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Hurricane Preparedness
If you are about to get hit by a Hurricane are you prepared? Do you have enough plywood to board up your windows? Often the local lumber companies will be sold out. In fact if you wait till the last minute Home Depot will be out too. Do you own a portable generator? No? Get one. Do you have enough fuel to keep it powered up? Most generators can use up to 1.5 gallons per hour and thus you need spare fuel tanks as well? If you wait too long the gas stations will be closed and after the Hurricane the power may not be turned back on for up to two-weeks depending on the damage. If you are talking about a direct hit Category III or IV it is entirely possible that it will be at least that long. So what do you really need? Well you will need water first off. Fill up your bathtubs and any containers you have before the hurricane. Figure about 15 gallons per day per person. You can get by on 6-8 gallons if you have to, but 15 comfortably. Next you need food. Remember with the power out those foods needing refrigeration will spoil in a couple of days, so you need ready to eat type foods. Perhaps freeze, as much of your water as you can, ice is always a premium after a Hurricane. If you have babies you need to be ready with those special needs and foods. Pets are also serious issues, as they will rely on you for many things, allowing them to go hunt food for themselves could cause serious hygiene issues and bacteria from broken sewer lines and debris floating in the nearby flooded waters. In case of cuts you will need rubbing alcohol, bandaids and a basic first aid kit. It is also smart to have mosquitoes repellant as the Mosquitoes will multiply fast in the following weeks as stagnant water assists them. Chlorine can also be used to clean water. Rubber Gloves are also a must. Besides your portable generator you will need some extra Duracell batteries, transistor radio, lighter, extra propane for cooking and a full tank of gasoline in your car. Think on this, better safe than sorry. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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What is Your Security Awareness IQ? Are you aware of the need for security? Emergency - Gas Fire! Woooooooo??Woooo???The siren sounded. All of us looked at each other with excitement. The time has come for us to go into action. Surveillance Camera Positioning It is a known fact that advertising is made to attract our eyes. Marketers work very hard to plant visual memories in your mind. They use anomaly phrases, rhetorical questions, sexy images and ironic text. There are many reasons why this is done but the biggest reason is that it works. Our eyes are often caught and our brains captured for a moment while we digest the advertisement. Since the advertising world has done such a good job in making us look and think there is a slight hesitation in our gaze and direction of sight. This of course is the world's best time to snap a shot or grab an image of a human on a surveillance camera. Numbers That Can Save Your Life It's one of those things we don't give a second thought about. Many of us move into a house and never even change the number that's on the house. Why should you, it's the right number and that's all that matters. Well it may be the right number but can you see it at night or from the road? If there is an emergency and you have to call an ambulance, you certainly don't want them wasting valuable seconds looking for your home. Having a visible house number both day and night is critical. Protect Your Family From Solar Flares Protect your family from solar flares. Solar flares emit dangerous gamma radiation, which affects everything from gravity waves to the Earth's tectonic system. These solar flares are dangerous to human life. The Gamma Radiation is dangerous to the human bio system. Many severe solar flares can cause cancer and It heats up the atmosphere and can drastically change weather patterns too. We have had some serious solar flares in the last few years, which have affected our lives. Some say that Earthquakes are in part due to the disruption of the natural electromagnetic distribution of the Earth along with causing disruptions in gravity waves. Where Does Safety & Security Begin? Security Expert Explains Personal safety begins with you. It is widely accepted that a wide-ranging personal safety strategy must incorporate prevention, deterrence and defiance. Kevlar Sheets for Your Home Walls Home security is more important today than ever. You may have even considered Kevlar Sheets for your home or car. They are available and there are some companies who specialize in these things. The military uses them in Humvees and other vehicles. In the Vietnam War the spotter planes and helicopter pilots would put bullet-proof vests on the floor boards since the AK-47 rounds would come up thru the aluminum and kill pilots. Without getting too dramatic you might wish to employ the same strategy in your home. How To Turn Thirty Dollar Web Camera Into Home Surveillance System Web cameras are really inexpensive these days. With no technical knowledge, you can hook up one or several camerass to your PC and create own surveillance system, much like CCTV (closed curcuit television). But you'll need the right tools first. Alarm System Keypads The keypad is the device you and your loved ones will interface with daily. It is typically placed at one or more of the following locations: Alarm Systems & Automobile Tires? What do alarm systems and automobile tires have in common? This may sound like a strange question to the untrained ear, but lend me yours and I will make sense of it. Home Security After An Earthquake After an Earthquake you need to do an immediate damage assessment. First go turn off the gas if you smell anything, a leaky gas line could explode and take out your entire home and your cats nine lives. Look for cracks in the slab or any areas where the house carpet is lifted up. Then walk around the exterior of the house, what do you see? Do you see downed fences, retaining walls, support structures holding up the garage at weird angles or any areas where your house was knocked off its foundation? Look also for water pipes which have been broken, if so shut off the main water line coming into the house. If there is extensive damage then that means the other neighbors have also and the entire area. Security Cameras For Your Peace of Mind The reasons for installing cctv cameras are the same whether you own a home or business. Protecting your property, family and employees is probably at the top of your list of priorities. You're not the only one that feels that way. Sales of home and business security systems have exploded in recent years. Even before 9/11, security system sales were on the rise. After the terrorist attacks, sales of home and business security cameras rose by as much as 20% over the course of three months. Life Insurance - Wise Investment to Protect Your Home or Excessive Caution? Life insurance is typically taken out to offer valuable financial protection for your family in the event of your death, upon which a payment is made to your financial beneficiaries, heirs or family members. The extent of this payment will depend on your insured sum and earnings. Life insurance and life assurance may be interlinked in advertisements, though bear in mind the two policies are different. Life assurance is a form of financial protection which is also an investment, as you should always get a pay-out at the end of the term of the policy. Life insurance on the other hand is simply financial protection for your family, avoiding the issue of debt in the event of your death. Alarm Systems: Not Just For The Wealthy Anymore! Over the last 22 years that I have been involved in the security alarm industry, I have seen quite an evolution. Changes have not only taken place in what type of equipment is available, but also in how the consumer buys and use's the equipment. Who Abducted the Missing Child? What is going on with these people who feel they can walk onto your property or in front of your home and abduct your child? If those parents had installed a hidden camera in their home, the police could use the recordings from the camera and have a quick lead to find the child and return them safely. Being prepared for the unthinkable act of your child being abducted by installing hidden cameras is much better than wishing later you had installed cameras! Handling Weather Emergencies: Part 1 - Forward Planning Makes The Difference Introduction Hurricane Preparedness If you are about to get hit by a Hurricane are you prepared? Do you have enough plywood to board up your windows? Often the local lumber companies will be sold out. In fact if you wait till the last minute Home Depot will be out too. Do you own a portable generator? No? Get one. Do you have enough fuel to keep it powered up? Most generators can use up to 1.5 gallons per hour and thus you need spare fuel tanks as well? If you wait too long the gas stations will be closed and after the Hurricane the power may not be turned back on for up to two-weeks depending on the damage. If you are talking about a direct hit Category III or IV it is entirely possible that it will be at least that long. Alarm System: Contacts (Window & Door Switches) Alarm Contacts- Contact switches are magnetic switches used to protect doors and windows for the most part. There are three main styles that are used by most alarm companies. They are recessed contacts, surface mount contacts and roller-ball contacts. Is Big Brother Watching You? Or Are You Watching Big Brother? Isn't technology a wonderful thing? I thought this as I received the text to my mobile phone telling me that my home security camera had detected movement. Someone or something was where they shouldn't be at the rear of my house and I was 2000 miles away on vacation ? yet I still knew they were there. Fortunately the text wasn't followed up by another from one of the sensors on my windows telling me that someone was breaking in and it was urgent I did something about it. Who Has Keys to Your Castle? One area of home security that is often overlooked, and one of the most visible, is the common key. Even if you are the owner of a new house, or the first tenant of your apartment, you cannot be sure that no one else has a key to your door. ![]() |
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