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Legends of the Christmas Tree
The Christmas tree is a much loved symbol iinstantly calling up images of gifts and family jollity. There are many beautiful connections to ancient traditions. Egyptian and Roman customs, early Christian practices and Victorian nostalgia are all combined in our modern Christmas tree. The Greek Fir is commonly used as a Christmas tree. Ancient Greeks called the tree "Pitys" and, together with the pine-tree, it was sacred to Pan. Legend tells us Pan was once in love with a nymph called Pity, as was the god of the North wind. Pity chose Pan and the wind god, insulted and humiliated, blew her over a gorge to her death. Pan found her lifeless body and turned her into his sacred Fir-tree. Ever since, whenever the North wind blows, you can Pity crying and her tears are the droplets of pitch that leak from the fir-cones every autumn. Since ancient times, evergreen trees have been revered as a representation of sexual potency and fertility, and played an important role in Winter Celebrations. Perhaps the Christmas tree is a watered-down version of the Scandinavian Yggdrasil, the Great Tree of Life. In Northern Europe the evergreen was a reminder that the long dark nights of Winter would end and the green of Spring would return. For Saturnalia, Romans would decorate their trees with suns, candles and small pieces of metal and today we still carry trees into our homes and adorn them. During the winter solstice, Egyptians carried green palms into their homes to symbolise the triumph of life over over death. Living trees in large tubs were brought into homes during the old German feast of Yule. Prince Albert, husband and Consort of Queen Victoria, carried on this German tradition by adorning a tree with candles, candies, fruits and gingerbread. Although generally adverse to anything German in origin, the English public held great affection for their Queen and soon adopted the custom for themselves. Some say the Christmas Tree has evolved from Paradise Plays. From the eleventh century, these popular religious plays were performed outdoors and in churches. It told the story of the creation of Adam and Eve, their sin, and their banishment from Paradise. The only prop on stage was the "Paradise tree," a fir tree adorned with apples. From this tree, at the appropriate time in the play, Eve would take the fruit, eat it, and give it to Adam. One legend tells of St. Boniface who encountered some German pagans about to sacrifice a child at the base of an Oak tree. He cut down the Oak to prevent the sacrifice and a Fir tree grew in its place. St Boniface told the pagans that this was the Tree of Life and represented the Christ. Another delightful legend is told of the time the Holy family was pursued by the soldiers of Herod, when many plants offered to provide them with shelter. One such plant was the Pine tree. With Mary too weary to travel any longer, the family stopped at the edge of a forest to rest and a gnarled old Pine grown hollow with the years invited them to rest within its trunk. Then, it closed its branches down, keeping the family safe until the soldiers had passed by. As they left, the Christ Child blessed the Pine and the imprint of his tiny hand was left forever in the tree's fruit...the Pine cone. If a cone is cut lengthwise, the hand may still be seen. Martin Luther also features in the legends of the Christmas Tree. Late one night the founder of the Protestant religion was taking a stroll through the woods. The sky was clear and many stars were shining through the branches of the trees, giving the impression of twinkling lights. Luther was so captivated and inspired by the beautiful brilliance of the sight that he cut down a small evergreen and brought it home. He recreated the stars by placing candles upon the tree's branches to imitate their radiance and presented it to his children. Whatever legend pleases you, make sure to pass on the story when you gather around your own Christmas tree. Susanna Duffy is a Civil Celebrant, grief counsellor and mythologist. She creates ceremonies and Rites of Passage for individual and civic functions, and specialises in celebrations for women. http://celebrant.yarralink.com
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10 Great Gift Ideas for Fathers Day What do you get for the man who has always been there for you? You want it to be something special, something he hasn't gotten before, something that he will cherish. It cannot be the tired old gift of after shave lotion or soap on a rope. Not this year! Survival Kit for the Holidays: Grace, Gratitude and Random Acts Of Kindness If you*re like me, the holidays always have a way of sneaking in. And - like an unexpected visitor who shows up the week I haven't cleaned my home - I'm caught in a frenzy, desperate to scrape up the tumbleweeds of cat fur and make the place look presentable. For me at least, it's easy to forget the true meaning of Christmas and Thanksgiving. Time is short and usually so is patience. So this year, all this got me to thinking: How can one neutralize the stress and get more enjoyment from the holidays true intention? Read on for this girl's remedies. Get Organised for Christmas... NOW! Hasn't time flown? Only six weeks to Christmas! The History of Teddy Bears Teddy bears have been around since 1902. The teddy bear came to being when President Theodore Roosevelt refused to shot a black bear held captive by his hunting party. Also worth noting is that President Roosevelt's refusal to shoot this captive bear became a very popular political cartoon by Cliff Barryman. Consider the Egg The glorious egg, with its deep links to Creation mythology, is one of the oldest symbols of life and rebirth known to us. Many gods, demons and heroes have sprung from eggs. It's a symbol of new life in cultures as far apart as Polynesian, Chinese, Phoenician, Egyptian and Greek and represents resurrection in Christian belief. Surviving Those Holiday Blues Not everyone shares in the celebration and joy associated with the holidays. Many people feel stressed and unhappy in response to the demands of shopping for gifts, spending large amounts of money, attending parties and family gatherings, and entertaining houseguests. It is not uncommon to react to these stresses with excessive drinking and eating, difficulty sleeping, and physical complaints. The holiday blues are a common result. If you experience reactions like these during the holidays, you are not alone. Let's take a look at what causes the holiday blues and what you can do about them. Make Every Day a Mothers Day! The word mother and mothers day are simple, yet powerful little words that you hear all the time especially so around the time of mothers day when everyone seem to be scrambling for ideas to say thank you, you are surely loved and you are appreciated all over again. The Thanksgiving Blessing "Wouldn't you just know it," muttered my husband, Randy. Holiday Expectations As the holidays approach, I find myself wondering how I'm going to accomplish all I expect of myself. I expect to have perfect presents under the tree for an astounding number of people who will be visiting from out of town, besides the usual round of gifts for my children, immediate family, close friends and significant others, such as teachers, school staff, hair dressers, manicurist, etc. Added to the gift buying frenzy are countless trips to the grocery and food specialty stores for the feasts I expect to prepare, again for countless people I am expected to entertain during these holidays. An Easy Gift For Many Occasions It can be very hard to find that one perfect gift for someone. How many times have you pondered over what to buy for a 36th birthday or an 18th anniversary? Giving Thanks Can you believe that Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away? What does Thanksgiving mean to you? For many of us it means turkey, dressing, pies and all the other goodies that go along with it. It also means family. But what else does it mean? Unique Gift Ideas for the Holiday Season! Go Digital! Instead of scouring the mall for gifts this holiday season why not consider using your cherished photos to create a unique personalized gift for family and friends? Children?s Birthday Party Locations and Ideas While most children's birthday parties are held at home, you may want to consider an offsite location. Honoring our Fathers This weekend as we celebrate Father's Day, take an opportunity to express gratitude for the many wonderful fathers we see giving their love, support and guidance to our children on a daily basis. Gods Gift to You... Mom Have you ever thought what you would have done without your Mother? Then why is it Mom's are usually the low woman on the totem pole? God thought enough of us to give us an earthly Guardian Angel and so many times, more than we could truthfully count this is the person we lash out at the most with the excuse it's OK it's only Mom. Thinking of the old cliché "we always hurt the one we the love the most" truly believing that all is forgiven... Mom's tough she can handle it... Mom knows deep down that I really don't mean it... well, Mom's don't know that. Valentines Day is NOT only for Lovers Some people hate to see Valentines Day come around. Some have ended relationships and feel lonely while others have not yet met that someone special. Valentines Day should be a day to share love with those around you. No Paws from Santa Claus The Holidays are coming and children have thought long and hard about the gifts they would most want to receive this year. Trucks, trains, Groovey girls and scooters are popular gifts this year. Each year lists are filled with the "most popular" toys of that year. There is one thing each year that can be found on many children's lists. A puppy. The image of a bright eyed plump adorable pup dressed in a red bow is an irresistible one. Or is it? Giving a life for a gift is something to think very carefully about. Puppies grow up quickly, cost a lot and need a life long commitment. Creative And Inexpensive Gift Ideas I have a friend who works at a loan company. She starts getting busy around August -- because her offices are flooded with people taking out loans for their holiday shopping. And she stays busy well into the new year -- because a huge percentage of those people default on their loans. Why do we feel compelled to go so deeply in DEBT buying gifts? It seems as though every year the bar is raised -- we are expected to spend more and more. Unique Gift Ideas for the 21st Century As a personal growth specialist, I like to think I'm hip. I like to think I am avant garde. I like to think I am on the cutting edge ? despite what everyone else around thinks about me. Celebrate Parks Day, Everyday this Summer! Canada's Parks Day falls on July 16'th this year. First celebrated in 1990, Parks Day is an opportunity for individuals to participate in hundreds of unique and fun events taking place in sites from coast to coast. Events are organized in national parks, national historic sites, provincial parks, and territorial parks, as well as in community and regional parks across the country. ![]() |
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