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Ogham and Aymara
OGHAM: As any reader of my work knows by now, Ogham and an Ogham mentor played a major role in altering my life and commitment to learning about the ancients. I think Ogham was the original alphabet derived from chants, shamanic healing (Luis Beth Nion) and the lunar calendrical math shown in the work of archaeologists like Alexander Marshack. In fact I have shown that it includes binary math like the quipas even before recent research confirmed it. Here is a man who seems to see the same integration of spiritual and scientific knowledge and the choice of the name for his foundation is equally interesting. Mt. Meru is said to be from whence the Hindu people were taught their religion and I think my first published book (Diverse Druids) gave good evidences to show this is the Tarim Basin Kelts and their work. This excerpt is taken from the World-Mysteries.com site and there is a link there to more of Mr. Tenen's work at that excellent compendium of knowledge being gathered by a physicist/astronomer who has been most helpful to me and my work. "The Meru Project is based on 30 years of research by Stan Tenen into the origin and nature of the Hebrew alphabet, and the mathematical structure underlying the sequence of letters of the Hebrew text of Genesis. From the Introductory Text: 'The Meru Project has discovered an extraordinary and unexpected geometric metaphor in the letter-sequence of the Hebrew text of Genesis that underlies and is held in common by the spiritual traditions of the ancient world. This metaphor models embryonic growth and self-organization. It applies to all whole systems, including those as seemingly diverse as meditational practices and the mathematics fundamental to physics and cosmology... Meru Project findings demonstrate that the relationship between physical theory and consciousness, expressed in explicit geometric metaphor, was understood and developed several thousand years ago.'" Ogham includes binary math taken into other alphabets that maintain and develop archetypes and constructs of energy. In Luis Beth Nion it is a medicinal usage that is highlighted. There are many tracts and roots for Ogham and I am not the only researcher who sees it is similar to the I Ching which may be derived from it through the Tarim Basin Red-Heads who we can now say are the people Lao Tzu went to meet as he neared the end of his life on Earth. Chanting and other harmonic or clicking noises not unlike the whales are possibly the beginning of all language and ESP would have been more developed in pre-language times as well as what Plato noted about a writing alphabet leading to a loss of disciplined wisdom. The language development schools of the Phoenician Kelts all came from Ogham and it is widely acknowledged that Hebrew and other Mediterranean languages all came via the Phoenicians. The Aymará language of Peru is developed by the Chachapoyas leaders of the Incas and earlier cultures there. These white Keltic people who were running Peruvian cocaine to Egypt before the time of Moses are the real nature of corporate or cultural history, which I cover in my book on that region. For that reason I need to provide some of the work related to what most people cannot fathom could be true. I will leave it to the reader to verify Balabanova and her forensic court admissible proof of the cocaine mummies that Professor Martin Bernal of Rutgers also thinks is excellent evidence. You can also look to the Bas-relief in Lima that shows Kelts there in the pre-ceramic era. Let's look at the work of Sister Serghetti of the Vatican for the matter of binary code or chaos science in these original sacerdotal codes or alphabets. The Aymará Code: Sister Serena Serghetti of the Franciscan Order is a great linguist and she used the Peruvian Aymará language in very interesting ways which support the theory that binary math was part of the 'Quipas' (said to be able to keep poetry) and Ogham as a root for all languages which we have and will continue to touch upon. Another recent report from Steve Connor of The Independent says these things that confirm the following quotation. "? a leading scholar of South American antiquity believes the Inca did have a form of non-verbal communication written in an encoded language similar to the binary code of today's computers. Gary Urton, professor of anthropology at Harvard University, has re-analysed the complicated knotted strings of the Inca - decorative objects called khipu - and found they contain a seven-bit binary code capable of conveying more than 1,500 separate units of information." This next quote is taken from a whistleblower site on the Web, the article dealt with Antarctica and some fishy things going on there at Lake Vostok, so please forgive the choppiness of my excerpting. "But members of the archaeological community in the Near East point out that Serghetti is also one of the Vatican's top linguists? Serghetti first made waves as a linguist in the late 1990s when she presented a universal translator software application at a United Nations Earth Summit. Building on the work of Bolivian mathematician Ivan Buzman de Rojas, Serghetti used the ancient Aymará language of the Andes to translate English into more than 26 languages. 'The rigid, logical structure of Aymará itself is ideal for transformation into computer algorithm,' she said at the time. 'Its syntactical rules can be spelled out in the kind of algebraic shorthand that computers understand.' Since then the U.S. National Security Agency has been trying to get its hands on Serghetti's system, according to one codebreaker from Britain's MI-6 intelligence branch who tried and failed to recruit Serghetti. 'The Aymará language is so pure that the NSA suspects it didn't just evolve like other languages but was constructed from scratch,' the MI-6 source said. {A Sacerdotal language like Hebrew, used by the university chaos science types?} In fact, the earliest Aymará myth says that after the Great Flood, strangers attempted to build a city on Lake Titicaca -- Tiahuanaco with its great Temple of the Sun ? but suddenly abandoned it and disappeared. According to legend, they came from the lost island paradise of "Aztlan," the Aztec version of Atlantis. 'In other words,' said one Meso-American linguist, speaking on condition of anonymity, 'Sister Serghetti may well know the language of the Atlanteans.'" Author of Diverse Druids
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A Short Biography on Some of Europes Most Loved and Hated Monarchs - Pt 3 King Ludwig II King Ludwig II of Bavaria, named after his grandfather, was born in Nymphenburg Castle outside Munich on August 25, 1845 and was the eldest son of King Maximillian II and Queen Marie. As a boy, Ludwig's favourite time of the year were the summer holidays spent at the Royal Castle Hohenschwangau which his father restored between 1832 and 1836. The Beothuk Canada is an emancipated country in the relative scheme of things. But it has a dark history that some people aren't aware of, and others would like to keep it that way. In the early 20th century the last Beothuk Indian met her death after various parties encouraged other Indians (Micmac) to hunt people to their extinction. It is true that the Beothuk stole merchandise but it is also true that their culture assumed that what wasn't being used was for the common people to use and that those who weren't using the canoe or boat wouldn't mind if it was borrowed. In time they returned the goods if they were given a chance. Are You Embarassed by Your Civil War Uniform Impression? "Authentic," "authentic," "authentic" is all you hear if you are new or a hard core reenactor. You look all over to find period Civil War Uniform articles. But when you finally get them, do you feel like you know what to do with them? The Dating Game Lord Renfrew, Disney Professor of Archaeology at Cambridge University states: "Archaeologists all over the world have realized that much of prehistory, as written in the existing textbooks, is inadequate. Some is quite simply wrong. What has come as a considerable shock, a development hardly foreseeable just a few years ago, is that prehistory, as we have learnt it is based upon several assumptions which can no longer be accepted as valid.." Mythology and Parables in Modern Communication - Part 2 There is a big adjustment coming in terms of our Human and Spiritual evolution, where Mythology and Parables will again play a vital role in the process. As mentioned in part 1, when our usual systems of information discernment fail us ? you ? we ? I ? will turn back to something familiar and old. The Power of Words I freely confess that I have had a life-long love affair with words. I fell in love with words by the flickering light of a pine-knot fire. I watched my story-telling father use words to hold the neighbors captive. I learned how to use them from anybody who could teach me. Bits of Heritage, Whose Heritage Change is the only inevitably constant aspect of life in this world we all live in. Our cultures have been dynamic. In some places we experience a rapidly vanishing heritage. While others keep theirs and improve on them, others simply do not know what to do with theirs. Technology and new discoveries in science have greatly influenced global cultural values including a supposedly described 'uninformed and primitive' African continent. This is truly not the case. In fact Africa has gradually embraced a foreign culture as its traditional values are fast loosing their place in the scheme of things. Old Russian Symbolics on a White and Blue Porcelain Russian porcelain is widely known and is often used as a traditional gift. The art of decorative painting on porcelain is handed down by craftsmen from generation to generation. Few of us, however, have asked ourselves what exactly is depicted on a Gzhel teapot or a Lomonosov porcelain cup. The blue color, glazed cobalt, has a long history. Tarot Cards Demystified: The Suit of Cups There are many ways to interpret the symbolism found in Tarot Cards. There are varying points of view that exist about what each card means or represents. This is just one way of interpreting them. When you understand this method you will find it to be extremely accurate. African Masks The following is a general over view of African Masks. Man and His Machines A woman creates life from her womb, and man tries to create life through his machines. Progress Versus Perfection From the creative explosion marking the outset of the universe to our advanced human stage in evolution, some fifteen billion years have elapsed. This advanced stage refers to the natural abilities and the cultural realizations of our species. While these natural abilities have virtually not changed in the last hundred thousand years, these cultural realizations have progressed exponentially over the same period. The former depend on a biological memory ? the genetic information that is stored in human cells and can be transmitted through reproduction. The latter depend on a social memory ? the didactic information that is stored in human libraries and can be transmitted through education. Together these two memories and modes of transmission supply the necessary tools to perpetuate and ameliorate humanity. The problem is that humans rarely use these tools to the maximum. They reproduce very well; more than five billion people testify to that; but they could do better in every other respect, witness the many instances of weakness and wickedness that tarnish their image. Ancient Philosophy On The Internet Can Change How We Think Here I am again sitting at my computer, my job is to write about the positive aspects of the Internet. I'd like to think of myself as a bit of a novice philosopher as well as writer. The other day in poetry class at university my lecturer mentioned a quote from a guy who I had already read and enjoyed, Baruch/Benedictus Spinoza. The quote mentioned was quite a simple one, and in my opinion simplicity is the best form of communication (and everything else for that matter). Spinoza once said, "Reality is perfection." I feel this idea is quite a powerful one indeed, in relation to all aspects of life, including the Internet. Sixties: The Decade of Rebellion It is safe to say that in the sixties everything changed: society, fashion, music, art, media, everything was impacted. It was a time when everyone truly believed they could make a difference, when it seemed as if the world had limitless possibilities and a few people trying really hard, willing to sacrifice everything, could change the direction of everything. And it proved the power of believing in yourself. Ordinary people did change things, extraordinary things like the attitude of society at large, like the way people viewed war and music and art. Student protests, often led by folk musicians, helped lead to the demise of the Vietnamese War, helped make social consciousness and equality for all a living fact, helped people really achieve the freedom that America and the West have always striven for. It was a remarkable time, and no wonder that many people look back to it as a time of dreams and passion. Social Activism, Celebrities, and Music Rock music became its own genre in the mid-1950s. Less than ten years later, the Beatles burst onto the music scene, the vanguard of a revolution in music. Parents hated them, sometimes even worse than they hated Elvis. But the kids loved them, and would buy anything with a picture of John, Paul, Ringo, or George. Their innovations paved the way for later artists, both British and American: the Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, The Doors, The Mamas and the Papas ? dozens of legendary bands have the Beatles to thank. By the middle of the decade, the Beatles were writing songs about social issues, like war and loneliness. And other bands followed suit. There was a lot to write about; in the United States, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was leading American Blacks to unheard-of levels of social equality, and soon the British would put special military troops in Northern Ireland to quell the unrest there, leading to nearly-open guerilla warfare with the IRA. Women all over the world were following a movement to equal rights. And anti-war activists like Jane Fonda were making a name for themselves, both famous and infamous. Food: Trends Good And Bad Though founded much longer ago, McDonalds and other fast food restaurants grew into a major power in the food industry during the 60s, probably driven by the high energy of the time coupled with an increasing dependence on automobiles as a means of transportation. At the same time the stuff that's bad for you became popular, other people began to realize that you really are what you eat. Because of new age conservationist movements, those people began to eat healthier: whole grains, organic foods they grew themselves, and semi-vegetarianism, vegetarianism, and vegan lifestyles. War: What Is It Good For? You can't talk about the sixties, the decade of peace, without talking about war. Particularly, you have to look at the Vietnamese war. The US entered the country in Southeast Asia in the early 1960s at the request of the French ? who subsequently abandoned the war. And America's presence in Vietnam grew, gradually forcing a draft of the very young men who were just discovering the dizzying freedom the sixties ushered in. The result? An impressive increase in the numbers of young people going to college, and an equally impressive increase in the number of young men moving to Canada. Ref: http://www.sixties.gb.com But why was this war so different from Korea, only about ten years earlier? The simple answer: television. Reporters with cameras covered the bloodiest parts of the war, capturing the pain on both sides in film. And those films made their way to broadcast television, which for the first time could be found in half or more American homes. It was difficult to watch the images of war without being moved, and it was a real shock to teenagers and young adults who had never known the touch of violence before. But there was another kind of war going on, a social war. Blacks in America were discovering their power, partly spurred by the thought of the draft and partly by the energy of the decade carrying them forward. Women throughout the world were discovering not only their political power, but the social freedom brought about by a little pill ? the birth control pill. For better or worse, relations between the sexes would never be the same. Sixties Fun, Games, and Fashion Toys were undergoing change, too. Physical games, like Frisbees and Twister, became very popular indeed. Boys began collecting Matchbox cars, the latest rage; and the self-image of little girls everywhere was changed as Barbie dolls, Sindy dolls, and other anatomically correct dolls that weren't baby dolls entered their pink frilly rooms. Older boys were finding they had much more to look at than ever before. Girls' skirts moved from the near-ankle-length full skirts of the fifties to the short ? shorter ? shortest skirts of the sixties. Short skirts and midriff-revealing hipster jeans also made it important that as little cellulite as possible showed ? girls could no longer wear industrial-strength girdles. The most effective way of getting rid of cellulite? Be as thin as possible. The other problem with changing clothes was that if you used garters (or suspenders, if you're in Britain) they showed under the short tight skirts. The answer? Pantyhose, an invention of the devil. Inventions and Innovations Computers also moved from being a scientific curiosity to a genuine industrial innovation; punch cards and tape were the programming tools of the time ? until the integrated circuit, the precursor to today's microchips. This innovation led to the development of the hand-held pocket calculator by Texas Instruments, though calculators did not come into general use until the early seventies. But the world didn't understand how much science and technology was really going to change their lives ? until Neil Armstrong spoke to the world from the surface of the Moon in 1969. It was a fitting end to a remarkable decade. The History of Body Piercings - Ancient and Fascinating Around the World Body piercings have seen a resurgence of interest in the last ten to twenty years and are becoming more and more a part of the mainstream Western culture. Take a look at any fashion or entertainment magazine and you'll see plenty of well-known celebrities with body piercings like navel rings or a labret. You might be surprised to find out that piercing is actually an ancient form of expression that most cultures have practiced at some time or other for thousands of years. I, Ego, and Power I: - A vowel that didn't appear in sacerdotal alphabets for which there is little, or should I say not one IOTA of, reason to hold up for personal glorification. The ego is man's greatest hindrance and his competitiveness possesses him like the demons he has created in his IGNORANCE! Brazil--Comments by a Gilliam Fan a Little Too Late Either I am one of the darkest people ever or this was not one of the darkest movies ever made as its own packaging claims. I have vowed to myself not to use the following words: Orwellian or futuristic, though I had to use that sentence to get them out and make room for free, original thought. Egyptian Handmade Perfume Bottles Blown glass, a very ancient technique, is the oldest among the handicrafts. It is said by some, that ancient Egyptians were the original inventors of glass making techniques. Production of metallurgy and faience helped a great deal in the manufacture of glass afterwards. The earliest Egyptian glass known to us was in the form of small beads and pendants found in sites dating back to the 3rd millennium B.C. At that time glass was made by melting a combination of silica-sand, lime, and soda. The interaction of the heated soda and the hot sand formed a transparent flowing liquid, which was then permitted to cool forming glass. From Dynasty to Destiny: Ten Celebrated Inventions of Ancient China In the last two centuries, new cultural discoveries have nearly rewritten history. It's been an exciting time, full of adventure and surprises. Around every corner there are new responses to questions we had already imagined answered. And of these breakthroughs, none shines as brightly as the impact of ancient Chinese inventions on modern life. As we explore ten of the greatest inventions and innovations of Ancient China, you may be surprised at their influence on recent technology. Ludlow Festival His plays and adaptations have been performed in many countries and in many languages. Among the many adaptations Berkoff has created for the stage, directed and toured, are Kafka's Metamorphosis and The Trial, Agamemnon after Aeschylus, and Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher. He has directed and toured productions of Shakespeare's Coriolanus also playing the title role, Richard II, Hamlet and Macbeth, as well as Oscar Wilde's Salome. ![]() |
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