Holiday Information

Glorious Holiday Decorating (Without Breaking the Bank or Losing Your Sanity)

Decorating for the holidays can be both expensive and emotionally draining. But you can decorate your home beautifully--on a budget--by following just a few simple suggestions.

Giving Thanks

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away? What does Thanksgiving mean to you? For many of us it means turkey, dressing, pies and all the other goodies that go along with it. It also means family. But what else does it mean?

How to Host Thankgiving Dinner and Enjoy it Anyway

You've been nominated; or perhaps your family has issued a decree; or perhaps it's simply your turn. No matter what the reason, you're hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year. This need not be a burden. In fact is can be a pleasure, given the right planning and organization.

Creative Christmas Gifts

Christmas is always the time of year we consider to be the best opportunity to give something special to someone and show how much we appreciate him or her. The mall is full of wonderful, shiny and delicious gifts and the Internet offers countless items that we can send to someone without ever seeing the product in person. But sometimes there just doesn?t seem to be the perfect idea for one or two individuals. That?s probably when you need to become creative with your Christmas gift ideas.

Ready to Skip This Holiday? Why No Just Make It Your Own?

Do you feel panicked, or exicted? Are you experiencing joy or depression? Do you have childlike visions of toys and celebration with the people you love? Or pressure, loneliness, alienation and annoying relatives?

Christmas Gifts to Last a Lifetime

Do you know what you are giving to the children on you Christmas list? Will it be Harry Potter books, the latest computer games, or some new clothes?

Losing Weight During The Holiday Season--Can It Be Done?

Thirteen years ago I became quite intrigued with the idea of LOSING WEIGHT DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON. Even knowing the chances of finding success with this idea was highly slim I was nevertheless still intrigued.

Aran... Where the Sweaters Come From

Aran Sweaters. The Aran sweater takes its name from the islands from where it originated, untold generations ago. They say that necessity is the mother of invention and nothing is more of a necessity than a nice warm Aran sweater in a place like the Aran Islands. Located at the mouth of Galway on the west coast of Ireland, the Aran Islands rise up defiantly out of the relentless Atlantic sea, an impressive display of towering cliffs, and crumbling stone walls, they are a thing of beauty, but no place for a T-Shirt.

Inexpensive Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas For Kids

After all the gifts have been purchased and placed under the tree, that is the time that many remember in a panic that the stockings over the fireplace still need to be stuffed. Holiday budgets have most likely been spent and there isn't a whole lot of extra money available. Even with a limited budget, there are a number of quality stocking stuffer ideas that are both practical and will bring a smile to to faces of the little ones.

Top 50 Christmas Quotations

"Let us remember that the Christmas heart is a giving heart, a wide open heart that thinks of others first. The birth of the baby Jesus stands as the most significant event in all history, because it has meant the pouring into a sick world of the healing medicine of love which has transformed all manner of hearts for almost two thousand years... Underneath all the bulging bundles is this beating Christmas heart." -- George Matthew Adams

10 Holiday Sober Savers 2004

1.) BEGIN NOW !!!

Reduce Waste This Christmas

- Christmas is responsible for more waste and consumption than any other holiday. North American?s trash increases by 25% over Christmas - which equates to 25 million extra tons of garbage going to the landfill. By recognizing the incredible waste that is generated the urgency to do something becomes apparent. A truly useful or environment friendly gift is a better ecological choice. Here is a brief list of ideas to inspire you.

The Truth about Mistletoe

You can call it the emasculator of the old king, a sexual symbol, latent with fertility or a good luck charm for a dairy herd. It's been used as an antidote for poison, a fire suppressant, a protection against evil spirits, a pain reliever for rheumatoid arthritis and as a gift of peace between warring neighbours. This parasitic shrub with sticky white berries has somehow shrugged off its shady past to become a tradition of our Christmas. But this is, after all, a season of myth, legend, and make believe.

Magical Plants of Christmas

Most of the plants we associate with the holiday season are from Europe or the Mediterranean. We know the holly, ivy, mistletoe, christmas rose, rosemary, hawthorn, bay and of course, evergreens while the New World is represented in Christmas legend by the poinsettia. What are the legends and lore surrounding these common plants ?

Legends of the Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree is a much loved symbol iinstantly calling up images of gifts and family jollity. There are many beautiful connections to ancient traditions. Egyptian and Roman customs, early Christian practices and Victorian nostalgia are all combined in our modern Christmas tree.

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