Hurricane Preparedness

If you are about to get hit by a Hurricane are you prepared? Do you have enough plywood to board up your windows? Often the local lumber companies will be sold out. In fact if you wait till the last minute Home Depot will be out too. Do you own a portable generator? No? Get one. Do you have enough fuel to keep it powered up? Most generators can use up to 1.5 gallons per hour and thus you need spare fuel tanks as well? If you wait too long the gas stations will be closed and after the Hurricane the power may not be turned back on for up to two-weeks depending on the damage. If you are talking about a direct hit Category III or IV it is entirely possible that it will be at least that long.

So what do you really need? Well you will need water first off. Fill up your bathtubs and any containers you have before the hurricane. Figure about 15 gallons per day per person. You can get by on 6-8 gallons if you have to, but 15 comfortably. Next you need food. Remember with the power out those foods needing refrigeration will spoil in a couple of days, so you need ready to eat type foods. Perhaps freeze, as much of your water as you can, ice is always a premium after a Hurricane.

If you have babies you need to be ready with those special needs and foods. Pets are also serious issues, as they will rely on you for many things, allowing them to go hunt food for themselves could cause serious hygiene issues and bacteria from broken sewer lines and debris floating in the nearby flooded waters.

In case of cuts you will need rubbing alcohol, bandaids and a basic first aid kit. It is also smart to have mosquitoes repellant as the Mosquitoes will multiply fast in the following weeks as stagnant water assists them. Chlorine can also be used to clean water. Rubber Gloves are also a must.

Besides your portable generator you will need some extra Duracell batteries, transistor radio, lighter, extra propane for cooking and a full tank of gasoline in your car. Think on this, better safe than sorry.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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