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Single During the Holidays
Mistletoe. Holiday parties. New Years kiss at midnight. This time of year can be challenging for singles. With such an emphasis on family togetherness and couples exchanging heart-felt gifts, it's hard not to hear the message ? the holidays are not for me. At family get-togethers you get grilled about what's going on in the "romance department." In-laws, whose company you cherished all year long, become reminders that you don't have a "special someone." No singles shopping for gifts appear in the barrage of holiday commercials. If you are single, and not dating anyone, these holiday images can lead to emotions ranging from sadness to depression. So, what is the best way to combat the holiday blues? Although the following strategies can be applied throughout the year, they are particularly useful during the holidays. Don't deny your feelings. Emotions are neither right nor wrong. They are just how you feel about your situation. Allow yourself to be sad, without the guilt. However, be conscious of how you act on your feelings. Actions to emotions can be right or wrong. Anticipate before going to family events how you will handle dating status questions. It's best to have a pre-planned strategy of how to politely change the subject. When asked about your love life, a simple, "There's no news in that area, but here's what I am doing at work", might be just enough to redirect the conversation. Adjust your view. See the couples in your life as you have seen them throughout the year. They haven't really changed. Only the environment in which you see them has altered. Anticipate whom you will be meeting during holiday events. Have fond memories ready to share. Take time to remember and cherish why they mean so much to you. Be a successful single. A life partner enhances who you are ? they do not "complete" you. Understand that you do not need another person to make your life whole. Take this time to discover what the holidays really mean to you and start your own holiday traditions that reflect your personal values. Realize and appreciate that this is a stage in your life ? not a reflection of who you are. Break traditions. Who says you have to spend the holidays a certain way? Maybe serving meals at the homeless shelter is more in keeping with your values, than "shopping till your drop." Take some of the time you would spend with family and share it with the folks at your local nursing home. It is easier to justify limiting your time at the uncomfortable holiday functions when you have a good excuse. Change your latitude. If visiting the family or attending holiday functions is really going to be overwhelming, cut your visits short and take a single's cruise or an island vacation. Let the couples be reminded of the benefits of being able to pick up and go. Limit or avoid alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant and will intensify your feelings of sadness. Accept that you are feeling sad and handle the emotion as you would any time during the year. Do things that will bring humor into your life. Rent funny movies to offset the holiday features that are shown this time of year. Give yourself the gift of home. If you have not made your house or apartment your home, consider doing so. Fill your home with things that reflect who you are. Many single's homes are nothing more than storage for their "stuff". The art you choose says, "This is me." Buy some. Add some color to your home. Let gift givers know what you would like for your home. Set needs aside for once and focus on wants. Being single during the holidays can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be traumatic. Anticipate bumps in the road and plan accordingly. Take ownership of the holidays and create your own traditions. Limit your time at holiday events that bring discomfort by volunteering for local organizations. Remember, there are no set rules for how to enjoy the season ? find out what works for you and "have a happy holiday." About The Author Ron Prewitt is a Relationship Coach in private practice. He helps singles and couples with creating loving, nurturing, and supportive relationships in their lives. For more information call (702) 460-6489 or visit www.ronprewitt.com
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Planning a Gift Closet Creating a gift closet is a wonderful way to plan ahead for gift giving occasions. It's also handy for those last-minute emergency events that spring up throughout the year, may otherwise catch you by surprise, and send you on a mad dash to the store. Developing a system that will work for you is simple and will prove to be not only a budget saver, but a timesaver as well. It?s Time to Start Thinking about Mothers Day Mother's Day is approaching fast. This year it falls on Sunday, May 8th, so you still have time left to come up with the ideal gift for your Mom. And don't forget that Mother's Day is an ideal day to honor any woman in your life, not just your Mom. So don't forget your wife, your grandmother, your daughter, your mother-in-law, your niece or even a favorite aunt. With a little thought and planning now, you can avoid rushing out to buy the usual flowers and candy that you give year after year. Buying the perfect gift does involve some thought, but it is precisely this thought that will make her realize just how much you love and appreciate her. So consider her likes and dislikes, her interests and her personality. Ask any mom and she will tell you that it is best to avoid "useful" items that relate to any form of housework. Before your start your shopping spree, think about how much your budget will allow and then make sure that you buy the best that you can afford. Stay away from mass produced items, and look for the more original high quality hand-crafted items. Do you want to give one gift or a selection of cheaper products and have them combined into a gift basket? Don't forget that most stores, including online stores will be happy to gift wrap your gift for you, to save you the time and effort. Never a convenient time to go shopping? Online shopping makes it easy to buy the perfect Mother's Day gift at the time most convenient for you ? even if that is 3 A.M and you are in your wearing your PJ's. Most reputable online stores will allow you to order now, with a shipping date nearer to Mother's Day, and they will not charge your credit card until the order is ready to ship. This will save you last minute stress and allow you the maximum choice of gifts. Shipping should be cheaper too, as you will not have to pay for expensive overnight shipping. Does your mom live far away? Then have the gift shipped directly to your mom, if you will not be able to deliver it yourself this Mother's Day. So what should you give her this year? Does your mom work really hard all year round taking care of others, with little time to pamper herself? If so, a gift certificate for a pampering treatment at a local spa might be the answer. How about an exquisite piece of jewelry? This does not have to be as expensive as it sounds. You can buy her beautiful handcrafted jewelry, with a mix of semiprecious stones and high quality glass that should not break your budget. Or, let her know that she is the light of your life with a beautiful scented candle or oil lamp. These make a long lasting gift and their life can often be extended by reusing it by burning a tea-light inside the shell or by refilling the oil. Still not ready to give up on the flowers this Mother's Day? Then how about a dried flower arrangement or wreath that will remind her all year round how much you love her. Jewelry As A Father?s Day Gift It is widely known that many men enjoy fine jewelry. So, why not present Dad with a gift of jewelry this Father's Day. Dont Want Another Carpet Sweeper This Year For Christmas? Unique "Drop-A-Hint" Plan Sends Your Gift Wishes Via E-mail Patience Ever since my girls were little, I've tried to teach them patience. I well remember getting them to count to ten when we had to wait for something. I would tell them, "Count real slow." If they counted "too fast" because I knew they would be finished before whatever we were waiting for was, I would say, "No, that's too fast. You have to start over." Where Have All The Wise Men Gone? Jesus Is Not Acceptable For Christmas! It's CHRISTmas! Holiday Beauty Dos and Donts Why is it that whenever you go to a holiday party, you can always find someone who doesn't look how you would expect? Is it because you think they overdid their fashion or make-up, or is it a touch of envy? Preparing For the Holidays: Ho Ho Ho... or Bah Humbug! Some of my clients dread the holiday season because it often represents stress, pressure, expectations, guilt, disappointment, pain, loneliness, exhaustion... and the list goes on. No Paws from Santa Claus The Holidays are coming and children have thought long and hard about the gifts they would most want to receive this year. Trucks, trains, Groovey girls and scooters are popular gifts this year. Each year lists are filled with the "most popular" toys of that year. There is one thing each year that can be found on many children's lists. A puppy. The image of a bright eyed plump adorable pup dressed in a red bow is an irresistible one. Or is it? Giving a life for a gift is something to think very carefully about. Puppies grow up quickly, cost a lot and need a life long commitment. Seven Great Holiday Decorating Tips--Without Breaking the Bank If you're looking for great ways to decorate your home this glorious holiday season--without breaking the bank and losing your sanity in the process--here are seven terrific ideas to get you started. Magical Holiday Emergency Kit With all the travel, gift buying, last minute cramming at work, and family issues, is it any wonder that some of us find the holidays more stressful than fun? If you get a little crazy during the holidays, take heart. Here's a quick little magical emergency kit that you can use anytime things start to wrong this season. These helpful methods address not just the physical fatigue but also the psycho-emotional part of the holidays as well. Tools and Tips for Keeping the Holidays Organized It's November 1st. You've walked into your favorite store to buy half-priced Halloween candy and what do you see? Christmas decorations! "Oh, no!" you think to yourself. "That can only mean one thing..." Samanthas Bay Leaf Ritual for the New Year HI would like to share with you a ritual I do every New Year's that is quite involved and requires a lot of thought and meditation time. It is derived from an ancient Greek ritual for prosperity and fertility. As you may recall, ancient Mediterranean Kings and Queens used to wear garlands of bay leaves (as well as olive leaves) as crowns. Bay leaves, and often bayberry leaves, are often used in Alexandrian magic as well, as well to draw success in business and finances. I like this ritual because first of all it is very "white" and it also involves the writing down of your wishes. The writing down of your wishes on 108 bay leaves works in the same way as a positive affirmation. The stating of your goals and desires allows you to properly manifest them in real life. Every year I pull out my old bay leaves and sort through them and I am always astounded by how many of my wishes have actually been granted. Mommy...Daddy...Is There Really A Santa Claus? Is there really a Santa Claus? Any parent who hasn't been faced with this question most likely will at some point. But how do you answer this? No one wants to crush a child's dreams of Santa and holiday magic. Valentine?s Day Ideas for Singles Maybe your significant other is overseas in the military. Maybe you have suffered a recent divorce. Whatever the reason, you may find yourself alone this Valentine's Day. Does this mean you should sit at home feeling sorry for yourself? I think not. Here are some ideas for people who find themselves alone this year. Camping And The Right Kind Of Tent Campers all over the globe prefer to use tents in their camping trips. With so many different kinds of tents available in the market, it becomes very difficult to choose the type of tent which is suitable for your needs. This article describes the essential criteria that you should look in a tent when going in for your next camping trip. Tis The Season For Love ? and Stress! The holidays are upon us and for many people this is the most stressful time of year. There is so much to do and not enough time to do it in, places to go, people to see, gifts to buy, food to prepare, and on and on and on. We may feel overwhelmed, frustrated, exhausted, and angry, rather than joyful, loving and peaceful. Greeting cards proclaim wishes of peace, joy, happiness, and love regardless of the event being celebrated. They talk of families gathering, warm homes filled with love and peace, but for many, those wishes do not translate into reality. Tips For Singles on Surviving (And Enjoying) The Holidays Here you are, facing the holiday season alone. Have you been thinking about? Top 25 Thanksgiving Quotations "It is therefore recommended ... to set apart Thursday the eighteenth day of December next, for solemn thanksgiving and praise, that with one heart and one voice the good people may express the grateful feelings of their hearts and consecrate themselves to the service of their divine benefactor ..." -- Samuel Adams, father of the American Revolution on November 1, 1777 (adopted by the 13 states as the first official Thanksgiving Proclamation) Easter Flowers Easter is Sunday, March 27th! Don't forget the flowers! Your spring celebration is the perfect setting for beautiful flowers! You can also have a lovely floral gift delivered to your loved ones for Easter! ![]() |
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