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Honoring our Fathers
This weekend as we celebrate Father's Day, take an opportunity to express gratitude for the many wonderful fathers we see giving their love, support and guidance to our children on a daily basis. Personally, in my own life, I am surrounded by them. From my own father, to my father-in-law, my husband and the many friends I am blessed to have. I see them at the supermarket, holding their child while attempting to shop; on the street riding their bikes, with their children cautiously proceeding ahead; at the gymnasium, proudly watching their daughter attempt her first cartwheel and at church gently kissing their son on the cheek. Although mothers have typically been the nurturer in our society, fathers have a huge impact on the raising and development of our children. . A son will learn first hand from his father the balance between toughness and tenderness. Daughters look to their fathers for guidance and example on how to be treated by the men they will have in their lives. Fathers are there to give support and protect their most prized possession?family. In the book, The Wonder Of Fathers, author C.R. Gibson writes?He goes by many names. He serves many roles. He's a shoulder to cry on, to lean on, and to climb on. He can be quiet, boisterous, athletic, or scholarly. He is his son's first role model and the first man his daughter will love. And no matter what else he does in his life, fatherhood will be his most important and fulfilling achievement. For those of us who have been blessed to grow up with fathers in our lives, we are aware of the many roles they do play in our lifetime. They are a teacher from whom you learn many of your most important lessons. A coach who is always cheering for you no matter how good you are. Strong arms to pick you up when you fall or hug you for no reason at all. Fathers let you do things that mothers are to afraid to let you try. They are the voice of reason when you are attempting to solve one of life's many problems. They are the voice of support and love when your heart has been just broken and the protector who vows no one will ever break your heart again. This weekend take the opportunity to tell the fathers in your life just how important they are and how you appreciate them. Say a prayer for those families who do not have their fathers with them for whatever reason. Make Father's Day a time to remember what is really important in this lifetime and when you nurture each other, everyone benefits. Peggy Porter is a nurse, Wellness Coach, and author of YumME MumME Makeover-How to Balance Womanhood and Motherhood by Nurturing the Me in MumMe. If you are a Mom and want to start creating a healthier balance in your life, go to http://www.seekingbalance.ca and register for Peggy's free monthly teleclass and Ecourse! For more info you can also email peggy@seekingbalance.ca or call 506-832-0117.
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Unique Gift Ideas -- The Gift Of Fitness Well, it's almost that time of year again ? the holiday shopping season is just around the corner. Have you thought about what you are going to give those people on your "hard to shop for" list? Instead of another tie for your dad or music CD for your sister, why don't you give them a truly unique and invaluable gift? I'm talking about the gift of fitness. Valentine?s Day Ideas for Singles Maybe your significant other is overseas in the military. Maybe you have suffered a recent divorce. Whatever the reason, you may find yourself alone this Valentine's Day. Does this mean you should sit at home feeling sorry for yourself? I think not. Here are some ideas for people who find themselves alone this year. Find Great Halloween Costume Ideas! Have The Most Creative Costumes This Year Usually, the hardest part about Halloween is finding the perfect costume and top accessories for your ghoulish creation. Well, now it doesn't have to be! With the countless, great resources available on the web, finding Halloween costume ideas for the adults, kids and the rest of the family will be the easy part! Now, you'll just have to figure out what everyone wants to dress up as! The Gift My Brother Couldnt Give From the book A Heartland Christmas Collection Event Planning 101 One of the tools I use as a professional organizer are countdowns. Tips For Singles on Surviving (And Enjoying) The Holidays Here you are, facing the holiday season alone. Have you been thinking about? Make Every Day a Mothers Day! The word mother and mothers day are simple, yet powerful little words that you hear all the time especially so around the time of mothers day when everyone seem to be scrambling for ideas to say thank you, you are surely loved and you are appreciated all over again. Glorious Holiday Decorating: Ten Tips If you're looking for ways to decorate your home in a glorious holiday fashion this season--without breaking the bank and losing your sanity in the process--here are ten terrific ideas to get you started. Valentines Day Rapport How to develop and heighten rapport on Valentines Day beyond your wildest dreams! Ten Tips for a Real Holiday Season Holidays and the start of a new year inevitably make us think about how we can improve ourselves, and have the life we want in the future. We make resolutions - I must lose weight, I will save more money - and then lose our way. That's because we aren't matching our resolutions with who we are inside. We're more likely to succeed if we work on discovering our inner, Real selves, appreciate who we already are, and then take a chance on custom-made changes, not one-size-fit all resolutions. Here are ten tips for making the new year better in a Real way. Lost and Found (A Valentines Day Story) I casually glanced down at my hand, but instead of a wedding ring and an engagement ring, there was only the narrow gold band. Making Mother?s Day Special How many times have you heard a friend say about someone who's no longer here, "I never got to tell her (or him) how much I really cared." The Origin of the Christmas Tree Have you ever wondered why we decorate a tree for Christmas? What sense does it make? We cut down a perfectly good tree, bring it in the house, decorate it with glass balls, twinkle lights, embarrassing arts and crafts from our youth and put a big star on top - why? No one knows for sure. But the Christmas tree does have a long, if not mythological, history. Marching Towards Mothers Day "Mother: the most beautiful word on the lips of mankind." -Kahil Gibran Funny Couples Costume Ideas For Halloween Tired of the same old typical Halloween costumes. You know the ones?.vampire, witch, or mummy. It also seems that everyone just "has" to wear the latest movie craze costume as well, like a Batman Begins costume. Maybe it's time to come up with a more unique and funny Halloween costume?just to be different. Wake Up ? Its Almost Fathers Day Father's Day is approaching fast. In the USA it falls on the third Sunday of June which this year is June 19th 2005. So if you start planning now, you still have time left to come up with the ideal gift for your Dad. And don't forget that Father's Day is the perfect day to honor other important men-folk in your life, not just your Dad. So don't forget your husband, your grandfather, your father-in-law, or a favorite uncle. Outside the Box Gingerbread Houses Beyond trees and wreaths, there are few symbols of the holidays so well venerated as the gingerbread house. Throughout the country, gingerbread house displays and contests attract everyone from culinary architects to kids who love to savor the decorations. Visit Historic Inns of Rockland, Maine's Holiday House Tour held every year on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, where among other ideas, you'll learn first hand from Frank Isganitis, Gingerbread House Architect and LimeRock Inn co-owner, tips on creating your own award-winning gingerbread houses. The Holiday House Tour is part of Rockland's Festival of Lights, and Historic Inns of Rockland will feature workshops including Gingerbread House Making, Victorian Customs for Christmas, and Package Wrapping Workshops, along with tours of lovely historic inns during this event, held from 1pm to 4pm every year on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Tickets and information are available at www.HistoricInnsofRockland.com. The Holiday Army Here it comes again - the Holiday Army - in its annual march against us. Some of its generals are called "Thanksgiving," "Christmas," "Hanukah," "New Year's Eve" and "New Year's Day." They are no respecters of the heartbroken and emotionally wounded, and their troops are merciless. They take no prisoners! They demand that we participate in their joy and nostalgia or they will mow us down with their militant tanks of holiday spirit. Kids Halloween Costumes! Your Pint-sized Witches And Goblins Can Look Their Spookiest & Cutest Ever It's not only the candy that puts smiles on kids' faces on October 31st! It's the fact that they love getting dressed up and scaring everyone along the way! Kids look cute in any sort of costume, but now that you can purchase their costume online, you'll be able to find the best selection of kids Halloween costumes ever! Home Made Gifts, The Best Way To Teach Your Kids The Value Of The Holiday To a large extent the holidays have come to be more about materialism than the original values of peace, harmony, and faith. Advertisers hit us from all sides with messages of greed and pettiness. Every media outlet is rife with the idea, "buy this, or they wont love you." ![]() |
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