Advantages of Online Greeting Cards Over Paper Cards - Part I

After some recent reports it seems that 90% of all people buy many greeting cards. Only the American people buy 7 billion greeting cards every year. in the UK the rate is about 2 billions in one year. So, if the cards purchased only by this two count ryes were aligned end-to-end they would stretch around the world 49 times.

But greeting cards are a good way to bring people joy and happiness. Trough a greeting card you can make somebody feel well, wish them al it's best in the world. So in this article we won't try make you think that greeting cards are not a good thing, just to show you that you can send your good thoughts to people that are important to you in a more environmentally way.

The real problem is that the billions of greeting cards that people buy the every year use a lot of paper. There are also some manufacturers that use recycled paper. There are also some environmentally damaging companies that use toxic printer inks. But we remind you again that there are manufacturers that use some less toxic alternatives but also they sue energy and they pollute the environment in some way.

The majority of greeting cards are saved an kept in our beloved closets or drawers. But sooner or later hey will go on garbage can. And so, again, energy is used to transport or convert the greeting cards to brand new paper.

But in the end we must be fair. How may factories that make any kind of products don't have this issues. Every thing that it's made used and disposed uses energy. So let's try to think a little. Can't we find some more environmental helpful ways to do this things? Well, you see in the greeting card case there are many solutions.

So i will try in the second part of this article to show you a few healthy ways for using greeting cards. This Could help a lot our beloved nature that we all should take care after. So read the second part of this article if you want to know more about ways to keep our environment healthy. is a website with free digital greeting cards for military personnel, both active and retired and for the general public that love military. And, 99% of these cards are military in nature. You only need to register to be a member and the registration is also free.

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