Humanities Information Site Map
The History of Body Piercings - Ancient and Fascinating Around the World
How to Make Your Civil War Uniform Shirt
Top 10 Questions about Body Piercing
How I lost A million Dollars In A Bank Robbery
The Crisis of Human Survival
African Masks
Tribal Masks
The Masked Fool
The Contingencies of Despair: How Existentialists Survive
Heraldry in the Crafts--Why Not Specialize?
The Trickster of Folklore
Nessie, the Beast of the Loch
The Year of the Rooster
Progress Versus Perfection
Amber Mysteries Revealed
Can You Hear My Secret Calling
Shadows Boxing
How Many Chinese Characters Are There?
Game Theory - What Do Game Theory and Improv Theater Have in Common?
Learn Chinese Language Tips and Techniques
The Monsters Mother
Mars, the Mighty and Marvelous
Welcome to the Mind Revolution: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Living Between the Points
Authenticity Of Vastu (Science of Indian architecture)
Some Villain Thoughts About a Container Village
10 Feng Shui Tips for a Better Life
Cant Afford Illness in America
African Masks The Art of Creation
Conceptual Art: Who Appreciates It?
Learn How To Draw Faces Realistically
The New Age Movement
Is Timing the Secret of Success?
Feng Shui and the Year of the Rooster - an Overview
Cosmic Cow
Return to Ouvea, New Caledonia
What To Expect From A Feng Shui Consultation
Feng Shui North versus South Hemisphere
Conspiracies: The Pyramid and the Sphinx
Learn How to Solve Problems With a Feng Shui Mirror
Feng Shui Horoscopes
The Five Feng Shui Elements and Their Characteristics
Understanding Astrological Predictions
What Sets Chinese Painting Apart From Western Painting
At 60 plus Amitabh Bachchan Rules! - A Vastu Study
Old Russian Symbolics on a White and Blue Porcelain
Creating a Virtual Art Gallery
Egyptian Hanmde Galabeya (Galabia)
Authenticity of Eskimo Inuit Art & Native Indian Art
My Introduction To Northwest Coast Native American Art
Export/Import of Inuit Eskimo Art Sculpture Containing Whalebone or Ivory
Inuit Eskimo Art As Investments
Bits of Heritage, Whose Heritage
How to Clean Your Civil War Uniform
Are You Embarassed by Your Civil War Uniform Impression?
When Does Man Become God?
Ancient Philosophy On The Internet Can Change How We Think
A Maiden Trip
Painting Philosophy of Peruvian Artist
Painting as a Spiritual Expression
Ernesto Apomayta offers Explanation of Mediums, Paints, & Techniques Used by Artists
A Brief Biography of Rene Boissevain the Agate Adventurer and Creator of The Crystal Caves Museum
From Dynasty to Destiny: Ten Celebrated Inventions of Ancient China
Elvis Presley, Lifting Off
Synchronized Swimming, Dolphin Cognition and Visualization
Ancient Indian Civilizations - Where Did They All Go?
How To Get Rich and Die Quick!
Peruvian Artist Shares Why Preservation of Culture and Rituals Sacred To His Art
A Defense of Cultural Intelligence
Basic Chinese Pinyin Rules
Masking European Animism
Man and His Machines
A Hidden Oriental Jewel: 100% Chinese Hand-Made Silk Embroidery
Native American Astrology: The Hawk (March 21 - April 19)
The Sixties
American Citizenship
Was there Always Bias in Journalism? Ask George Washington. Hell tell you
Bureaucracy in Peru!
Yes Tarot Readings Are For You!
Unguided Men
On Being Human
Accurate Psychic Advice
The New Age Movement
What is Feng Shui, and How Does It Work?
The Birth Of Eskimo Inuit Art Prints
Europes New Jews
Native American Art Thunderbird
Sixties: The Decade of Rebellion
Amaterasu The Goddess of the Sun
Feng Shui Monsters Under Your Bed
Astrologers Just Plain Stupid?
Mexican Living: Daily Schedule of an Expatriate
Egyptian Handmade Perfume Bottles
True Story; Why Can?t We all Just Get Along?
Flows of Civilization; Views from a Think Tank
Babel vs. the PC
Shakespeare and Human Nature
Astrology : A Science or Superstition?
Mexican Living: So You Want To Expatriate?
Mexican Living: Doctors, Doctors, Doctors
Mexican Living: Somethings Got to be Done!
Mexican Living: Issues of Life
Mexican Living: The Unexplained
Mexican Living: Myth Busting
Mythology and Parables in Modern Communication - Part 1
Mythology and Parables in Modern Communication - Part 2
Mythology and Parables in Modern Communication - Part 3
Mythology and Parables in Modern Communication - Part 4
Spainīs Flag - A Red And Yellow Beauty
Inuit Drum Dancing Of The Arctic
The Different Styles of Inuit Sculptures
Precious Stones v.s. Semi-Precious Stones
Gold Jewelry -The Rest of The Story
Tsunami Aftermath
The Sterling Silver Story
Those Dirty Mexicans--Oh, Really?
The Original Nobility: Patricians and Knights
Art, Women, and Creativity
The Daily Show is a Must See on Comedy Central
Sterling Silver Jewelry - The Rest Of The Story
Tribal Tattoo Designs - Why Are They So Popular?
Chinese Tattoos - Meaning of Chinese Dragon Tattoos
The Power of Words
Archaeology and Spirit Guides
Bad Mouthing Fellow Authors
Civil War Uniform Shirts ? When to Use a One and Two Piece Body!
Humans are not special, hate to break it to you
The Beothuk
Carly Patterson: What Makes A Champion?
Paul Hamm: Did He Deserve Gymnastics Gold in 2004?
African Americans: Get the Winning Edge
Rules of Noble Succession
Is America Still Racist?
History and the Cathars (Courtly Love):
Astrology Refuted: They Should Have Seen It Coming
Merton Abbey Mills Developments
The Wandle Trail - Announced Regeneration Project
Last Chance to See: Grove Mill, Mitcham
What About Those Pyramids?
The Oldies? Nostalgia? Watchyacallit?
The Symbolism Behind an Anchor Tattoo and Anchor Tattoo Design
Art, Artists, and the Web: Part 1--Why Every Artist Should Have Their Own Website
Ludlow Festival
ML - CHI - Zadok and the Making of Gold
Fancy Dress Parties
Fictions Galore
Moissanite Earrings, The Modern Brazilian Beetle
Berenguer Sauniere - This Place is Terrible
The Life of Nikola Tesla - Intro
Human Cultural Evolution
Gymnastics History ? A Brief Overview
Gymnastics Olympic Champions From 1988-2004
Sir Francis Drake
Druidic University
Native American Life After Prophetstown
Medieval Siege Weaponry: Castle Walls Beware
The Dating Game
Shakespeares Art: Understanding King Lear
Leonardo Da Vinci
Ogham and Aymara
Christopher Columbus
Arthur Koestler
An Interview on History and Educational Media
Thaitsuki Nihonto Samurai Swords: Leading The Way
Debussy and Gamelan According to a 150 Year Old Man
Building Catapults Required Engineering Know How
Working With The Generations
Precious Stones -The Big Five: Part 1, The Emerald
The Red Violin - Film Review
Crazy Horse
Precious Stones - The Big Five: Part 2, The Ruby
Human Genome Project and Mayan Calendar
Chinese Zodiac Signs
A Short Biography on Some of Europes Most Loved and Hated Monarchs - Pt 1 Vlad Tepes (Dracula)
The Origin of Americas Corporate Elite (BC)
Precious Stones ? The Big Five - Part 3 The Sapphire
OM to Ogham
The Man Who Loved Jail
Brazil--Comments by a Gilliam Fan a Little Too Late
Your Stars 2
When We Was Kids In Chicago
When We Was Kids In Chicago (Part 2)
Native American Indian Art Wood Carvings of the Pacific Northwest
Murder Solved From The Grave
Better Red than Dead!
Books on Horsemanship - Xenophon Had it Right
The Nos Feratu
A Short Biography on Some of Europes Most Loved and Hated Monarchs - Pt2 (Mad) King George III
Precious Stones The Big Five - Part 4 The Diamond
Precious Stones The Big Five-Part 5 The Pearl
How to Create a Multi-Artistic Piece (Article 1 of 2)
Personal Protection Specialists and Celebrity Stalking
Tarot Cards Demystified: The Suit of Pentacles
Tarot Cards Demystified: The Suit of Cups
The Dazzling Beauty of the Shwedagon Paya
I, Ego, and Power
Eminem Slimshady
A Look at the Heart of American Beauty
In Seach Of Heroes - Matrimonial Heroes (Part One)
Bewitching Jewelry -- Amulets, Talismans and Charms
Birthstone Jewelry Beliefs and Celebrity Birthdays
Body Jewelry and Todays Stars
Celtic Jewelry: Ancient Symbolism in Popular Fashion
Hip-hop Jewelry and Todays Stars
Jewelry and the Darkside: Fashionable Gothic Jewelry
Jewelry Making for Fun and Profit
Lance Armstrong Bracelets: Fashion Accessories for a Worthy Cause
Opal Jewelry -- Your Own Personal Piece of Rainbow
Celebrating Obscurity: A Tribute To J. K. Rowling
Smart Art Investments - Buy What You Love!
Insider Tips to Quadruple Your Art Show Sales
King Tuts Tomb was No Better - Found in America
Copper Keels and Red Ochre
Dreaming of Love and Peace
Astrology Signs and Planets Reveal Who You Are
A Billion Cheers At 40: Lets Celebrate Mummy Jessy
A Short Biography on Some of Europes Most Loved and Hated Monarchs - Pt 3 King Ludwig II
The Western Cowboy
Michael Jacksons Latest Album Has Flopped
Bohemian Grove
She Wrote the Book on Fakin It
Marilyn Monroe and Mary Jo Kopechne
Garnet is Januarys Birthstone
Saturn: Your Challenge to Become An Expert
The Saga of Puffed Wheat Anderson, A Minnesota Legend
The American Melting Pot Myth
To Quote or Not to Quote
Your Souls Purpose Is Found In the Zodiac
What is Y Ddraig Goch - the Welsh Red Dragon?
A Short Biography on Some of Europes Most Loved and Hated Monarchs - Pt 4 Queen Mary I
Sun Tzu: The Art of War
History of the Royal Barges - a Timeless Tradition
Josephine the Merovingian
Marcus Garvey: A Symbol for Black Nationalism
Family, Incest, and Law
A Look At The Years of Celebrities Wearing Jewelry
A Short Biography on Some of Europes Most Loved and Hated Monarchs - Pt 5 Charles II
Her Last Day in Court
The History of Thai Currency ? from Ancient Beads to Modern Baht
What is Your Birthstone?
Numerology Is More Than Numbers
Timbuktu and Brotherhood Too
Nelsons Last Words: Kiss Me, Hardy or Kismet, Hardy?
The Trafalgar Way - Devon Remembers the Battle of Trafalgar
The Automatic Champion
Hello I Must Be Going: The Vanishing Twin
Propaganda and American Journalism, Born Joined at Birth
The Sixties
A decade that stands out above the rest of our world's history as a time of revolutionary changes from all over the globe - changes that even effected outer space. There was unprecedented levels of sexual freedom celebrated among the world's youth, and teenagers around the world revolted against the generations before them. Radio brought the people completely new sounds in music, with the chart toppers fighting over the number one spots each week. The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley, among others, released one hit after another throughout the sixties.
Leonardo Da Vinci
THE BICYCLE OF LEONARDO DA VINCI: - "? a man who was at once an artist, an inventor, a scientist - and who saw no contradiction between these diverse realms.
The Crisis of Human Survival
Environmental Pollution
Dreaming of Love and Peace
She dreams of touring Europe and the US to sing of love and peace. That is her 'big ambition.' A rising star amongst Egypt's singers, Rula Zaki tells us in her best known song that we live on an indivisible planet.
Mexican Living: So You Want To Expatriate?
Expatriate wannebees often ask us how we managed our expatriation to Guanajuato, Mexico. They want to know how we overcame the seemingly overwhelming logistics of deciding where to live, if it's affordable, if there is reasonable medical care, how to find housing, can Americans find work, what about visas, and will the culture shock be too great to handle?
Conceptual Art: Who Appreciates It?
Art is sometimes overwhelming. Life as a whole can become overwhelming, and at times I do find myself caught up in its whirlwind of drama. Being the person that I am, being faced with it, I tend to question the things that I don't understand, and sometimes I questions the things I understand the most, the things that I am certain of the most, like art.
Masking European Animism
The ancient peoples of Europe were more fond of masks and religious ritual than you
would suspect if you saw Europeans today. Mask wearing and shamanism was part
and parcel of everyday life in ancient Western European tradition, say researchers.
The Nos Feratu
The Caduceus has the pine cone representing the Pineal Gland which it looks like. Clearly the Edwin Smith Codex alone should be enough to tell us that the Egyptians knew a great deal about the human anatomy. But like the Rhind Papyrus which was copied from earlier treatises in 1650 BCE this knowledge including Chaos Science existed long before that. I am going to speculate about the genetic knowledge and blood rituals in a most scientific manner and try to convey how the genetic knowledge written about by Sir Laurence Gardner in his books like Genesis of the Grail Kings also can explain why his forwarder to that book says Count Dracula is one of their lofty Sarkeny Rend Rosicrucians. I will try to encapsulate a whole book I have written called The Nos Feratu.
Europes New Jews
They inhabit self-imposed ghettoes, subject to derision and worse, the perennial targets of far-right thugs and populist politicians of all persuasions. They are mostly confined to menial jobs. They are accused of spreading crime, terrorism and disease, of being backward and violent, of refusing to fit in.
A Billion Cheers At 40: Lets Celebrate Mummy Jessy
Ooh the depth of literary riches, how terrific they are! In less than 40 hours time, our sister- J. K. Rowling would roll into her 40th birthday anniversary (on the 31st July). While making no pretences of any private relationship with her, or knowledge of, how she intends to mark her arrival at the proverbial 'land of milk and honey'. I am using this article to invite all writers to celebrate this ambassador of our profession -the PEN FAMILY, by posting a copy or just say something to appreciate this God's gift in our midst.
Humans are not special, hate to break it to you
I hate to break it to you, but humans are not all that special really. I laugh at the self importance humans place on this species as if some how they are better, more evolved or the divine work and special project of a God. There is actually not a single piece of evidence for that. We see the same general characteristics we see in humans in house pets, primates, birds and even fish. Yes, indeed we have a larger brain and the point is? Few humans bother to use its potential. Now that I have offended every human on the planet, let me recommend a book to you:
Rules of Noble Succession
Let me first say that the rules of noble succession, as they apply to a specific noble family, can normally not be changed. They are determined either by:
The Different Styles of Inuit Sculptures
At first, all Inuit soapstone sculptures from the Arctic may look alike. However, there are variances in artistic styles among the different Inuit art producing communities. Although all communities produce Inuit sculptures featuring both animal and human subjects, some seem to do more animals while others do more people figures. Some communities make their subjects appear quite realistic with lots of high detail while in others, a more crude and primitive look is preferred. There are Inuit sculptures that have a highly polished finishes and some that are the complete opposite where they are left dull and unpolished.
Garnet is Januarys Birthstone
If you're still young enough to remember your birthday, you probably also remember the special birthstone assigned to it. But at your age, we bet you don't really know the SIGNIFICANCE of your birthstone and what power the ancients felt would be bestowed about you by wearing it.
To Quote or Not to Quote
"By necessity, by proclivity, and by delight, we all quote."
Quotation and Originality 1876 Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
American poet and essayist
Those Dirty Mexicans--Oh, Really?
When my wife and I announced that we were moving to Mexico, one of my wife's relatives asked us,
The Birth Of Eskimo Inuit Art Prints
Unlike Inuit sculpture, art prints from the Canadian Arctic are a twentieth century innovation in Inuit Eskimo art. One of the most significant events that happened during the development of contemporary Inuit art was when Canadian James Houston taught the Inuit to make art prints by incising designs into linoleum tiles, stone blocks and stencils from sealskins. He had previously studied printmaking in Japan since the Japanese were considered innovators in this art process.
Is America Still Racist?
This is one entry in my Heroes and Villains Volume of an encyclopedia available at World-Mysteries.com.
Thaitsuki Nihonto Samurai Swords: Leading The Way
So why are these swords so popular? There are several reasons but number one is quality. The Thaitsuki swords are handmade by trained craftsman in using a family method over 200 years old. Second, there is no other line of swords in the world that you can find at a price that the Thaitsuki swords sell for with the same quality. Thaitsuki Nihonto swords should be in a price range around $2000 and more.
African Masks
The following is a general over view of African Masks.