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The Beothuk
Canada is an emancipated country in the relative scheme of things. But it has a dark history that some people aren't aware of, and others would like to keep it that way. In the early 20th century the last Beothuk Indian met her death after various parties encouraged other Indians (Micmac) to hunt people to their extinction. It is true that the Beothuk stole merchandise but it is also true that their culture assumed that what wasn't being used was for the common people to use and that those who weren't using the canoe or boat wouldn't mind if it was borrowed. In time they returned the goods if they were given a chance. The debate in scholarly journals would suggest this was part of the difficulty and that there is little proof there was a concerted effort to eradicate the Beothuk. What truth in that suspicion of mine actually exists is up to you to decide. Clearly there will be no conclusive documentation I can provide; but there might be a reason to eliminate these people who are probably the cause of the moniker 'red-men'. They would smear their body with the spiritual red ochre that had been part of their cosmogony since the time of the ancient copper trade to Isle Royale. This was a protection from evil spirits. Obviously it didn't work in this world when the European heathen arrived to dispossess all natives and their quaint attitudes that had built up over thousands of years. The 'protection' was inadequate to protect what may have been the remnants of the Keltic 'Brotherhood' that first inter-mingled in North America. Their canoe or boat construction is unlike any other and Farley Mowat certainly thinks they were in touch with the Scots and Celts since the 8th century AD. There is a burial that archaeologists have found that interests me and I hope some day they do genetic testing on the body to see if they can track or trace the genetic material to Ireland or Norway. This body had been disinterred or taken out of its grave and then the bones were covered with red ochre. I believe this was a high priest or shaman who had the knowledge of his ancestors from Druidic Europe. The crouched position of the skeleton is reminiscent of some Scythian and Keltic burials as well as those near Mt. Carmel Neanderthal back to 150,000 years ago. The fact is, no real attempt was made to deal with their culture and keep these people alive. Their lands covered the territory from Ungava Bay to Newfoundland at one time and there are lots of Norse settlements in this area so academics no doubt would say 'So What' if there is genetic material in these or other bones that ties in to Europe. They might even re-iterate their claim that there is no proof of cultural impact and the integration of the few Europeans who settled here is proof of their contention. My attitude is that the Algonkian and other Indians who encouraged sex before marriage and enjoyed the intermingling of species, races and culture were heavily and spiritually impacted by 'messengers' who were white and often Druidic. There is far more proof than just the Scandinavian sweat house design or pottery. The most important proof is the very attitudes of brotherhood and community that allow people to use and share the wealth of the land and aren't so much into being rich. There are still 'primitive' savages (?) in Brazil like the Yanomami who are being dispossessed and eliminated in the name of 'progress'; which is an extension of the concept of 'Manifest Destiny', and an ethic that is more of a real theft of property than any Beothuk ever did to his fellow man. Pierre Berton is a highly respected Canadian author and historian who tells the story with appropriate documentation of the extinction of these once fun-loving and free people. It is a black mark on our collective consciousness and heritage made all the worse by a lack of awareness and transparency about what really happened. The effort to keep the knowledge of the 'travelers' and messengers or other agents of worldwide ecumenicism continues unabated and with something close to evil intent. It is entirely possible that courts would decide the white men were invaders and destroyers of a culture and people who had every legal and moral right to expect the newcomers to act like the white men that had come to live with them and trade the previous ten thousand or more years. It is possible that we all might agree the Paradise that was North America had a better form of land use and education or health or extended family management akin to the Kelts; and in line with the purpose God wants us to fulfill. Author of Diverse Druids
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Game Theory - What Do Game Theory and Improv Theater Have in Common? "Game" Theory Building Catapults Required Engineering Know How When building catapults, armies had to include in their ranks those people capable of employing complicated mathematical formulas and turning them into machines of war. Spainīs Flag - A Red And Yellow Beauty Spainīs flag (the national one) is as colorful as the country itself with its red and yellow horizontal triband. Rules of Noble Succession Let me first say that the rules of noble succession, as they apply to a specific noble family, can normally not be changed. They are determined either by: Propaganda and American Journalism, Born Joined at Birth Passion was the main stuff of journalism long before the Civil War, the birthplace of modern American journalism. The Press of the American Revolution during the War and before it, was borne of it. Newspapers then were not as we know them today. Weekly advertising mediums they were, but they were primarily opinion pieces designed to protect interests or to provoke the readership. They were propaganda organs in the truest sense. They were virtual flagpoles of ideology from which the editor could wave his political flag. As tools of political activism they often published articles of principles treating of various freedoms or governmental responsibilities, as the editors saw them to be, mostly by pseudonymous authors sometimes using names taken from the Greek or Roman classics like Cato or Ovid. Fictions Galore FABULOUS: - Many 'fabulous' personages and concepts are created by man. Some are attempts to make sense of a confusing array of real things he doesn't understand, others are created by those who would have us 'believe'. The art of making others 'believe' what you want them to, is an art that developed over millions of years even if man is only modern for the last hundred thousand years. 'As you believe so shall you do' and fables which set early modes of relating to our environment in nursery rhymes and other equally 'fabulous' or fantastic histories. Revisionist history was definitely begun in earnest during the Babylonian and early Greek era. By the time of Alexander he was so convinced this art was achievable that he declared himself a divine creature and no longer just used the descended from divine or demi-god fiction. All knowledge was to become Hellenized or made to fit the needs of his Empire. Civil War Uniform Shirts ? When to Use a One and Two Piece Body! So, you want to make your own Civil War shirt. You have so many decisions to make - one or two-piece body, type of front, buttons, material, colors, collars! Wow. Archaeology and Spirit Guides One of the northern derivatives of Hopewell of interest to a few scholars is the anomalous Effigy Mound culture of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa. The remains attract attention because of the range of animal forms represented by the low effigy mounds. There are sometimes burials at the "vital" points - hips, head or heart area - of the animals, but there is only the simplest of grave goods. To Quote or Not to Quote "By necessity, by proclivity, and by delight, we all quote." Quotation and Originality 1876 Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) American poet and essayist From Dynasty to Destiny: Ten Celebrated Inventions of Ancient China In the last two centuries, new cultural discoveries have nearly rewritten history. It's been an exciting time, full of adventure and surprises. Around every corner there are new responses to questions we had already imagined answered. And of these breakthroughs, none shines as brightly as the impact of ancient Chinese inventions on modern life. As we explore ten of the greatest inventions and innovations of Ancient China, you may be surprised at their influence on recent technology. A Brief Biography of Rene Boissevain the Agate Adventurer and Creator of The Crystal Caves Museum In 1964 myself (René), Nelleke my wife, and our daughter Iefje emigrated from Holland to Australia. I was 29 years old and Nelleke a few years younger. Human Genome Project and Mayan Calendar HUMAN GENOME PROJECT: - In 1991 Michael Coe wrote Breaking the Mayan Code in which he said knowing how this language was 'both phonetic as well as pictographic was as important as the Human Genome Project and space colonization'. Personally I think it is very important to see the Mayans had a language understandable in many contexts across numerous tribes and people. It IS very important to our proposed Brotherhood of Man. It is not as important as either of the other major advances for the near future of mankind; space colonization will be our saving grace as remnants of humanity even if he would interpret the Mayan prophecy that calls for a new civilization in 2012 as an end to earthian humans. My personal hope is the prophecy relates to a new purpose and focus for humanity. That will require ethical approaches to the Human Genome Project. We do not need to force a small group of humans into some new species even if they think it would be best for themselves or all of us, collectively. Those who will desire the near immortality gene-therapy and the fixing of telomeres it will allow should not be allowed to become Homo Sapiens Immortalis if all people are not allowed access. How can we stop this from happening? What about cloning humans? Then there is Danny Hillis and those who would like to dump their brain into a perfected robot of sentient ability. This is not a science fiction primer but it must seem so at this juncture, or at least it would have to my father's generation. Return to Ouvea, New Caledonia "Ouvea is everything you'd expect in a South Pacific island. Twenty kilometers of unbroken white sands border the lagoon on the west side of the island and extend far out from shore to give the water a turquoise hue. The wide western lagoon, protected by a string of coral islands and a barrier reef, is the only one of its kind in the Loyalties. On the ocean side are rocky cliffs, pounded by surf, but fine beaches may be found even here. At one point on this narrow atoll only 450 meters separates the two coasts. Traditional circular houses with pointed thatched roofs are still common in the villages". Celebrating Obscurity: A Tribute To J. K. Rowling A single-parent rose from obscurity in 8 years to become today the greatest woman celebrity, the richest woman (even richer than Her Majesty, the Queen of England) in the U.K, all through the power of imagination expressed through the power of her fingers!! She held the world spell-bound (270 million copies of her books sold so far). How Many Chinese Characters Are There? Let's trace the number of Chinese characters from Han Dynasty 汉朝 (206 B.C. to 220 A.D.) Personal Protection Specialists and Celebrity Stalking Celebrity stalking has become the way for the socially inept to; A. "normality" or B. stardom. They may have no friends, they may never have had a date or spouse, but when stalking someone perceived as significant to the public, the stalkers feel in control and may feel that they have a "normal" relationship. Humans are not special, hate to break it to you I hate to break it to you, but humans are not all that special really. I laugh at the self importance humans place on this species as if some how they are better, more evolved or the divine work and special project of a God. There is actually not a single piece of evidence for that. We see the same general characteristics we see in humans in house pets, primates, birds and even fish. Yes, indeed we have a larger brain and the point is? Few humans bother to use its potential. Now that I have offended every human on the planet, let me recommend a book to you: Synchronized Swimming, Dolphin Cognition and Visualization As humans become more technologically advanced and are able to see our environments from the outside looking in, we gather insight to our 3D space that we normally would not be able to do, these leaps in understanding which leads to increased technological advances appears to be increased due to such abilities. We have been able to increase our understanding of our total world and space through sea exploration, aircraft observation and space flight. Ancient Indian Civilizations - Where Did They All Go? In 1350 AD we were still quite a few centuries from settling at Plymouth. I have been luckily in that I have found adequate records back to 1200s in my family tree. But this is the time of the end of the inhabitants and Civilization of the Mesa Verde Cliff Dwellers. Some stayed back we suppose, they are the Anastasi Indians. What else was going on in the world during this time? Well as the Indians were leaving there was another civilization flourishing in Thailand and the Thais people had built many city-states. Marcus Garvey: A Symbol for Black Nationalism My first kid's father named my son Marcus after legendary Marcus Garvey. Which made me curious to know more about who Marcus Garvey actually was? ![]() |
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