Holiday Information
SALOME and HERODIAS, A Curious Mothers Day Story, Part 1 of 2 Parts
First, a disclaimer:
SALOME and HERODIAS, A Curious Mothers Day Story, Part 2 of 2 Parts
First, a disclaimer:
Celebrating Fathers
On Father's Day, we celebrate the guys in our lives. Not just our dads and the fathers to our children, but all the men who have made a positive impact on a child?s life.
A Priceless Birthday Gift
Kelly was a very wealthy Hollywood actress, who was used to a posh lifestyle. She lived in a multimillion dollar home in Beverly Hills. She had all sorts of people she paid to do things for her, such as her personal chef, her aerobics trainer, her gardener, her maid and her masseuse. She spared no expense to take care of her wants and needs.
10 Stress Free Tips to Pamper Mom This Mothers Day
Mothers Day is the day we set aside each year to show appreciation to our own mother and to the mothers in our lives that we love. Traditionally Mothers Day is the big ?Flowers and Chocolate? day. While most moms do enjoy lovely flowers and chocolate, below are some ways that we can pamper mom with gifts and activities that she will remember for years to come.
Keeping it Simple this Season
It's back. The holiday season and all the challenges that come with it! This is the time when we are most tempted to overdo things - shopping, partying, spending.
Christmas Matters
Every year I vow to make Christmas easier, simpler - less stressful.
Why July 4th ?
On July 4th 1776 the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. On this day they formally declared that these colonies were free and independent states, not subject to the government of Great Britain.
It?s Time to Start Thinking about Mothers Day
Mother?s Day is approaching fast. This year it falls on Sunday, May 8th, so you still have time left to come up with the ideal gift for your Mom. And don't forget that Mother's Day is an ideal day to honor any woman in your life, not just your Mom. So don't forget your wife, your grandmother, your daughter, your mother-in-law, your niece or even a favorite aunt.
With a little thought and planning now, you can avoid rushing out to buy the usual flowers and candy that you give year after year. Buying the perfect gift does involve some thought, but it is precisely this thought that will make her realize just how much you love and appreciate her. So consider her likes and dislikes, her interests and her personality. Ask any mom and she will tell you that it is best to avoid "useful" items that relate to any form of housework.
Before your start your shopping spree, think about how much your budget will allow and then make sure that you buy the best that you can afford. Stay away from mass produced items, and look for the more original high quality hand-crafted items. Do you want to give one gift or a selection of cheaper products and have them combined into a gift basket? Don't forget that most stores, including online stores will be happy to gift wrap your gift for you, to save you the time and effort.
Never a convenient time to go shopping? Online shopping makes it easy to buy the perfect Mother's Day gift at the time most convenient for you ? even if that is 3 A.M and you are in your wearing your PJ's. Most reputable online stores will allow you to order now, with a shipping date nearer to Mother's Day, and they will not charge your credit card until the order is ready to ship. This will save you last minute stress and allow you the maximum choice of gifts. Shipping should be cheaper too, as you will not have to pay for expensive overnight shipping. Does your mom live far away? Then have the gift shipped directly to your mom, if you will not be able to deliver it yourself this Mother's Day.
So what should you give her this year? Does your mom work really hard all year round taking care of others, with little time to pamper herself? If so, a gift certificate for a pampering treatment at a local spa might be the answer. How about an exquisite piece of jewelry? This does not have to be as expensive as it sounds. You can buy her beautiful handcrafted jewelry, with a mix of semiprecious stones and high quality glass that should not break your budget. Or, let her know that she is the light of your life with a beautiful scented candle or oil lamp. These make a long lasting gift and their life can often be extended by reusing it by burning a tea-light inside the shell or by refilling the oil. Still not ready to give up on the flowers this Mother's Day? Then how about a dried flower arrangement or wreath that will remind her all year round how much you love her.
The Origins of Mothers Day
Most people mistakenly believe that Mother's Day is an invention of the greeting card manufacturers and flower shops ? a cynical ploy to make the nation spend millions of dollars each year on greetings cards and flowers. However, the roots of the holiday are more elevated than this and go back much further, right back to the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
Saving Money on a Holiday
Going on a family vacation can be considerably more expensive than going with your partner only. Instead of buying two airline tickets and renting a double room in a hotel, you need maybe four or five tickets and at least two hotel rooms.
The Origins of Mothers Day
Mother's Day is, in many countries, a day for celebrating motherhood and thanking mothers. Mothers often receive gifts on this day, and it is a huge time of year for mail. In 1973, the U.S. Postal Service was held up for 8 days because of the constant flow of letters and cards.
Perfect Presents for Mom
Every year we search our brains for a unique, exciting gift for Mom. We have bought flowers, candy, jewelry, pictures of our kids and us. But this year, we want something really different, something really special. We have prepared a list of suggestions that might just fit the bill.
Mothers Day: 5 Gift Ideas Guaranteed To Make Any New Mom Happy
Sure, you can call it a Hallmark holiday. But don?t
be fooled: Mother?s Day is serious business. A big
deal. Especially for new moms.
How to Make Your Own Printable Invitations for Any Occasion
Even with modern technology like email and cell phones, printed invitations have remained the most common way to let people know about your upcoming party and will continue to remain popular due to the timeless rules of party etiquette. Invitations can be a major cost, especially for large parties, like weddings and some baby showers. However, with a little creativity and time, you can make your own printable invitations, even if you have no artistic skills.
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Throwing an Anniversary Party to be Remembered
Anniversary parties are a wonderful way to celebrate two people who have been together for a number of years. The most common anniversary parties are for 25 years and 50 years. There are many things you can do to make this day special for not only the couple, but all of their family and friends as well. Many people have shared in the joys and sorrows of the anniversary couple and they help to make this a special day as well. Planning an anniversary party is a huge undertaking, sometimes almost as big as a wedding.
Fathers Day Origins and Inspiration
While mothers have had their special day since 1914, fathers have only recently officially received the recognition they so richly deserve. After all, dad is the pillar of the family unit, the one who made us feel safe, loved to tickle and tease, and above all gave us a sense of security. While mom was the pillow to fall on, dad was the rock who held us up. Here are some thoughts and facts on Father's Day, dedicated to every man out there who proudly wears the name DAD.
Glorious Holiday Decorating (Without Breaking the Bank or Losing Your Sanity)
Decorating for the holidays can be both expensive and emotionally draining. But you can decorate your home beautifully--on a budget--by following just a few simple suggestions.
Advantages of Online Greeting Cards Over Paper Cards - Part I
After some recent reports it seems that 90% of all people buy many greeting cards. Only the American people buy 7 billion greeting cards every year. in the UK the rate is about 2 billions in one year. So, if the cards purchased only by this two count ryes were aligned end-to-end they would stretch around the world 49 times.
Valentine?s Day Ideas for Singles
Maybe your significant other is overseas in the military. Maybe you have suffered a recent divorce. Whatever the reason, you may find yourself alone this Valentine's Day. Does this mean you should sit at home feeling sorry for yourself? I think not. Here are some ideas for people who find themselves alone this year.
Memorial Day Flowers
Monday, May 30th is Memorial Day. Your local florist can provide fresh or silk flowers for honoring the memory of your loved ones. There are many options available when taking flowers to a gravesite. Many people choose a cone arrangement, which can be placed into the ground.
St Valentines Day, Festival of the Matchmakers
There are as many as eight possible Valentines Day origins and the three most likely contenders were all early church martyrs.
Why July 4th ?
On July 4th 1776 the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. On this day they formally declared that these colonies were free and independent states, not subject to the government of Great Britain.
Mothers Day Love Letter ? The Best Way to Express Your Gratitude and Appreciation for Mom!
Abraham Lincoln said ? "All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother"
Celebrating the ME in MumME
Another Mother's Day is upon us. A day in which our loved ones bestow us with handmade gifts, breakfast in bed, supper out and sometimes even jewelry!!! It is a day for our family to show how much they appreciate the job we do.
Holiday Beauty Dos and Donts
Why is it that whenever you go to a holiday party, you can always find someone who doesn't look how you would expect? Is it because you think they overdid their fashion or make-up, or is it a touch of envy?
Funny Couples Costume Ideas For Halloween
Tired of the same old typical Halloween costumes. You know the ones?.vampire, witch, or mummy. It also seems that everyone just "has" to wear the latest movie craze costume as well, like a Batman Begins costume. Maybe it's time to come up with a more unique and funny Halloween costume?just to be different.
Seven Valentine?s Day Tips for Spouses in ?Less-Than-Perfect? Marriages
Valentine's Day can be a depressing day when you're in an unhappy or shaky marriage. In every store or advertisement you see romantic cards, heart-shaped boxes of candy, or select jewelry for the special lover's day.
Honor Mothers: Song Remembers Mom Forever
In the spirit of Mother's Day, two songwriters are sharing with the world their lyrics to a song that commemorates and celebrates a mother's love.
Wake Up ? Its Almost Fathers Day
Father's Day is approaching fast. In the USA it falls on the third Sunday of June which this year is June 19th 2005. So if you start planning now, you still have time left to come up with the ideal gift for your Dad. And don't forget that Father's Day is the perfect day to honor other important men-folk in your life, not just your Dad. So don't forget your husband, your grandfather, your father-in-law, or a favorite uncle.
12 Things That Make Life Worthwhile!
Happy New Year! Around the world, this is a time of renewal, celebration of new opportunities, and great optimism. Please accept our best wishes for a year of peace, joy, and success.
Color Easter Eggs Naturally With Dyes From Your Kitchen
The most beautiful dyes for Easter eggs come from foodstuff
you probably already have in your kitchen.
10 Reasons Santas Broke This Year
1. Santa Spends More Than He Makes
Practical Ways to Keep Your ADD Under Control During the Holiday Season
Do November's Thanksgiving experiences have you dreading the December holidays? The idea of gifts, family, and days off sounds great?but we all know that holidays are some of the most stressful times of the year. When an ADDer starts to become immersed in the shopping, cooking, traveling, and family interactions, their ADD can complicate matters. You can find yourself quickly feeling overwhelmed and overloaded. You may not be able to avoid these feelings altogether, but there are some strategies you can employ to help keep your ADD under control during the holiday season.
Ill Be Home For Christmas
Direct Answers - Column for the week of November 29, 2004