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Keeping it Simple this Season
It's back. The holiday season and all the challenges that come with it! This is the time when we are most tempted to overdo things - shopping, partying, spending. This year?why not practice the art of simplicity and serenity? Begin a new tradition or fine tune an old one. Think 'less is more'? quality over quantity. Remember that this is a time to celebrate love, connection, tradition and new beginnings. Make this a holiday season to remember and cherish. Pay attention to what really matters this time of the year and always? your family and friends, your health and well-being, your connection to the divinity of a universal spirit who gave us a holiday season just so we could help ourselves to platefuls of joy and love. Q. I love this idea! But how do I get started on creating a new tradition? A. Make a list of your most deeply felt intentions for the season. A better relationship with family? A chance to enjoy a holiday without stress and conflict? The willingness to take in the generosity of others? Light a candle daily. Choose a sophisticated blend of freshly cut balsam, frankincense, spiced cranberry and orange reminiscent of the season or one that evokes a calm and meditative state ? a relaxing, soothing scent of peppermint, verbena and lavender. As you light the candle ask for the presence of mind to keep these intentions in mind during the season and all year long. Q. I always spend more money than I intend and yet still feel that somehow I missed getting the ideal gift. A. Set a budget and track your spending. This doesn't sound like much fun but when you determine exactly how much you want to spend and then actually spend just that amount, this will be the best holiday you ever had! Sometimes we need to remember to shop with our heart and soul, to use a kind of intuition or 'gut' wisdom to choose a gift. Narrow your shopping field to one store or product. Think quality vs. quantity. If your gift-giving follows this intention, you can't go wrong. Your choices will be in tune with the person you want to please while naturally keeping to the budget you set for yourself. Q. I have so much to do this time of the year I miss out on all the 'cheer'. A. Perhaps pass up a party and go shopping instead. Make shopping a social activity. Stop for a coffee or tea. Reminisce about holidays past. Wander and chat, admire the window displays, the mall decorations, and the twinkling lights. If you long for the romance and simplicity of holidays long ago, step back in time. Just the lingering scents and beauty of the season will inspire a festive and relaxing mood. Q. Since my family lives far away and my children are grown I am having a hard time finding joy in this holiday season. A. Transitions are never easy. We want to get them over with as soon as possible yet this, interestingly enough, only prolongs them. Consider instead appreciating where you are right now. Practice being ok with the sadness or grief that comes with losing the routines of the past. Do not resist the pain. While pain is a natural part of life ? suffering is not. And suffering comes when we resist the natural pain of life. Be gentle with yourself. Hold yourself with kind regard. Pamper yourself with the sanctuary of a bath. The combination of delicate scents and warm water are soothing, nurturing and relaxing. When you are relaxed and refreshed, your new holiday season traditions will flow more easily. Q. I can't just sit still when there's so much to do ? yet I long to do just that! Help! A. Yes, many women are so accomplished at 'doing' and 'striving' that we neglect the part of us that wants to 'receive', to take it all in and be still for a time. While taking up such practices as meditation during the holidays might be too much of a challenge consider finding just a minute or two to stare at a snowfall, take in the tree lights, meditate on the Menorah, agree with the angels and pray for peace. For those who are especially challenged by sitting still, consider sitting still AND doing something at the same time! Watch all those corny holiday specials. Yes, even the cartoons, the original version of Miracle on 34th Street, and the classic It's a Wonderful Life. Be open to their simple but timeless message and let them warm you all over. And resist doing anything else while you watch the show! Q. Every year I say I'm going to take time off from work for the holidays and every year I don't. A. Explore why you stay at work. Do you fear all hell will break out if you take a day off? That no one can possibly cover for you? That you will worry all day about the job so what is the point of taking a day off? Generally these beliefs are not accurate or are based on a black and white perspective that has us convinced that something so terrible will happen if we are not at work and we will NEVER recover from it. Ask yourself, "Is this true?" Yes, you are in all likelihood the best woman for the job and yes, something could go wrong but will it DEFINITELY be a disaster? Not likely. Observe when you are in an all-or-nothing, always-and-never, black-and-white-perspective and ask: Is this true? It can change your life over night! So take a risk and take some time off. Enjoy a day of baking cookies and sweets, making decorations, or doing a craft -- without fitting them in between work, chores, and shopping. Do one thing at a time. Meet the challenge of single tasking. The rewards are immeasurable. Q. It is so hard to celebrate with some of the bad things going on in the world. A. We live in a time of incredible mass communication. But we have choices. Limit all news especially bad news. Watch a half-hour of news instead of 8 hours of CNN. Scan the newspapers and magazines headlines and read only what makes you feel good as well as informed. Acknowledge your fears for the future, find the courage in the peace and warmth of the season, and make a decision to celebrate in a bold and determined way! Q. I love choosing my holiday cards ? picking out just the right ones and sitting down with a cup of tea and cookies to write them out. But each year this becomes less of a pleasure and more of a pain. A. Consider limiting your card list so you can still enjoy the ceremony and ritual of this tradition within the context of your realistic schedule. Break it into 3 lists: List 1 - Write an old-fashioned, put-a-stamp-on-it letter to those you are especially missing this time of the year. Use some festive paper, a favorite writing tool and your best penmanship. List 2 - Send cards to those who live far away to tell them you are thinking of them. Be discriminating. Do not include the people you hear from once in a blue moon and resist the compulsion to send a card to someone JUST because they sent you one. List 3: Send everyone else a lovely email greeting. Q. While I like the holidays I have a difficult time with the dark days and cold weather winter. I am more of a 'summer' person and this time of the year makes me long for the dog days of summer! A. You are not alone. Many of us are warm weather, sun worshipers. Here's where you need your imagination and some help. Create a summer sanctuary stash with fragrance such as Crab Tree and Evelyn's Summer Hill productsl! Surround you and your home with the scent of summer evoking the memory of peach blossoms and bouquets of summer lilies, wildflowers and tuberose. Q. This all sounds so good but is it realistic to have the kind of holiday I really, really want? A. YES. It is all about choices ? your underutilized super power! Start with scrutinizing your schedule. Ask yourself, "Is this activity obligation or choice?" If you come up with too many "obligation" answers, re-think your priorities. Set firm boundaries about what you willingly want to do and do just those things. It will be difficult at first but once you reap the rewards of an ideal holiday you will be motivated to use your powers of choice all the time! Q. I want to find a way to let my spiritual self guide the holidays in a comfortable way. A. Consider saying grace at mealtime. It doesn't have to be elaborate, formal or long. Just express your gratitude for the meal before you, the people with you and the good fortune to enjoy both. Oh and don't forget to acknowledge your good sense to stop and smell the roses or the holiday turkey! About The Author Merci Miglino is well qualified to help you take the next step to accomplish what you want in your professional and personal life. Merci was educated as a teacher and worked as a journalist, paralegal, communications director and campaign manager. She has also been on the front lines of the retail, hospitality and advertising industries. Armed with this background Merci is a noted speaker, trainer and career coach. She is also a facilitator of the Personal CatalystTM , a unique, web-based life and career design tool that inspires extraordinary achievement. As if that were not enough, she has written a book, From Doormat to DivaŠ Taking Center Stage in your life. This woman knows success, personally and professionally, and she knows how to help you find it too.
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Thriving Through the Holidays The holidays are upon us; a time of celebration and joy. I love the last days of November through the beginning of the New Year. The pure magic of the holidays is something that I anticipate and enjoy each and every year. The Gift My Brother Couldnt Give From the book A Heartland Christmas Collection Magical Holiday Emergency Kit With all the travel, gift buying, last minute cramming at work, and family issues, is it any wonder that some of us find the holidays more stressful than fun? If you get a little crazy during the holidays, take heart. Here's a quick little magical emergency kit that you can use anytime things start to wrong this season. These helpful methods address not just the physical fatigue but also the psycho-emotional part of the holidays as well. Tis The Season For Love ? and Stress! The holidays are upon us and for many people this is the most stressful time of year. There is so much to do and not enough time to do it in, places to go, people to see, gifts to buy, food to prepare, and on and on and on. We may feel overwhelmed, frustrated, exhausted, and angry, rather than joyful, loving and peaceful. Greeting cards proclaim wishes of peace, joy, happiness, and love regardless of the event being celebrated. They talk of families gathering, warm homes filled with love and peace, but for many, those wishes do not translate into reality. Real vs. Artificial Christmas Trees Putting up and decorating your Christmas tree is a holiday tradition which has been in effect for hundreds of years and will probably be in effect until the end of time. Choosing whether you want a real Christmas tree or an artificial Christmas tree is a dilemma which many of us face every year. There are many benefits to both forms of trees but there are many disadvantages as well. Important Chinese Festivals Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year (January/February) Make it an Unforgettable Birthday! The first known birthday celebrations began among the Egyptians with parades, circuses, and gladiatorial events ? all complete with feasts that sometimes lasted for days. Romans celebrated the birthdays of their gods with parades and chariot races. Mortals were not encouraged to celebrate their birthdays in Rome. Germany introduced the tradition of birthday cakes about 200 years ago. The cake itself was filled with gifts that predicted the recipient's life in the upcoming year. For example, if the slice of cake contained a ring, it symbolized impending marriage. A coin guaranteed riches throughout the next year. If the cake fell while baking, it ensured impending doom to the one celebrating a birthday. Today, various countries celebrate birthdays in unique ways. Holiday Times Are For Helping Those Less Fortunate, Think Holiday Cards Every year I watch as advertisers begin to promote their products for the Holiday Period. For retail this is their busiest time and sales usually make or break a company's year. I'm not here to play scrooge, I would however like people to think a little about what the holidays are really about. Incredibles Kid Birthday Party Idea Mr. Incredible and Elastiwoman to the Rescue. The Incredibles based on the hit Disney movie has become a favorite fun kid birthday party theme. The Incredibles Invitations Have fun creating a "top secret" message as your Incredibles child birthday party theme invitation. You might say something like this. "Calling all superheros... The Incredibles need your help!" "You're invited to help Mr. Incredible and Elastiwoman protect our city from the evil villain, "syndrom" at (insert the first and last name of your birthday child)'s birthday party... And we're celebrating with The Incredibles." "The superhero birthday action begins on (date of party)." "Our superhero birthday party location is top secret and will be known only to our superhero guests... Only by holding this invitation up and facing it toward a mirror will you be able to decode this secret address message." (Write the address backwards on the invitation so it will appear correctly when held up to a mirror). "Our superhero birthday party fun begins at (time) and will end at (time)." "Superhero refreshments will be served." "All superhero party guests are requested to RSVP using the secret telephone number known only to our invited superhero guests.(phone number)" "Every party guest wearing an Incredibles costume will be given a special secret party favor." Have fun and be creative with your invitation. Your guests will quickly get the idea that this party is going to be special. They won't be able to wait for your birthday party! The Incredibles Decorations Yellow, red and black are the main colors for The Incredibles. Get your Incredibles birthday party theme started right. Decorate with yellow, red and black balloons, and crepe paper... Put "superhero" signs all over the place. Next to your telephone put a sign that reads "telephone for superheros only." On the door to the restroom put up a sign that reads, "Superhero Restroom." Have fun, be creative, it's an Incredibles superhero party! On your front door, attach yellow, red and black balloons and a sign that reads "Secret Location, (name of your birthday child)'s Incredibles, superhero birthday party." Incredibles Birthday Party Theme Costumes Costumes are a great way to get everyone into your Incredibles birthday party theme. There are excellent online party stores and costume stores where you'll find a great selection of costumes including The Incredibles... Or you can try putting together your own costume... Using yellow, red and black as your main colors, put together your own creative version of Mr. Incredible or Elastiwoman. Say Cheese Remember your camera, digital camera and video camera... You're going to want to take lots of pictures and video of your birthday child and all their friends in costume. You'll want to remember how everyone looked in their Incredibles birthday party theme costumes. Get Your Incredibles Party Started Right You want to start your party as soon as the first guest arrives... Don't sit around waiting for everyone else, start having fun. Have a large glass or glass jar filled with yellow and red jelly beans and tell each guest to use their superhero X-Ray vision to guess how many jelly beans are in the jar... Write everyone's name on one piece of paper and put their guess next to their name... Then just before your party ends, announce the superhero guest with the best X-Ray vision. (whoever guessed closest to the actual number of jelly beans in the jar wins.) And remember to actually count the number of jelly beans you put in the jar before your birthday party begins... Then write the actual number on a piece of paper and put that piece of paper somewhere safe and where you can easily get to it. The Incredibles Movie And CD Fun Set your Incredibles birthday party theme right away by having The Incredibles movie DVD or video playing on your TV as your guests arrive. (You can turn the sound down low or off)... You can also surprise your birthday child by announcing that The Incredibles DVD or video is one of their birthday gifts... For music during your birthday party games and activities, play The Incredibles movie soundtrack CD. This is an excellent way to keep your Incredibles birthday party theme going... You can also make the CD a gift for your birthday child. The Incredibles Coloring Book Depending on the age of your group, you can pick up an Incredibles coloring book and some small boxes of crayons... Take pages out of the coloring book and let your party guests choose pages to color... This is also a fairly quiet activity. The Incredibles Puzzle Kids love puzzles and what better way for your guests to get to know each other than working on a puzzle together... Having a puzzle that fits your Incredibles birthday party theme is an added bonus. The Incredibles Superhero Food and Drink Even The Incredibles superheros need to replentish their energy after a long day of saving the world from the villainous "Syndrom." Consider these fun superhero foods How about a "superhero sandwich?" Let each guest build their own (super) hero sandwich... Keep it simple and put fun superhero labels on everything. "Power Bread" "More Power Mustard" "Red Energy Sauce" (ketchup) "Power Pickles" "Total Energy Turkey" "Super-Sauce Mayo" "Mr. Incredible Celery" "Elastiwoman Cheese Slices" "Raw Energy Raisins" "Power Packed Carrot Sticks" The Incredibles Superhero Energy Drinks Try mixing Ginger Ale with cherry ice cream for a colorful superhero drink. Punch can be re-named "The Incredibles Super Sauce" For a fun and creative drink project, let your party guests mix three different and colorful Cool Aid drinks and Ginger Ale into their very own superhero drink... Cherry and Lime anyone? For extra fizz, let them add pop-rocks... Your Incredibles birthday party theme is going to be a big hit! For more FREE kid birthday party ideas visit us at: Fun-Kid-Birthday-Parties.com The Origins of Mothers Day Most people mistakenly believe that Mother's Day is an invention of the greeting card manufacturers and flower shops - a cynical ploy to make the nation spend millions of dollars each year on greetings cards and flowers. However, the roots of the holiday are more elevated than this and go back much further, right back to the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Fourth of July Quotes MADRID ? For millions of Americans, this Fourth of July will be a time of celebration and remembrance of those passed or distanced by war. The annual commemoration of Independence Day has always been a bittersweet time for Americans who evoke the thoughts of Cordell Hull, "I am certain that, however great the hardships and the trials which loom ahead, our America will endure and the cause of human freedom will triumph." Giving Thanks Can you believe that Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away? What does Thanksgiving mean to you? For many of us it means turkey, dressing, pies and all the other goodies that go along with it. It also means family. But what else does it mean? Creative Kid Birthday Cake Ideas A Creative Dream Come True Dont Want Another Carpet Sweeper This Year For Christmas? Unique "Drop-A-Hint" Plan Sends Your Gift Wishes Via E-mail Successful Holiday Gift Giving Starts with a Plan It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas and the clock is ticking down as we grow closer to the holiday festivities. By now, many have either started thinking about what they are going to purchase for those on their gift list ? others are in full holiday shopping mode. The holiday season proves to be a stressful time for some, adding to their already tension-filled lives. Buying gifts is only half of the dilemma ? deciding what to buy makes up the other half. Ideas For Toddler Halloween Costumes Depending on the age of your little ones, you may want to keep ideas for toddler Halloween costumes on the simple side. Since most of the very youngest trick or treaters are only going out to amuse the grandparents and immediate neighbors, it needn't be terribly complicated to still bring a lot of smiles. Christmas Holidays: 5 Ways To Make This Holiday Your Best Ever For many people the end of a year is a time of increased stress. Country Christmas Idea: Milkweek Pod Poinsettia Ornaments Country Christmas Idea: Milkweed Pod Poinsettia Ornaments 50 Ways to Acknowledge Your Employees Before and After Labor Day For most people, Labor Day symbolizes the end of summer, back to school, and another long weekend. Deep down however, when we stop for a moment and reflect as we often do on bank holidays, we all know that Labor Day is, in reality, meant to signify a time to recognize the achievement, struggle and determination of the working man and woman. Memorial Day Flowers Monday, May 30th is Memorial Day. Your local florist can provide fresh or silk flowers for honoring the memory of your loved ones. There are many options available when taking flowers to a gravesite. Many people choose a cone arrangement, which can be placed into the ground. ![]() |
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