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Cornucopia Centerpiece for Thanksgiving Day
As we enter into the month of November my thoughts turn towards Thanksgiving and everything that this wonderful holiday has to offer. It is a time for spending time with family and friends and for counting the many blessings the past year has brought to us. Like most people I like to decorate for the holidays, and Thanksgiving is no exception. Indian corn, pumpkins, gourds, wheat, fruits, nuts, and anything that symbolizes a bountiful harvest are at the top of the list for things I like to include in my decorating scheme. The best way to incorporate all of these items it to design a cornucopia centerpiece for Thanksgiving Day. What is a cornucopia? Cornucopia is a Latin term derived from two words, cornu meaning horn and copia meaning plenty. The horn of plenty, as it is also known, is shaped like a horn or cone. It is usually shown overflowing with nuts and fruit. (Freeman, Morton, S. The Story behind the Words. Philadelphia: Isis Press, 1985) This everlasting symbol of abundance is easy to create and will become another important tradition you will want to share with your family each year. Cornucopia Centerpiece: Materials:
1. Stuff newspaper into cornucopia basket (less harvest items will be needed with the appearance of more!) 2. Cover newspaper with a thin layer of raffia or other natural fillers. 3. Place basket on plastic 4. Place larger fruits and vegetables in basket. 5. Continue adding smaller itemsallow them to spill out on the plastic (Remember, bountiful harvest!) 6. Fill in small places with berries and nuts. 7. Use leaves and other natural items to fill in the spaces; make sure protective plastic is totally covered. About The Author Candee Stark Happy Thanksgiving! Please visit me at http://www.flowers-and-garden.com/ if you would like to see a picture of the cornucopia I created or you would like to read about other decorating or garden ideas. http://www.flowers-and-garden.com/cornucopia-centerpiece.html
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FIREWORKS--OR, OOH, AAH, How Do They Do That? One of my earliest memories involves a Fourth of July spent at Annandale, Minnesota, sitting on a hill and watching fireworks. Our family had a cabin on Cedar Lake, a mile and a half away, and we had come to the display with a recently emptied ice cream tub filled with popcorn and a thermos of raspberry Kool-Aid. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the first time I ever was allowed to stay up beyond my 8:00 bedtime. Traditional and Modern Anniversary Gifts Most people know that the 50th wedding anniversary is the "golden" anniversary, and that the 25th is silver. But beyond that? Here are some traditional and modern conventions to follow when selecting anniversary gifts. Holiday Gift Ideas For Antique Lovers 1. Knowledge is Power. Whatever the area of collecting ? depression glass, blue and white pottery, silver, paperweights, toys or furniture of any period ? there is a book to arm any collector for his or her next antiquing adventure. Look for pocket guides to slip in handbags during shopping excursions or more complete reference books for curling up by the fire. Prices start at $9.95. Wolves, Goats, Martyrs and War: a History of Valentines Day Valentines Day is one of the most enigmatic of holidays, having appeared in many forms. But all "Valentine's Days" have drawn suspicion. In fact, after hundreds of years of attempted reform, Christian observance came to an end when the Catholic Church purged St. Valentine's Day from its calendar in 1969. Home For The Holidays: Happy Times, Right This time of the year is supposed to be happy. A time when family is warm and welcoming. A time for loving and feeling loved. Advantages of Online Greeting Cards Over Paper Cards - Part I After some recent reports it seems that 90% of all people buy many greeting cards. Only the American people buy 7 billion greeting cards every year. in the UK the rate is about 2 billions in one year. So, if the cards purchased only by this two count ryes were aligned end-to-end they would stretch around the world 49 times. New Years Resolutions Ah, the start of another year! In a groggy haze on New Years Eve, I promised someone (or was it myself?) that I would be good this year. I said I would draw up my New Year's Resolutions ? particularly after the roller-coaster year I had last year. Well, a promise is a promise. I can't very well start the New Year by breaking the resolution that I was going to write my New Year's Resolutions, can I? So, here it is, broken down into months being the control freak that I am. Birthday Journals Last year, as I turned 50, (FIVE-OOOH!!!), I decided to give myself a birthday party. Part of the party was to have a birthday journal, or diary. (I used my book The 5 Year Journal for two reasons -- #1. I had a lot of copies, and #2. The 5 Year Journal is dated) I asked my friends to pick a date telling me why they chose that date, and then write whatever they felt like writing. Where Have All The Wise Men Gone? Jesus Is Not Acceptable For Christmas! It's CHRISTmas! Going Solo on Valentines Day: Advice For Singles The stores are decorated in candy hearts, flowers and bears. Every TV or radio commercial reminds you that it's time to remember your sweetheart on this special day for lovers. Your feelings range from sadness, to revulsion to anger. What's a single person to do? The following suggestions are designed to both answer that question and to help you have a good day after all, while working to make it your last solo one. Easter Party Ideas Easter marks the start of spring and is a sacred holiday for Christians throughout the world as it signifies when Jesus Christ was resurrected from the grave to live again. But where did the Easter bunny and eggs fit into the Easter tradition? The Cheapest Christmas Ever! Have you ever said "I wish we didn't have to spend so much money on Christmas?" or "I wish we could have Christmas without going into debt!" Well here is your answer - tell your family that next Christmas no one is allowed to buy a new, expensive gift for anyone! Yes, I really said that. Tell them that all presents must be from garage sales, tag sales, yard sales, auctions, handmade or made over. It?s Time to Start Thinking about Mothers Day Mother's Day is approaching fast. This year it falls on Sunday, May 8th, so you still have time left to come up with the ideal gift for your Mom. And don't forget that Mother's Day is an ideal day to honor any woman in your life, not just your Mom. So don't forget your wife, your grandmother, your daughter, your mother-in-law, your niece or even a favorite aunt. With a little thought and planning now, you can avoid rushing out to buy the usual flowers and candy that you give year after year. Buying the perfect gift does involve some thought, but it is precisely this thought that will make her realize just how much you love and appreciate her. So consider her likes and dislikes, her interests and her personality. Ask any mom and she will tell you that it is best to avoid "useful" items that relate to any form of housework. Before your start your shopping spree, think about how much your budget will allow and then make sure that you buy the best that you can afford. Stay away from mass produced items, and look for the more original high quality hand-crafted items. Do you want to give one gift or a selection of cheaper products and have them combined into a gift basket? Don't forget that most stores, including online stores will be happy to gift wrap your gift for you, to save you the time and effort. Never a convenient time to go shopping? Online shopping makes it easy to buy the perfect Mother's Day gift at the time most convenient for you ? even if that is 3 A.M and you are in your wearing your PJ's. Most reputable online stores will allow you to order now, with a shipping date nearer to Mother's Day, and they will not charge your credit card until the order is ready to ship. This will save you last minute stress and allow you the maximum choice of gifts. Shipping should be cheaper too, as you will not have to pay for expensive overnight shipping. Does your mom live far away? Then have the gift shipped directly to your mom, if you will not be able to deliver it yourself this Mother's Day. So what should you give her this year? Does your mom work really hard all year round taking care of others, with little time to pamper herself? If so, a gift certificate for a pampering treatment at a local spa might be the answer. How about an exquisite piece of jewelry? This does not have to be as expensive as it sounds. You can buy her beautiful handcrafted jewelry, with a mix of semiprecious stones and high quality glass that should not break your budget. Or, let her know that she is the light of your life with a beautiful scented candle or oil lamp. These make a long lasting gift and their life can often be extended by reusing it by burning a tea-light inside the shell or by refilling the oil. Still not ready to give up on the flowers this Mother's Day? Then how about a dried flower arrangement or wreath that will remind her all year round how much you love her. Christmas Shopping for a New Love Christmas is a magical time of year, especially for those of us paired off and in love. If you are in a new relationship, however, Christmas can be a bit unnerving. What do you get for your new love? How much should you spend? How personal should your gift be? These are questions that plague those in the honeymoon stage of their relationship and beyond. There really is no blanket system that will work for every relationship or every person, but here are some basic tips that may make your holiday shopping a little bit easier on you, your piece of mind, and perhaps your wallet. Lets NOT Talk Turkey The carving. The leftovers. The endless stuffing. Actually, you love the stuffing, cranberries and turkey trimmings. However, it's been seven years and you know your family will throw the turkey out the window if they have to eat the bird one more Christmas (and never mind the lectures about starving children in Ethiopia---or better yet, send them the turkey if you can get it through security.) A Simple Little Holiday Plan The Thanksgiving leftovers have all been eaten and the gift-buying season has shifted into high gear. Remain calm and prepare yourself for the most jam-packed month in the calendar year. There are a small percentage of you who may actually have completed your to-do list long before everyone else. (If this is you, then kick back and relax.) The rest of you needn't despair! Just read on for the essential steps in holiday preparation. The key to preparing yourself for all the craziness is a well thought out plan. Believe it or not, the simple act of putting it down on paper can give you some peace. I am not sure why seeing my obligations and tasks in black and white are more calming than letting them race through my mind, but it really works. Fathers Day Gift Guide Fathers Day is the one day of the year when you can really show your dad how much he means to you. Preparing For the Holidays: Ho Ho Ho... or Bah Humbug! Some of my clients dread the holiday season because it often represents stress, pressure, expectations, guilt, disappointment, pain, loneliness, exhaustion... and the list goes on. Jeweled Shamrock Pendant March 17th is St. Patrick's Day and according to tradition if you are not wearing at least a little something green you just might get pinched and why put yourself through that? Let's face it most of us do not look very good in green attire but, there are ways around this. The History of Christmas Ornaments History of Ornaments ![]() |
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