Home Improvement Information
Contractor Referral
"As a contractor with 16 years of experience and speaking on behalf of professional contractors. I want people to be aware of the warning signs that they may be dealing with the wrong contractor."
Building or Decorating Your Home Requires House Plans
There are some things to consider when creating plans for your home. There are two situations that call for plans or blue prints, either you are building a new home or decorating your present home. The types of plans required for either situation will vary depending on the extent of
your project.
Measure Your Window for Verticals and Horizontal blinds, Wood blinds, Faux Wood Plantation Shutters
Here are five important things to remember.
Expansion for Heat Absorption
In the refrigeration cycle, the refrigerant must undergo a change
in state in order for the heat to be absorbed from the environment.
Repairing Your Own Machine Components
Many industrial concerns have workshops of their own. For the
repair of worn shafts, the lathe machine is excellent. Keyway
slots can be machined by using a milling machine, while a
shaping machine can do machining of large flat areas. A
drilling machine does drilling of holes.
Designing Your Log Home: Tips To Keep You Out of Trouble
Nearly every log home is a custom design, whether you are altering a stock plan or starting from scratch. By their very nature, custom floor plans open up a large number of untested challenges - especially if you are trying to design the house yourself. With almost all log home manufacturers, an in-house architect will take your design and turn it into a set of drawings that conform to their building system. Your home will be structurally sound. However, don't necessary expect them to point out every inconvenience or snafu in your design. This is a hands-on business, and in the end, your house design is on you... and you'll have to live with it. Here are a few pointers I can suggest to make your design more efficient.
Home Improvement for The Ladies!
Your Own Homes Improvement Outline
Spring Into Action: Home Maintenance
Spring has sprung! Even more important than buds, birds, and bees, spring brings buyers! When buyers are looking for a place to nest, they would really rather not see problems. As it turns out, nearly every home inspected has problems or imperfections of some sort or size. Most issues are very minor and simple to correct. Almost all are a result of deferred maintenance.
Outdoor Kitchens ? Simple and Sophisticated
After September 11, many of us decided to stay closer to home. We are electing to remodel our existing homes instead of buying new and moving. We are also entertaining in the backyard more than ever, so it is a natural progression to take what we love about our hearth and home and put it all outside creating the perfect outdoor room. If you have never thought of installing an outdoor kitchen before, it is time you start thinking about it. You don?t need a backyard the size of Southfork to create an efficient, fun outdoor kitchen of your very own.
Eclectic Patio Furniture Shows Your Style
Your home?s interior is exquisitely decorated in your favorite style; why not treat your exterior with patio furniture and accessories that will be comfortable as well as beautiful. Your backyard becomes more functional by adding gas grills, or furnishing options such as casual hammocks or formal wrought iron. You are limited only by your imagination. The patio furniture does not have to be limited to one style. A backyard looks great if you mix it up with an eclectic flare. You don?t have to decide between rigid cedar and a quilted hammock, or a built in gas grill and a fire pit. You can have it all. Do you want your patio to have a casual feeling or one that is more formal? This may depend on the style of home you have. A full log home may not be served well with antique white wicker furniture on the porch or patio. A contrast is good, but the balance isn?t quite right. The white wicker seems too light and airy against the heavy logs. An Adirondack style of furniture might strike a better balance for the home. Is a specific material of importance to you such as teak, rattan, or wrought iron? Do you prefer patio cushions, or the natural look of wood as with Adirondack chairs? A gas grill or outdoor fireplace can be a focal point creating an outdoor kitchen. If relaxation is the most important to you, a hammock or patio swing would be a nice choice.
Bedding is Fashion for the Bed
Ladies, we spend a lot of time in the morning getting ready for the day. We take showers, put on makeup, blow dry our hair and put on just the right outfit we feel good in. Then we top it off with the hot colors of accessories from sunglasses to sandals - the details of what we wear matters in how we look and feel. Maybe it shouldn?t be that way, but it is. You can think of your bedding as fashion for the bedroom because you dress your bed just as clothing and accessories dress your body. The little details we put in our bedrooms such as vintage rag rugs, beaded lampshades, hand crocheted pillowcases or satin sheets will make all the difference of how we feel as we spend time in our bedrooms.
If You?re Looking for Bedding, Think ?Pink?
If you have come to a point in your life that you want a serious relationship, I would strongly suggest that you ?think pink?. This may sound strange to some of you, but I have discovered that the color ?pink? has some interesting qualities. Pink is definitely a girly color, and it speaks of love, romance and partnership. Pink flowers, hearts, and just about anything else this color makes you feel soft and feminine. What woman doesn?t love receiving even a single pink rose? The majority of the time you will think of pink for baby bedding if you are expecting a girl. Most of the gifts you receive at a baby shower will be pink for your newborn girl. Don?t stop using pink for your bedding after you have grown up. There are lots of things you can do to enhance your bedroom when it comes to finding partnership and having a pink duvet cover or bedspread is just one of them.
Be Cool and Comfortable While Saving Money
The cost of energy is on the rise, so if you want to have better air quality and feel more comfortable, you must be prepared to pay for it. People in homes and businesses are looking for ways to save money and still remain comfortably cool. Purchasing a portable air conditioner is one way to lower your energy costs. Central air conditioning an entire home is expensive. The portable model will cut down on the cost by only spot cooling the room you wish. Ceiling fans help circulate the air while a dehumidifier takes the moisture out of the air. These two work in tandem with portable air conditioners creating totally comfortable surroundings. Your sunroom might be the warmest room in the house or your bedroom might be located on the second floor.
Ceiling Fans Look Great and Save You Money
It doesn?t matter if you live in a hot climate or the North woods; there are many days when the breeze isn?t blowing and you would like the air to circulate for comfort. Running central air conditioning is expensive and isn?t always called for. We automatically feel cooler just from the evaporation against our skin when a slight breeze is blowing. Energy costs are high enough so why not consider ceiling fans for your rooms? You get the circulation you need and a great look at the same time. Because they are hanging from the ceiling, they?re out of the way. You don?t have anything to walk around or trip over. They also save you money in the winter time. You can adjust the switch to rotate the blades in the opposite direction, causing a downdraft, circulating the warm air from the furnace. Most of the models have more than one speed so you can control the amount of air movement you want. A ceiling fan looks great in any room and can eliminate the need for air conditioning. If you have low ceilings, don?t worry about it. There are hugger styles that only come down a few inches from the ceiling. If you need to drop a fan from a cathedral height, you can find that as well. No matter how much clearance you have, you will be able to find a style for your needs.
Dehumidifiers Wring Out Your Home
Anyone that has a home office or bedroom in the basement knows how valuable a dehumidifier can be. Without it, the basement would be damp and useless, mold and mildew would grow promoting ill health and insects would have a perfect place to live. Your basement is underground, humid and in constant contact with the cool damp earth. If you don?t control the moisture and humidity throughout the year through dehumidifiers, your carpet and furniture could be ruined, even photographs can be destroyed. I have always found that I am more comfortable when the humidity is lower. I don?t like hot weather, but I would rather have it be dry and hot than cool and damp. What is it they say? ?It?s not the heat, it?s the humidity.? You might want to consider installing a ceiling fan to work in tandem with the dehumidifier. They help circulate the air, will dry out the basement even more and you will feel much more comfortable. Ceiling fans don?t cool the air, but you will feel better because of evaporation than if no fan were there at all.
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Baking Soda for Cleaning
Baking soda is a common, inexpensive household item that can be used for many kinds of cleaning projects. In an era when we are all exposed to many toxic chemicals, it's nice to know that something so mild can be effective. We actually make a form of baking soda in our own saliva, where it helps keep plaque from forming!
5 Steps for Creating a Garage You Can Love ? and Use
A major US corporation recently launched a new line of products it hopes will create a $650 million retail business ? appliances and storage devices designed to appeal to the 65 million garage owners in the U.S! According to a 1994 study by the U.S. Department of Energy (and we won't even explore what launched that study!), 25% of people with two-car garages didn't park any cars in them and 32% parked only one. When it came to three-car garages, only 13% parked three cars. . So, if we don't park cars in our garages, what do we use them for?
How To Choose Decorative, Recessed Locking Mailboxes
Do you need a decorative, quality, recessed locking mailbox
for your home? There is a large selection of mailboxes from
which to choose, and you may wonder which is the right
mailbox for you. A recessed locking mailbox is a perfect
way to keep your mail safe from prying eyes, and can be
installed on the exterior of your home or as part of a
freestanding mailbox. A recessed mailbox will blend in
perfectly with the decor of your home and you will have the
added security of a locking door that can only be accessed
by you. Additional decorative designs will make your
mailbox unique, and still give you the safety that you
Hidden Causes of Water Damage in the Home
In addition to causing destruction, water damage also has an adverse affect to the indoor air quality of your home.
Damage from water can cause wood rot, insect infestation and mold .
Mexican Artisans Promote the Use of Recycled Copper in the Fabrication of Their World Famous Copper
For many years copper has been the main raw material used by the Mexican artisans of Santa Clara del Cobre for the fabrication of their beautiful artisan items. Originally artisans relied on the natural supply of copper of their lands for the fabrication of their items. But has the supply of the original sources has decreased and the demand for items as copper sinks (http://www.copper-sinks-mexico.com) has increased they have had to think and look for new and alternate sources of copper material.
Bathroom Interior Design
Any advice or guide on the interior design of a bathroom should be based around one simple concept: keep it simple. Rooms inside of a home should have functional aspects, and if one room is designed for very specific functions, it is the bathroom. There have always been many jokes about the "throne" of a home, but the honest fact is that creating a visibly appealing and comfortable bathroom will inspire positive feelings to its users.
Realign Your Budget - Purchase Your First Piece of Fine Art
If you don't have at least one piece of fine art in your home, then you just have no idea what you are missing out on. Whether an original or reproduction piece, fine art adds warmth, beauty and interest to every room. So why is it that people tend to spend lavishly on furniture, carpets and accessories, but do not provide in their budget for the piece that could be the focal point of the room?
Why Are There So Many Different Light Bulbs?
There are many different types of light bulbs. Each has its own uses and requirements. Some can save you some extra money because they are energy efficient. There are also many different brands. You can also often find discount light bulbs to save some money. Learning the differences will help you choose what is right for you.
Beautiful, Sparkling Chandeliers!
If you want to add extra spark to rooms, consider adding chandeliers to the rooms. Chandeliers offer added elegance and charm as well as light. There are many to choose from and these can be custom made as well. A popular choice is the crystal chandelier. This beautiful piece of art is a great piece to add to a home.
Designing Your Log Home: Tips To Keep You Out of Trouble
Nearly every log home is a custom design, whether you are altering a stock plan or starting from scratch. By their very nature, custom floor plans open up a large number of untested challenges - especially if you are trying to design the house yourself. With almost all log home manufacturers, an in-house architect will take your design and turn it into a set of drawings that conform to their building system. Your home will be structurally sound. However, don't necessary expect them to point out every inconvenience or snafu in your design. This is a hands-on business, and in the end, your house design is on you... and you'll have to live with it. Here are a few pointers I can suggest to make your design more efficient.
Repairing Your Own Machine Components
Many industrial concerns have workshops of their own. For the
repair of worn shafts, the lathe machine is excellent. Keyway
slots can be machined by using a milling machine, while a
shaping machine can do machining of large flat areas. A
drilling machine does drilling of holes.
Duvet Covers Are Easy to Make Yourself
Duvet covers are rather versatile when you think about it. If you want something that is really different for your bedroom, you may find expense is an issue in fancy, unique, well made fabric. Designer labels are pricey, especially if you aren't shopping during a white sale. The versatility of the duvet makes them worth it, and a necessity for a comforter, but you don't want to spend the money. Even an inexpensive comforter can be transformed into a stylish work of art with a unique duvet cover. They are great for your kid's rooms because they can easily be changed when the child grows.
Consumer Guides: Finding A Quality Contractor and Power Washing Tips
Power washing is the application of high pressure water spray. Some of the most popular services include the cleaning of concrete patios, sidewalks, decks, house siding, entrance ways, and driveways. In the hands of a qualified pressure washing individual, the results can be astonishing, and well worth the investment.
Understanding Air Purifiers
Purchasing an air purifier can be confusing, and you do get an awful lot of
information thrown at you when you visit the different manufacturing websites,
don't you? How can you tell what's what, and why do we need air filters anyway?
And how do air purifiers work? Is the air really that bad? Haven't we been
breathing the same air for thousands of years?
Keep Your Home Happier
It turns out your mother was right after all -- Happiness really does begin at home, with the things and the people you are surrounded by. Your vision is one of the first messengers to send signals to your brain as to how it feels. Therefore, it follows that keeping your home happier will have a direct impact on how you feel.
Unadulterated Truth About Black Mold: What You Don?t Know Is Destroying Your Home And Your Health
With today's new building procedures, our homes are more dangerous than ever before!
Enjoy The Beauty Of Hardwood With The Endurance Of Laminate Flooring
Everyone likes the beautiful, timeless look of hardwood floors. Elegant, yet simple, hardwood is stunning. But take a closer look. Is that hardwood scratched and dented? Are those stains and fade marks that you see there? Maybe that hardwood floor is not as nice as you originally thought.
Installing Retrofit and Replacement Vinyl Windows
In previous articles i explained to you how to determine whether your windows are candidates for vinyl replacement style frames or retrofit style frames. This week I'm going to explain the installation techniques for both frame styles. Let's start with the retrofit frame.
Architect or Building Designer ? Who Do You Choose?
Thinking of building a new home or complex? Will you use an architect or a building designer?
Laminate Flooring Basics
Laminate flooring resembles the look of hardwoods but offers easier installation and stronger durability. You can use laminate flooring in any room in the house, including hallways, foyers and family spaces, bathrooms, and kitchens. While hardwood floors are always vulnerable to evils like sand, spills, messy kids, and pets, laminates are better designed to withstand the trauma of daily life.