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Why July 4th ?
On July 4th 1776 the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. On this day they formally declared that these colonies were free and independent states, not subject to the government of Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence was signed by leaders from the colonies, and for the first time in an official document the colonies were referred to as the United States of America. It is a day to be celebrated by all, by patriotic parades, picnics and fireworks. The flying of the American flag is widespread. July 4th gifts are given to family and friends to celebrate this special occasion. Show your true American patriotism this year by wearing a fabulous piece of American jewelry that is made in America by Americans. One of the easiest by stylish ways is to wear the American Flag as a lapel pin or pendant. The diamonds within these shine the light of freedom in the eyes of all beholders. Another way could be to wear a Statue of Liberty pendant. This seasons must have item of jewelry for the ladies to celebrate Independence Day would have to be a Diamond Heart US Flag Pendent Belly Ring. Other gift ideas could be a '$' shaped money clip or Presidential Seal or US Marine Cuff Links. However and wherever you choose to spend July 4th show your Patriotism with a piece of fine crafted American jewelry. To view a selection of fine Patriotic Jewelry visit http://www.shiningsparklers.com
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5 Tips to Reduce Holiday Depression While war and poor economic conditions begin to affect people all over the world, more and more people suffer with depression. The more we focus on news events and the business climate, the more we are depressed. Whatever the reason you feel is the cause of your depression, the following five simple tips guarantee you reduce it significantly. Mommy...Daddy...Is There Really A Santa Claus? Is there really a Santa Claus? Any parent who hasn't been faced with this question most likely will at some point. But how do you answer this? No one wants to crush a child's dreams of Santa and holiday magic. Nicely Designed Pillows As Gifts Many of us are probably squeezing out our brains to the limit just for a single purpose, to think of what to give especially when it's Christmas or just a simple birthday present. It's always nice to give the jewelries, toys, clothes and shoes as we all had been used to of what to give. But haven't you realized that there is something much cheaper and more fantastic than clothes or jewelries? Yes, and those are pillows. Planning a Gift Closet Creating a gift closet is a wonderful way to plan ahead for gift giving occasions. It's also handy for those last-minute emergency events that spring up throughout the year, may otherwise catch you by surprise, and send you on a mad dash to the store. Developing a system that will work for you is simple and will prove to be not only a budget saver, but a timesaver as well. Making Mother?s Day Special How many times have you heard a friend say about someone who's no longer here, "I never got to tell her (or him) how much I really cared." You Better Not Lie, I?m Telling You Why Santa Claus Is Coming Thriving Through the Holidays The holidays are upon us; a time of celebration and joy. I love the last days of November through the beginning of the New Year. The pure magic of the holidays is something that I anticipate and enjoy each and every year. Animatronic Halloween Props - Cardboard Carpentry One of the most inexpensive ways to create stonewalls in your home/haunt is by using good-'ol cardboard boxes. Boxes laid flat and painted to the desired effect are relatively easy and cheap methods of creating stonewall effects. Create Warm Memories with Holiday Traditions I remember just a handful of the Christmas presents I received as a child: My first Barbie doll with her skinny black sequined gown. My soft, pink Pat-a-Burp doll. The microscope I got in second grade. How to Overcome the Overwhelm of the Holiday Season (And Reduce Holiday Stress) The Holiday Season can be a wonderful time of year, filled with lovely decorations, gift exchanges, visits with friends and family and delicious meals. But for many of us, the Holiday Season can also be quite overwhelming with all the added activities such as decorating our homes, selecting, buying, wrapping and exchanging gifts and hosting friends and family while we prepare multi-course elaborate meals! The question is, "What can we do to Overcome Overwhelm during the Holidays?" Dont Want Another Carpet Sweeper This Year For Christmas? Unique "Drop-A-Hint" Plan Sends Your Gift Wishes Via E-mail Incredibles Kid Birthday Party Idea Mr. Incredible and Elastiwoman to the Rescue. The Incredibles based on the hit Disney movie has become a favorite fun kid birthday party theme. The Incredibles Invitations Have fun creating a "top secret" message as your Incredibles child birthday party theme invitation. You might say something like this. "Calling all superheros... The Incredibles need your help!" "You're invited to help Mr. Incredible and Elastiwoman protect our city from the evil villain, "syndrom" at (insert the first and last name of your birthday child)'s birthday party... And we're celebrating with The Incredibles." "The superhero birthday action begins on (date of party)." "Our superhero birthday party location is top secret and will be known only to our superhero guests... Only by holding this invitation up and facing it toward a mirror will you be able to decode this secret address message." (Write the address backwards on the invitation so it will appear correctly when held up to a mirror). "Our superhero birthday party fun begins at (time) and will end at (time)." "Superhero refreshments will be served." "All superhero party guests are requested to RSVP using the secret telephone number known only to our invited superhero guests.(phone number)" "Every party guest wearing an Incredibles costume will be given a special secret party favor." Have fun and be creative with your invitation. Your guests will quickly get the idea that this party is going to be special. They won't be able to wait for your birthday party! The Incredibles Decorations Yellow, red and black are the main colors for The Incredibles. Get your Incredibles birthday party theme started right. Decorate with yellow, red and black balloons, and crepe paper... Put "superhero" signs all over the place. Next to your telephone put a sign that reads "telephone for superheros only." On the door to the restroom put up a sign that reads, "Superhero Restroom." Have fun, be creative, it's an Incredibles superhero party! On your front door, attach yellow, red and black balloons and a sign that reads "Secret Location, (name of your birthday child)'s Incredibles, superhero birthday party." Incredibles Birthday Party Theme Costumes Costumes are a great way to get everyone into your Incredibles birthday party theme. There are excellent online party stores and costume stores where you'll find a great selection of costumes including The Incredibles... Or you can try putting together your own costume... Using yellow, red and black as your main colors, put together your own creative version of Mr. Incredible or Elastiwoman. Say Cheese Remember your camera, digital camera and video camera... You're going to want to take lots of pictures and video of your birthday child and all their friends in costume. You'll want to remember how everyone looked in their Incredibles birthday party theme costumes. Get Your Incredibles Party Started Right You want to start your party as soon as the first guest arrives... Don't sit around waiting for everyone else, start having fun. Have a large glass or glass jar filled with yellow and red jelly beans and tell each guest to use their superhero X-Ray vision to guess how many jelly beans are in the jar... Write everyone's name on one piece of paper and put their guess next to their name... Then just before your party ends, announce the superhero guest with the best X-Ray vision. (whoever guessed closest to the actual number of jelly beans in the jar wins.) And remember to actually count the number of jelly beans you put in the jar before your birthday party begins... Then write the actual number on a piece of paper and put that piece of paper somewhere safe and where you can easily get to it. The Incredibles Movie And CD Fun Set your Incredibles birthday party theme right away by having The Incredibles movie DVD or video playing on your TV as your guests arrive. (You can turn the sound down low or off)... You can also surprise your birthday child by announcing that The Incredibles DVD or video is one of their birthday gifts... For music during your birthday party games and activities, play The Incredibles movie soundtrack CD. This is an excellent way to keep your Incredibles birthday party theme going... You can also make the CD a gift for your birthday child. The Incredibles Coloring Book Depending on the age of your group, you can pick up an Incredibles coloring book and some small boxes of crayons... Take pages out of the coloring book and let your party guests choose pages to color... This is also a fairly quiet activity. The Incredibles Puzzle Kids love puzzles and what better way for your guests to get to know each other than working on a puzzle together... Having a puzzle that fits your Incredibles birthday party theme is an added bonus. The Incredibles Superhero Food and Drink Even The Incredibles superheros need to replentish their energy after a long day of saving the world from the villainous "Syndrom." Consider these fun superhero foods How about a "superhero sandwich?" Let each guest build their own (super) hero sandwich... Keep it simple and put fun superhero labels on everything. "Power Bread" "More Power Mustard" "Red Energy Sauce" (ketchup) "Power Pickles" "Total Energy Turkey" "Super-Sauce Mayo" "Mr. Incredible Celery" "Elastiwoman Cheese Slices" "Raw Energy Raisins" "Power Packed Carrot Sticks" The Incredibles Superhero Energy Drinks Try mixing Ginger Ale with cherry ice cream for a colorful superhero drink. Punch can be re-named "The Incredibles Super Sauce" For a fun and creative drink project, let your party guests mix three different and colorful Cool Aid drinks and Ginger Ale into their very own superhero drink... Cherry and Lime anyone? For extra fizz, let them add pop-rocks... Your Incredibles birthday party theme is going to be a big hit! For more FREE kid birthday party ideas visit us at: Fun-Kid-Birthday-Parties.com Ten Ways To Make The Holidays Easier Next Year What does your holiday season usually look like -- a lot of rushing around at the last minute? The holidays really don't have to require so much effort -- if you plan ahead and spread the work out throughout the year. Here are ten tips for making your next holiday season a snap: Mothers Day is coming-Dont Blow It! Mother's Day is May 8th. And, you do realize all of the things that the Mom in your life has done for you and your family, right? Then you must know that a bouquet of flowers and card, though very sweet, are not all it takes to make Mother's Day a true holiday. This Mothers Day -- Give The Gift Of Fitness Do you know a Mom that deserves a special gift this year for Mother's Day? I'm sure you know at least one, if not more. Sure, flowers can always brighten a Mom's day and a dinner out is always appreciated. But, doesn't she deserve something more personal, something that won't wilt and something that lasts longer than an evening? This year give that special woman a gift that will improve her well being. Going Solo on Valentines Day: Advice For Singles The stores are decorated in candy hearts, flowers and bears. Every TV or radio commercial reminds you that it's time to remember your sweetheart on this special day for lovers. Your feelings range from sadness, to revulsion to anger. What's a single person to do? The following suggestions are designed to both answer that question and to help you have a good day after all, while working to make it your last solo one. For Thanksgiving ? Be Thankful He?s Not the Cheating Kind Infidelity is at an all time high. According to the latest statistics, 3 out of 4 husbands cheat on their wives. So if you have a faithful husband, you have much to be thankful for. Faithful husbands are in short supply. While most wives assume their husbands are faithful, only 1 wife in 4 can truthfully make that claim. An estimated 38 to 53 million women are victims of infidelity. Studies further indicate that 2/3 of the wives whose husbands are cheating on them (approximately 26 million women) have no idea their husbands are having an affair -- despite the presence of numerous telltale signs. In one study, over 65% of the cheating husbands admitted to having had more than one extramarital affair. With statistics like these, you can see why being married to a husband who isn't cheating on you is something to be thankful for. Holiday Expectations As the holidays approach, I find myself wondering how I'm going to accomplish all I expect of myself. I expect to have perfect presents under the tree for an astounding number of people who will be visiting from out of town, besides the usual round of gifts for my children, immediate family, close friends and significant others, such as teachers, school staff, hair dressers, manicurist, etc. Added to the gift buying frenzy are countless trips to the grocery and food specialty stores for the feasts I expect to prepare, again for countless people I am expected to entertain during these holidays. Ideas For Toddler Halloween Costumes Depending on the age of your little ones, you may want to keep ideas for toddler Halloween costumes on the simple side. Since most of the very youngest trick or treaters are only going out to amuse the grandparents and immediate neighbors, it needn't be terribly complicated to still bring a lot of smiles. Making Mom Happy on Mothers Day Mothers day is May 8th this year, are you ready? Are you in need of an idea for how to treat mom on Mothers Day that will not break your budget? How about indulging mom with a delightful home cooked brunch and a special tea pot for her to take home at the end of the day. ![]() |
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