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Mars, the Mighty and Marvelous
Martius, the month of March, is named after him. So is the fourth planet from the sun and a bar of chocolate, but we know him mainly as the god of war. If you lived in ancient Rome, his name would be as familiar to you as your own, especially at this time of year with all of the holidays and festivals dedicated to the City's favourite son. You would be choosing your prettiest ribbons, studying the form of the newest racehorse or bargaining for the best seats at a track and field meet. Or perhaps preparing for war overseas, for Spring was the beginning of the Roman campaign season. There is a common belief that depictions of Mars show him as a warrior, but look a little closer and you see that he is no savage attacker but a disicplined soldier in regulation battle dress bearing regulation arms. As Mars Gradivus, he was the patron of the legions and a fitting role model for the highly trained Roman infantryman. It is his Greek equivalent, Ares, who has the character traits of the wild warrior. For Mars was also the father of Rome. It was believed he had dallied with a Vestal Virgin who subsequently gave birth to the twins Romulus and Remus, the founders of the Eternal City, and so he was known as Mars Pater, the father and protector of all the people who lived within the gates. He is definitely a male god, we use the astrological sigil of the planet Mars to represent men and masculine energy. Prominently displaying the arrow of action, it symbolises the male essence, the energy of yang - active and expanding. As an earlier fertility god he was Mars Sylvanus, responsible for the shoots of grain which thrust from the soil after planting. In astrology, Mars is the ruler of Aries and signals the season when everything awakens, grows, rises and sprouts after winter. This is the planetary time of energy and action, with the element of fire bringing the very spark of life The reddish tinge of Mars in the night sky made our ancestors think of blood, and consequently war, but don't for one moment believe that in modern times we are any more sophisticated. Even though we know the bloody appearance is caused by soil rich in iron oxide, (old-fashioned rust), the threat of invasion from the Red Planet plagued our imaginations only a couple of generations back. Like all deities, certain animals are associated with him, in this case the wolf and the woodpecker, and his companions are Fuga and Timor, flight and fear. The moons of Mars are named in Greek for these companions, and before everyone becomes too confused about Phobos and Deimos, remember that Tuesday is also named for the god of war. The French have Mardi, the Spanish Martes, and it is Martedi in Italian. In English we call this day after Tyr, the boldest of the cold- climate gods, who inspires courage and heroism in battle, and is the Northern equivalent of Mars. Tyr has soldier-like qualities as well, he is noble and self-sacrificing. On the day of Ragnarok, he will kill Garm, the guardian of hell, but will himself die from his wounds. So March is a month for action. Decorate your house with some red blooms and bring a little male energy into your everyday affairs. Susanna Duffy is a Civil Celebrant and mythologist. She creates ceremonies and Rites of Passage for individual and civic functions using ancient myths in modern settings and produces an ezine of Legends and Lore for the general reader
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When We Was Kids In Chicago (Part 2) From an early age my Mother sent me to the schools, she thought, would do the best for my education. Whether or not, my Father agreed, mattered little. Of course, they were all Catholic schools, and they were all child discipliners. Learn or Die, was their motto. I guess I didn't quite learn, and, I almost died a number of times, at least it felt like it. What To Expect From A Feng Shui Consultation If you are wishing to harmonize or balance your house or any other environment according to feng shui, the ideal way to do so is through a feng shui consultation. A feng shui consultation would provide you the right and proper guidance for you to successfully achieve your goal. Native American Life After Prophetstown My name is Luksi Humma, I am Choctaw or, Chahta, our name in reality. I am a builder of people and log cabins. Although, I live in our present time, I talk to many people who come to Historic Prophetstown, in Battle Ground, Indiana, about the way the Old Ones lived, and died. The Man Who Loved Jail Around my twentieth birthday life became a series of incredible events. Perhaps in retrospect it has never ended. I was living on my own with other guys in houses where partying was the rule and bars were meant to be closed. I had started reading Eastern mysticism and was heavy into music after years of boredom in school. It seemed like the world was much more interesting in every aspect of life's potentials. I wasn't making much money as an apprentice accountant but I was getting lots of parking tickets. I had just met a woman seven years my senior by the name of Myrna, when I went to the Don Jail for my second visit that year. The policeman asked me if I'd like him to take me in Friday late, so they would have to let me out the same night. The Nos Feratu The Caduceus has the pine cone representing the Pineal Gland which it looks like. Clearly the Edwin Smith Codex alone should be enough to tell us that the Egyptians knew a great deal about the human anatomy. But like the Rhind Papyrus which was copied from earlier treatises in 1650 BCE this knowledge including Chaos Science existed long before that. I am going to speculate about the genetic knowledge and blood rituals in a most scientific manner and try to convey how the genetic knowledge written about by Sir Laurence Gardner in his books like Genesis of the Grail Kings also can explain why his forwarder to that book says Count Dracula is one of their lofty Sarkeny Rend Rosicrucians. I will try to encapsulate a whole book I have written called The Nos Feratu. Feng Shui North versus South Hemisphere The North South Hemisphere Question: Gold Jewelry -The Rest of The Story Gold is one of the metals taken from the earth and is probably the first metal known to man. Its first use has been traced back to 3600 B. C. and was probably originally obtained in Egypt, as the ancient methods of obtaining gold in Egypt are illustrated in early rock carvings. It is said in the book of Genesis that Abraham, in the twentieth century B. C., when he went out of Egypt, was very rich not only in cattle but in gold and silver both in dust and ingots. In Exodus xxv, 29, we read that Moses was commanded by the Lord to make spoons of gold for the Tabernacle. In the writings of Homer, Sophocles, Herodotus, Pliny and others, gold is frequently mentioned. Human Genome Project and Mayan Calendar HUMAN GENOME PROJECT: - In 1991 Michael Coe wrote Breaking the Mayan Code in which he said knowing how this language was 'both phonetic as well as pictographic was as important as the Human Genome Project and space colonization'. Personally I think it is very important to see the Mayans had a language understandable in many contexts across numerous tribes and people. It IS very important to our proposed Brotherhood of Man. It is not as important as either of the other major advances for the near future of mankind; space colonization will be our saving grace as remnants of humanity even if he would interpret the Mayan prophecy that calls for a new civilization in 2012 as an end to earthian humans. My personal hope is the prophecy relates to a new purpose and focus for humanity. That will require ethical approaches to the Human Genome Project. We do not need to force a small group of humans into some new species even if they think it would be best for themselves or all of us, collectively. Those who will desire the near immortality gene-therapy and the fixing of telomeres it will allow should not be allowed to become Homo Sapiens Immortalis if all people are not allowed access. How can we stop this from happening? What about cloning humans? Then there is Danny Hillis and those who would like to dump their brain into a perfected robot of sentient ability. This is not a science fiction primer but it must seem so at this juncture, or at least it would have to my father's generation. The Western Cowboy In the State of Texas the Western Cowboy can be found home on the range. But can you really find a true western cowboy in the state of Texas? At one time you could find real cowboys in Texas but that time was over one hundred years ago. Astrology Refuted: They Should Have Seen It Coming A comedian once showed a newspaper to his audience. The headline read, "1-800 Astrology Business Goes Under: They Should Have Seen It Coming." Everyone laughed, including me. We chuckled at the irony of a real contradiction here. If such a business could provide the service they claim, then its owners should have succeeded where other businesses failed. In fact, if they really knew the future, they likely wouldn't bother with this business at all. They would simply raid the stock market with a perfect investing record. We all somewhat instinctively know this, even those of us who have never had the occasion to sit and think it through carefully. A Brief Biography of Rene Boissevain the Agate Adventurer and Creator of The Crystal Caves Museum In 1964 myself (René), Nelleke my wife, and our daughter Iefje emigrated from Holland to Australia. I was 29 years old and Nelleke a few years younger. How to Create a Multi-Artistic Piece (Article 1 of 2) In the late 19th century the music world was graced by an artist who would push the boundaries of music and art. Richard Wagner laid the foundation for performance art. Wagner combined several art forms into a cohesive unit. One of the primary elements that Wagner would use to create this holistic creation was music, which was the driving force for many of his pieces. But he incorporated other media such as scenic design, costumes, and intricate themes. The themes of many of his operas explored love between people and were at times expressed through mythical elements. The Life of Nikola Tesla - Intro It is not my purpose to claim to know all the wonders of the life of this great man who is acknowledged as one of the great inventors of all time. Those who give him that kind of acknowledgement on TV or elsewhere are not telling the whole story. There are secret projects underway that he was involved with. HAARP is just one example; it is an extension of his radio antennae that he spent a fortune trying to develop. These technologies are potentially able to destroy all life on earth; as they are kept by war-mongers and those who might leave earth for a while and then return to take over and start anew. Or maybe it will simply be a case of successful social engineering as the mind control uses get ramped out on space platforms to accentuate the ground carrier thought cloning already done by the likes of Michael Persinger. There was a time when Tesla was hood-winked by the power elite and despite him being a good person he was not politically as wise as we all must become if things are to really change. Authenticity Of Vastu (Science of Indian architecture) Vastu is one of the most ancient sciences of Indian architecture and is composed of specific rules, regulations and directions, set down by sages of the vedic times. For the modern society it is the highly evolved, comprehensive building philosophy. Native American Indian Art Wood Carvings of the Pacific Northwest Native American Indian art in the American southwest is dominated by the magnificent pottery and jewelry in the region. When it comes to the Pacific Northwest region which covers the states of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia (Canada) and the southern part of Alaska, the Native American art here is mostly wood carvings. This is not surprising since unlike the southwest desert, the Pacific Northwest is abundant with forests which have provided the wood as raw material for the region's Native American Indian art. Mythology and Parables in Modern Communication - Part 3 Our Self is the true center of our being and the place from which our individual truth emanates. It's where we can come to know our passions, our place in the world, our purpose and our destiny. Without our Self we truly have nothing, except the reference structures around us which are now crumbling. Yes, crumbling! The evidence is there; we see it every day in the media. To clarify, crumbling here does not mean total disintegration, although some would argue that is indeed the case. To me it means a rather serious Reshuffling. Her Last Day in Court "Ron, I can't take much more of his sleazy behavior! I really don't think you are going to win this case for me anyway. I've lost everything; at least I can have the pleasure of making sure the jury knows their judge is another sexual power tripper, going in to his chambers to satisfy himself with the bailiff while he screws me over under the law! I don't..." Precious Stones The Big Five-Part 5 The Pearl Since pearls are so rare and possess such a high degree of natural beauty, they have been considered to be among the most splendid of gems for many centuries. A Short Biography on Some of Europes Most Loved and Hated Monarchs - Pt 1 Vlad Tepes (Dracula) Vlad Tepes or Dracula was born in 1431, in the fortress of Sighisoara, Romania. His father was the military governor of Transylvania and a member of the Order of the Dragon. The order was created in 1387 by the Holy Roman Emperor and his second wife, Barbara Cilli. Bits of Heritage, Whose Heritage Change is the only inevitably constant aspect of life in this world we all live in. Our cultures have been dynamic. In some places we experience a rapidly vanishing heritage. While others keep theirs and improve on them, others simply do not know what to do with theirs. Technology and new discoveries in science have greatly influenced global cultural values including a supposedly described 'uninformed and primitive' African continent. This is truly not the case. In fact Africa has gradually embraced a foreign culture as its traditional values are fast loosing their place in the scheme of things. ![]() |
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