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Top Ten Tips To A Terrific Valentine?s Day - For Women in Relationships
So Valentine's Day is upon us yet again, and most of us want to be wooed and romanced by the one that we love. Hopefully that will be the case, but either way, here are some suggestions for how you can do your part to make this day a special day for you and your guy: 1. Send a nice note or treat with him to work - put it where it won't be found until later, if you can. Write something sweet or sexy or both - whatever he prefers (sexy is usually a safe bet!), and let him know that you appreciate all that he does for you. 2. Schedule time to prepare to see him at the end of the day - prepare as though it was your first date. You know what that means: shave the TOP of your legs, make sure your toenails are pretty, remove any unwanted hair, etc. 3. Break out the lacy lingerie. He has seen enough of your comfy-wear. Give him a treat. Men are very visual and this will be greatly appreciated, if only for the brief time you might be wearing it. 4. Wear something sexy on top of the lingerie. Remember about men being very visual? Even if you are not going out, he will like to feel like he is still worth the effort that you put into grooming yourself when you were first dating. 5. If you have children, try to get them to bed early. 6. Give your man time to unwind when he gets home - perhaps a foot rub or just some quiet time with no kids, no demands. 7. Tell him why you fell in love with him and what you love about him today. 8. Do NOT talk about chores, future plans, projects, problems, etc., just for one night. Everything (except an emergency) can wait until tomorrow. 9. Let him know that you think that he is attractive and sexy - try to be creative. 10. Don't Forget: call or e-mail your single girlfriends and wish them a Happy Valentine's Day. Meet them for lunch if you can. Women like to be pampered on Valentine's Day (and every other day, for that matter!). But there are two people in your relationship, and sometimes it takes one person to start making an effort at romance to get things moving along in the right direction again. Why not let it be you? Remember how fun it was seducing him early in the relationship? Try it again and see how you like it - and see how much he likes it. You may find yourself with a more attentive man on your hands. How great is that? Dr. Gayla Swihart DeHart, from Vancouver, Canada, is a Professional Coach with a Ph.D. in Psychology. She helps busy professionals manage stress, improve goal-setting and follow-through, and increase life and work satisfaction. More information on Dr. DeHart and her services can be found at http://www.AchieveExcellence.ca
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Saint Nick to Santa, the MOST extreme makeover? It's the holiday season, and the first thing that comes to so many minds is presents, and who better to deliver these presents than Jolly Saint Nick himself. Chris Cringle, Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus, etc. etc. But who is this roly poly elf that sneaks around the living room each year? Where did he come from? And -watch out kids- is he real!? In this article you'll see how Santa went from thin and worshiped to pudgy and present-giving. Little Helpers in the Holiday Kitchen The holiday season is a wonderful opportunity to allow your children to help with the meal preparation and offers quality time together as a family. This is a way to keep your children occupied, but is also a fun, educational activity that incorporates a range of skills and senses, such as counting, measuring, reading, touching, listening, planning, smelling, tasting, and creativity. Baking teaches children useful skills and also makes them aware of potential hazards in the kitchen. Helping in the kitchen can increase confidence, as well as encourage children to try a broader range of foods. Children are more likely to try a new recipe if they have helped in the preparation of the meal. Task allocation depends largely on the age and dexterity of the child, but there are some basic rules and tips that will make the process as safe and hassle-free as possible, remembering that children learn by observing and imitating adults. Basic Rules and Tips: Survival Kit for the Holidays: Grace, Gratitude and Random Acts Of Kindness If you*re like me, the holidays always have a way of sneaking in. And - like an unexpected visitor who shows up the week I haven't cleaned my home - I'm caught in a frenzy, desperate to scrape up the tumbleweeds of cat fur and make the place look presentable. For me at least, it's easy to forget the true meaning of Christmas and Thanksgiving. Time is short and usually so is patience. So this year, all this got me to thinking: How can one neutralize the stress and get more enjoyment from the holidays true intention? Read on for this girl's remedies. The Origins of Mothers Day Mother's Day is, in many countries, a day for celebrating motherhood and thanking mothers. Mothers often receive gifts on this day, and it is a huge time of year for mail. In 1973, the U.S. Postal Service was held up for 8 days because of the constant flow of letters and cards. Mothers Day Shopping Ideas Do you know a Mom who needs to be thanked for the tireless effort she makes every day to her family? Does your Mom get the appreciation she deserves? While we all know we should tell our mothers how much we love her every week, sometimes our day to day routine can make us forget. This Mother's Day, make Mom feel extra special! By following the gift ideas and tips below, you're sure to make this year's Mother's day a great one, something she will cherish and remember, and all at the same time keeping an eye on your checkbook. Marching Towards Mothers Day "Mother: the most beautiful word on the lips of mankind." -Kahil Gibran Is Labor Day Passe In a word, yes ! Vastu Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress Fun, though they are intended to be, The Holidays can be a time of stress for many. Vastu can help you experience a peaceful, prosperous, and harmonious holiday season. Creating Your Own Holiday Traditions I love this time of year -- decorations on the houses, a cold nip in the air, beautiful music everywhere you go. I often have a hard time understanding why so many people get so FRUSTRATED during the holidays -- until I go out in public and partake of the madness. Between the crowds, the crazed spending, and the pressures to participate in every social event that comes along, it's no wonder that some folks dread this joyous season! Ultimate Army Themed Games & Activities for Your Childs Birthday Party Are you looking for the Ultimate Army Themed Party Games and Activities? Well stop looking because they are right here... Lost and Found (A Valentines Day Story) I casually glanced down at my hand, but instead of a wedding ring and an engagement ring, there was only the narrow gold band. Gift Wrapping Ideas If you're tired of your gifts looking like everyone else's, put some creative thought to it. Gifts don't have to just be paper and ribbon that you bought at the store. Let some of these ideas inspire you. Gift Shopping Tips for Tight Budgets Have you seen the prices of greeting cards lately? It is hideous! Once you purchase the card and gift-wrap, your overall cost can easily increase by $10 to$15. If you are on a tight budget, this can be difficult as you spend more on the fluff and less on the actual gift. Not only are greeting cards expensive, their sizes often overwhelm small gifts, which make the overall presentation, looking goofy and unbalanced. Basically, you really don't need to spend on expensive greeting cards to make an impression. Christmas Mourning Deecember is a cruel month. Christmas sales, decorations, advertisements -everyone seems so happy and cheerful - it's easy to feel alone. Fireplace Decorating Tips for Easter: Give Your Rooms Natural Focal Point an Easter Look Sure you decorate your fireplace and mantel for the winter holidays, but don't forget this important focal point in your room as Spring approaches. Here are some nearly-instant ideas for springtime and Easter fireplace decorating: Easy Costumes Kids Can Make The kindergarten class I was teaching was scheduled to perform a dramatic recitation. We needed several flower and bumblebee costumes. Since I have found that kids love making their own costumes, I wanted the class to be able to participate as much as possible in the process. Therefore, I came up with an easy costume idea and had the grade 7 class come in and assist, one student per kindergarten child. In about 1 hour all of the costumes were complete and the kindergarten class looked adorable. It was a great experience for everyone. Fun Halloween Party Themes and Ideas Halloween is the day of the year that has the most parties thrown in its honor. Everyone loves to dress up and attend Halloween parties with their friends. Most people end up getting several invitations to different Halloween parties that are often on the same night. If you are planning to throw your own Halloween party, how can you get all your friends to head to your shindig and not someone else's? You need to come up with some unique and fun ideas that will get everyone on your list so excited about your party they won't even consider going anywhere else. Mother?s Day Crafts Make these quick and easy crafts with your children for Mother's day. These can be handmade for Mom or Grandma! Christmas Shopping for a New Love Christmas is a magical time of year, especially for those of us paired off and in love. If you are in a new relationship, however, Christmas can be a bit unnerving. What do you get for your new love? How much should you spend? How personal should your gift be? These are questions that plague those in the honeymoon stage of their relationship and beyond. There really is no blanket system that will work for every relationship or every person, but here are some basic tips that may make your holiday shopping a little bit easier on you, your piece of mind, and perhaps your wallet. Seven Great Holiday Decorating Tips--Without Breaking the Bank If you're looking for great ways to decorate your home this glorious holiday season--without breaking the bank and losing your sanity in the process--here are seven terrific ideas to get you started. ![]() |
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