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Obsolete Is A Dirty Word (Intel Pentium 64 Bit Microchip)
Get ready everyone, home computers are about to set new LAN speed records! The Intel 64-bit microchip will soon be powering the new line of Pentium 4 computers. This long awaited sizzling fast release will be heading to store shelves across America just in time for the new blazing fast Windows 64-bit operating system. You'll get the 64-bit Pentium microchip, the 64-bit operating system, and that's not all, if you spend all your money, you'll also get all the new 64-bit stellar fast software programs that will leave current versions coughing in the rooster tail of their 64-bit micro-dust. Yet a startling new poll indicated a majority of respondent(s) were actually upset by the good news from the technology sector. Here are the fascinating results of the poll: Respondent(s) gave a 1-10 rating regarding their anticipated personal happiness and productivity that the newer and faster computers would yield. 1 being: "I'm in electronic nirvana, I waited to buy, I was patient and did not up-grade pre-maturely, and now the technology gods have rewarded my computer buying diligence, bestowing upon me a new Intel 64-bit processor, operating system and software as soon as they come out!!" And 10 being: "Don't talk to me I hate you!" The margin of error was +/- 0%. Questionnaires were sent to a scientific sample of 1. OK it was me. I polled myself. And no I'm not happy. But wait, before you judge me harshly, I should give you some facts about myself that might engender some empathy. First of all, I'm cursed. I don't know how this works, but I hold all power over technological advances. That's right, new technology will not be released to the computer buying public until I finally decide to upgrade...to the old technology. Narcissistic? Hardly. There is a cosmic triggering mechanism that knows. If you happened to be tuned in, it would go a little something like this: "Technology universe heed! Rick has purchased Super Gizmo 3.0. Prepare to launch version 4.0. Wait for my command....Steady... There, he's exceeded the store return policy envelope. Launch upgrade. Brace for impact and greatness of sorrow. That is all." So I hope you're happy. Because the only reason, that you can go out and buy the new Intel 64-bit P4 wonder machine and all of the wonder programs & software to come, is because I just bought a beautiful 32-bit machine with matching laptop. No, that's ok, you don't have to thank me. It's just a burden that I must carry. I do it stoically and with quiet dignity, normally, but this is a revolutionary advance, a tectonic shift in computing acceleration and I'm going to wail out loud, because I just can't go out and buy another computer and stay married! At least that's how she interprets the vows. Oh...you think I make too much of this do you? Perhaps. But for those of you who may not be as, how should I say...techno hip... let me explain the speed differential between the present 32-bit sludge processors (like the one I just bought...twice) and the new sleek Intel 64-bit miracle maker. Picture languishing in a huge super Wal-Mart with two hundred bargain happy shoppers squeezing through 32 cash registers at once. And just to make it really painful, some have price checks and questionable coupons. See yourself in line. A long line. And all you can do to pass the time is inch along reading the "13 Things Wives Never Tell Their Husbands". After awhile, you might get close enough to see another magazine cover with a picture of Jennifer, ...the exact moment she found out about Brad. Go ahead judge Brad, you've got the time. You can even manufacture some contempt for that vixen Angelina. You're not going anywhere, no one is going anywhere. They've only got 32 cash registers open! Suddenly, one of the cashiers feels the heat, fumbles for the microphone, and makes a garbled announcement. It must be in code, because no one can understand it, yet the next thing you know, everyone is tossing magazines and trampling children, nuns, & puppies. Why? I'll tell you why. Because 32 more cashiers are now open for the next person in line! That makes a grand total of 64 cashiers "processing" transactions instead of 32! The line is moving fast..."Come on people, we're all going home!" And that my friend is how the new Intel 64-bit microchip works. Do you see now why I mourn? "The analogy is brilliant", you might say, "but how does that translate into reality?" Well, the average home computer user will now be able to print a letter at .005 nanoseconds instead of .006! Think of it. You'll be pulling out your letter from the printer, while I'll still be be pulling out my letter from the printer too, but a whole .001 nanoseconds behind, unless I come up with an ingenious "low tech" way to make up the difference and win. So go ahead, buy the faster computer, see if I care, I don't mind. One day I'll have that 64-bit, right before the 128's come out. And perhaps you'll be standing with me, in 64-bit hell, wanting my Cosmo, but no, I'm not done reading it yet. I still need to find out the "22 Secrets of True Passion and How To Enlighten Your Idiot Man." And then we'll see who mourns, when I look you in the eye and say, "Go find your own magazine!" Rick David writes a humor column entitled, "Don't Laugh, It Could Happen To You!" for http://sandiego.merchantamerica.com
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Bluetooth Can Be Cracked! Nothing is completely safe today. Adobe has recently released a patch for a security hole in different graphical software, so why should Bluetooth be safe? Preventing Tape Drive Failure Contrary to popular belief, tape drives are generally robust and reliable. However, there are three common mistakes that people make that dramatically increase the probability of tape drive failure. USB Key Drives - Useful Tool There are many different names for these drives, just so we are all on the same wavelength about what I'm talking about, here are a few of the other names: How to Check Your IP So you need to check your IP address, for whatever reason. Maybe you're playing an online game with a friend, or you need to access your PC remotely. Whatever the reason, there are a number of different ways you can check your IP address. The Benifits of Assembling Your Own Computer Thinking about getting a new computer, but with all the choices out there are you getting a little overwhelmed? Well why not look into building your own computer? By building your own computer you can get all the options you really want, whether you need a graphics design machine, game machine or just a simple word processor. You can tailor the computer to your specific needs. Now I know what you are thinking, "Isn't building a computer difficult? I don't want to screw anything up." Well with a little reading, assembling your computer will be cake. Laptop Computers and the PVP Effect! Roll over lumbering desktop computers, the limber laptop is here, and it's here to stay! For a while now notebooks have outstripped their ageing desktop PC siblings, easily winning the gold medal in the computer sales olympics. We will illustrate how the PVP effect has contributed greatly to the increase in popularity of notebook computers. Three Must Have Accessories For Notebook Computers An Optical Mouse Printer Cartridges - Step Back in History You are working and trying to print out important documents when you discover that you are out of ink. This would have been a big drawback in the past. Most printers years ago used daisy wheels or ribbons to print documents. The evolution of printer cartridges should be looked at. Laptop Computers Instigate Classroom Revolution! Have you noticed that laptop computers are beginning to dictate what happens in the classroom? Additionally, mobile technology is changing where learning takes place. This is especially true as laptops are entering the educational arena in ever increasing numbers. Selecting an Ink Jet printer?With Low Operating Cost Printer technology has made tremendous advances in the past five years. Speeds are up and print quality is great. Meanwhile, printer costs have declined. Sony vs. Olympus: Digital Voice Recorders Digital voice recorders have become increasingly popular over the last few years, as they offer a relatively cheap and reliable alternative to older cassette voice recorders. Digital voice recorders use memory - much like the memory used in your personal pc - to record sound, rather than tape cassettes. Newer recorders tend to have very large memory capacities, despite their small size. The Importance Of Current Sense Resistor In Switch Mode Power Supply Current sense resistor is usually located in the switch mode power supply section. Newer version of monitor-the b+ (boost) circuit also have this current sense resistor. If you repair electronic equipment especially the switch mode power supplies, the current sensing resistor is connected to the source pin of power FET (field effect transistor) and the other end to HOT GROUND. The value of current sense resistor is in the range of 0.1 ohm to about 1 ohm. The values are depends on the design of each power supply. Unclogging Epson Print Heads Tools needed: The Road Ahead We live in an area that has begun to use GreenBins for household waste. Our regular garbageis picked up every other week and the onlyweekly garbage collection is our green plasticbins, to be filled with leftover food productsand other organic waste. When the program first started, I was surewe could never change our ways, but beforelong, depositing bones and leftover food inthe bin became automatic. Why am I telling you this? Because using thecomputer will also become easy for you themore you try. Sure, the learning curve issteeper than remembering which containerto use for which type of garbage, but theidea is the same. Every time you perform afunction or solve a problem on your computer, it will be easier than the time before. This week, I read a book written by Bill Gatesin 1996 titled 'The Road Ahead'. Gates said, "Computers frighten almost everyone(everyone but children), before they learn touse them. When people spend more time withcomputers, they understand them better.You can start by playing computer games ordoing other simple things. Once you startusing them, I think you'll like them." With the Internet, we can keep in touch withold friends and make new ones; have virtualexperiences of flying an airplane, driving acar, even dissecting a toad. Pilots and doctorspractice their work without worrying aboutaccidents. Every school can have a wonderfullibrary thanks to the Internet. Gates saw then how much our world wouldchange because of computers. Banking andshopping online, distance learning, the abilityto telecommute and work from home - all ofthese grew as software became better andmore powerful. Gates talked about his own futuristic house. Anyone in the house wore an electronic pin thattold the house who and where you were. Whenit got dark, the pin would turn on lights nearbyand turn them off when you went away. Musicwould play near you and the phone ring nearbyonly if the call was for you. A home control console activated choices of lighting, music,and temperature. That was in 1996, so whoknows what his home is like now! The book ended with a cartoon showing a muttusing a computer and saying "On the Internet,nobody know's you're a dog." How true - onthe Internet, we are all on equal ground.When in my 40's, the university library where I worked was computerized. The thought of using those machines at my age was so intimidating that I moved to another department. I transferred back a year later, determined to learn. Bluetooth Basics - Bluetooth Technology Tutorial Bluetooth Basics Wireless Notebooks: What You Need To Know About Going Wireless! It's not exactly breaking news that our world is becoming increasingly wireless. Many of our daily activities that once needed a wired connection can now be done wirelessly! Looking for Information on CD Duplication and Replication? Time is one of the most important things we have that we are always short on. One way to maximize your time is to have the most up to date technology available. But, this can be costly. If you are in the market to purchase CD duplication or replication products, you won't have to spend a lot of money to get quality products to help you with this. Depending on what type of CD duplication you are interested in, you will more then likely find just what you need online and do so quickly. When Good Color Goes Bad... Even with the popularity of digital technology, and the availability of equipment and software associated with it, many printing firms are still slow to make the changes needed to upgrade their business. More so when it comes to digital photography. TiVo: An Introduction for the Few Who Dont Know Yet TiVo will change your life... for the better. Plain and simple: record shows by telling TiVo to record them (not when, what channel, how long, etc.), record all new episodes of X, record all movies w/ so-and-so in them, etc. The Constantly Changing World of Inkjet Technology We have finally advanced to a time when technology can greatly improve graphics and printing. The technology we have at our disposal now is so advanced we are able to produce inkjet printers capable of printing proofs so accurate they can actually represent the end product. This type of advanced technology has provided businesses with a major advantage over the competition in todays cut throat business world. ![]() |
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