Computer Hardware Information

Coping with a Serious Data Loss from your Computer Hard Drive

Data loss is an expensive reality. It's a hard fact that it happens more often then users like to admit. A recent study by the accounting firm McGladrey and Pullen estimates that one out of every 500 data centers will experience a severe computer disaster this year. As a result, almost half of those companies will go out of business. At the very least, a data loss disaster can mean lost income and missed business opportunities.

Setting up a Network -- Wired or Wireless?

Wireless networks are en vogue, but your installation won?t be successful unless you chose the right type of network and set it up properly. Wired networks require that each computer be connected via a wire to a central location, called a switch or hub. This often involves installing cables through walls and ceilings and can present a challenge for anyone.

Thumb Drives - Great New Technology!

The ability to easily move data from PC to PC with minimal inconvenience is just another benefit computers have brought to the current business world.

The Road Ahead

We live in an area that has begun to use GreenBins for household waste. Our regular garbageis picked up every other week and the onlyweekly garbage collection is our green plasticbins, to be filled with leftover food productsand other organic waste. When the program first started, I was surewe could never change our ways, but beforelong, depositing bones and leftover food inthe bin became automatic. Why am I telling you this? Because using thecomputer will also become easy for you themore you try. Sure, the learning curve issteeper than remembering which containerto use for which type of garbage, but theidea is the same. Every time you perform afunction or solve a problem on your computer, it will be easier than the time before. This week, I read a book written by Bill Gatesin 1996 titled 'The Road Ahead'. Gates said, "Computers frighten almost everyone(everyone but children), before they learn touse them. When people spend more time withcomputers, they understand them better.You can start by playing computer games ordoing other simple things. Once you startusing them, I think you'll like them." With the Internet, we can keep in touch withold friends and make new ones; have virtualexperiences of flying an airplane, driving acar, even dissecting a toad. Pilots and doctorspractice their work without worrying aboutaccidents. Every school can have a wonderfullibrary thanks to the Internet. Gates saw then how much our world wouldchange because of computers. Banking andshopping online, distance learning, the abilityto telecommute and work from home - all ofthese grew as software became better andmore powerful. Gates talked about his own futuristic house. Anyone in the house wore an electronic pin thattold the house who and where you were. Whenit got dark, the pin would turn on lights nearbyand turn them off when you went away. Musicwould play near you and the phone ring nearbyonly if the call was for you. A home control console activated choices of lighting, music,and temperature. That was in 1996, so whoknows what his home is like now! The book ended with a cartoon showing a muttusing a computer and saying "On the Internet,nobody know's you're a dog." How true - onthe Internet, we are all on equal ground.When in my 40?s, the university library where I worked was computerized. The thought of using those machines at my age was so intimidating that I moved to another department. I transferred back a year later, determined to learn.

An Inexpensive Solution to Securing Public Access Computers

Offering secure public Internet access is not as easy as it may seem. As the IT manager for a mid-sized public library, it?s become apparent to me that creating a secure network of library workstations for use by the public is more important than ever before. System administrators have the responsibility of protecting the library's networks and systems, while ensuring quality and speedy service to all patrons. Offering public Internet access requires a dynamic security plan that is constantly under revision, taking into account the technical changes of the times. Traditionally, the software options available for help in this regard come at a significant price, often forcing libraries to spend thousands of dollars securing their computer rooms.

Laptop Computers and the PVP Effect!

Roll over lumbering desktop computers, the limber laptop is here, and it's here to stay! For a while now notebooks have outstripped their ageing desktop PC siblings, easily winning the gold medal in the computer sales olympics. We will illustrate how the PVP effect has contributed greatly to the increase in popularity of notebook computers.

At War With The Internet

When it comes to sales of technology products over the Internet, there are now two factors that potential buyers must consider as possibly ?too good to be true?. In the past, there was only price to worry about. If the price was too low, buyer beware. But now a second factor has emerged, in the form of a new kind of company for web surfers to consider as possibly also ?too good to be true?. For if this company is ?good?, then a new revolution on the web is about to occur. Because if this company is ?true?, then the cleansing of the internet of corruption and lies has finally begun in earnest, with one company willing to police itself.

5 Ways To Backup Your Data...

The data on your hard drive is the most critical item inside your computer, and the only item which can not be replaced. It may be an unwanted hassle and expense to replace a defective memory module, monitor, or processor, but there is no replacing data once lost.

Power and Your PC

The power coming into a computer is the most critical component, and it may be one of the most overlooked. It is just taken for granted that it will always be there and working properly. A top of the line processor and ultra powerful video card do nothing if a system does not receive the ample, stable power it demands. Having quality components providing and regulating the power supplied to a computer is critical, and this brief overview looks at a few areas worth consideration.

Your Business versus Mother Nature

Business Consultants earn hundreds of thousands of dollars every year showing businesses how to improve their productivity. All business consultants in the Information Technology area agree that the biggest threat to business survival is data loss.

You Can Prevent Computer Slowdowns & Issues

Most people understand preventive maintenance like changing the oil in your car will help your car run better and last longer. The same principle holds true for your PC. Based on the computer repair services we do on computers in Cincinnati, we believe 80% of computer slowdowns and problems can be prevented!

Laptop Computers Instigate Classroom Revolution!

Have you noticed that laptop computers are beginning to dictate what happens in the classroom? Additionally, mobile technology is changing where learning takes place. This is especially true as laptops are entering the educational arena in ever increasing numbers.

Recordable DVD Formats Explained

Picking your way through the ton of information available on recordable DVD formats can be a nightmare. To help you out, we?ve done our best to distill it into this summary.

Expert Guide to DVD Camcorders

Thinking about a mini DVD camcorder? You're not alone, it's a rapidly growing sector of the camcorder market, with Hitachi, Sony and Panasonic all making more than one mini dvd camcorder.

DVD Recorders: Getting Started

IMO, these sd work 'like a VCR' as far as recording and playback. There are models w/ harddrives, VHS players, etc. built in, but to me that's overboard.

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