How to Create an Irresistible Valentine?s Day Centerpiece

Valentine's Day is just around the corner which of course makes us think of love, romance and of course flowers! It seems this special day wouldn't be complete without them. Flowers touch our souls and brighten our spirits which is why they have remained a popular choice for "lovebirds" all over the world!

Depending on your mood and the flowers you pick, you can make this arrangement whimsical or elegant, so gather what you need and let's get started!


  • Store bought heart shaped basket (about 4 inches deep)
  • Florist foam
  • Plastic lining
  • Flowers - at least two varieties
  • Larger flowers (all same color) such as carnations or roses for center and filler flowers for accent

Follow these simple steps to create your own Valentine's Day Centerpiece:

  • Line heart shaped basket with heavy plastic
  • Cut a piece of florist foam in the shape of a heart~ foam should fill up entire basket
  • Soak foam in water and place it in the basket
  • Cut center flowers (carnations or roses) the same depth as the basket or slightly longer
  • Stick these flowers into the foam in the shape of a heart~fill with enough flowers so no foam is showing
  • Cut accent flowers to the same length and fill in around the heart shaped flowers until the basket is completely filled and no foam is showing
  • Flowers should be flush with the top of the basket or slightly higher
  • Create this centerpiece for yourself or make one for someone you care about. It will be sure to bring a smile to their face because they will know it was made with love!

    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Visit me at Valentine's Day Flowers for all of your gardening and flower delivery needs - for Valentine's Day and all year long!

    © 2005, Candee Stark and Flowers&
    This article is provided courtesy of - You may freely reprint this article on your website or in your newsletter provided this courtesy notice and the author name and URL remain intact.

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