Computer Hardware Information
Review of Popular Wireless Headphones
Just about everyone would I agree, I think, that wires on headphones are just about the most annoying wires associated with any electronic device. When you listen to music you don't want to have to stay in anyone one place, and you don't want to have to worry about cords tripping you are pulling your headphones down. The answer to this problem is wireless headphones, many of which allow you to listen to music over 100 feet away. They, like all wireless devices, give you a sense of freedom, an ability to move, work, and play wherever you want. You will find here a list of some of the most popular wireless headphone devices, with important information about each.
What is ESR Meter?
All capacitors have a certain amount of resistance to the passage of AC current. ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) is the sum of all internal resistances of a capacitor measured in Ohms. An ideal capacitor has ZERO ohms ESR. From the diagram below you can see a resistor in series
with a ?PERFECT CAPACITOR?. The value of the resistor is called ESR.
Electrolytic Capacitors have a tendency to increase its ESR overtime due to drying or corrosion. High ESR is a frequent problem in today?s electronic circuit. Even a 1 or 2 ohms rise in ESR can cause complicated problems. Under normal conditions the ESR has a very low value, which stays that way
for many years unless the rubber seal is defective, in which case the electrolyte?s water component gradually dries out and the ESR creeps up with time. The increase in ESR increases both voltage drops within the capacitor and the heat, produced in the capacitors due to resistive heating. If you don?t check for ESR, you may be in for a ?TOUGH DOG? repair. High ESR is the first sign of a capacitor failure. High ESR will cause complete circuit failure, over heating of capacitor, loading
of the circuit, overstressing of other circuit components and other undesirable effects.
What Is A Fuse? And How To Test It.
A fuse is a very thin wire, which either melts or vaporizes when too much current flows through it. The thin wire may be made of aluminum, tin-coated copper or nickel. The resulting open in the circuit stops current flow. In electronic equipment, most fuses are cylindrical glass or ceramic type with a metal cap at each end! The current rating also can be seen in one of the two metal end caps. There are two popular physical sizes: 1 ? ¼ X ¼ - inch and 5X20mm. The 1 ? ¼ X ¼ - inch size is used in many automobiles. You?ll find both sizes in many electronic equipment, but the smaller 5 X 20mm has become more common. Fuses are available with current ratings from 1/500 Ampere to hundreds of amperes.
Understanding Transistor Data and Replacement
If, for some reason, you can?t get an exact replacement for the transistor that you want to replace, you can refer to one of the transistor substitution guides or book, and try to identify a ?near replacement?. Beware, however. A substitution guide will sometimes list a replacement for your part, even though the two parts are not very similar. The most commonly used transistor substitution guides is the Philips ECG semiconductors Master Replacement Guide. Selecting the right transistor parameters or specifications for the equipment you repair will avoid callbacks from customers. Callbacks or repeated repairs due to wrong transistor substitution will cost you extra money and a waste of time.
What Is A Crystal? And How To Test It
Crystal are use to keep the frequency of the clock from drifting. If the signal from this clock stops, or is weak, or the pulses begin to vary, the electronic equipments might show intermittent faults or might stop altogether. The microprocessor pins that hold the crystal are usually called OSC IN and OSC OUT as shown in Figure 1 and the frequency is marked on the crystal. Typical examples of crystal oscillator frequency are 3.58MHZ, 4MHZ, 8MHZ, 24MHZ etc.
How to Read CRT Tube Part Numbers
All picture tubes, whether monochrome or color type are identified by a specific code consisting of numbers and letters. The codes are different from each other because different tubes have different characteristics.
How to Solve Multiple Paper Loading Problem in HP5L and HP6L Laser Printer
Have you ever encountered before the problem of having multiple paper loading in your HP LaserJet 5L and 6L? Do you know that this is caused by a defective separation pad where it's rubber has worn out.
What is EEPROM ?
EEPROM stands for Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory and also referred to as E²PROM. As the name suggest, an EEPROM can be both erased and programmed with electrical pulses. Since it can be both electrically written into and electrically erased, the EEPROM can be rapidly programmed and erased in circuit for reprogramming without removing them from the circuit board.
What You Should Know Before You Buy Computer Equipment
You will have many factors to consider when deciding on which computer equipment to buy. The bewildering amount of choices can seem overwhelming. This guide will help you compare computer equipment features, and help you to examine and sift through many of the basic items before you buy a new computer. If it be a desktop PC, laptop, discount/surplus computer, a refurbished computer or a computer accessory, this quick guide will help you to get the most for your money.
Ink Cartridges & Printing - Poor Print Quality Solutions
Why are there faint areas or gaps in my print out?
Digital Camera Prints - Getting the Most for Your Money
Digital cameras have really taken off in popularity in recent years. It's not uncommon anymore to see several people at an event with a digital camera. Here are some things to keep in mind when getting your digital camera prints converted into keepsakes.
How to Read Zener Diode Code
Many technicians are confused on how to really read a zener diode code. There are many types of code number indicated on it's body. The look and shape of a zener diode sometimescan be mistaken to be a normal signal diode. To differentiate it, is by looking at the codenumber on it's body- whether it is a normal diode or zener diode. Thanks to the manufacturers
where their main boards are printed with the word 'ZD' which referred to zener diode and 'D' means a diode.
Using System Restore to Save Yourself from Formatting Your Hard Drive
It is the most annoying thing when one day you use your computer and nothing seems to work fine. Program freezes, files get corrupted or internet doesn?t work. You called the customer support or some friends you know who?s very much familiar with computer and still didn?t solve the problem.
Looking for Information on CD Duplication and Replication?
Time is one of the most important things we have that we are always short on. One way to maximize your time is to have the most up to date technology available. But, this can be costly. If you are in the market to purchase CD duplication or replication products, you won?t have to spend a lot of money to get quality products to help you with this. Depending on what type of CD duplication you are interested in, you will more then likely find just what you need online and do so quickly.
RFID for Beginners
RFID technology is used frequently today and has been around since the 1920s, but not many people know about, or understand it. RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification and is used to store and retrieve information. This information is stored and retrieved using RFID tags or transponders. RFID tags are small and can be incorporated into many products. The tags have antennas that allow them to receive and respond to radio-frequency queries from an RFID transceiver.
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Easy to Execute!
Plug and play equipment or hardware solves the problem of driver installation, re-starting routines, and generally speaking, "hassle", for those who are not technically proficient.
The Importance Of Current Sense Resistor In Switch Mode Power Supply
Current sense resistor is usually located in the switch mode power
supply section. Newer version of monitor-the b+ (boost) circuit
also have this current sense resistor. If you repair electronic
equipment especially the switch mode power supplies, the current
sensing resistor is connected to the source pin of power FET (field
effect transistor) and the other end to HOT GROUND. The value of
current sense resistor is in the range of 0.1 ohm to about 1 ohm.
The values are depends on the design of each power supply.
Laptop Computer Extras for the Mobile Traveler
A laptop computer certainly provides you with an unprecedented level of freedom and mobility away from the office. However there are a few extras you might want to bring along on your laptop travels:
Types Of Laptop Batteries
Throughout the years there have been many technologies involved with notebooks, and laptop batteries are no different. There are actually three distinct notebook battery types on the market today. Knowing the difference between them will help you decide on exactly what to get when the time comes for a purchase.
Dusting Your Computer - Keeping it Cool
My mother always told me to dust, but I never did, mostly because I was lazy, but also because I couldn't find any tangible benefit to dusting. I just didn't see how I'd benefit from my room or my things being less dusty. Well now I've gotten a bit older, and I finally found a reason to dust - a cooler running computer. I'm going to give some background on my own system and circumstances first, then run tests before and after dusting, as well as explain how and what I used to dust. Be sure to take a look at this article - with pictures and graphs - plus a whole lot more, at aworldofhelp.com.
Learn How To Diagnose Power Supply Problems
The Power Supply convert's your regular household current into low DC voltage used by the computer. When this component fails,there is simply no activity going on wih your computer.Remember to do the easy troubleshooting first.Inspect the Power Supply for any damage.Double-Check all connections.
Two Essential Accessories For Notebook Computers
A Good Notebook Bag
How to Avoid Getting Ripped-Off When You Purchase A New Printer
It's no big secret that printer companies like HP and Brother are marketing their printers with the cost of refilling the cartridges in mind. Just the other week my family and I were at our hometown Wal-Mart and we were amazed at the price of a new printer. With joy we threw it in the cart never once thinking about the cost of refilling the contraption.
Give Your PC a Monitor Makeover
Whether you are crunching figures at a front office job or crouched over a blood and gore video game in some deep recess of your room, there is the right kind of screen available to suit your needs.
Best DVDs for Your Personal DVD Player
When bought personal DVD player, the very next thing to do is purchasing an important DVDs collection with your favourite movies, documentaries, shows, cartoons. Here are few hints before buying.
Purchasing Laser Toner Refills
Laser toner refills can be expensive. Over the life of the printer, expect to spend many times more on laser toner refill than you paid for the printer itself.
What Tablet PCs Can Do for You
Tablet PCs are great. If you are a mobile person, and you have never considered getting a tablet PC in the past, now is as good a time as any to start checking them out - the technology is cutting-edge, the usability is superb, and prices are starting to drop.
A Short Introduction to Blu Ray
Blu ray is a next generation optical media format developed by the Blu ray disc association, a group of leading consumer electronics and technology companies such as Apple, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, Sony, TDK to name, but a few.
Recordable DVD Formats Explained
Picking your way through the ton of information available on recordable DVD
formats can be a nightmare. To help you out, we've done our best to distill it into
this summary.
Does Size Really Matter In Our Digital Age?
Well, we've all seen the advert, but that's not what I want to talk about, so get that out of your head straight away. No, let's think about what many call the "Queen of Arts" - namely painting.
Laptop Computers and the PVP Effect!
Roll over lumbering desktop computers, the limber laptop is here, and it's here to stay! For a while now notebooks have outstripped their ageing desktop PC siblings, easily winning the gold medal in the computer sales olympics. We will illustrate how the PVP effect has contributed greatly to the increase in popularity of notebook computers.
TiVo: An Introduction for the Few Who Dont Know Yet
TiVo will change your life... for the better. Plain and simple: record shows by telling TiVo to record them (not when, what channel, how long, etc.), record all new episodes of X, record all movies w/ so-and-so in them, etc.
When buying a new computer, or upgrading your monitor, you may be in somewhat of a conundrum deciding between an LCD or CRT monitor. That's understandable because for most people the difference is just size. But there is much more behind each option than just some space saving. In this article we'll outline the pros and con's for each choice and then tell you what will best suit your needs.
Expansion Cards Part 2: AGP
Expansion Cards Part 2: AGP
Getting A New Laptop At A Great Price
With all the wheeling and dealing that seems to take place on the internet at all times of the day, it can sometimes get confusing just trying to find your own deal. Finding the best price on your new laptop is most likely your highest priority at this point, but there are other important factors as well.