Computer Hardware Information

Build Your First Computer from Hardware Scratches

Wow- if you do it first time and have some asset of time in your disposition ? then go ahead and purchase motherboard, your favorite processor, memory, video card (probably it is better to purchase it external for advanced quality). You will also need computer case ? first computer should probably go to the cheap one ? with USB 2 ports from the front side ? the only question ? you might want to replace noisy cheap power supply with $50 dollars one. Processor fan ? nowadays you will see the variety for all the tastes ? get the one with adjustable spinning speed to regulate noise (if you could not place it into the basement of your house ? I guess you live in apartment or student dormitory). Let?s go to details:

Your Hard Drive is Going to Explode ? Why a UPS is Essential

It?s most peoples worst computing nightmare. You wake up in the morning, flip on the computer, and it doesn?t boot. Sometimes the problem rears its ugly head as a horrific clacking noise. Other times it simply gives a read error.

Batteries for Your Laptop

With technology advancing more every day, electronics have become smaller and more mobile. This includes computers. The laptop, or notebook computer is extremely popular these days and many people have them as backup or secondary computers or even as their main computers. The great thing about a laptop is that it uses a battery to power the unti when you are away from a power source so you can literally take your computer anywhere. But in addition to the batteries, there are other parts of the laptop computer that make it work.

Power Protection in the Home Theater - Use of Surge Suppressors to Guard Expensive Electronic Gear

Surge Suppressors ? A First Line of Defense

Testing Flyback Transformer - How to Test and When to Replace It

Nowadays, more and more monitor comes in with flyback transformers problems. Testing flyback transformers arenot difficult if you carefully follow the instruction. In many cases, the flyback transformer can become short circuit after using not more than 2 years. This is partly due to bad design and low quality materials used during manufactures flyback transformer. The question is what kind of problems can be found in a flyback transformer and how to test and when to replace it. Here is an explanation that will help you to identify many flyback transformer problems.

Survey of Both Past and Modern Printers

Printers are on-line devices initially categorised as being either impact whereby a printing head assembly of some type is in physical contact with the paper, and non-impact where there is no mechanical contact with the paper.

SED is Coming

One of the bigger challenges facing display manufacturers is to develop a picture with the same warm characteristics as Cathode Ray Tube, but with far less weight and size.

USB Drive Popularity

So many people have small USB drives today, but what is the attracting of owning one?

Laptop and Notebook Theft Prevention

Laptops or Notebook computers are an expensive personal and business asset that are highly sought after by both small time thieves and large complicated theft rings. Keeping your laptop and notebook computers safely in your possession should always be in the back of your mind. Not only are these extremely expensive, they can contain very private personal information or business secrets that can hurt you if the information was ever brought public, or worse yet, sold to a competitor!

Testing Diode -The Accurate Way on How to Test Semiconductor Diode Using Multimeter

Testing diodes is different from testing a resistor because you need a skill to do it. If you do not know or wrongly test a diode you will be unable to repair the equipment. A bad diode you think it is good. This will definitely waste your precious time.

Cisco CCNA Certification: An Illustrated Guide To Ethernet CSMA/CD

When you're studying for your CCNA exams, you're going to study the theory of technologies we basically take for granted in networking. CSMA/CD is one of those technologies. It works beautifully and you don't even have to configure it. But to be an effective network troubleshooter (and to pass the 640-811, 640-801, and 640-821 exams), you have to know Ethernet inside and out, and that means knowing CSMA/CD.

How to Avoid Getting Ripped-Off When You Purchase A New Printer

It?s no big secret that printer companies like HP and Brother are marketing their printers with the cost of refilling the cartridges in mind. Just the other week my family and I were at our hometown Wal-Mart and we were amazed at the price of a new printer. With joy we threw it in the cart never once thinking about the cost of refilling the contraption.

Printer Cartridge Economics -- Four Ways To Make Your Ink Last Longer

Printer cartridge overheads can be a major expense for any busy office -- and even if you're working at home, it's important to factor in the amount you spend on your printer ink when assessing the cost of running a home-based business. And what you spent on that bargain-priced printer may turn out to be only a fraction of what you pay annually in printer supplies.

An Introduction to HD-DVD

High density digital versatile disc is a digital optical media format which is being developed. HD DVD is similar to the competing Blu-ray Disc. It is currently in a format war with the Blu ray disc proposed by the Blu ray disc association.

How To Buy A Printer That Won?t Break The Bank

OK I confess I?ve bought at least 10 inkjet printers in the last 5 years and finally found one that I really like. I?m not going to mention the brand here but I will tell you what the must have features are for me.

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