Why July 4th ?

On July 4th 1776 the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. On this day they formally declared that these colonies were free and independent states, not subject to the government of Great Britain.

The Declaration of Independence was signed by leaders from the colonies, and for the first time in an official document the colonies were referred to as the United States of America.

It is a day to be celebrated by all, by patriotic parades, picnics and fireworks. The flying of the American flag is widespread. July 4th gifts are given to family and friends to celebrate this special occasion.

Show your true American patriotism this year by wearing a fabulous piece of American jewelry that is made in America by Americans. One of the easiest by stylish ways is to wear the American Flag as a lapel pin or pendant. The diamonds within these shine the light of freedom in the eyes of all beholders. Another way could be to wear a Statue of Liberty pendant.

This seasons must have item of jewelry for the ladies to celebrate Independence Day would have to be a Diamond Heart US Flag Pendent Belly Ring. Other gift ideas could be a '$' shaped money clip or Presidential Seal or US Marine Cuff Links.

However and wherever you choose to spend July 4th show your Patriotism with a piece of fine crafted American jewelry.

To view a selection of fine Patriotic Jewelry visit http://www.shiningsparklers.com

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