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Relaxing Holidays - Five Ways To Make Your Next Holiday Stress Free
For many people the end of a year is a time of increased stress. Instead of relaxing and unwinding from a busy year, the pressures of buying gifts, travelling or spending time with long lost relatives makes it a difficult time. In our household for example, my 4 year-old daughter's excitement levels have been taken to new highs by performing in front of 800 people as a 'teddy bear' in her first ever ballet concert. Loaded on top of this was her Kindergarten show, this time performing the role of an 'angel' in a Nativity Play, and counting down the days to our four-week trip to Tasmania. Just yesterday, she woke at 5.15 am and started packing her bags to go. I smiled when she told me she had packed 8 videos for the trip! Now I'm really looking forward to our holiday and spending time at Freycinet Lodge on the Island's east-coast, feeling the crunch of pristine white sand under my feet at Wineglass Bay, watching the sun set over the pink granite outcrops of 'The Hazards' and tasting the fresh salty tang of locally grown pacific oysters. But it won't be easy getting ready, packing and then travelling for 12 hours with full luggage and 2 children under 5 years old. Add to this the fact we're staying with relatives. So what is the solution? Here are my Top 5 Ways to make End of Year Holidays a relaxing and stress free time. 1. CLARIFY AND SHARE EXPECTATIONS. Be aware of the extra pressure on families at this time of the year. Clarify with family members what each individual wants from the break. For me, it may be reading all those business books I didn't get time for during the year. I know for my wife, it is getting extra help looking after the children and spending time together as a family. How can both these needs be met? Use these three questions to clarify the needs and wants of others at this busy time. What do you want? What do you dread? What will put a smile on your face? 2. PLAN, MONITOR AND BE REALISTIC ABOUT YOUR BUDGET. Money issues can be a big source of conflict at the end of the year. It is meant to be a time for gift giving and sharing but it can get out of hand. Set a budget for gifts, entertainment and food. Stick to the budget and monitor it regularly so you don't overspend. 3. DELEGATE RESPONSIBILITY AND SHARE TASKS. You can't do everything all of the time. Many people strive for perfection at the end of the year because of the many positive and festive images portrayed by the media. Be realistic and work out what you can and can't achieve. Ask for and get help. Be prepared to give up some control to share the load. 4. COMMUNICATE YOUR FEELINGS. The end of the year, and in Western cultures Christmas, is an emotional time. Share your feelings of joy with others. If you're feeling stressed, let others know how you feel and ask for support. 5. KEEP UP YOUR REGULAR ROUTINE. Keep doing the things you have enjoyed doing during the year, like exercise and eating well. Take time out for yourself and your family. Thomas Murrell MBA CSP is an international business speaker, consultant and award-winning broadcaster. Media Motivators is his regular electronic magazine read by 7,000 professionals in 15 different countries. You can subscribe by visiting http://www.8mmedia.com Thomas can be contacted directly at +6189388 6888 and is available to speak to your conference, seminar or event. Visit Tom's blog at http://www.8mmedia.blogspot.com
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Taking Back Christmas John Grisham wrote a book called SKIPPING CHRISTMAS. Amazon.com reports: "John Grisham turns a satirical eye on the overblown ritual of the festive holiday season, and the result is Skipping Christmas, a modest but funny novel about the tyranny of December 25...." Tools and Tips for Keeping the Holidays Organized It's November 1st. You've walked into your favorite store to buy half-priced Halloween candy and what do you see? Christmas decorations! "Oh, no!" you think to yourself. "That can only mean one thing..." Creative And Inexpensive Gift Ideas I have a friend who works at a loan company. She starts getting busy around August -- because her offices are flooded with people taking out loans for their holiday shopping. And she stays busy well into the new year -- because a huge percentage of those people default on their loans. Why do we feel compelled to go so deeply in DEBT buying gifts? It seems as though every year the bar is raised -- we are expected to spend more and more. Making the Holidays More Meaningful Have the holidays become too commercial for you? Are you feeling empty and unfulfilled during this time of the year? This year by making some simple changes you and your children can truly make the holidays more meaningful. Stress-Free Party Planning It's a fact; most of us feel immediately stressed and harassed at the thought of having to organize a party or special dinner. A Diamond Christmas 2004! When Archduke Maximillian of Austria bestowed a diamond ring on Mary of Burgundy in 1477, giving a diamond as a symbol of love and commitment was birthed. Prior to this only royalty wore diamonds, believing they symbolized strength and courage. The root of the word diamond comes from the Greek word "adamas", which means unconquerable". Other folklore surrounding diamonds links them to Cupid, whose arrows were said to be tipped with diamonds. What Causes Holiday Stress? The holidays are supposed to be a time of celebration when friends and families get together to share food, fun, gifts, and love. They are supposed to be a time of giving, caring and connection when we celebrate important and meaningful events. Valentines Day Ever wondered how February 14 became, the day on which we celebrate and explore love in all its many ideals, Valentines Day. Set the Mood- Halloween Decoration Ideas When Halloween comes around and you want to throw a party or you are a room mother for your son's class at school, how should you decorate? Here are some Halloween decoration ideas to get you started. The Perfect Birthday Present for that Little Girl (No Batteries Required) The Dilemma Dont Forget Grandmom - Shes an Earth Angel Too! Have you ever thought what you would do without your Grandmom ? She's the one that always stands beside us and gives us the cookies on the side? She fills in when Mom can't. She's the one that will spoil us rotten given half a chance. God thought enough of us to give us three earthly Guardian Angels if we are lucky enough when we are born all three are living. So many times, we forget Grandmom on Mother's Day. Gypsy Fortune Teller Halloween Costumes ? Easy to Make As a little girl I often loved to dress up as a gypsy, whether it was for Halloween or just for play. Maybe it's because I long to be free to do as I want and go where I wish, without the societal constraints we have to live by (that's why pirates are so fascinating to people too). Whatever it is, creating a fortune teller costume was the highlight of Halloween. Terrible at choosing gifts? Need help with gifts? Not everyone is good at choosing them. But there's more to gift giving than getting gift ideas from someone else. Orlando, The Vacation Station If you were asked to name 10 reasons why you vacationed in a certain place, you would probably start slowing down as you reach 5 or 6. But with Florida the list goes on and on. Theme parks are the obvious choice and could fill more than 10 places without a doubt just on theme parks alone. It?s Time to Start Thinking about Mothers Day Mother's Day is approaching fast. This year it falls on Sunday, May 8th, so you still have time left to come up with the ideal gift for your Mom. And don't forget that Mother's Day is an ideal day to honor any woman in your life, not just your Mom. So don't forget your wife, your grandmother, your daughter, your mother-in-law, your niece or even a favorite aunt. With a little thought and planning now, you can avoid rushing out to buy the usual flowers and candy that you give year after year. Buying the perfect gift does involve some thought, but it is precisely this thought that will make her realize just how much you love and appreciate her. So consider her likes and dislikes, her interests and her personality. Ask any mom and she will tell you that it is best to avoid "useful" items that relate to any form of housework. Before your start your shopping spree, think about how much your budget will allow and then make sure that you buy the best that you can afford. Stay away from mass produced items, and look for the more original high quality hand-crafted items. Do you want to give one gift or a selection of cheaper products and have them combined into a gift basket? Don't forget that most stores, including online stores will be happy to gift wrap your gift for you, to save you the time and effort. Never a convenient time to go shopping? Online shopping makes it easy to buy the perfect Mother's Day gift at the time most convenient for you ? even if that is 3 A.M and you are in your wearing your PJ's. Most reputable online stores will allow you to order now, with a shipping date nearer to Mother's Day, and they will not charge your credit card until the order is ready to ship. This will save you last minute stress and allow you the maximum choice of gifts. Shipping should be cheaper too, as you will not have to pay for expensive overnight shipping. Does your mom live far away? Then have the gift shipped directly to your mom, if you will not be able to deliver it yourself this Mother's Day. So what should you give her this year? Does your mom work really hard all year round taking care of others, with little time to pamper herself? If so, a gift certificate for a pampering treatment at a local spa might be the answer. How about an exquisite piece of jewelry? This does not have to be as expensive as it sounds. You can buy her beautiful handcrafted jewelry, with a mix of semiprecious stones and high quality glass that should not break your budget. Or, let her know that she is the light of your life with a beautiful scented candle or oil lamp. These make a long lasting gift and their life can often be extended by reusing it by burning a tea-light inside the shell or by refilling the oil. Still not ready to give up on the flowers this Mother's Day? Then how about a dried flower arrangement or wreath that will remind her all year round how much you love her. Celebrate Parks Day, Everyday this Summer! Canada's Parks Day falls on July 16'th this year. First celebrated in 1990, Parks Day is an opportunity for individuals to participate in hundreds of unique and fun events taking place in sites from coast to coast. Events are organized in national parks, national historic sites, provincial parks, and territorial parks, as well as in community and regional parks across the country. The Origins Of Mothers Day Today Mother's Day or Mothering Sunday is celebrated all over the world. For florists and card shops the event is one of the highlights of the year, but the roots of Mother's Day are not commercial. Inexpensive Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas For Kids After all the gifts have been purchased and placed under the tree, that is the time that many remember in a panic that the stockings over the fireplace still need to be stuffed. Holiday budgets have most likely been spent and there isn't a whole lot of extra money available. Even with a limited budget, there are a number of quality stocking stuffer ideas that are both practical and will bring a smile to to faces of the little ones. Birthday Gift Ideas Birthday celebrations date back as far as biblical times, when celebrations among Pharaohs and other significant individuals have been mentioned. There is even some evidence to suggest that in pagan cultures people feared that evil spirits lurked about an individual on their birthday because they tended to become more malicious around important events in one's life. In this case birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and actual births were all noted for their importance and their potential for harm. Because of this, gifts were often bestowed upon the celebrant as a means of wishing them well and offering good luck. Aran... Where the Sweaters Come From Aran Sweaters. The Aran sweater takes its name from the islands from where it originated, untold generations ago. They say that necessity is the mother of invention and nothing is more of a necessity than a nice warm Aran sweater in a place like the Aran Islands. Located at the mouth of Galway on the west coast of Ireland, the Aran Islands rise up defiantly out of the relentless Atlantic sea, an impressive display of towering cliffs, and crumbling stone walls, they are a thing of beauty, but no place for a T-Shirt. ![]() |
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