Computer Hardware Information
Moving to a New PC
Getting a new PC is exciting and a pain. It's exciting because you get a faster processor, more storage and all the latest stuff even though it's outdated as soon as it hits your desk. The pain comes with re-installing all of your programs, re-customizing your preferences for programs, applications, and Windows, and transferring data to the new PC.
Lock Workstation Fast
When you work in an office, it's important to lock your workstation every time you step away from your computer. A pain, but a security measure. You wouldn't want someone sending a nasty-gram in your email address, would you? Here's a faster way to lock a workstation without going through the CTRL+ALT+DEL route.
Learn to Find Cheap Laptop Computers on the Internet
Cheap laptop computers are coming to a store near you. In fact, there are many there already. That?s because, like any newfangled electronics device, laptop computers were once the cream of the computer crop, which made them super expensive.
Nvidia Geforce 7800 GTX Review
Nvidia has done it again, with it's newest video card, the geforce 7800 GTX. If money is no object and you demand the best, this is the video card for you.
Heliodisplay --Computer Video With No Screen
Science-Fiction meets reality with this new video display technology.
Ergonomic Products 101
Human beings are scaling new heights day by day. Markets are becoming more and more complex and competitive. Companies launch new products, market them, but even then are not sure if their product will match the taste, need and pocket of the consumer. This is because numerous brands are associated with a single commodity. Some companies try to win the consumer?s heart via a low price while a few others offer an impeccable quality at significantly good amount. But at the end of the day what matters to the consumer is how the products minimizes the labor, enhances the work and its durability. This article will shed light on some of the eminent and world?s top quality products called ?Ergo Products?. There are a wide variety of ergo products. They range from keyboards, mice, armchairs to keyboard stickers, footrests, foot switches etc. The ergo products one amongst the largely used ones nowadays . The reason being their consumer friendly nature and their troubleshooting strategy.
When buying a new computer, or upgrading your monitor, you may be in somewhat of a conundrum deciding between an LCD or CRT monitor. That's understandable because for most people the difference is just size. But there is much more behind each option than just some space saving. In this article we'll outline the pros and con's for each choice and then tell you what will best suit your needs.
The Importance Of Current Sense Resistor In Switch Mode Power Supply
Current sense resistor is usually located in the switch mode power
supply section. Newer version of monitor-the b+ (boost) circuit
also have this current sense resistor. If you repair electronic
equipment especially the switch mode power supplies, the current
sensing resistor is connected to the source pin of power FET (field
effect transistor) and the other end to HOT GROUND. The value of
current sense resistor is in the range of 0.1 ohm to about 1 ohm.
The values are depends on the design of each power supply.
What to Do Once You Are Infected with Spyware, Ad-ware or Viruses
What to do once your PC is infected with spyware, ad-ware or viruses
How to Get the Case Off Your PC!
This is the first step to servicing, upgrading or removing PC hardware from your PC. Refer to my other articles on adding, upgading or removing just about any piece of hardware.
How to Change, Upgade or Remove an IDE Hard Drive
Hard drives - Hard drives are a little more complicated. First off, you have to know what you want to do with the hard drive. By this, I mean either you want it set to either SLAVE or MASTER. If you want to boot from the hard drive (load windows or whatever other OS off it) then you want it to be your master. If you already have a master, and you want to use this as extra space, set this hdd to slave. This setting change requires a jumper on the back of the hard drive to be moved. It may sound hard, but it's easy. These jumper configurations can be found on the back of the hdd; most have a small label which states which way is which. After setting the jumper, take the IDE cable that runs to your primary hard drive. This is the long, usually grey cable that runs from a slot on your motherboard to your primary hard drive. If you are putting your new hdd in as a slave, this cable should have a second connector on it not being used. Connect this to the new slave hard drive, but don't disconnect the cable from your other HDD.
How to Add or Remove an IDE ROM drive
CD ROMS - If you're adding or removing an internal cd-rom, dvd-rom, or just about any internal ROM that has an opening CD door, read on. Almost all IDE devices such as CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, etc. including burners and dvd burners are all installed or removed in the same fashion. If you're removing your rom, first remove the scrues from both sides of the rom. Make sure both sides are removed or you won't be able to get the device out. Once the scrues are off, unplug the drive; both the IDE ribbon cable that goes to your mainboard and your power cable. You may also have another wire running from your cd-rom to your sound card. This wire enables sound to play from your rom drive to your sound card, so when you play a cd on your drive you can hear it. Yank all cables running to the drive, then remove it. Simple.
How to Check Your IP
So you need to check your IP address, for whatever reason. Maybe you're playing an online game with a friend, or you need to access your PC remotely. Whatever the reason, there are a number of different ways you can check your IP address.
JunxionBox -- WiFi Access Everywhere
Now you can more easily access the Internet wherever mobile phone carriers offer high-speed data service coverage.
The Making of Energy Efficient Datacenters
The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth About Enron is a wonderful movie to watch. It is based on the book, The anatomy of greed, written by a former employee of Enron, Brian Cruver. One interesting thing that comes on our minds is the size of all power companies. They are all huge. We all depend on power for just about everything and yet very rarely do we think about conserving energy. A typical PC for example takes about 135 watts of power. A data center with about a 1000 servers should typically take about 135 x 1000 Watts or 135 Kilowatts and that would just power the computers. This does not include the air-conditioning and lighting. According to to a research paper sponsored by The California Energy Commission in a datacenter about 50% of the total energy consumed is by the servers and
about 35% is the air conditioners.
Here are some interesting research done in this field -
Feeling the heat- An interesting paper by Liebert describing the challenge
of effectively managing the heat dissipation in datacenters.
Heat-Density Trends in Data Processing, Computer Systems, and Telecommunications
Equipment- This white paper provides valuable
current data and best available insights regarding historical and
projected trends in power consumption and the resulting heat
dissipation in computer and data processing systems (servers and
workstations), storage systems, and central office-type
telecommunications equipment.
This problem can be solved by making better energy efficient air
conditioners and by making more energy
efficient computers. Many companies have taken a lot of interest
in subject. However, nothing substantial has been done primarily
because of the market requirements. The end users still want to host
their sites on the fastest processors which drives the market with the
latest processors. Going at this rate we would reach a time soon when
the energy required would be much higher than the energy available in
the market.
Intel, AMD, Transmeta and Via have all released processors which
consume very low power. A typical Pentium or AMD processor consumes
about 25 Watts of power, whereas these low powered processors take only
about 5 watts of power i.e. about 5 low powered processors would
consume as much power as a single main stream processor of today. These
low powered processors are also generally fan less processors which
means lower noise levels too. Intel has the centrino which has a lower
power consumption than the regular pentiums. Intel also has the arm
processors but those are RISC. Our prime focus would be AMD, Transmeta
and Via. They all have some very promising products.
One thing to be noted is that most of these low powered processors work
only at about 1.2GHz or lower. So they won't be as fast the pentium4s.
Which means one would have to host lesser sites per server. A good
recommendation would be upto a maximum of 600 sites on a
regular pentium 4 server. A low powered processor should comfortably
take about 200 sites. One advantage of these low powered processors is
that they have a very small form factor too. This means that one can
have more such servers in the same space that is typically allocated to
a high powered servers. All datacenters use a profitability matrix
based on the following rule: Performance/Per
Watt/Per Cubic Foot. This is one place where the low powered
processors really score high.
AMD Geode? NX Processor family
comprises of the AMD Geode? NX 1250@6W processor, the AMD Geode?
NX 1500@6W processor and the AMD Geode? NX 1750@14W processor. The
first two in these consume only 6Watts of power and run without a
cooling fan. According to AMD they provide the highest x86 performance
for fan less operations. They are based on the mobile AMD Athlon
processor technology.
Transmeta was one of the first companies to develop low powered processors.
For a long time Transmeta was known as the company where the
Microsoft co founder Paul Allen had interests in and the place
where Linus Trovalds, the father Linux, worked. Both of them are no
longer part of the organization. Today they are known for the two
processor families they have - The transmeta crusoe and
the transmeta
Transmeta Crusoe?-
processors range from 500Mhz to 1.2 Ghz. According to Transmeta,Crusoe is a unique combination
of software and hardware. It's this radical design that gives Crusoe its
important advantages, and manufacturers of all kinds of electronic
devices their first truly innovative new platform in over 25 years.
Thanks to Crusoe, mobile devices can be made smaller and lighter than
ever. These new devices will be more comfortable to use, too, because
Crusoe generates very little heat a problem that plagues the industry's
legacy hardware-only processors. And because it uses far less power,
mobile devices running on Crusoe run far longer on a single battery
charge, and Crusoe-powered ultra-dense servers do far more work per
watt, far more efficiently.
Efficeon processors are the higher end processors from Transmeta
and they run at upto 1.6Ghz and have high performance I/O interfaces.
They are built upon Fujitsu?s next-generation 90nm silicon technology
featuring transistors with a length of just 40nm.
The entire Transmeta range not just uses the x86 instruction set, they
also have full multimedia instruction support (MMX, SSE-SSE2).
Transmeta has done very little in marketing in terms of selling their
products for the server market. Like all other companies they have
focussed on mobile products, set-top boxes etc.. While these products
great for the mobile market, they do have a great potential in the
server market. FIC, JM-Net etc. have some products for the server
which run on the Transmeta processors.
Via, the Taiwanese
purchased the Cyrix processors and has since gotten out of the race of
faster processors with AMD and Intel. Instead they are focussing on fan
less, low-powered processors. They have the Eden and the C3 range of
processors. The power consumption varies from only 7watts to
15Watts. Additionally, the processors come with the
PadLock Hardware Security Suite which provides a platform approach to
computer security, ensuring uncompromising security performance. These
features include the implementation of the Quantum-based VIA PadLock
RNG (Random Number Generator), and the VIA PadLock ACE (Advanced
Cryptography Engine) supporting AES encryption.
According to Via, the VIA Eden-N
Processor is the world's smallest, lowest power and most secure
native x86 processor. It is a mere 15mm x 15mm in terms of size and
consumes between 2.5W @ 533MHz to 7W @ 1GHz.
Via again like Transmeta has not focussed in the server market. The
images above give a good idea of the benefits of this processor in the
server market. For datacenters, Via may be the best in the
Performance/Per Watt/Per Cubic Foot matrix.
Companies like Hitachi make some very good low powered hard disk drives
which have a very small form factor. They have both IDE's at 7200 rpm
as well as SCSI hard drives.
Many may think it is better to take higher end servers as the power or
heating problem does not directly affect them. As mentioned earlier a
server driven by a low-powered processor would be able to take just
about 200 sites. This means that a person with 600 sites would need to
take 3 such servers instead of one higher powered server. Here are some
benefits of this scenario.
One of the biggest factors influencing the performance of sites on the
internet is the capability of the network card (ethernet) .
When all sites are
hosted on just one server, they all would use the same network
card to push the data. Now if these sites are distributed among 3
servers the amount of data that the sites can push would be 3 times
which means faster access to the sites. Another benefit is that if one
of the site goes down all 600 people would not be effected, rather only
1/3rd the number of sites would be affected.
Hence, the number of support request would be lesser. And finally, such
processors are very affordable. Typically they would be just a third of
the cost of regular mainstream processors.
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Testing Flyback Transformer - How to Test and When to Replace It
Nowadays, more and more monitor comes in with flyback transformers problems. Testing flyback transformers arenot difficult if you carefully follow the instruction. In many cases, the flyback transformer can become short circuit after using not more than 2 years. This is partly due to bad design and low quality materials used during manufactures flyback transformer. The question is what kind of problems can be found in a flyback transformer and how to test and when to replace it. Here is an explanation that will help you to identify many flyback transformer problems.
Portable MP3 Player Based Education
A revolution in learning technology has taken place. Actually, it took place a few years ago, and I'm only just now catching up. The reason is that no one connected the dots for me, and I guess I'm a bit slow. :)
Five Band Resistor Color Code-What Does The Last Band Of White Color Represent?
In electronic repair, most of the time i came across five band resistor color code. The purpose of using the five colour band resistor in a circuit is that it provide a more accurate value compare to the four color band. For example in order to get the value of 22.6kohm, with four colors band resistor you will not be able to find it. The most you can get is 22k
(red,red,orange and gold). If with the five color band you will be able to calculate it (red, red, blue, red, brown)the last color which is brown represent 1% tolerance. You may go to google search engine and type resistor color code, resistor color coding, resistor color code calculator, or resistor color code chart to know more about how to calculate a five band resistor values.
Used Laptop Computer: Your Quick Purchase Inspection Guide ? Part 3
Used laptop computers are everywhere these days. How can you sift through the mass of available used laptop computers to narrow your search down to the right laptop for you? This is the third part of a series of articles designed to give you a few suggestions for your next purchase.
Computer Components for Idiots
There are many fancy add-ons for computers, but the basic components of the computer are simple and universal. If 1 of these main components is missing, it's not a computer.
Intel Celeron vs Pentium
The Celeron and Pentium Processors are two of Intel's best selling CPUs. They are found in a majority of home computer systems. When comparing the two processors it should be first understood that there are different types of Pentium processors - the original Pentium all the way to the Pentium 4 (the latest Pentium processor). The Celeron processors are more or less the same, although you will find them in a wide variety of speeds.
Choosing The Right Bar Code Reader
The importance of a bar code reader in this day and age cannot be denied. A lot of practical and pragmatic applications for a bar code reader have been rendered essential by the changing times. Whether you're running a commercial establishment, a public or private library, a company that employs a lot of people, or a school that is attended by numerous students, a bar code reader would do wonders for your daily operations.
The Printer Cartridge Wars: Generic or Remanufactured Cartridges Right for You?
How to Choose The Right Laptop Accessories?
The notebook computer is coming of age. For the first
time in history, notebooks or laptops are out-selling
their bigger cousins, desktop computers.
The Printer Cartridge Review
Years ago computers were huge and their accompanying printers were huge as well. Instead of ink cartridges like those used now, they had toner reservoirs and later toner cartridges. Filling a toner cartridge was not easy and it was messy. The toner cartridges were better. Some printers ran on print wheels and some used ribbons.
Tips To Select Proper Hard drive
Day by day computers are getting advanced. Capacity and performance are increasing with every passing year. This is true for the primary storage also. Latest Hard disks are getting bigger in capacity and with higher rotational speed can access the data faster. This is good news for computer users.
Choosing a Tape Drive
Tape drives remain the leading technology used by organizations for backup and archiving. However, the plethora of tape drives on the market can make choosing the appropriate tape drive a confusing task. How do you select a tape drive that satisfies your needs without blowing the budget? The following are just some of the main factors to consider.
Laptop Computer Extras for the Mobile Traveler
A laptop computer certainly provides you with an unprecedented level of freedom and mobility away from the office. However there are a few extras you might want to bring along on your laptop travels:
Where does technology come from?
Ever wonder where all the cool gadgets come from? Ever wonder who gets to try this stuff out first? Usually the war machine scientists get it first, try it out and find an application by using it for destruction; an obvious outlet for the human species and our desire to blow things up. It then moves into the private sector for important projects like, Microwave Ovens, Nuclear Energy, aviation space travel, telecommunications, Internet (which of course Al gore created first?), even Hummers, the ultimate SUV was created to cruise troops around in, Helicopters, hydrofoils, you name it man it came from military first.
An Introduction to Tape Backup
If you run a small business, chances are you're saving important files to a server. But what happens when disaster strikes? How are you ensuring that your files won't be lost? Many people fail to realize that the loss of files could cripple their business. You can insure your office and equipment, but you can't insure files. You can't repair or buy back lost files. Ipso facto, they are lost!
ABCs Of DVD Drive Abbreviations
The number of different formats available in DVD drives can be confusing to anyone in the market for one. The list is much longer, but to address a few of the common formats, we have DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM ,DVD+R DL and DVD±RW. Wow! This list of common formats is long enough, no wonder it's confusing!
Laptop Notebook ? Inexpensive Business Laptops
Laptop Notebook ? Your Portable Office
Whats In An LCD Display?
Who needs an LCD display? Well, if you're like me, having one huge hunk of a monitor sitting on your desktop is just not feasible. Not only does it take up desk space, but there's just simply no need for all of the physical mass, right?
How To Purchase A Quality Laptop Computers Case
So you finally have that new laptop you have been drooling over for the past 3 months, only there is one problem ?- You don't have a case for it. You've probably already laid down over a grand for the notebook and you're telling yourself that you don't want to spend another $70 for a case. Trust me, this isn't the time to be cheap.
Batteries for Your Laptop
With technology advancing more every day, electronics have become smaller and more mobile. This includes computers. The laptop, or notebook
computer is extremely popular these days and many people have them as backup or secondary computers or even as their main computers. The great thing about a laptop is that it uses a battery to power the unti when you are away from a power source so you can literally take your computer anywhere. But in addition to the batteries, there are other parts of the laptop computer that make it work.