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10 Ways to Keep Your Expectations From Making You Crazy This Christmas
Christmas is a wonderful time! Everyone is full of good cheer, the milk of human kindness and 20 pounds of candy. All gifts are given with love, are exactly the right size, are exactly the right color, or exactly the right thing for exactly the price you could afford. Right? Well, if YOUR Christmas seems to fall short every year, here are some ways to keep your sanity and enjoy the unexpected joys that the season brings. 1. News Flash! You are not perfect! Nor is your family! Give up the myth that they should be! 2. Don't make the season complicated! Simplify! While elaborate decorations may appeal to your decorating ego, putting them up takes time and energy that may be best spent elsewhere this Christmas. 3. Everything doesn't have to be homemade. Pies, cakes and cookies are perfectly acceptable if they are bought at a bakery. And your children just might celebrate if you decide not to make that knitted scarf this year! 4. Relax. Take time out from the hustle and bustle to just sit with a cup of tea or cocoa and read. Or take a long hot bath. If you take some time for yourself, you will be better able to cope with the holiday chaos. 5. Let other people pitch in. You are not the only one who can do Christmas! Ask someone to do tasks you usually do, such as make the eggnog or cookies. And then LET THEM DO IT ? even if they don't do it just the way you want! Don't constantly look over their shoulder. 6. Don't make the season an ordeal for your children by expecting perfect behavior. Children can easily be overloaded with the food, sights, expectations and social whirlwind of the season. Again, simplify for their sake - and yours! 7. If you can afford to hire a cleaning service before company comes for Christmas, do it! Give it to yourself as a Christmas present! You will enjoy the season more because you won't be worn out from scrubbing that tile with a toothbrush! 8. If you can't afford to pay cash for a gift, wait until next year to buy it. Save for the gift in the meantime. The short term thrill of buying the gift will be more than overpowered by the struggle to pay it off months into the new year. 9. Get out of the house and walk when you begin to feel stress. It will help you calm down and keep off those extra pounds. And it will give your family a break from you! 10. Don't do guilt ? to yourself and others. Don't use your expectations of the season as a weapon against your friends and family. Enjoy what comes this season. It may not be what you expected ? it may be better! And remember ? love doesn't come wrapped in paper, or tied with a bow. You can't get it for $19.95 if you call now or for two easy payments of only? you name the price. But love is but in the corners of a small child's smile, the twinkle of a father's eye or the drape of an arm across your shoulder. If you are expecting something else, you just might fail to recognize it! How crazy! About The Author Pamela Cole Harris is an editor and writer with 35 years experience. Visit her website, http://www.homeandgardenmakeover.com, for her unique view of home decorating and remodeling (and a free monthly newsletter!). Or for original content unique to your website, written especially for your keywords and your audience, visit http://www.pamelacoleharris.com.
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Top 15 Valentines Day Quotations "If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were."-- Anonymous Fathers Day Gift Guide Fathers Day is the one day of the year when you can really show your dad how much he means to you. The Truth about Mistletoe You can call it the emasculator of the old king, a sexual symbol, latent with fertility or a good luck charm for a dairy herd. It's been used as an antidote for poison, a fire suppressant, a protection against evil spirits, a pain reliever for rheumatoid arthritis and as a gift of peace between warring neighbours. This parasitic shrub with sticky white berries has somehow shrugged off its shady past to become a tradition of our Christmas. But this is, after all, a season of myth, legend, and make believe. The History And Origin Of Valentines Day The oldest Valentine card still in existence was sent in 1415 by Charles Duke of Orleans, at the time a prisoner in the Tower of London, to his wife. The Duke's Valentine's card is now preserved and displayed in the British Museum. Romance on a Budget Valentine's Day is often synonymous with lush velvety looking red roses and spending big bucks on your sweetie. You're blinded by advertisements touting the latest luxury jewelry, over-priced flowers, and exquisite five star dining. You can sometimes feel pressure from this single day that is supposed to symbolize and convey your emotion of love to your sweetheart. Expressing your love can be shown with frugal abundance and still create heartfelt memories. How to Overcome the Overwhelm of the Holiday Season (And Reduce Holiday Stress) The Holiday Season can be a wonderful time of year, filled with lovely decorations, gift exchanges, visits with friends and family and delicious meals. But for many of us, the Holiday Season can also be quite overwhelming with all the added activities such as decorating our homes, selecting, buying, wrapping and exchanging gifts and hosting friends and family while we prepare multi-course elaborate meals! The question is, "What can we do to Overcome Overwhelm during the Holidays?" Thriving Through the Holidays The holidays are upon us; a time of celebration and joy. I love the last days of November through the beginning of the New Year. The pure magic of the holidays is something that I anticipate and enjoy each and every year. Birthday Gift Ideas Birthday celebrations date back as far as biblical times, when celebrations among Pharaohs and other significant individuals have been mentioned. There is even some evidence to suggest that in pagan cultures people feared that evil spirits lurked about an individual on their birthday because they tended to become more malicious around important events in one's life. In this case birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and actual births were all noted for their importance and their potential for harm. Because of this, gifts were often bestowed upon the celebrant as a means of wishing them well and offering good luck. Perfect Presents for Mom Every year we search our brains for a unique, exciting gift for Mom. We have bought flowers, candy, jewelry, pictures of our kids and us. But this year, we want something really different, something really special. We have prepared a list of suggestions that might just fit the bill. Holiday Tips For Stepfamilies Holiday Tips For Stepfamilies: Let Go Of The "Brady Bunch" Fantasy! Trick or Treating Safety Halloween is such a fun time of year for kids and adults alike, so its important that we take some precautions to keep it that way! Here's my list of trick or treating tips for your family. Celebrate the 4th and Help a Soldier My good friend, Rae, just called and suggested having a Fourth of July cookout that supports our troops in Iraq. "How?" I asked, feeling somewhat guilty that we can drink margaritas and play lawn games with our families on Independence Day, while our troops in Iraq are risking life and limb. Always upbeat, Rae chirped, "By having everyone bring a gift that we'll collect and send to the troops. You know useful things like CDs, books, underwear?" Christmas Holidays: 5 Ways To Make This Holiday Your Best Ever For many people the end of a year is a time of increased stress. Quick and Easy Holiday Decorating You're tired. You've worked hard all week. Suddenly, the kids shout gleefully... "let's decorate!" ... in anticipation of the coming holiday. The "let's not" is miraculously not permitted to escape your lips. Instead you take a deep breath while you wonder about how this decorating could become an easier and more fun-filled activity. Ready to Skip This Holiday? Why No Just Make It Your Own? Do you feel panicked, or exicted? Are you experiencing joy or depression? Do you have childlike visions of toys and celebration with the people you love? Or pressure, loneliness, alienation and annoying relatives? Is Buying a Gift for Mom as Difficult for You as it is for Me? I have walked through a countless number of stores searching for a Mother's Day gift and I always see the same things. A nice blouse, a trinket for the kitchen, or perhaps a bottle of perfume (do they all smell the same to you too, or is it just me?). After three stores I am tired and frustration begins to set in. The Origins Of Mothers Day Today Mother's Day or Mothering Sunday is celebrated all over the world. For florists and card shops the event is one of the highlights of the year, but the roots of Mother's Day are not commercial. Creative Christmas Gifts Christmas is always the time of year we consider to be the best opportunity to give something special to someone and show how much we appreciate him or her. The mall is full of wonderful, shiny and delicious gifts and the Internet offers countless items that we can send to someone without ever seeing the product in person. But sometimes there just doesn't seem to be the perfect idea for one or two individuals. That's probably when you need to become creative with your Christmas gift ideas. Samanthas Bay Leaf Ritual for the New Year HI would like to share with you a ritual I do every New Year's that is quite involved and requires a lot of thought and meditation time. It is derived from an ancient Greek ritual for prosperity and fertility. As you may recall, ancient Mediterranean Kings and Queens used to wear garlands of bay leaves (as well as olive leaves) as crowns. Bay leaves, and often bayberry leaves, are often used in Alexandrian magic as well, as well to draw success in business and finances. I like this ritual because first of all it is very "white" and it also involves the writing down of your wishes. The writing down of your wishes on 108 bay leaves works in the same way as a positive affirmation. The stating of your goals and desires allows you to properly manifest them in real life. Every year I pull out my old bay leaves and sort through them and I am always astounded by how many of my wishes have actually been granted. The Origins of Mothers Day Most people mistakenly believe that Mother's Day is an invention of the greeting card manufacturers and flower shops - a cynical ploy to make the nation spend millions of dollars each year on greetings cards and flowers. However, the roots of the holiday are more elevated than this and go back much further, right back to the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans. ![]() |
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