Holiday Information

Secrets to a Stress Free Holiday

December and all the excitement that comes with it can either be one of the most pleasant times of year or one of the most stressful. Even though the holidays are a couple of months away, there are things you can do to make it an extremely pleasant season.

Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween is an exciting night for children and a busy time for their parents. With such excitement, it?s easy for children to forget basic safety rules.

Eggs-travagant Eggs

Wonderfully simple to do and oh so impressive!

Fourth of July Quotes

MADRID ? For millions of Americans, this Fourth of July will be a time of celebration and remembrance of those passed or distanced by war. The annual commemoration of Independence Day has always been a bittersweet time for Americans who evoke the thoughts of Cordell Hull, "I am certain that, however great the hardships and the trials which loom ahead, our America will endure and the cause of human freedom will triumph."

Lets NOT Talk Turkey

The carving. The leftovers. The endless stuffing. Actually, you love the stuffing, cranberries and turkey trimmings. However, it's been seven years and you know your family will throw the turkey out the window if they have to eat the bird one more Christmas (and never mind the lectures about starving children in Ethiopia---or better yet, send them the turkey if you can get it through security.)

Holiday Health: Give Get-Fit Gifts

?Tis the season to celebrate -- and a time to eat! Most of us gain a few pounds during the holiday season. With family dinners, holiday parties and gift baskets loaded with goodies, who thinks of staying fit?

A Mothers Keepsake

A mother's bracelet is a personalized bracelet that celebrates the most important woman in your life, mom. It makes for the perfect gift for many gift occasions from birthdays and anniversaries to mother?s day and gifts to the new mom.

Valentines Day! The Sweet and Romantic Holiday

When I think of Valentines Day I think of Chocolates and Flowers. Others might think of a more romantic subject too. What ever it means to you it should be made fun and can offer another reason to think of giving someone special a gift during this holiday.

Valentines Day ? Where Did THAT Come From?

Just as soon as the stores put away their Christmas merchandise, out comes the Valentine?s Day items ? even though Valentine?s is still more than six weeks away.

Lost and Found (A Valentines Day Story)

I casually glanced down at my hand, but instead of a wedding ring and an engagement ring, there was only the narrow gold band.

Wolves, Goats, Martyrs and War: a History of Valentines Day

Valentines Day is one of the most enigmatic of holidays, having appeared in many forms. But all ?Valentine?s Days? have drawn suspicion. In fact, after hundreds of years of attempted reform, Christian observance came to an end when the Catholic Church purged St. Valentine?s Day from its calendar in 1969.

Thats the Christmas Spirit

Last Christmas, Uncle Albert promised his neighbor, Wilson, to find a way to keep the Christmas spirit alive all year. You know, just like Wilson and everybody else wishes people each year.

New Year?s Resolution ? Why Not Resolve To Take Back Your Life?

It?s time once again for the dreaded New Year?s Resolutions. Most of us make them; few of us keep them for more than a few months. New Year?s resolutions range anywhere from loosing weight to being more organized to finishing your education and the list goes on. But, have you ever thought about resolving to get your life back? ?What does this mean?? you ask.

Spend More Time With Your Family This Holiday Season: Host A Caroling Party

Too often we forgo entertaining because of the mere thought of all of the preparation that is involved. And more is not better. Often we try to out do each other with lavish parties and expensive gifts. Stop and remember for a second what was important from your own childhood. Was it an outing? Baking cookies with your grandmother? Building a snowman with your dad? We need to connect. This doesn?t require more time, just shifting the focus of the time we already have. Here, a casual party and a very simple activity were the catalyst that brought everyone together.

Dear Santa: Christmas Sucks!

Christmas time is finally here, and most people during this holiday are happier than a fat kid eating a Krispy Kreme donut. Christmas brings so many great things to the table; the caroling, the NO SCHOOL, the snowmen and hour long snowball fights that ends with bloody noses, the eggnog and drunken relatives, the presents, holiday parties, and the drinking hot coco next to a roaring fire while cuddling up with your loved one. How could anybody not love this great holiday! It?s a hiatus from the dark sadness of reality and a time where you can be ridiculously happy! But maybe too happy?

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