Wake Up ? Its Almost Fathers Day

Father's Day is approaching fast. In the USA it falls on the third Sunday of June which this year is June 19th 2005. So if you start planning now, you still have time left to come up with the ideal gift for your Dad. And don't forget that Father's Day is the perfect day to honor other important men-folk in your life, not just your Dad. So don't forget your husband, your grandfather, your father-in-law, or a favorite uncle.

Some people seem to think that selecting a gift for Father's Day is easy as Dads will be happy with just about anything, irrespective of whether they will actually use the gift, or even remember the actual gift. It is felt that they just appreciate the ritual of being given a gift and being remembered. But if you are already going to the trouble of buying a gift for your Dad, then why not spend a little thought and planning now, and buy a gift that will be truly appreciated and remembered. Try to think what he is interested in, what are his likes, dislikes and needs and what is your relationship with your Dad.

Before your start shopping, think about how much your budget will allow and then make sure that you buy the best that you can afford. Stay away from mass produced items, and look for the more original and individual high quality hand-crafted.

Does dad spend a lot of time in his office? Consider some original artwork for the walls, or a luxurious executive desk set or executive toy. Or, if he spends a lot of time traveling, then consider something that will help pass the time for him, such as the latest bestseller on CD or or some of his favorite music. Do you want to spend more "quality time" with your dad? Then how about a game you can play together for years to come ? you can find all sorts of hand-crafted chess sets these days and one of them is bound to match his interests. Maybe the man in your life needs to indulge himself more ? so how about some healing bath and body products from the Dead Sea, with their unique minerals that will not only benefit skin and hair, but will make him feel healthier as well.

If you can't find the time to go shopping, or you need to broaden the choice of gifts that are available locally, then shopping for gifts online is ideal for you. Don't delay and order now, and save on shipping charges. If you leave it to the last minute, it is usually much more costly and can be stressful as well. If you dad lives far away then have the gift shipped directly to him, but don't forget to give him a call as well on the day to tell him that you love and appreciate him.

Janice Kaye is the operator of Biblical-Gifts.Com, an online shop that specializes in exclusive hand-crafted products, made out of flowers & fruits grown in the land of the Bible. They also offer a selection of the best Christian gifts and souvenirs made in the Holy Land. http://www.biblical-gifts.com

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