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The Year of the Rooster
The Rooster is traditionally considered to be a favourable sign. His crow signals the break of dawn and the beginning of a fresh start, driving away the ghosts and evil spirits of the night. He is the only creature of the Chinese zodiac with wings and, as such, is regarded as the messenger that connects the two worlds of heaven and earth. He has five virtues: knowledge, military expertise, courage, benevolence and credibility. His crest, `kwan'', means coronet, and represents the pen, the symbol of knowledge, while his claw symbolises the sword of military skills. When confronted by an enemy, the courageous Rooster fights till the end without retreat. When he finds food he shares it to show his benevolence and he demonstrates his credibility by never failing to crow on time. 2005 is the year of the Green Wooden Rooster. Green is the colour of hope, of Spring, and of Youth, so this year will be exceptionally good for the application of scientific achievements to production and new creative work. Wood symbolises family values and astrologers say the family will constitute an integral part of everyone"s life this year. Practicality, business attitude and diligence will be valued highly and those who pay attention to even the slightest details will achieve remarkable heights The Rooster is a very fertile bird, so tradition tells us that this will be the best time to find your true love and form a family of your own. Roosters are also communal creatures so 2005 promises to be a lucky one for joint ventures. Astrology suggests we should sign as many business contracts as possible and form new partnerships in the upcoming year. However, no matter the business, family interests should always come first! The Rooster Person. Those born in rooster years are described as having a strong desire to be constantly at the centre of attention. Cheery, sharp and humorous, the magnificent Rooster will never pass up an opportunity to recount his adventures and specify his accomplishments. He is a flamboyant personality, feisty and obstinate, the proud extrovert who loves to strut his stuff. Outwardly confident, the Rooster is also a trustworthy, hardworking individual who speaks frankly with no qualms or reservations. Roosters are very loyal. They detest dishonesty or mockery of any sort for they are direct and honest people who expect those around them to be the same. Roosters are happiest when they are surrounded by others, at a small party or a large social gathering, in some way enjoying the spotlight. A Rooster will either like you, or he won't - there's no middle road. Although they are vocal with opinions and ideas, Roosters are pretty tight-lipped about their personal emotions and feelings and rarely wear their hearts on their sleeves. They are intensely private people. East meets West The upfront Aries Rooster is blunt, yet witty, unafraid of criticism and fond of sharing his points of view. Honest and trustworthy, this Rooster expects the same of others. The hard-working Taurus Rooster is motivated, industrious and reliable and finishes what he starts, but must learn to relax more. The sharp-minded Gemini Rooster is an efficient organiser who loves a good, solid debate, often on political or environmental issues. The loving Cancer Rooster is a kindly and sweet individual who enjoys the company of friends, family and animal companions. But beware if he shows his claws! The flamboyant Leo Rooster is full of energy and charisma but also deeply sincere and compassionate. The logical Virgo Rooster, although extremely efficient at completing tasks too difficult for others, may sometimes be too detail-oriented. The organised Libra Rooster is sophisticated and urbane, admired for his good taste and attractive appearance. The determined Scorpio Rooster is a motivated goal-setter who hides his deep emotions. The open-hearted Sagittiraius Rooster is a likeable free spirit, honest and down to earth with a tendency to sometimes put his foot in his mouth. The practical Capricorn Rooster wants to succeed, and his intellect and drive make him want to be in charge. The non-conformist Aquarius Rooster is creative and clever but needs motivation. The sensitive Pisces Rooster is just as stubborn, yet not as blunt as other Roosters. He considers the feelings of others and avoids confrontation or discord. Whatever Rooster you may be, whatever animal of the Chinese zodiac you are, this year of 2005 will bring creativity, diligence and family strengths to the fore. The official day of the New Year is 9 February, the Tiger month, make sure you wear something green and don't, whatever you do, eat fowl on that day. Sun nien fai lok ! Gung hay fat choy ! Susanna Duffy is a Civil Celebrant, grief counsellor and mythologist. She creates ceremonies and Rites of Passage for individual and civic functions, and specialises in Croning and other celebrations for women. http://celebrant.yarralink.com
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Sixties: The Decade of Rebellion It is safe to say that in the sixties everything changed: society, fashion, music, art, media, everything was impacted. It was a time when everyone truly believed they could make a difference, when it seemed as if the world had limitless possibilities and a few people trying really hard, willing to sacrifice everything, could change the direction of everything. And it proved the power of believing in yourself. Ordinary people did change things, extraordinary things like the attitude of society at large, like the way people viewed war and music and art. Student protests, often led by folk musicians, helped lead to the demise of the Vietnamese War, helped make social consciousness and equality for all a living fact, helped people really achieve the freedom that America and the West have always striven for. It was a remarkable time, and no wonder that many people look back to it as a time of dreams and passion. Social Activism, Celebrities, and Music Rock music became its own genre in the mid-1950s. Less than ten years later, the Beatles burst onto the music scene, the vanguard of a revolution in music. Parents hated them, sometimes even worse than they hated Elvis. But the kids loved them, and would buy anything with a picture of John, Paul, Ringo, or George. Their innovations paved the way for later artists, both British and American: the Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, The Doors, The Mamas and the Papas ? dozens of legendary bands have the Beatles to thank. By the middle of the decade, the Beatles were writing songs about social issues, like war and loneliness. And other bands followed suit. There was a lot to write about; in the United States, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was leading American Blacks to unheard-of levels of social equality, and soon the British would put special military troops in Northern Ireland to quell the unrest there, leading to nearly-open guerilla warfare with the IRA. Women all over the world were following a movement to equal rights. And anti-war activists like Jane Fonda were making a name for themselves, both famous and infamous. Food: Trends Good And Bad Though founded much longer ago, McDonalds and other fast food restaurants grew into a major power in the food industry during the 60s, probably driven by the high energy of the time coupled with an increasing dependence on automobiles as a means of transportation. At the same time the stuff that's bad for you became popular, other people began to realize that you really are what you eat. Because of new age conservationist movements, those people began to eat healthier: whole grains, organic foods they grew themselves, and semi-vegetarianism, vegetarianism, and vegan lifestyles. War: What Is It Good For? You can't talk about the sixties, the decade of peace, without talking about war. Particularly, you have to look at the Vietnamese war. The US entered the country in Southeast Asia in the early 1960s at the request of the French ? who subsequently abandoned the war. And America's presence in Vietnam grew, gradually forcing a draft of the very young men who were just discovering the dizzying freedom the sixties ushered in. The result? An impressive increase in the numbers of young people going to college, and an equally impressive increase in the number of young men moving to Canada. Ref: http://www.sixties.gb.com But why was this war so different from Korea, only about ten years earlier? The simple answer: television. Reporters with cameras covered the bloodiest parts of the war, capturing the pain on both sides in film. And those films made their way to broadcast television, which for the first time could be found in half or more American homes. It was difficult to watch the images of war without being moved, and it was a real shock to teenagers and young adults who had never known the touch of violence before. But there was another kind of war going on, a social war. Blacks in America were discovering their power, partly spurred by the thought of the draft and partly by the energy of the decade carrying them forward. Women throughout the world were discovering not only their political power, but the social freedom brought about by a little pill ? the birth control pill. For better or worse, relations between the sexes would never be the same. Sixties Fun, Games, and Fashion Toys were undergoing change, too. Physical games, like Frisbees and Twister, became very popular indeed. Boys began collecting Matchbox cars, the latest rage; and the self-image of little girls everywhere was changed as Barbie dolls, Sindy dolls, and other anatomically correct dolls that weren't baby dolls entered their pink frilly rooms. Older boys were finding they had much more to look at than ever before. Girls' skirts moved from the near-ankle-length full skirts of the fifties to the short ? shorter ? shortest skirts of the sixties. Short skirts and midriff-revealing hipster jeans also made it important that as little cellulite as possible showed ? girls could no longer wear industrial-strength girdles. The most effective way of getting rid of cellulite? Be as thin as possible. The other problem with changing clothes was that if you used garters (or suspenders, if you're in Britain) they showed under the short tight skirts. The answer? Pantyhose, an invention of the devil. Inventions and Innovations Computers also moved from being a scientific curiosity to a genuine industrial innovation; punch cards and tape were the programming tools of the time ? until the integrated circuit, the precursor to today's microchips. This innovation led to the development of the hand-held pocket calculator by Texas Instruments, though calculators did not come into general use until the early seventies. But the world didn't understand how much science and technology was really going to change their lives ? until Neil Armstrong spoke to the world from the surface of the Moon in 1969. It was a fitting end to a remarkable decade. Understanding Astrological Predictions Opinions about astrological prediction are generally divided: "Mysterious! Magical!", say some; "Nonsense!", reply others. In fact, both views are based on a misunderstanding of the nature of how astrology really "works". In this article, I will use a story to show both the true value of astrological prediction, as well as its limits. Chinese Zodiac Signs Each Chinese New Year begins on the day of first new moon. In the western year 2005, the new moon began on February 9. It was the Chinese year 4702. In actuality, most Chinese began using the western, or solar, calendar in the early twentieth century, except on important holidays. Many of the calendars in China show both the solar dates of the western calendar and the lunar dates of the Chinese calendar. Chinese astrology is based on the twelve cycles of the moon. The Chinese zodiac consists of twelve animals, rather than the solar signs used in the west. In the Chinese calendar each period lasts for a full cycle of the moon, from new to full. There are twelve complete lunar cycles in a Chinese zodiac year, but one animal symbolizes the entire year. According to their calendar, the Chinese complete a cycle every twelve years. So if you were born in the year of the rat, you would celebrate your zodiac birthday every twelve years, and your Chinese zodiac sign would be the rat. In the west your astrological sign appears once each year. The calendar and its animals were created from an ancient legend. It tells us that the animals were all fighting about who was going to be in the prime (first) position on the Chinese calendar. The gods devised a test in which the animals would compete for their position by swimming across a river. Another version says that the Buddha requested visits by the animals before he left earth. He named the moon cycles after the animals in order of appearance. So the Chinese zodiac symbol is a circle divided into twelve equal sections; think of it as if you were marking off slices of a pie. There is a picture of the animal representing that Chinese zodiac sign in each section. The calendar's use dates clear back to 2600 BC. The animals used in Chinese astrology are rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep (goat), monkey, rooster, dog, and boar (pig). Persons born during their cycle are said to take on their animal traits: Rat- Perfectionist, charming, aggressive, secretive, party-loving, quick-witted, stubborn, good at politics and business, can be mean Ox- Quiet, quick to anger, excellent memories, hard-working, family loyalty, creative, skilful hands, responsible, self-confident Tiger- Leaders, courageous, territorial, possessive, fighters, generous and selfish, magnetic, passionate, works solo, dynamic Rabbit- Sweet-natured, conservative, artistic, tasteful, sentimental, emotional, shy, faithful to partners, romantic, avoid fighting Dragon- Regal, leader, centre of attention, powerful, lucky, aggressive, dynamic, big ego, snobbish, tyrannical Snake- Charming, popular, lies easily, possessive, hates rejection, deep thinker, well-mannered, lazy, romantic, insecure Horse- Crowd lover, rebellious, energetic, selfish, self-centered, good with money, cunning, lacks self-confidence Sheep or goat- Artistic, creative, lazy, disorganized, charming, well-mannered, dreamy, pessimistic, romantic, worrier, not good in business Monkey- Charming, witty, clever, emotional, unscrupulous, love food but not gluttons, deceptive, funny, lucky Rooster- Straight-forward, honest, flashy dresser, loyal, honest, dreamer, psychic, busy, loves a bargain, observers Dog- Traditional, loyal, sincere, intelligent, private, judgmental, serious, anxious, likes solitude, champions causes Pig or boar- Loving, caring, chivalrous, sincere, honourable, easy to take advantage of, belief in goodness, love food, romantic, jealous Astrology : A Science or Superstition? Human beings have always been curious to know their future. Whenever someone is in difficulty and cannot easily come out of it, he wants to know whether the days of his misery will come to an end at all. And if yes, then when? When one invests a great deal of time, effort or money into some project, it is natural to wonder whether that investment will bear some fruit. There have always been people around who have successfully predicted future events. Their methods have been different - some people can simply look into the future, some use tarot cards, some draw up an astrological chart which we call horoscopes, some read the lines in the palms of people. One cannot deny that future has been accurately predicted many a times and by many a people. Each successful prediction proves that it is indeed possible to correctly predict future. Dreaming of Love and Peace She dreams of touring Europe and the US to sing of love and peace. That is her 'big ambition.' A rising star amongst Egypt's singers, Rula Zaki tells us in her best known song that we live on an indivisible planet. Those Dirty Mexicans--Oh, Really? When my wife and I announced that we were moving to Mexico, one of my wife's relatives asked us, Gold Jewelry -The Rest of The Story Gold is one of the metals taken from the earth and is probably the first metal known to man. Its first use has been traced back to 3600 B. C. and was probably originally obtained in Egypt, as the ancient methods of obtaining gold in Egypt are illustrated in early rock carvings. It is said in the book of Genesis that Abraham, in the twentieth century B. C., when he went out of Egypt, was very rich not only in cattle but in gold and silver both in dust and ingots. In Exodus xxv, 29, we read that Moses was commanded by the Lord to make spoons of gold for the Tabernacle. In the writings of Homer, Sophocles, Herodotus, Pliny and others, gold is frequently mentioned. Tsunami Aftermath On December 26, 2004 a massive tsunami swept through Thailand killing thousands of people, and changing the lives of thousands more. Although the Tsunami happened months ago, we are still feeling the affects of it today. How I lost A million Dollars In A Bank Robbery The Million dollars was my life-savings earmarked for prime the pump money for my biotech start-up. I am the Gerald Armstrong the owner of Gen Cells Cures?Gen Cells Cures is focused on private medical research for the individual. Searching for cures for incurable diseases and aging. Of course, with the best scientific technologies on the planet! With President Bush trying to ride the middle of the road on stem cell research and his rejection of therapeutic cloning. I packed my bags and went offshore. A great place to go, but leave your money at home. I transferred the money to a carribean island and the local banker stole every last penny. Mythology and Parables in Modern Communication - Part 3 Our Self is the true center of our being and the place from which our individual truth emanates. It's where we can come to know our passions, our place in the world, our purpose and our destiny. Without our Self we truly have nothing, except the reference structures around us which are now crumbling. Yes, crumbling! The evidence is there; we see it every day in the media. To clarify, crumbling here does not mean total disintegration, although some would argue that is indeed the case. To me it means a rather serious Reshuffling. Opal Jewelry -- Your Own Personal Piece of Rainbow Opal is a magnificent gemstone whose shades encompass virtually every hue in the color spectrum. The play of color is different on every stone, and its shimmering hues gave rise to the word 'opalescent.' Because it is such an entrancing and unique gemstone, it is no wonder that opal jewelry is very popular among collectors and fashion enthusiasts. 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Though silver is not as malleable as gold it can achieve a more brilliant polish. In fact, silver shines above all other metals in this respect. Insider Tips to Quadruple Your Art Show Sales At a recent art show, I could not help but notice that not everyone's day was going as well as mine! As I experienced a constant stream of people flooding into my booth and buying my artwork, my neighbors were sitting idle and waiting. Not only did I have people buzzing in and around my booth, but after they purchased my artwork, they told their friends to come to my booth and buy from me! Marcus Garvey: A Symbol for Black Nationalism My first kid's father named my son Marcus after legendary Marcus Garvey. Which made me curious to know more about who Marcus Garvey actually was? Bits of Heritage, Whose Heritage Change is the only inevitably constant aspect of life in this world we all live in. Our cultures have been dynamic. In some places we experience a rapidly vanishing heritage. While others keep theirs and improve on them, others simply do not know what to do with theirs. Technology and new discoveries in science have greatly influenced global cultural values including a supposedly described 'uninformed and primitive' African continent. This is truly not the case. In fact Africa has gradually embraced a foreign culture as its traditional values are fast loosing their place in the scheme of things. The New Age Movement New Age - A Paradigm Shift to Divine Consciousness & a Universal Philosophy Inuit Eskimo Art As Investments Many people collect Inuit art as investments. Inuit art is growing internationally but it has been suggested that the number of actual Inuit artists are actually declining. The creation of the Nunavut government which represents Canada's third official territory, has resulted in many new employment opportunities for the Inuit, particularly the younger ones. Carving and the entire process of bringing back suitable stone from distant quarries to their own communities are hard work for Inuit art carvers. Her Last Day in Court "Ron, I can't take much more of his sleazy behavior! I really don't think you are going to win this case for me anyway. I've lost everything; at least I can have the pleasure of making sure the jury knows their judge is another sexual power tripper, going in to his chambers to satisfy himself with the bailiff while he screws me over under the law! I don't..." ![]() |
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