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Consumer Guides: Finding A Quality Contractor and Power Washing Tips Power washing is the application of high pressure water spray. Some of the most popular services include the cleaning of concrete patios, sidewalks, decks, house siding, entrance ways, and driveways. In the hands of a qualified pressure washing individual, the results can be astonishing, and well worth the investment. Easy To Follow Tips For Keeping Energy Costs Down When it comes to cooling our homes and businesses, the cost of air conditioning just seems to keep going up and up. This year is no different. We like the cool comfort of dryer less humid air and we are willing to pay for it. However, there is no reason to just give your money away to the utility company. Older homes are typically thought of as energy wasters. However, newer homes from the 70's and later also have issues when it comes to energy efficiency. More often than not there are mature trees surrounding the older homes. New construction generally stands in a flattened area with new landscaping. If you have ever lived in this new construction, you know immediately that there is a difference in the temperature of your rooms because there is no shade. Check the thermal envelope of the home. If you are asking what a thermal envelope is, it is everything that protects the indoors of the home from the elements and the outdoors. This includes the wall and roof assemblies, insulation, air/vapor retarders, windows, weather stripping and caulking. If you are considering buying a home or you just need to remodel and improve your existing home, know as much as you can about the shell and what is protecting you and you will be ahead of the game when it comes to lowering utility costs. There are some common sense things you can do to cut your energy costs and keep your homes and businesses cool at the same time. Outdoor Kitchens ? Simple and Sophisticated After September 11, many of us decided to stay closer to home. We are electing to remodel our existing homes instead of buying new and moving. We are also entertaining in the backyard more than ever, so it is a natural progression to take what we love about our hearth and home and put it all outside creating the perfect outdoor room. If you have never thought of installing an outdoor kitchen before, it is time you start thinking about it. You don't need a backyard the size of Southfork to create an efficient, fun outdoor kitchen of your very own. Aluminium Window Frames When double glazing first became a popular window choice in the 1960s, most frames were made of aluminum. Aluminum remained the most popular choice for framing double glazing windows through the mid-1980s, when it held over 60% of the market. Since the introduction of PVC window framing, the market share of aluminum framed windows has dropped steadily. As of 2003, less than 17% of windows sold were aluminum framed. There are many reasons for the drop in popularity - and still some good reasons for choosing aluminum over PVC or wood frames. Home Automation Enhances Your Lifestyle and Saves Money - Exciting Home Automation Applications Wouldn't it be nice to have your home take care of things for you, automatically, without you having to lift a finger? You bet it would. That is the promise of home automation. There are many different systems, especially in larger homes, that can benefit from being integrated. Some of these systems include security alarm, HVAC, audio / video, and lighting. Home automation integrates these systems together, enabling them to function more efficiently, improve functionality, conserve resources and enhance your lifestyle. Allow Me to Introduce You to the Fungus Family What exactly is mold? There are over 100,000 different kinds of mold in the world so it is literally everywhere. Molds are organisms and are members of the fungus family. Mushrooms, mildew and yeast are also part of this lucky family. They have been given the job in nature of decomposing dead plant material such as leaves, bark, wood etc. If we didn't have mold we would be finding ourselves totally covered by a pile of leaves. We also wouldn't enjoy eating cheese or using penicillin because they wouldn't exist if it wasn't for mold. However, as with some family members, we love them when they aren't visiting our house. We enjoy talking on the phone or sending e-mails, but they need to stay at their place. When mold starts digesting organic material in the home, that's where the problems occur. A Lasting Scent Look no further for long lasting perfumes. House of Rose makes them and they last more than twice as long as the other perfumes. The secret is simple. They contain no alcohol which causes quick evaporation. Instead they use a base that is actually good for your skin. They also contain laboratory certified human pheromones, which are attractants. Harrods of London pipes them through their store HVAC system to encourage customers to feel good...and make more purchases. House of Rose buys from the same manufacturer as Harrods. Types of Table Saws A table saw is one of the most popular pieces of machinery used for woodworking. It consists of a circular saw powered by an electric motor that is mounted onto a table. In order to cut, material is pushed through the saw on the top of the table. It is used mostly for large wood projects such as fences, tables, book shelves, etc. When selecting a table saw it is important to know the different types and the pros and cons of each. The following are the four basic types of table saws and what they have to offer. Interior Design For Babies Babies, babies, babies-yes the topic of this article is based on interior design for nurseries. The new arrival of a baby brings a time of thankfulness and joy into all parents' lives. It also brings to mind an important question: where will the nursery be?!? Once the actual space has been decided upon, the next concern will be color scheme and furniture. Before you make all of your choices concerning the new arrival's bedroom quarters, keep these important tips in mind. Trading in Corporate Office for Home Office Six years ago, I had not yet turned on a computer. Today I run several successful Internet Businesses and by me being a single parent of 4 children my friends calls me a marketing expert. 5 Easy Steps to Protect Your Hardwood Floor From Disaster Common knowledge states that hardwood floors are a great investment for a homeowner. They add a certain charm and character to a home that can't be replicated by laminates, carpeting, or any other type of flooring. However, the investment does not stop with the decision to purchase hardwoods. To retain the value, the hardwood must be properly cared for and maintained. Fortunately, with a few simple, easy, inexpensive steps, your hardwood flooring will always remain in perfect shape. Strapping a Ceiling Prior to hanging sheetrock to ceiling joists it is important that strapping first be installed. Installing Vinyl Siding - Making It Simple Installing vinyl siding can be a very rewarding process that could dramatically change the appearance of your home. For the most part, if you plan your job well and adhere to some simple guide lines, anyone could learn how to install siding to there home. Electric Radiant and Floor Coverings If the decision of what type radiant heating system to use was left to the floor-coverings, it would choose electric radiant. Eliminating the risk of water/glycol leaks, standard floor-heights, simple retro-fits, almost unlimited choice of carpet padding, uniform heat flux, easier installations and superior floor or space temperature control are only a few of the advantages of electric radiant heat. This isn't to say that there aren't disadvantages of electric radiant, but then I'm a sparky not a plumber, so I'm here to espouse the benefits and desirable features of electric radiant heat and its loving relationship with any and all floor-coverings. Oh, wait a minute, how could I forget, electric systems cost a fraction what hot-water (hydronic) systems do. Popular Trends in Home Technology As a former home automation installer and a former manufactures rep, I have observed many trends. The following items are certainly the hotest trends this year in home technology. Ideas For Interior Design Ideas for interior design are a dime a dozen these days. In fact, you can likely watch one hour of television dedicated to the subject and come away with enough information to design an entire home. The problem with the tv-to life application of ideas for interior design is that, to begin with, they are difficult to document. Unless you sit beside or in front of the tv, scribbling madly onto a piece of paper, it is tough to actually hang on to all of the ideas you might get from the show. Also, success with any interior design project is planning, planning, planning. Duplicating or copying a design from television into your home might involve some extra steps or planning that was not included in the thirty-minute or hour-long segment of the show. It is this reason that one should sit down and actually go through an entire 'dry run' of a design before it is actually executed. This way, there is a better chance that you will figure out and take necessary preventative measures to ensure a problem free application. Heres What a Jacuzzi Will Do For You Jacuzzi's are a great recreational and health benefit for a home. Having some idea what type and what uses you will have for it, are keys to purchasing the right one for you. New Construction Windows Or Replacement Windows? Which Is Right For You? Hello, my name is John Rocco.I grew up around the window and door business. My father owned a glass shop that dealt in every aspect of residential and commercial glass.Naturally, when it came time to choose a profession, i wound up in the window and door business.I have been in the business for about 27 years, and i have been self employed for 20. Add A Room To Your Home With A Patio Awning Do you need a patio awning for your lovely patio off of your backyard that only gets half the use it could because of rain or far too bright sun? Installing a patio awning to shade and protect it can be almost as good as adding a room to your home! Bathroom Vanity Cabinets - Considerations Before Buying Bathroom Vanities Online Bathroom vanity cabinets are an essential component of any bathroom and can add drama to your design and decor. Bathroom sink cabinets provide countertop space, a place for the sink and faucets and great storage below. It's amazing how often bathroom cabinets and storage are left out of the planning process. It's important to have a place for everything in your bathroom that is easily accessible to everyone. Bathroom vanity cabinets and storage provide home organization and reduce clutter. You never can have too much bathroom storage! ![]() |
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