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Valentine?s Day - Online Worship
Gazing the wide stretched blue carpet, with blows of zephyrs whispering and blowing leaves away, is the best way to rest your mind from the day-to-day hassle. It's the time when every living thing seems to grow and is nourished by the augmentation of spring. The basic demand of existence is to get inner contentment, which can be obtained by the internal & external stability of an entity. In my two optically active balls the stability desire for man & women fluctuate in many ways. Man & woman made for each other may have different attitudes for gaining inner contention but share parallel ideas for gaining eternal and sentimental contentment. This doesn't differentiate between any cast creed and race; all same one in for all. And the best way to articulate your feelings is to blast the mind-set on lovers' day so called "Valentine's Day". Every February across the whole world candies, flowers, gifts and cards are exchanged between the lovers, which is in remembrance of St. Valentine. Obviously we are living in an Islamic republic and here the concept of Christianity should not last but he has done some thing exceptional that's why every religion is celebrating this day in his respect and spreading the message, which he narrated and preached in his time. There are many beliefs about this myth and this history is still cloaked in ambiguity. St. Valentine's Day contains remnants of both Christian and ancient Roman Tradition. Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine, all of whom were martyred. According to one myth, Valentine's Day started in the time of the Roman Empire! According to a myth, St. Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II Rome was involved in many blood-spattered and ostracized campaigns. Claudius the brutal was having a difficult time getting armed forces to join his military leagues. He believed that the cause was that roman men did not want to leave their loves or families. As a result, Claudius cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome. The good Saint Valentine was a priest at Rome in the days of Claudius II. He and Saint Marius aided the Christian martyrs and secretly married couples, and for this kind deed Saint Valentine was detained and dragged before the Prefect of Rome, who condemned him to be beaten to death with clubs and to have his head cut off. He suffered martyrdom on the 14th day of February, about the year 270. According to another legend, Valentine actually sent the first 'Valentine' greeting him self. While he was in prison, Valentine fell in love with the jailer's daughter. Many young people came to the jail to visit him and they threw flowers and notes up to St. Valentine's window. They wanted him to know that they, too, believed in love. One of those young people was the daughter of the prison guard. Her father allowed her to visit him in the cell. Sometimes they would sit and talk for hours. She helped him to keep his spirits up. She agreed that he did the right thing by ignoring the Emperor and going ahead with the secret marriages. On the day he was to die, he left a little note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty. He signed it, "Love from your Valentine." That note started the custom of exchanging love messages on Valentine's Day. It was written on the day St. Valentine died, February 14, 270 A.D. Now, every year on this day, people remember. But most importantly, they think about love and friendship. And when they think of Emperor Claudius, they remember how he tried to stand in the way of love, and they laugh -- because they know that love can't be beaten! Since that it's been a custom in most of all societies to express their emotions and love to their beloveds. The greeting card association mentions an estimated figure of one billion about the Valentines cards, which are sent across the world. This is the second largest card-sending holiday of the year first being Christmas. Women purchase approximately 85% of all valentines' cards. Well this is a proven fact that women either black or white regardless of creed always are sensitive about the occasions of life. Whether it is their first love anniversary or breakup date, they would always think about the dates when they tied any virtual or real knot. Cupid, another symbol of holiday, as he is the son of Venus, Roman god of love. A love seat is a wide chair, which was first made to seat one woman and her wide dress. Later the love seat or courting seat had two sections, often in an S-shape. In this way a couple could sit together. The first Valentine message (apart from the one St Valentine wrote himself!) is thought to be a verse from Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife in 1415. He was captured at the Battle of Agincourt and was imprisoned in the Tower of London to await execution. But Valentine's Day didn't become popular in the UK until the 17th century. By the 18th century it was traditional for people to exchange handwritten messages of love. Printed cards soon replaced these, making it easier for people to say, "I love you" secretly. Charles d'Orléans' ballade, composed in French and English, hearkens back to Chaucer's Parliament of Fowles. Written valentines began to appear after 1400. The oldest "valentine" in existence was made in the 1400's and is in the British Museum. Paper valentines were exchanged in Europe where they were given in place of valentine gifts. Paper valentines were especially popular in England. Early valentines were made by hand and were made with colored paper, watercolors, and colored inks. This was all about the history of the great Valentines Day. Now lets enjoy! I mean talk about the stuff given on this eve and the celebrations across the world. On this day it's common for friends and lovers in all-social gatherings to exchange gifts flowers and hand written notes as a token of love and affection. Ready-made cards are also an easy way of expressing your emotions to your beloveds. The favorite symbols of valentine includes 'oh my love you like a red rose' which is said mostly to a women as rose is the symbol of peace, love and forgiveness. The eternal lovers are searching for their love all over and waiting for this day to come so that they can build all the courage they have to shower their love with flowers, chocolates, cards and gifts. You must have written a perfect love letter (now can be an email) may be once in a life time but I will here narrate one which is designed for those who are short of words and cant make their feelings explicable. This email has been a fruitful one and I hope same in future. A perfect Email for your Valentine! To My Valentine, From Your Valentine! Online Festivity of Valentine's Day: What do you think about online love? Obviously love is always on the line but most powerful method of getting socially sound is, now days, through computers which is the holy modernization as is a catalyst in God's affairs. Email, Internet and Chat groups (communities) are three major examples of these catalysts. Online dating has been very common abroad and through this people can find their soul mates with the blink of eye. These are the forms which has given a rapid change to human to carve their own future and has made searching their mates easy. A number of sites have been designed specially to entangle singles that are in search and can meet, greet and feast on this special day. From friendship to marriages people are now reliable on spending their time on Internet rather than going out for a physical search. Virtual world has made every thing easy and available at doors. The attraction to "online rather cyber relations" are no more only for the teens or desperate men but its grabbing the attraction of sapiens on this planet. As in this era people are devoid of time and cant take time out to go physically and spend loads of time and after that all efforts going in vain as ending up in an early breakup. Many times lovers don't get time to talk about their likes and dislikes. Internet is the best way as while chatting or signing up in any community people there are from your interest and caters a wide range of ideas to be interchanged. Not to overlook those who are still in hunt of their soul mate. Cupid will surely hit them with his arrow one day. So for those, start hunting for the partner in a party arranged for this special day. Arrange a singles' party where bid all your friends and their friends to choose amongst them. As it was done in early ages in Europe, don't through balloting but just enjoying the party along with friends and their acquaintances. If at home then think about your puppy love or crushes. Read a good love book, (my fave is Men from Mars and women from Venus) watch a romantic movie and make your favorite dish in dinner and dine with family if not going out. You can also present a gift to your parents on this occasion to tell them they mean a lot to you regardless of the fact that it is lover's day. Online dating as mentioned earlier has been a very successful method of interaction. A famous website namely orkut is one of the hit amongst youth. It's not specifically an online dating but a community through which you can discover the old friends and search new ones. Posting of special events which are being arrange on this valentine is on the list. These events include bachelors' party, parties for couples and a lot more. Announcements of the events are also done on other sites but this is genuinely considered less fake! Red has been a color of love, passion and sentiments since ages. So you can see many of the websites loaded with the images of red balloons, flowers and hearts. Once there was a website which contained a special article on the Valentine's Day and had Cupid in its cursor. For once I thought I am now the goddess of love and can hit anyone with my arrow. The best gift for the upcoming Valentine's Day is a romantic love announcement through Internet. It needs great courage for an introverted boy to say, 'I love you', face to face, then why not let me help you announce your undying devotion," Sun said. Sun Lin (Shanghai Star January 27, 2003) is one of the few professional short message writers in Shanghai and every week he has to frame his brain to create at least 30 love messages on the Internet. Sun admitted that he is not a love expert. In fact he felt embarrassed when, in 2000, his department leader informed him that the company planned to initiate an online business named, "Sending love through the Internet" and he has been chosen - a 20-year-old boy just graduated from college - to be responsible for creating all the content. "As an occupation targeting young people, the first thing you have to know is to find out what they are pursuing. The Internet is the fastest, easiest way to achieve that", He says. Some of the couples that met through Internet and are now happily married were interviewed. Natasha and Umair both belong to entirely different subjects of life. Natasha studying in College of business and management (CBM) and other an engineer from NED. Natasha had a problem that she never wanted to engross her self in to the arrange marriage and couldn't get the man of her choice. Even having a pretty face, she was seen always complaining about guys as she was never satisfied or when contented was afraid of the refusal. At the age of 24 she met a guy of 26 on the Internet through a chat room and her life started blooming. They started off discussing about social issues, home issues, and environmental issues then in the last their personal issues. With the duration of one year they realized that things were going smooth and they thought of tying the knot. No one has got time to rummage around, you just go online and browse communities you are interested in and click the right person to get hold of. Petite and precise! Another true story, which BBC News covered in November 2002, was about Graham Freeman and Deb who found their love online. The two had met on Internet dating service match.com, only four months before, but 36-year-old Graham had little doubt he was falling in love. He told BBC News Online: "I think you know in a few emails if you're on the same wavelength, and after a month or two, you're 99% sure." His belief is supported by research from Internet psychologists, which suggests that getting to know each other online before meeting is a recipe for long-term stability. People do their own selection process on the Internet, so when you meet for the first time, you have a good knowledge of their interests and what makes them tick. And you have a much more flowing conversation than if you just met them in a restaurant. In life you have to be a little street smart and the Internet is no different. It's not difficult to have a conversation with someone and ask questions to see if they're real. You have to be a bit watchful, as there are few bad apples everywhere. Have you ever thought about the fact that why many of us are under the obsessive-compulsive syndrome to which we call LOVE! Being in love with your partner because of his/her one characteristic is mostly seen but have you ever loved some one without a reason? It's hard but to love partners' some thing might have fascinated you. One of the best ways to communicate and be open about your feelings on this day is through words. Though actions speak louder than words, if the acts can't be done then words can do wonders. A special, sentimental love poem by you or some one else, some platonic verses or quotes can surely convey your thoughts. Now there are number of websites on which thousands of poems on Valentine are narrated. You, with the click of your mouse, can get the most potent tool to electrify your beloved. Writing the perfect poem might be difficult for some people so we have valentine poem for the readers as well. See My Love See Let the fête begin! There are thousand ways of celebrating the Valentine's Day with your beloveds but few are worth mentioning. It's been a survey how people want to and rejoice the Valentine's Day. May be these ideas are worth reading for you as you can implement one! 1. The most common idea of celebrating Valentine's Day is going out for a dinner; obviously candle helps making the mood up for a romance. Then exchange gifts with a nice hug. Turn on the music and relax. 2. Relaxing on the beach and hanging out for the whole day is also not a bad idea. If you are not a party animal then this might be your kind of celebration. With the cool breeze and welcoming waves, you can enjoy the lunch, music and gifts all in one. Say it this is the time! 3. Making each other know about your feelings, to exchange gifts, renewing vows and planning of celebrating at the fave place is also voted by many. Especially by young college students. 4. Flowers, chocolates, gifts and cards always add body to this feast. 5. Some people also like to go out for movies to celebrate this occasion not to forget the stargaze! These were few of the ways of celebrating Valentine's Day. Now comes the important part i.e. if you are to propose. You need to assemble valor for the most popping thing. Through the actions you may conquer one's heart but to propose some one for marriage is the biggest chore. People even with lion's heart tremble at the time of proposing. So have you made your plans for the upcoming Valentine's Day? If not then go and browse through the virtual world, you may come across thousands of other ways about the festivity of this event and may be you'll find your Valentine!!!! Let's Celebrate this day with bliss and zest in spite of the fact that it's Christian's or ancient Roman's tradition. Regardless of the custom, we should get elation out of every fête as this existence is undersized and we should bestow our lives to benefit from little things. There is hardly a question who gets their lovers on this day, the thing, which matters how many, can survive through thick and thin & how they carry their relationship. Think about the way you want to celebrate the cherish moment of your love hunt, the successful life with different priorities & do speak your heart out to cultivate the stability for your own contention. Rumaisa Aslam
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