Holiday Information

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - How to Tap in to the Holiday Publicity Bonanza

If your product or service can be given as a gift, a publicitywindfall awaits at the end of the year - but you need to startworking in June. Each December, media outlets cover the newest,the hottest and the most unusual Holiday gifts. The reportersassigned to develop these pieces typically depend on two sourcesof information:

50 Ways to Acknowledge Your Employees Before and After Labor Day

For most people, Labor Day symbolizes the end of summer, back to school, and another long weekend. Deep down however, when we stop for a moment and reflect as we often do on bank holidays, we all know that Labor Day is, in reality, meant to signify a time to recognize the achievement, struggle and determination of the working man and woman.

Quick and Easy Holiday Decorating

You're tired. You've worked hard all week. Suddenly, the kids shout gleefully... "let's decorate!" ... in anticipation of the coming holiday. The "let's not" is miraculously not permitted to escape your lips. Instead you take a deep breath while you wonder about how this decorating could become an easier and more fun-filled activity.

Ten Tips for a Real Holiday Season

Holidays and the start of a new year inevitably make us think about how we can improve ourselves, and have the life we want in the future. We make resolutions - I must lose weight, I will save more money - and then lose our way. That's because we aren't matching our resolutions with who we are inside. We're more likely to succeed if we work on discovering our inner, Real selves, appreciate who we already are, and then take a chance on custom-made changes, not one-size-fit all resolutions. Here are ten tips for making the new year better in a Real way.

The Holiday Shopping Experience - Rewarding or Traumatic?

Picture this scenario! It?s December 24th, the day of Christmas Eve. On this day you should be relaxing, enjoying time with family and thinking of all the precious memories you have created throughout the year.

Making Time to Write this Holiday Season

As the countdown to Christmas day continues, most everyone is naturally all wrapped up in preparing for the big day (and the eve of the big day and the day after the big day?).

10 Tips for More Meaningful Holidays

No matter how many lists you make, cards you send, gifts you buy, or packages you wrap, there will be things you intended to do this holiday season that won't get done. If you do manage to get everything done, but you're too tired to enjoy the season, everyone suffers.

10 Steps to a Relaxing Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! Family, friends, good food ? and no presents to buy. To make it your best holiday ever, consider these organizing tips:

Going Solo on Valentines Day: Advice For Singles

The stores are decorated in candy hearts, flowers and bears. Every TV or radio commercial reminds you that it?s time to remember your sweetheart on this special day for lovers. Your feelings range from sadness, to revulsion to anger. What?s a single person to do? The following suggestions are designed to both answer that question and to help you have a good day after all, while working to make it your last solo one.

Tips For Singles on Surviving (And Enjoying) The Holidays

Here you are, facing the holiday season alone. Have you been thinking about?

Hassle-Free Holiday Baking: 6 Easy Days to Perfect Christmas Cookies

Like many people, I love the idea of making a large assortment of Christmas cookies during the holidays, but I find it difficult to find the time to get it done. As a working mother, cookbook author and webmaster of ( ), I am a very busy woman, but baking Christmas cookies every year is a must. Over the past few years, out of frustration and necessity, I have developed a system for organizing my Christmas baking. This system allows me to make a large variety of holiday treats without taking too much time out of my busy schedule. By dividing the tasks up into 6 days, I can spend a couple hours each day getting this done, and on the 7th day, relax and enjoy giving and eating some delicious Christmas cookies. After all, God rested on the 7th day! You don?t even have to do this on 6 consecutive days. Most of the steps can be done days and even weeks in advance, giving you a great head start on your holidays.

Taking Back Christmas

John Grisham wrote a book called SKIPPING CHRISTMAS. reports: ?John Grisham turns a satirical eye on the overblown ritual of the festive holiday season, and the result is Skipping Christmas, a modest but funny novel about the tyranny of December 25...."

Top 25 Thanksgiving Quotations

"It is therefore recommended ... to set apart Thursday the eighteenth day of December next, for solemn thanksgiving and praise, that with one heart and one voice the good people may express the grateful feelings of their hearts and consecrate themselves to the service of their divine benefactor ..." -- Samuel Adams, father of the American Revolution on November 1, 1777 (adopted by the 13 states as the first official Thanksgiving Proclamation)

Decorate for Thanksgiving

Years of having to make do have turned me into a?"There must be someway I can do this cheaper type person."

Strategies for Surviving Holiday Dinners, Family Events and Other War Zones

No matter how well we may have weathered our basic training, nothing can fully prepare us for the front lines of family gatherings. We?re in the thick of it, dodging live ammunition, and fighting the urge to return to our old, reliable patterns that helped us to survive while we were growing up. We may have mastered our relationship skills in one-on-one relationships. We may have improved our romantic relationships, our professional relationships and our friendships. And we may have even improved our family relationships?one family member at a time. But when we?re sitting around the holiday dinner table or socializing at a wedding reception with our entire family, it?s an entirely different experience.

More Articles from Holiday Information:
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When Every Product Launch Is a Holiday  The Business of Fashion

2024 Holidays in Space  Kennedy Space Center

A Handbook For The Holidays – And More  The Jewish Press -

City of Lakewood Holidays  City of Lakewood

Celebrate the Holidays on Houston Street  City of San Antonio (.gov)

Holidays at the Market  City of Rochester (.gov)

Suicide Rate Is Low During the Holidays, but the Holiday-Suicide Myth Persists  The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania

Music for the Holidays, December 7-8  Illinois State University News

Board Approves 2025 Holiday Schedule  Adams County Government |

Holidays at the Market  City of Rochester (.gov)

3 more holidays  TT Newsday

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