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Tribute to Dad
Father's Day should not be the only day that we celebrate Dads. I think we should make Fathers feel special all year long! As a wife and mother I would like to celebrate husbands with children. They are an awesome breed. I am personally thankful for a husband who works hard so that I can be a stay at home Mom. That is a gift to our children they will never forget. I see him come home after a long night and gaze lovingly at our children and in my heart I know it is worth it to him. As a daughter I would like to celebrate all that my dad is. He is a patient and loving man who taught me the importance of good penmanship (LOL), good manners, faith, and how to love. I am sure as you are reading this you can think of all the things your Father taught you. Father's are not perfect but they are priceless. Let me share with you how Father's Day started... In 1909 a woman named Sonora Dodd was sitting in a church pew listening to a Mother's Day sermon. She began to think about her Father, William Smart. You see Sonora's Mother died while giving birth to her. Her Father, a Civil War Veteran, was left to raise her and five other children alone. Sonora wanted to create a special day to honor him for all of the sacrifices and love he had given to her and her siblings. The very first Father's Day celebration was on June 19, 1910. In 1966 President Lyndon Johnson made the third Sunday in June as the official day. It was not until President Richard Nixon signed a bill in 1972 that it became an official US National Holiday. So, Let's celebrate Dads...not just today...but...ALL YEAR LONG! Here is a link to some great breakfast recipes for breakfast in bed for Dad: http://www.therecipefinder.com/breakfastrecipes.html In closing, here are some famous quotes about Fathers... "It is a wise father that knows his own child." -- William Shakespeare "One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters." -- English Proverb "I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection." -- Sigmund Freud "If the new American father feels bewildered and even defeated, let him take comfort from the fact that whatever he does in any fathering situation has a fifty percent chance of being right." -- Bill Cosby HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! My name is Lara Velez and I am the Editor-in-Chief of The Recipe Finder's online cooking magazine. Visit today: http://www.therecipefinder.com
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No More Ties! Homemade Fathers Day Gift Ideas If you are like me, you never know what to get dad for Father's Day. Well, today, you'll get a few ideas that will get you out of a bind any time. 30th Birthday Gift Ideas Choosing a birthday gift for a friend about to turn thirty years old can be a challenging task. You want to honor the special day with a unique gift, but not necessarily draw attention to their age. After all, thirty is the pivotal year of life when we transition from young adults to full-fledged grownups. Make your loved one feel their best on their big day by choosing a gift that focuses on the beginning of his or her life, not the number of years that have passed. Mothers Day is coming-Dont Blow It! Mother's Day is May 8th. And, you do realize all of the things that the Mom in your life has done for you and your family, right? Then you must know that a bouquet of flowers and card, though very sweet, are not all it takes to make Mother's Day a true holiday. The Origins of Mothers Day Most people mistakenly believe that Mother's Day is an invention of the greeting card manufacturers and flower shops - a cynical ploy to make the nation spend millions of dollars each year on greetings cards and flowers. However, the roots of the holiday are more elevated than this and go back much further, right back to the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Secrets to a Stress Free Holiday December and all the excitement that comes with it can either be one of the most pleasant times of year or one of the most stressful. Even though the holidays are a couple of months away, there are things you can do to make it an extremely pleasant season. Texas Exotic Hunting Texas Exotic Hunting is a popular sport in this state. Hog hunting in Texas and dove hunting in Texas are both considered exotic. It?s Time to Start Thinking about Mothers Day Mother's Day is approaching fast. This year it falls on Sunday, May 8th, so you still have time left to come up with the ideal gift for your Mom. And don't forget that Mother's Day is an ideal day to honor any woman in your life, not just your Mom. So don't forget your wife, your grandmother, your daughter, your mother-in-law, your niece or even a favorite aunt. With a little thought and planning now, you can avoid rushing out to buy the usual flowers and candy that you give year after year. Buying the perfect gift does involve some thought, but it is precisely this thought that will make her realize just how much you love and appreciate her. So consider her likes and dislikes, her interests and her personality. Ask any mom and she will tell you that it is best to avoid "useful" items that relate to any form of housework. Before your start your shopping spree, think about how much your budget will allow and then make sure that you buy the best that you can afford. Stay away from mass produced items, and look for the more original high quality hand-crafted items. Do you want to give one gift or a selection of cheaper products and have them combined into a gift basket? Don't forget that most stores, including online stores will be happy to gift wrap your gift for you, to save you the time and effort. Never a convenient time to go shopping? Online shopping makes it easy to buy the perfect Mother's Day gift at the time most convenient for you ? even if that is 3 A.M and you are in your wearing your PJ's. Most reputable online stores will allow you to order now, with a shipping date nearer to Mother's Day, and they will not charge your credit card until the order is ready to ship. This will save you last minute stress and allow you the maximum choice of gifts. Shipping should be cheaper too, as you will not have to pay for expensive overnight shipping. Does your mom live far away? Then have the gift shipped directly to your mom, if you will not be able to deliver it yourself this Mother's Day. So what should you give her this year? Does your mom work really hard all year round taking care of others, with little time to pamper herself? If so, a gift certificate for a pampering treatment at a local spa might be the answer. How about an exquisite piece of jewelry? This does not have to be as expensive as it sounds. You can buy her beautiful handcrafted jewelry, with a mix of semiprecious stones and high quality glass that should not break your budget. Or, let her know that she is the light of your life with a beautiful scented candle or oil lamp. These make a long lasting gift and their life can often be extended by reusing it by burning a tea-light inside the shell or by refilling the oil. Still not ready to give up on the flowers this Mother's Day? Then how about a dried flower arrangement or wreath that will remind her all year round how much you love her. A Dash of Cinnamon, A Pinch of the Past, A Smidgen of the Future Close your eyes and remember December, the smell of cinnamon in your mother's or grandmother's kitchen and the warm scent of dough baking in the oven. Imagine opening the oven door and, with assistance, taking out the heated cookie sheet. Devour the cookies, small works of art, with your eyes: Fudge Brownies, Gingerbread, Nut Rolls, Painted Cookies, Sugar Cookies... With each bite, taste your childhood and family history. You can trace your blood and traditions not by DNA, genealogies and family heirlooms, but by recipes given from one generation to the next, like oral histories handed down in clans before recorded fact caught on. Outdoor Halloween Decorations Few things are more thrilling for a trick-or-treater than walking up to a house detailed with ghastly Halloween decorations. Whether you use complicated props like swooping ghosts, or simple, classic decorations, like glowing jack-o-lanterns, scarecrows, and indian corn, your house will delight visitors. A haunted yard, complete with fun Halloween decorations, makes a fine setting for outdoor parties in good weather, as well. Mothers Day Gift Ideas Do you remember the days when your mother used to bring those surprise gifts for you? You just loved the sight of those big packages wrapped in beautiful gift papers, didn't you? What did you find when you opened those packets? Wasn't it always just what you wanted? The pretty doll in the window you longed to have for so long, the toy car that could be operated by remote control or a walkie-talkie. Ever wondered how mother always knew what you really needed? How heart-warming it would be to see the same joy and happiness light up your mother's face today. Yes, it is your turn now to make her happy. What better occasion than Mothers' Day. Mothers day gifts are all that you need to see her radiate that warmth your are so well acquainted with. Lets have a look at some of the great ideas for Mothers day gifts: If your mother is as net savvy as you are then begin the day by sending her personalized online greetings. You can select from a range of lovely online greetings cards. Three Steps to Reduce Holiday Stress for Your Kitty The annual holidays can be a very stressful time for your cat. This is the time of the year when that strange tree goes up, bright trinkets are hung (but all your cat hears is "No, no, bad kitty!" when she tries to explore them), delicious food is prepared (cats need not apply to eat it!), and lots of strange people come tramping into the house. Tis The Season I was listening to one of my favorite radio talk programs today. The topic of the hour was "do you feel burdened by Christmas?" Much to my amazement the host, and the majority of his guests, spent the better part of an hour whining and moaning about the burdensome nature of the holiday season. "I hate being with my relatives." "Why do I have to spend all this money on presents for people I don't like?" "There's too much pressure!" "The traffic in the stores is ridiculous." It went on and on and on! Holiday Survival Guide The Holiday season has officially begun and Christmas is almost here. This is the time of year when most Americans are NOT beginning a new diet, rather ending their old one. The Holidays bring family, friends, and ? food. Lots of food. SO, PLEASE?Don't fight it. Don't be a "food martyr". The Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays are the times of year where food not only "keeps us going", but is a social event. If you avoid everything, you won't feel like you are a "part of things." 10 Great Gift Ideas for Fathers Day What do you get for the man who has always been there for you? You want it to be something special, something he hasn't gotten before, something that he will cherish. It cannot be the tired old gift of after shave lotion or soap on a rope. Not this year! 5 Things Your Christmas Table Should Not Be Without Christmas dinner probably the most elaborate and complex dinners you will have to prepare all year. Chances are there will be many friends and family members attending so you will want to make sure everything is just right. In order to help you do this, I have compiled a list of 5 things which your Christmas dinner table should not be without. I can help you with the setting of your table, but the responsibility of actually cooking the dinner remains in your hands. Quick and Easy Holiday Decorating You're tired. You've worked hard all week. Suddenly, the kids shout gleefully... "let's decorate!" ... in anticipation of the coming holiday. The "let's not" is miraculously not permitted to escape your lips. Instead you take a deep breath while you wonder about how this decorating could become an easier and more fun-filled activity. Bathed in Blue - Love Can Happen for You Whether you know him by Eros or Cupid, this son of the Goddess Venus aka Aphrodite, has long been associated with Valentines Day. Cupid the cheeky cherub loves to play and delights in aiming his pointed arrows at unsuspecting victims. When his arrow pierces your heart- you will fall madly and deeply in love. Dont Forget Grandmom - Shes an Earth Angel Too! Have you ever thought what you would do without your Grandmom ? She's the one that always stands beside us and gives us the cookies on the side? She fills in when Mom can't. She's the one that will spoil us rotten given half a chance. God thought enough of us to give us three earthly Guardian Angels if we are lucky enough when we are born all three are living. So many times, we forget Grandmom on Mother's Day. Planning a Spectacular Christmas Party The holiday season is typically filled with large fancy parties, small intimate gatherings, and extravagant dinner parties. Planning your own Christmas party can seem like you're competing with hundreds of other festive events during this time, but by adding special touches to every aspect of your party, its sure to be a success. Where Have All The Wise Men Gone? Jesus Is Not Acceptable For Christmas! It's CHRISTmas! ![]() |
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