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Cosmic Cow
The cow is a mother to mankind whom we should love,respect and protect. Her milk is the life blood for many species, including humans. Her dung provides fuel and bricks for millions of rural families across Asia . Her urine is medicine for the sick. When she dies her skin provides us warmth and protection through clothing. In Astrology, the cow or bull is the symbol of the sign Taurus, a sign representing earth, nature and all its bounties. In Vedic Astrology, the cow's many wonderful qualities are emphasized through the various nakshatras. She is one of the universal mothers represented by the constellation Krittika. Her unlimited resourcefulness is associated with the constellation Rohini, whose symbol, 'an oxen cart pulling a fresh harvest' highlights the fertility aspect of both the earth and the cow. 'Bhooma Devi' or 'Mother Earth' is symbolised as a cow in the Vedic tradition, as just like the earth, the cow is an endless giver of resources and nourishment. The cow's nourishing aspect is associated with the constellation Pushya, which has a cow's 'milk giving udder' as its main symbol and is a constellation related to motherhood and dependability. The cow's patient and gentle nature is associated with the constellation Uttara bhadrapada,which has cow as its sexual animal. In the Vedic pantheon of gods, the bull or cow is the vehicle of Lord Siva, and a symbol of strength and endurance. Vishnu's avatar form of Krishna, took the incarnation of a cowherd who enchanted cows and other living beings with his flute playing. His association with cows highlighted the importance of protecting and respecting the earth and its creatures. In the Vedas, one can find the story of the divine cow Kamadhenu, "the wish fulfilling cow" who is the dear treasure of the seven celestial sages. She emerged from the churning of the celestial ocean, along with many other treasures including the divine nectar of immortality, amrita ". As she is greatly desired for her endless gifts and bounty she remains under the care and protection of the sages. In all ancient cultures cows have played an important role in helping man understand his duty and relationship to the natural environment. It is a great tragedy that in today's world, cows and other highly sentient beings, are the undeserving victim of barbarous tortures and all manner of atrocities in the name of satisfying man's palate and greedy nature. It is a reflection of the current world cycle Kali Yuga (an age where ignorance and darkness reign), that the most gentlest and innocent of creatures are put through the worst treatment imagineable in the most mindless manner. This sort of ignorance breeds more ignorance and creates much negative karma for the individual and collective. The darker forces controlling the planet have deliberately conditioned humans into believing that meat is an essential part of dietary survival, and by over breeding cows in large numbers, have succeeded in destroying much of the earth's fertile land in order to feed these genetically & hormonally tampered creatures; land which could otherwise be used to grow crops that increase the world's food supply a thousand fold. There is no good reason why humans should eat meat. The physical constitution of humans is much more similar to herbivore mammals than carnivores. Eating meat produces a whole range of detrimental effects. At the most basic level it harms our physical health, but much more complex and subtle damage happens on the mental, emotional and spiritual planes. There is enough information and proof on the subject, if one takes the time to look. With today's high tech global transatlantic communications, vegetarian food sources of every type are available to anyone just about anywhere on the planet. There is enough agricultural knowledge and technology to grow crops in areas that suffer from extreme climates or other hazardous conditions. Humans have ability to access a basic level of compassion inside themselves, which they clearly express in regard to their household pets, but not to cows, pigs, sheep, chicken etc. who are equally sensitive and feel the same levels of pain and fear as the domestic dog or cat. No great feats of heroism or sacrifice are required to contribute to the enlightenment of the planet. Just by making simple changes in our every day living routine like discriminating what / what not to eat, can have significant and far reaching impact on the future destiny and wellbeing of all. Oja Spirit is based in Britain and aims to enhance greater public awareness of Jyotish. It is owned & managed by Veno. Veno also runs OSFA LTD (Orion School & Foundation for Astrology with Prash Trivedi, the world's leading expert on Jyotish and Vedic science. Veno's education in Jyotish began in 1992. She has learnt Jyotish from many sources but her most valued education has been her last five years of intensive study under Prash Trivedi. She has been a practising Jyotishi (astrologer) since 1994. She co-published her first book "Sun, The Cosmic Powerhousein 2003 with Sagar Publications, India and has illustrated a pioneering work about nakshatras by Prash titled "The 27 Celestial Portals" due for release early 2005. Veno has appeared on BBC radio and London Television with Prash to highlight the importance of introducing Jyotish to the west.
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In partnership with sports apparel firm Nike, he started selling his Lance Armstrong bracelets for a dollar apiece, with the profits going to the Lance Armstrong Foundation to fund cancer research. The Automatic Champion "Babe" Didrickson Zaharias was a phenomenal athlete. This Texan ran, jumped, rode horses, and played basketball and baseball-with tremendous flair. Heraldry in the Crafts--Why Not Specialize? I have a small website where I try to sell custom-made lapel buttons. In addition to these made-to-order buttons I also offer several specialty lines of off-the-shelf items and at this time of year I'm usually concerned with one of those lines in particular: Irish heraldic buttons. St. Patrick's Day approaches. When We Was Kids In Chicago (Part 2) From an early age my Mother sent me to the schools, she thought, would do the best for my education. Whether or not, my Father agreed, mattered little. Of course, they were all Catholic schools, and they were all child discipliners. Learn or Die, was their motto. I guess I didn't quite learn, and, I almost died a number of times, at least it felt like it. Marilyn Monroe and Mary Jo Kopechne I doubt Marilyn Monroe was anything but a confused star-struck drug-using individual with some gifts and talents that the Kennedy boys enjoyed. But she may have been so obsessed with them that she would have threatened to tell some of what she knew and she did have the attention of the people and media. There was a general lack of knowledge about the nature of JFK's drug use and sexual shenanigans even after his death. It would not surprise me if this was managed and agreed to, or asked for by the Kennedy clan. They still value their image even though Old Joe has been exposed on Arts & Entertainment. Maybe Maria Shriver and Arnold will make a run for the Presidency. It is important to note that Mary Jo Kopechne figures into the issue in a big way however. Maybe she intended to leak a lot more about the Kennedy clan. 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Sterling Silver Jewelry - The Rest Of The Story Silver is widely diffused but is rarely found in the native state. Crazy Horse My ancestry includes Colonel Miles (or Myles) Keough (or Keogh) through a relationship that apparently was not formalized with a lady who attended his grave, in a story made famous by many books on the matter. But it can only be true if this lady and her mother named Martin of the New York Governor's family, whose name is on the wedding certificate of my grandfather as a witness, kept the child a secret all her life. In fact one might even wonder if this child was the offspring of a relationship he had with white Indians like the Mandan. Geneticists can now show the Sioux are white blooded people through Haplogroup X markers as well. Miles' horse is immortalized in a song by Johnny Horton called 'Comanche the Brave Horse' and this horse is stuffed at the Manhattan Kansas museum of the regiment he also brought the tune Gary Owens to, after getting a Papal commendation his family later tore up. Miles was an expert horseman and like Custer he was held in high regard by the Indians. His horse protected him at the end of his life, and the Indians spared it because of its fine acts of bravery. I, Ego, and Power I: - A vowel that didn't appear in sacerdotal alphabets for which there is little, or should I say not one IOTA of, reason to hold up for personal glorification. The ego is man's greatest hindrance and his competitiveness possesses him like the demons he has created in his IGNORANCE! Body Jewelry and Todays Stars Body jewelry and body piercing practices have been observed by various groups of people all over the world throughout the centuries. 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"Authentic," "authentic," "authentic" is all you hear if you are new or a hard core reenactor. You look all over to find period Civil War Uniform articles. But when you finally get them, do you feel like you know what to do with them? Game Theory - What Do Game Theory and Improv Theater Have in Common? "Game" Theory A Maiden Trip I belong to a hamlet called 'Konthai' which is in South Tamil Nadu, India. Twenty years back I was there as an unemployed graduate hunting for a job. Among the competitive examination the one conducted by the Staff Selection Commission for the non-gazetted posts was popular as it was the only mass civilian recruitment by the Central Government. Even petty shops one can find the application form. So as a annual ritual, I used to appear for the examination but never bothered about the results. Elvis Presley, Lifting Off He seems to live forever. A network television movie about his life is scheduled for 2005.Three years ago,in 2002, the month of August was set aside for him. He was everywhere, as if he never died twenty-five years earlier. The old records reappeared as freshly minted CD's, he was seen shaking his hips on TV "news" clips and one CBS news piece revealed that an astounding forty two percent of the US population consider themselves to be Elvis Presley fans. His short life was looked at anew, re-examined and pontificated upon. Every day was accounted for, except that one day in January 1956 when he shot to stardom. Who could have known what would happen on that day? The biographers could not have been there but a handful of people did see what happened on that unusual and fascinating day. As a college student working as a weekend gofer in the CBS- TV studio, I was one of them. To fill in that gap in the Elvis Presley story, this is what happened on that remarkable day, January 26, 1956. ![]() |
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