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9 Fantastic Formulas for a Stress Free Holiday!
The holidays are officially here. And so the season for giving begins. Warm loving intentions, thoughtful giving and stocking stuffing take over. It's a wonderful time of year, but with all the activities, excitement and family obligations taking place at the same time, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, stressed and even a tad bit gloomy. Here are 9 simple steps to relax, let go and really enjoy a truly happy holiday! 1. Reflect on what an inspiration you are to others. The time you spend, the love you give and the enthusiasm with which you do it all with is what matters most to people close to you. The beautifully wrapped presents and bows are far less important than your loving friendship. You are appreciated and cherished in the lives of so many people. Love yourself with the same appreciation. 2. Be honest with yourself and don't stuff your feelings. As you start to feel range of emotions this holiday? whether it is joy or fear? frustration or liberation?Don't push them away like last season's Prada bag. Give them a special place. It will be far easier to enjoy the holiday if you are honest with yourself and experience all the good, bad and normal parts of life. Be as accepting and generous with yourself as you are with the people in your life you care about the most. 3. Show empathy and compassion. Our internal perception is reality. Whenever you show kind hearted compassion, you'll get it back in return. 4. Be grateful for all the wonderful differences, preferences and opinions that you will encounter this holiday. Try to view life from a different perspective. Talk about differences that may come up in a loving way and make a special effort to sit on the same side of the table (literally and figuratively). See if you can find it in your heart to love and appreciate Uncle Joe's crazy quirk that normally sends you through the roof. The joy and peacefulness of understanding another's perspective while still honoring your own is a feeling to be savored! 5. Get plenty of sleep and squeeze in a few extra minutes to rest and relax. Sleep may seem like an indulgence this time of year, but it is absolutely essential to good health and a positive holiday outlook. Rest, slow-down and catch plenty of zzz's. Be decadent and treat yourself to 3 -5 minutes a day without any books, junk mail or return calls. Take time to breathe, relax, reflect and introspect. If you're feeling really sassy lie on your back and spread out in the middle of the living floor. Is 3 minutes of your day just for one month too much to ask? 6. Try letting go and see what marvels happen! Let go of one small thing that's really been getting to you. Ask yourself what is the worst that can happen? Just for kicks, reflect back on a particularly stressful holiday situation last year. How bad was it really? Did worry consume you for nothing? I'm guessing that the turnout wasn't as bad as all the images swimming in your head. And, there may have even been a hidden blessing after all. In the scheme of things, our daily worries are trivial. Try to let them go? and go with the flow! 7. Find opportunities throughout the day to bond and make a human connection. Make a conscious and loving effort to be attentive and live in the present moment. A sure fire quick way to work yourself up is to let your mind run a million miles an hour of things you could, should or would be doing. These random relentless thoughts will just make you anxious and nervous. Take the time to look into peoples' eyes; listen carefully to what they have to say and pass them a compliment about something you know is important to them. That goes for strangers too! You will enjoy your time together that much more? and so will they. 8. Change up the scenery. Rather than going through your same daily routine, shake it up a bit! Close your eyes at night before you drift off and sleepily anticipate a self indulgent wild and crazy day. Roll out of bed on the opposite side. Light a scented candle in the bathroom and watch the flame flicker in the morning light. Crank up your favorite piece of inspiring music before you do anything else in the morning. Walk backward through the house. Try tea instead of coffee. Call an old friend you haven't talked to in ages. Talk to strangers! Take the scenic route home. Wave to the stressed out folks who cut you off on the freeway. What else can you think of that could change up your scenery and shake some smiles out of you? 9. Treat yourself as you would treat others. Write yourself a love note. Buy yourself fresh stems of flowers. Soak your feet. Valet park the car. Have your groceries delivered. Send your undies to the cleaners. Snuggle with a blankie. Take a long walk. Sleep in. Watch the sunset. Sing yourself a love song. Do all the things for yourself you wish others would do for you! Enjoy the most fabulous holiday season of all times! julie@shesite.com 714-834-1137 Julie Hunt is a female icon and founder of SHE, the foremost inspiration and personal development resource for women who want to live brilliant, happy, successful lives. Marketing consultant, sales expert, copywriting guru, improvisational actress, yoga instructor, author and just plain cool chick? she's an inspiration to hundreds of women. She is on a mission to scream, skip, advise and acquaint with women around the globe who want live a vivacious life busting at the seams!
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Seven Great Holiday Decorating Tips--Without Breaking the Bank If you're looking for great ways to decorate your home this glorious holiday season--without breaking the bank and losing your sanity in the process--here are seven terrific ideas to get you started. The Christmas Dress From the time I was a very little girl, I had always loved to watch my big sister, Loretta, when she was sewing. So, one Sunday afternoon while she worked on the red velveteen jumper that was going to be my Christmas outfit, I didn't want to miss a single thing. Wake Up ? Its Almost Fathers Day Father's Day is approaching fast. In the USA it falls on the third Sunday of June which this year is June 19th 2005. So if you start planning now, you still have time left to come up with the ideal gift for your Dad. And don't forget that Father's Day is the perfect day to honor other important men-folk in your life, not just your Dad. So don't forget your husband, your grandfather, your father-in-law, or a favorite uncle. Christmas Shopping for a New Love Christmas is a magical time of year, especially for those of us paired off and in love. If you are in a new relationship, however, Christmas can be a bit unnerving. What do you get for your new love? How much should you spend? How personal should your gift be? These are questions that plague those in the honeymoon stage of their relationship and beyond. There really is no blanket system that will work for every relationship or every person, but here are some basic tips that may make your holiday shopping a little bit easier on you, your piece of mind, and perhaps your wallet. Thanksgiving Memories Turkey ... Stuffing ... Cranberry Sauce ... Pumpkin Pie 10 Tips to a Stress Free Holiday "The stress-free way to enjoy the holidays is to plan, take one step at a time, and have a sense of humor." Beth Tabak Traditional Anniversary Gifts Year by Year, the Twentieth - One Hundred Years Twentieth through the twenty-fourth anniversaries traditional gift is china. Vintage china tea cups, bone china ornaments or a replacement piece for your own china are presents to consider along with a table for two at a Chinese restaurant or a trip to China. Bathed in Blue - Love Can Happen for You Whether you know him by Eros or Cupid, this son of the Goddess Venus aka Aphrodite, has long been associated with Valentines Day. Cupid the cheeky cherub loves to play and delights in aiming his pointed arrows at unsuspecting victims. When his arrow pierces your heart- you will fall madly and deeply in love. Stress-Free Holiday Entertaining The holiday season is upon us! It is a time when family and friends gather together. Some people love to entertain and enjoy bringing people together. Others feel stressed with these obligations. Whether it is a large gala for everyone you know, hosting the family holiday dinner or just having a few close friends over for a meal, planning and organization can make the difference between feeling stressed and being able to enjoy your event. The following simple tips can help you prepare your house, prepare the food and handle the final details. Incredibles Kid Birthday Party Idea Mr. Incredible and Elastiwoman to the Rescue. The Incredibles based on the hit Disney movie has become a favorite fun kid birthday party theme. The Incredibles Invitations Have fun creating a "top secret" message as your Incredibles child birthday party theme invitation. You might say something like this. "Calling all superheros... The Incredibles need your help!" "You're invited to help Mr. Incredible and Elastiwoman protect our city from the evil villain, "syndrom" at (insert the first and last name of your birthday child)'s birthday party... And we're celebrating with The Incredibles." "The superhero birthday action begins on (date of party)." "Our superhero birthday party location is top secret and will be known only to our superhero guests... Only by holding this invitation up and facing it toward a mirror will you be able to decode this secret address message." (Write the address backwards on the invitation so it will appear correctly when held up to a mirror). "Our superhero birthday party fun begins at (time) and will end at (time)." "Superhero refreshments will be served." "All superhero party guests are requested to RSVP using the secret telephone number known only to our invited superhero guests.(phone number)" "Every party guest wearing an Incredibles costume will be given a special secret party favor." Have fun and be creative with your invitation. Your guests will quickly get the idea that this party is going to be special. They won't be able to wait for your birthday party! The Incredibles Decorations Yellow, red and black are the main colors for The Incredibles. Get your Incredibles birthday party theme started right. Decorate with yellow, red and black balloons, and crepe paper... Put "superhero" signs all over the place. Next to your telephone put a sign that reads "telephone for superheros only." On the door to the restroom put up a sign that reads, "Superhero Restroom." Have fun, be creative, it's an Incredibles superhero party! On your front door, attach yellow, red and black balloons and a sign that reads "Secret Location, (name of your birthday child)'s Incredibles, superhero birthday party." Incredibles Birthday Party Theme Costumes Costumes are a great way to get everyone into your Incredibles birthday party theme. There are excellent online party stores and costume stores where you'll find a great selection of costumes including The Incredibles... Or you can try putting together your own costume... Using yellow, red and black as your main colors, put together your own creative version of Mr. Incredible or Elastiwoman. Say Cheese Remember your camera, digital camera and video camera... You're going to want to take lots of pictures and video of your birthday child and all their friends in costume. You'll want to remember how everyone looked in their Incredibles birthday party theme costumes. Get Your Incredibles Party Started Right You want to start your party as soon as the first guest arrives... Don't sit around waiting for everyone else, start having fun. Have a large glass or glass jar filled with yellow and red jelly beans and tell each guest to use their superhero X-Ray vision to guess how many jelly beans are in the jar... Write everyone's name on one piece of paper and put their guess next to their name... Then just before your party ends, announce the superhero guest with the best X-Ray vision. (whoever guessed closest to the actual number of jelly beans in the jar wins.) And remember to actually count the number of jelly beans you put in the jar before your birthday party begins... Then write the actual number on a piece of paper and put that piece of paper somewhere safe and where you can easily get to it. The Incredibles Movie And CD Fun Set your Incredibles birthday party theme right away by having The Incredibles movie DVD or video playing on your TV as your guests arrive. (You can turn the sound down low or off)... You can also surprise your birthday child by announcing that The Incredibles DVD or video is one of their birthday gifts... For music during your birthday party games and activities, play The Incredibles movie soundtrack CD. This is an excellent way to keep your Incredibles birthday party theme going... You can also make the CD a gift for your birthday child. The Incredibles Coloring Book Depending on the age of your group, you can pick up an Incredibles coloring book and some small boxes of crayons... Take pages out of the coloring book and let your party guests choose pages to color... This is also a fairly quiet activity. The Incredibles Puzzle Kids love puzzles and what better way for your guests to get to know each other than working on a puzzle together... Having a puzzle that fits your Incredibles birthday party theme is an added bonus. The Incredibles Superhero Food and Drink Even The Incredibles superheros need to replentish their energy after a long day of saving the world from the villainous "Syndrom." Consider these fun superhero foods How about a "superhero sandwich?" Let each guest build their own (super) hero sandwich... Keep it simple and put fun superhero labels on everything. "Power Bread" "More Power Mustard" "Red Energy Sauce" (ketchup) "Power Pickles" "Total Energy Turkey" "Super-Sauce Mayo" "Mr. Incredible Celery" "Elastiwoman Cheese Slices" "Raw Energy Raisins" "Power Packed Carrot Sticks" The Incredibles Superhero Energy Drinks Try mixing Ginger Ale with cherry ice cream for a colorful superhero drink. Punch can be re-named "The Incredibles Super Sauce" For a fun and creative drink project, let your party guests mix three different and colorful Cool Aid drinks and Ginger Ale into their very own superhero drink... Cherry and Lime anyone? For extra fizz, let them add pop-rocks... Your Incredibles birthday party theme is going to be a big hit! For more FREE kid birthday party ideas visit us at: Fun-Kid-Birthday-Parties.com Dont Want Another Carpet Sweeper This Year For Christmas? Unique "Drop-A-Hint" Plan Sends Your Gift Wishes Via E-mail Color Easter Eggs Naturally With Dyes From Your Kitchen The most beautiful dyes for Easter eggs come from foodstuff you probably already have in your kitchen. Mothers Day Shopping Ideas Do you know a Mom who needs to be thanked for the tireless effort she makes every day to her family? Does your Mom get the appreciation she deserves? While we all know we should tell our mothers how much we love her every week, sometimes our day to day routine can make us forget. This Mother's Day, make Mom feel extra special! By following the gift ideas and tips below, you're sure to make this year's Mother's day a great one, something she will cherish and remember, and all at the same time keeping an eye on your checkbook. Are You Going To Survive The Holidays? Admit it! You promised this year was not going to be like the last few...and here you are, it is December and guess what? You did it again! The TO DO list is growing by the day right along side the gift list. If the holidays are stressful and you start to wish they didn't come each year then you are doing something wrong and you need to regroup. Not to worry...we are here to help! The Origins of Mothers Day Mother's Day is, in many countries, a day for celebrating motherhood and thanking mothers. Mothers often receive gifts on this day, and it is a huge time of year for mail. In 1973, the U.S. Postal Service was held up for 8 days because of the constant flow of letters and cards. An Easy Gift For Many Occasions It can be very hard to find that one perfect gift for someone. How many times have you pondered over what to buy for a 36th birthday or an 18th anniversary? 10 Holiday Sober Savers 2004 1.) BEGIN NOW !!! New Year?s Resolution ? Why Not Resolve To Take Back Your Life? It's time once again for the dreaded New Year's Resolutions. Most of us make them; few of us keep them for more than a few months. New Year's resolutions range anywhere from loosing weight to being more organized to finishing your education and the list goes on. But, have you ever thought about resolving to get your life back? "What does this mean?" you ask. Holiday Dieting: A Sweet Way To Cheat! If your diet is making you a humbug this season, there's some good news. Turns out dark chocolate, that decadent confection, may actually be good for you! Eggs-travagant Eggs Wonderfully simple to do and oh so impressive! ![]() |
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