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The Dangers of Pesticides and the EPAs Harrowing Plan to Test Them on Kids
Pesticides are a ubiquitous toxin in our environment. We spray them liberally on ants and spiders in our homes, use them in our gardens and on our lawns, fog our streets with them to kill mosquitoes-even spread them on our own bodies to keep bugs away. Farmers use 1.5 billion pounds of pesticides every year-and most have been found by the EPA to be carcinogenic. But that's not all. American farmers use 1.5 billion pounds of pesticides each year-that's 1.5 billion pounds of pesticides sprayed onto the food that we, and our children, eat. And it's not just fruits and vegetables; meats contain pesticides too because the animals eat feed that has been heavily sprayed. Plus, pesticides are used in many consumer products, including paints, cosmetics, food packaging, fabrics, carpets and exercise mats. And they're used extensively in parks and other recreational areas-golf courses are some of the biggest offenders; in one year they use seven or eight times the pesticides used on a comparable sized area of agricultural land. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has registered close to 900 pesticides, which are formulated into over 20,000 products, according to the Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides. Some 60 percent of herbicides, 90 percent of fungicides and 30 percent of insecticides are known to be carcinogenic, says the EPA, and these pesticides contaminate our groundwater, our air and the very food we eat. What Are the Health Effects of All These Pesticides? Animal and human studies on individual pesticides have shown that they contribute to an alarming number of health problems like: * Cancer * Fertility problems * Brain tumors * Childhood leukemia * Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma * Birth defects * Irritation to skin and eyes * Hormone or endocrine system problems * Nervous system damage Children are especially at risk from the toxic effects of pesticides. Their bodies are still developing and immature, making them susceptible to such damage. In fact, studies by the National Academy of Sciences and the Environmental Working Group have found that children exposed to carcinogenic pesticides are at a high risk of future cancer and other studies determined that pesticide use was associated with an increased risk of childhood malignancies. Knowing this information, think, then, just how outrageous it is that we shampoo our children with pesticides to kill head lice. But all of these negative effects have been found largely from studies that typically focus on one individual pesticide. Who, then, is studying the cumulative effects on the body of all the various pesticides we're exposed to, and that we consume, over years? The EPA's Testing Pesticides on Kids? That kids are so vulnerable to pesticide exposure is precisely why the EPA chose them to study, and back in October 2004, they were given $2.1 million to do just that. Who were the granters of this large sum? The American Chemistry Council, a chemical industry front group with such big wigs as Monsanto, Exxon and Dow. The two-year study-called the Children's Environmental Exposure Research Study (CHEERS)-would monitor infants in low-income families to determine how chemicals can be ingested, inhaled or absorbed by babies to children up to age 3, as well as the health effects they would cause. Families in the EPA's CHEERS pesticide study would receive a t-shirt, video camcorder, bib, calendar, framed certificate, newsletter and $970. Surprisingly, the EPA chose to name the entirely serious study a flippant "CHEERS." Study participants would receive $970, a t-shirt, a bib for their baby, a calendar, a newsletter, a framed certificate of appreciation and a video camcorder. While the study does not require participants to change the level of pesticides in their home, nor does it expose them to any additional chemicals, it does require that they demonstrate a use of these toxic products in their home. Opponents are concerned that low-income families will up their pesticides use just to be involved in the study. They also noted that since the study is partially industry-funded, it represents a conflict of interest. Most effects of pesticides are seen in the long-term, so it is unlikely that adverse effects will be seen during the short-term study. The result would be that the chemical industry could then claim an EPA study found their pesticides safe and push for looser regulations for their use. Said EPA Pesticide Scientist Troy Pierce, "This does sound like it goes against everything we recommend at EPA concerning use of [pesticides] related to children. Paying families in Florida to have their homes routinely treated with pesticides is very sad when we at EPA know that [pesticide management] should always be used to protect children." In November 2004 the study was postponed, largely because of the public controversy that arose around it, for a "final review" but is scheduled to resume in spring 2005. It is certainly a step in the right direction that the EPA is taking strides to study the effects of pesticides that we're all exposed to. However, their proposed "compensation" for participating in this very serious study includes some gimmicky items: a free t-shirt, bib and calendar? And it even has a gimmicky name (CHEERS?), which may explain why the public was so alarmed when it appeared an industry-funded study was seeking to draw in low-income families to monitor their use of chemicals that the government already knows are toxic. What's the Good News? There is good news in all of this, and that is: It is possible to reduce your exposure to pesticides (though, admittedly, you probably can't reduce it to zero). The top ways to do this include: * Buy certified organic fruits, vegetables and meats (be sure to wash produce, particularly commercially grown produce, thoroughly before eating using a diluted soap solution) * Avoid the use of toxic pesticides in your home and yard (opt for natural pesticides that you can find in your local health food store instead) * Don't use pesticides for aesthetic purposes like dandelions in your lawn * Don't use chemical bug repellants or lice shampoos From the FREE SixWise.com e-newsletter, the Web's #1 most read newsletter with original articles in all 6 areas of life leading to complete wellness.
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Building A Pair Of Heavy Duty Saw Horses Start out by measuring and cutting all your stock according to the cutting list and set it aside. Take the legs and mark out the tapers. The taper starts 20" up from the bottom. The leg tapers to 3-1/2" at the bottom. Repeat for all the legs and cut out. Electrical Home Inspection: What You Need to Know! Whether you're buying a home, or just moving in to your new home, here is some advice that can help you. If you're in the buying process the things you will be looking for are safety and repair aspects. Most electrical contractors can offer you an inspection to check for both of these. If you are thinking to yourself right now that you have or are going to hire a Home inspector, think again. A home inspector does a generalized inspection. Most of them will know a little about a lot of different areas, but be an expert in none with a few exceptions. It is a certainty in most areas to say you will be forced to hire one to get a mortgage, and that's a good thing. If you hire an experienced licensed electrician, your electrical inspection will be more thorough and you can get an estimate to what repairs will cost at the same time. Replacing Steel Casement Windows (Part 2) Last week, I explained how to remove your old steel casement windows as you prepare each opening for the new Vinyl windows. In most of the country, you are limited to a replacement style frame, which is a new construction frame with the nail fin removed. Remember, when you removed the old casement window, you left the perimeter frame in place. So, you have a lip protruding into the opening that is approximately 1/2" wide. You need to order your replacement style frame to fit inside of this old frame. Measure the width from lip to lip and deduct 1/4 to 3/8". Measure the height and deduct 1/4". When you install the new window, rest the new frame on the bottom lip of the old frame. Leave the front of the new frame further outside than the old frame lip. How far out depends on you, and how much inside sill space you want. A quality vinyl replacement window will measure 3 1/4" deep. Drive a screw in the top center to hold it in place. Then, make sure the window is perfectly upright before installing a screw in the bottom center. Now you can secure the rest of the window with screws. Making a Pen with Your New Wood Lathe So you just purchased a wood lathe but do not know what kind of project you should start out with. As soon as the right amount of skill is obtained, beautiful pieces of woodwork can be created with a wood lathe. However, before you get too over your head, it is best to start out with a basic woodturning project. My recommendation would be beginning by carving your very own pen. A Few Concrete Suggestions Up until a few years ago, my professional experience was in industries including retail, energy, health care, and fast food. In 1996 circumstances and opportunity led me into the manufacturing, marketing, and installation of products used for Floor Warming, Total Space Heating, Roof Snow and Ice Melting and Snow and Ice Melting of driving and walking surfaces. Measure Your Window for Verticals and Horizontal blinds, Wood blinds, Faux Wood Plantation Shutters Here are five important things to remember. Work From Home and Make Money from On-line Rewards and Incentives Programs You'll be amazed at how much free money you can make when you work from home answering surveys, accepting offers, and reading e-mails. Simple tasks like these can help you earn cash without leaving the house. 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I believe that we could have avoided this upcoming Natural Gas Shortage by building smarter and more efficient homes. For instance by using small devises which are simple such as using the idea of mini-hydro pumps, reflective energy boosting solar efficiency by 2.5 from a water pond (with 1-2 inches of water covered by a polymer substance of a couple of molecules and a reflective bottom surface), condensation and gravity. These small things can improve the energy efficiency by 10-fold. Here are a few things; this is how I propose which could be done. How to Buy a Home with Good Feng Shui Buying a home is usually a stressful experience. So much rides on a new home because this is where you relax, have fun, sleep, eat; in short, it's the place central to your life. Not only that, but homes usually cost a whole lot of money and represent our single largest investment. Most homebuyers can usually find the objective requirements of house hunting, such as location, size, and price. But, there are also intangible factors when searching for a new home, but most people don't know what to look for. At Last You Can Customize Your Pegboard As Much As You Want Customizable metal pegboard is set to revolutionise utensil storage. For forty years the limitations of fibreboard has narrowed our imagination in utensil storage. Mommy, Mommy, Theres a Caterpillar on my Bed Chenille has been used for bedspreads since Catherine Evans revived the craft in the 1890's. She applied raised tufts of yarn to cotton sheeting and these spreads were often referred to as chenille products. Chenille is the French word for caterpillar - the yarn looks like those fuzzy little creatures. Thick pile of yarn ends stuck out all around at right angles. Stamps were created into a pattern and the yarn was stuck on to fill in the pattern. Bedspreads from this craft were all the rage in the 20's. The demand was so high that new warehousing systems were developed to put out these products. This truly developed from a cottage industry in that haulers would deliver stamped sheets to the women of north Georgia, Tennessee and the Carolinas. They would then pick up the spread, pay the women and take the spreads back to the warehouse. A final finishing of washing in hot water locked in the yarns. They were also dyed in all kinds of colors. How To Find Cat Mailboxes You can add a personal touch to your home or give a personalized gift that will be treasured for years with a handcrafted cat mailbox. Choose from adorable wall mount, house mount, or freestanding mailboxes adorned with your favorite feline in playful, adorable designs. Heavy duty, rust resistant mailboxes that are weather-tight and feature tough, durable exteriors with enchanting cat paintings or fully sculptured cat likenesses will charm and amuse your friends and family. Cat lovers can express their love of the furry felines with the beautiful, playful addition of a cat mailbox. How to Choose a Freezer for Home The average household freezer is a silent slave. It operates year in and year out, requiring nothing other than a constant supply of electricity. Eventually, though it may need to be replaced. Painting and Decorating Tile Ceramic tile can be beautiful and elegant. But it can also be bland and uninspired. If you want to add a little color or creativity to your tile, here's how! Physiological Response to Window Coverings Nothing soothes the brain like Mother Nature, whose intrinsic scenery relaxes and refreshes us, consciously and subconsciously. Therefore, a view of nature should never be completely covered up during the day. ![]() |
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