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Magical Holiday Emergency Kit
With all the travel, gift buying, last minute cramming at work, and family issues, is it any wonder that some of us find the holidays more stressful than fun? If you get a little crazy during the holidays, take heart. Here's a quick little magical emergency kit that you can use anytime things start to wrong this season. These helpful methods address not just the physical fatigue but also the psycho-emotional part of the holidays as well. RESCUE REMEDY: This flower essence contains five separate essences guaranteed to relieve all kinds of shock or trauma. Take it for everything from a family quarrel to a fender-bender. ANGELS: There are angels to help you with absolutely everything. Can't find the gift you need? Hire an angel. Afraid the weather will interrupt your travel plans? Hire an angel. Just say, "I'd like to hire an angel of sun yellow, grass green and sky blue to help me with [your problem]." Wait a moment, then tell the angel what you want. Always, always thank them in advance and after they've given their help! HUG THE FRIDGE: If you're steaming mad this holiday and about to blow, take a moment to flow all that excess fire energy into your refrigerator. Anger and frustration are fire energy, and can be channeled just like electricity. Just put both hands on the fridge and release all that energy. You'll feel better fast! CROSS CRAWL: Oddly enough, if you feel unstable or unbalanced, you can restore your balance by getting down on all fours and crawling like a baby. Just make sure your opposite hand and knee strike the ground at the same time. It's a scientifically proven method and some of the most successful people in the world, like John Paul Getty, have used it. SWITCH SIDES: If you tend to get into old family patterns during the holidays, start using your non-dominant hand to do things-it will break you out of old patterns. For instance, if you normally open doors or pick things up with your right hand, use your left hand for all of these tasks. Also, switch check how you put your shoes and pants on-which foot goes first? Then change the order. Having to be conscious of daily tasks will bring you back into the moment and break those family patterns. About The Author Stephanie Yeh is co-founder of the Esoteric School of Shamanism and Magic (http://www.shamanschool.com). Through this online school she helps clients use magical and shamanic techniques to manifest their desires. Stephanie has created several online and video classes in conjunction with the telecourse format the school utilizes in her attempt to make this valuable information accessible to as many people as possible. Her current project, a free teleconference series on a variety of magickal and shamanic topics with guest speakers, is designed to share information and promote interaction between people of varying spiritual practices. Through her site, Prosperity Abounds (http://www.prosperity-abounds.com), she helps others learn to create abundant health and wealth with spiritual and practical resources.
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Always upbeat, Rae chirped, "By having everyone bring a gift that we'll collect and send to the troops. You know useful things like CDs, books, underwear?" Ten Tips for a Real Holiday Season Holidays and the start of a new year inevitably make us think about how we can improve ourselves, and have the life we want in the future. We make resolutions - I must lose weight, I will save more money - and then lose our way. That's because we aren't matching our resolutions with who we are inside. We're more likely to succeed if we work on discovering our inner, Real selves, appreciate who we already are, and then take a chance on custom-made changes, not one-size-fit all resolutions. Here are ten tips for making the new year better in a Real way. Spice Up Your Life with an Adventure Holiday! Are you bored with the routine of city life? Do you yearn for a getaway from the hustle and bustle and put some excitement into your life? Do you hope to visit the places that have been aired over National Geographic Explorer and experience it for yourself? If your answer is yes to these questions, then adventure travel is just the thing for you! Gypsy Fortune Teller Halloween Costumes ? Easy to Make As a little girl I often loved to dress up as a gypsy, whether it was for Halloween or just for play. Maybe it's because I long to be free to do as I want and go where I wish, without the societal constraints we have to live by (that's why pirates are so fascinating to people too). Whatever it is, creating a fortune teller costume was the highlight of Halloween. Throwing an Anniversary Party to be Remembered Anniversary parties are a wonderful way to celebrate two people who have been together for a number of years. The most common anniversary parties are for 25 years and 50 years. There are many things you can do to make this day special for not only the couple, but all of their family and friends as well. Many people have shared in the joys and sorrows of the anniversary couple and they help to make this a special day as well. Planning an anniversary party is a huge undertaking, sometimes almost as big as a wedding. Children?s Birthday Party Locations and Ideas While most children's birthday parties are held at home, you may want to consider an offsite location. 5 Ways to Lose Those Holiday Blues What a great time of year! It's a time to be thankful for what we have and enjoy all the festivities that mark a renewal of our hope and faith in the "system" that will carry us toward a bright new year. Gift of the Month Clubs: The Lazy Mans Guide to Gift Giving If you are like me and are a very lousy shopper and always end up getting everyone the wrong gift at Christmas time, think about a Gift-of-the-Month Club. G.O.M Clubs have all the things the lazy gift giver requires: Ease of purchase, no shopping at the dreaded mall and an almost guaranteed positive response accompanied by a monthly "At-A-Boy" from the recipient. And there are plenty of clubs to choose from for everyone on your gift-giving list. Its Party Time - Lets Decorate! Holidays are here and so is the spirit of partying. Here are some wonderful ideas for transforming your home into an innovative party scenario and giving your guests an occasion that will forever remain etched in their memories. A Valentines Day Story Valentine's Day...the day of love right? Many years ago, 22 to be exact, I was a senior in high school. Just prior to Valentine's Day our student council representative got on the intercom during morning announcements and told us about an upcoming fundraiser. Student council was going to sell carnations for an entire week. ![]() |
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