golden Moment" or "It was a Golden Moment" became weekly sayings and reminders as successes were shared.

For those of you who don't know, the color gold represents great fortune, understanding, intuition, and attracting higher influences. Energetically, it's an ideal color to surround yourself with, to fill yourself with, and to spread around when you're moving through life.

We are all beings of energy and we are all beings of light. Everything we think, say, and do is energy, a vibration, and vibrations are light. Just as a "solid" table is a swirling mass of particles of energy, so are our bodies. Beyond that, each and every one of us has powers that we've barely tapped into and many rarely use.

Here's the technique: Allow a beam of golden light to enter into your body through the top of your head (your crown), filling every cell, atom and space with this golden light.

Now, allow the light to begin to expand and grow stronger until you can feel the energy growing and almost pulsing out of your skin. Go out in the world and watch the Golden Moments of magic unfold.

It's just that simple, and yet the results are amazing. You begin to attract to you wonderful, unexpected, unexplainable experiences. You get to experience the magic of the power of your intentions and you get to spread light in the world for countless others.

You get to have some really fun moments as you watch the magical energy transform people and situations around you.

When I was first taught this practice, I decided to try it out while I was waiting to meet a friend for lunch at the Museum of Natural History. The museum was in the process of remodeling their entrance, and there were wooden board structures guiding people from the parking lot to the entrance at the front.

I filled my body with golden light and allowed the energy to expand until it was pulsing out of my pores. Then I just stood there to see what happened. Handicapped people, old people, and families were all directed to go to the front entrance. I just stood there pulsing the golden energy and waiting for the experience.

Before I knew it, it happened. One of the workmen came over to talk to me and he was soon joined by several friends. By the time my friend arrived, we had been having a wonderful conversation. The "man in charge" took us in the back door entrance where we got to see the behind-the-scenes workers with fossils.

He then marched up to the entrance and said "These are my friends. They're coming in for free." With that, he said goodbye and we had a very enjoyable afternoon - for free.

Now, I'm not asking you to take my word for it. Just try it - you may REALLY like it! Best yet, no one knows that you're doing it! You get to experience the results and be really playful with this new tool in your kit!

It is time to remember how to use your powers. It is time to bring your light into the world for good.

Create joyful Golden Moments that enrich your life and the lives of others. Create Golden Moments full of magic, love, laughter, joy, and light.

YOU deserve it!

Debbie Friedman, M.S., C.Ht., is the Manifesting Maven who helps people consciously create the life they love to live. She is the creator of the popular Cleaning Out the Closet of Your Mind for Wealth series.

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