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I Just Love It!
"I Just Love It!" You know the scenario. You're sitting at the family Christmas gathering and your ten-year-old opens one of Aunt Martha's itchy homemade sweaters. Or Uncle Bobby, who's been swearing to lose twenty pounds for years, opens an exercise cycle. Of course, if Uncle Bobby follows the politeness rule, he'll say, "Thank you, it's just what I wanted." (Then he'll conveniently "forget" about it in the basement or storage closet.) your ten-year-old may not be as skilled at pretending as Uncle Bobby, but kids know enough to know that any answer other than "Thank you, Aunt Martha, I love it" will raise the roof. There's nothing wrong with pretending you like a gift that someone has consciously bought because they think it suits you, you'll like it, or it will be good for you. The saying "It's the thought that counts" is a truism. Unless you habitually don't put much thought into your gifts. Have you stopped to look at other people's faces when they open your gifts? The excuse "I'm too busy" only goes so far, and your children know it. If you can take time out of your week to exercise (or not, in Uncle Bobby's case, and who knows, Uncle Bobby might have a physical reason for not losing those twenty pounds), rent a video, go jogging, go to the movies, you can put some thought into the gifts beyond recycling last year's "I love it" items or heading to the mall. It's important to let kids know that regardless of the gift, sometimes politeness above and beyond the call of duty is required. However, you personally can create more honesty from your kids and with your kids when it comes to gifts. Remember when your ten-year-old made you a clay ashtray? You don't smoke, but you cherish that homemade gift. Or how about when your parents hung your macaroni ornaments on the tree and your pictures of Santa on the fireplace? You genuinely said "I love it" and meant it. Your children could tell. Your parents were sincere with you. You are what you give, how you give it, and how you receive gifts. It's easy to moan that the true meaning of Christmas has been lost for our children. It's harder to turn away from the traditional gift-giving grudge. Some tips: * Start making homemade gifts of your own. Gifts of food, especially Christmas cookies, are always in season, and people genuinely love cookies. * Start a Christmas cookie party or recipe swap with your family and friends. Get everyone involved. (Be sure to make some healthy alternatives for Uncle Bobby.) * Make a donation in someone's name, say to a breast cancer organization, a hospital, a homeless shelter, a nursing home. * Be honest about what you can spend. Be creative. Perhaps if you can't buy everyone a nice gift, you can take friends out for a pre-Christmas dinner instead of everyone frantically buying gifts. * How many times have you said, "Oh, I don't want anything, I'll love whatever you give me?" Kids are great at making requests. Take a lesson from them. It's dishonest to expect others to read your mind and then be disappointed about the gifts you receive. * Encourage others to be honest about what they want. Even if you can't afford it you can ask for some wish list items, or say that you make most of your Christmas presents. * Always let your children know you love them regardless of any gifts that are exchanged. Above all, remember that the first gift of Christmas is love, and that's something no one can fake. Kristin Johnson is co-author of the "enthusiastically recommended" Midwest Book Review pick, Christmas Cookies Are For Giving: Stories, Recipes and Tips for Making Heartwarming Gifts (ISBN: 0-9723473-9-9). A downloadablemedia kit is available at our Web site, http://www.christmascookiesareforgiving.com, or e-mail the publisher (info@tyrpublishing.com) to receive a printed media kit and sample copy of the book. More articles available at http://www.bakingchristmascookies.com
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Ready for Christmas? Enjoy an Organized Holiday This Year 1. Keep a stack of directions TO your place for people who need to know how to get to your home or office. This prevents you from having to write them out every time you are asked. Type the directions and save them on your computer. This way you can email, fax, or mail them the directions. Make copies and keep them accessible. It is also helpful to keep directions FROM your place for future visits you need to make. Christmas Gifts For Dolphin Lovers Choosing a dolphin lover gift may not be as easy as it is for a pet lover, but that is not to say it is not possible. In fact, you will find quite a range of dolphin related gifts around the internet, although in your local store it may be hit and miss as to whether you will find anything. In my case, I received the true, ultimate dolphin lover gift, some years ago, but more of that later. Simplify the Season Let's take a look at a typical Christmas To-Do list: bake cookies, buy and make gifts, attend office party, church commitments, address and mail cards, clean the house for guests, decorate...it goes on and on.... Gift of the Month Clubs: The Lazy Mans Guide to Gift Giving If you are like me and are a very lousy shopper and always end up getting everyone the wrong gift at Christmas time, think about a Gift-of-the-Month Club. G.O.M Clubs have all the things the lazy gift giver requires: Ease of purchase, no shopping at the dreaded mall and an almost guaranteed positive response accompanied by a monthly "At-A-Boy" from the recipient. And there are plenty of clubs to choose from for everyone on your gift-giving list. Christmas Shopping Online Might Or Might Not Be For Everyone: This Article Shows How Doing It Onlin Christmas shopping online is not for you? If you are one of those that share this thought, you probably like to enjoy the atmosphere of physical shopping. Doing your Christmas shopping online despite all its convenience, lack the festive mood. The convenience of online shopping has reduced the shopping experience to a browse and click mode, no mood and very little atmosphere. Easter Flowers Easter is Sunday, March 27th! Don't forget the flowers! Your spring celebration is the perfect setting for beautiful flowers! You can also have a lovely floral gift delivered to your loved ones for Easter! Christmas Gifts For Dog Lovers Let's admit it, the US and UK are both countries of dog lovers, and dog owners love to indulge their dogs like children. You only have to listen to a dog owner call out to their dog, playing in the park or field, to realise how devoted they can be. Being devoted, dog lovers, and their friends, like to give dog gifts. Create Warm Memories with Holiday Traditions I remember just a handful of the Christmas presents I received as a child: My first Barbie doll with her skinny black sequined gown. My soft, pink Pat-a-Burp doll. The microscope I got in second grade. Make a Golden Christmas Tree Several Years ago while I was shopping for Christmas I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the holiday arrangements at the department store I was in. Sweet 16th Birthday Party Ideas Is there any party more delightful than sweet 16? If you're stuck for 16th birthday party ideas, then you need to sit back and start counting! It's easy enough if you remember that a sweet 16 party is all about that magic number. How many sweet sixteen balloons do you buy? Sixteen, of course! A Diamond Christmas 2004! When Archduke Maximillian of Austria bestowed a diamond ring on Mary of Burgundy in 1477, giving a diamond as a symbol of love and commitment was birthed. Prior to this only royalty wore diamonds, believing they symbolized strength and courage. The root of the word diamond comes from the Greek word "adamas", which means unconquerable". Other folklore surrounding diamonds links them to Cupid, whose arrows were said to be tipped with diamonds. Mothers Day Gift Ideas Do you remember the days when your mother used to bring those surprise gifts for you? You just loved the sight of those big packages wrapped in beautiful gift papers, didn't you? What did you find when you opened those packets? Wasn't it always just what you wanted? The pretty doll in the window you longed to have for so long, the toy car that could be operated by remote control or a walkie-talkie. Ever wondered how mother always knew what you really needed? How heart-warming it would be to see the same joy and happiness light up your mother's face today. Yes, it is your turn now to make her happy. What better occasion than Mothers' Day. Mothers day gifts are all that you need to see her radiate that warmth your are so well acquainted with. Lets have a look at some of the great ideas for Mothers day gifts: If your mother is as net savvy as you are then begin the day by sending her personalized online greetings. You can select from a range of lovely online greetings cards. Valentines Day ? Where Did THAT Come From? Just as soon as the stores put away their Christmas merchandise, out comes the Valentine's Day items - even though Valentine's is still more than six weeks away. Christmas Decorating Ideas - Edible Ornaments Although it is now more decades away than I care to admit too often, there were four things I loved most about my childhood Christmases in England: Memorial Day: 3 Ways To Honor American Soldiers The last Monday of May since 1868, has been designated as Memorial Day. Now, during that weekend, beer and picnic supply sales skyrocket. Travelers drive our nation's highways en masse. And don't forget the Indy 500. The Perfect Birthday Present for that Little Girl (No Batteries Required) The Dilemma Giving Thanks Can you believe that Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away? What does Thanksgiving mean to you? For many of us it means turkey, dressing, pies and all the other goodies that go along with it. It also means family. But what else does it mean? Great Gifts Under $5 Gift giving is at its absolute finest during the Christmas season. Putting smiles on children's faces, making an elderly person feel appreciated, rewarding a hardworking employee - the reasons for gift giving at Christmas are endless. Christmas is the most popular time for gift giving, and it is no secret that Christmas is also the favorite time for marriage proposals. Consider the Egg The glorious egg, with its deep links to Creation mythology, is one of the oldest symbols of life and rebirth known to us. Many gods, demons and heroes have sprung from eggs. It's a symbol of new life in cultures as far apart as Polynesian, Chinese, Phoenician, Egyptian and Greek and represents resurrection in Christian belief. Losing Weight During The Holiday Season--Can It Be Done? Thirteen years ago I became quite intrigued with the idea of LOSING WEIGHT DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON. Even knowing the chances of finding success with this idea was highly slim I was nevertheless still intrigued. ![]() |
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