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Art, Women, and Creativity
Women have been given the greatest gift of creativity there is-the capacity of creating and having a child. Even if a woman has never had children, just the biological possibility, is life defining. The theory has often been that artists create their best work when they are young and after that "peak" in their career, their art becomes stale and predictable. The assumption is that an artist's work is the most important early in their lives. I would beg to differ, especially when it comes to women. I have a theory that women come into their own as artists later in life, after the possibility of having children has passed and while the potential of having children is beginning to diminish. Because of the biological ability to have children, women understand intuitively that creativity is a life long process, not a destination. The tremendous urge to create is still there after the capacity to have children is gone. The passion and drive to create is combined with the wisdom learned from life's inevitable lessons. Women frequently find that their "artistic voices" become more confident and self-assured later in life. That is why women often come into their own artistically in their 40's, 50's, 60's and on up; Georgia O'Keeffe, Louise Nevelson and Grandma Moses are three examples. This is not to say that younger women do not create great art, they most certainly do. For younger women creatively your best years are still ahead-very good news and definitely something to look forward to. Women who have created during their earlier years have an advantage for two reasons: 1. A woman who has been creating continuously doesn't have to play catch-up in regards to the technicalities of making art. She has already spent years learning her craft. 2. "Artistic creativity" is like a muscle. If you haven't used it, the muscle atrophies, and it takes longer to get " in creative shape". If you are a young woman and struggling with how to balance work, family, friends and the multitude of things that make up life, don't give up your ability to create art. You will be way ahead of the game when you get older and it is my very firm conviction that the best years for creating art are still ahead! Mary Baker © 2005 Mary Baker is a contemporary realist painter, whose studio is in Newburyport, Massachusetts. This New England city, north of Boston, has been the inspiration for the artist's realistic oil paintings. Mary Baker is a professional artist and has shown in New York art galleries. Mary's art work has passion, depth and beauty, capturing moments in time that many people pass by. Mary hopes that if you have a vocation in the arts that you will share your artistic gifts and artistic voice and be delighted that your art brings much needed beauty, depth, wisdom and integrity to the world. You can visit Mary's website, Mary Baker Art and see her beautiful paintings at http://www.marybakerart.com, as well as read her many comments on art, artists and creativity.
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With "knight" I refer to the warrior class that emerged and developed during 900 - 1300 AD. ML - CHI - Zadok and the Making of Gold ATOMIC HIGH-SPIN TECHNOLOGY: - In 1950 B.C. there was a priest-king in Salem who understood the 'highward fire-stone' according to Gardner in 'Genesis of the Grail Kings'. His name was Melchizedek, and there is a secret or inner sanctum group of Mormons who follow his lead. The Mason (Joseph Smith was a 33rd Degree Mason, Brigham Young was a Mason too.) who founded this religion followed a path tred frequently in the expansion of esoteric manipulation. It continues to this very day with the OTO offshoots, Scientology and many other cults who believe in some very 'freaky' things. Most of the lay people will never get to know the ulterior motives of those who lead such organizations. The whole of the United States is one of their experiments according to many authors who have done excellent research in the matter. We will leave that portion of the issue until the next segment even though it isn't much of a 'mystery'. There are many things a reader should consider before jumping (or attempting to) across that chasm. The Birth Of Eskimo Inuit Art Prints Unlike Inuit sculpture, art prints from the Canadian Arctic are a twentieth century innovation in Inuit Eskimo art. One of the most significant events that happened during the development of contemporary Inuit art was when Canadian James Houston taught the Inuit to make art prints by incising designs into linoleum tiles, stone blocks and stencils from sealskins. He had previously studied printmaking in Japan since the Japanese were considered innovators in this art process. Tsunami Aftermath On December 26, 2004 a massive tsunami swept through Thailand killing thousands of people, and changing the lives of thousands more. Although the Tsunami happened months ago, we are still feeling the affects of it today. 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I am going to speculate about the genetic knowledge and blood rituals in a most scientific manner and try to convey how the genetic knowledge written about by Sir Laurence Gardner in his books like Genesis of the Grail Kings also can explain why his forwarder to that book says Count Dracula is one of their lofty Sarkeny Rend Rosicrucians. I will try to encapsulate a whole book I have written called The Nos Feratu. Jewelry and the Darkside: Fashionable Gothic Jewelry No, by jewelry and the darkside, we are not referring to Darth Vader's dark side of the force. However, the idea of jewelry inspired by Anakin Skywalker, the Sith and his Emperor sure is tantalizing. Here, if you think more about the likes of Morticia Addams of the Addams family, then you're on the right track. Gothic jewelry is the type of jewelry that the likes of her would wear: mysterious, brooding, yet elegant. Viewed this way, jewelry and the darkside certainly can go hand in hand. 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