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Fictions Galore
FABULOUS: - Many 'fabulous' personages and concepts are created by man. Some are attempts to make sense of a confusing array of real things he doesn't understand, others are created by those who would have us 'believe'. The art of making others 'believe' what you want them to, is an art that developed over millions of years even if man is only modern for the last hundred thousand years. 'As you believe so shall you do' and fables which set early modes of relating to our environment in nursery rhymes and other equally 'fabulous' or fantastic histories. Revisionist history was definitely begun in earnest during the Babylonian and early Greek era. By the time of Alexander he was so convinced this art was achievable that he declared himself a divine creature and no longer just used the descended from divine or demi-god fiction. All knowledge was to become Hellenized or made to fit the needs of his Empire. We have perfected this art against our 'brothers' and for the benefit of the few and their minions to the point that it requires a sincere willingness to courageously demonstrate independent thinking and questioning in the face of ridicule and worse. Little of what was believed in the last century is thought to be true today but that does not mean we are closer to the real truth. In fact we may have a more thoroughly manipulated image of our supposed reality than the 19th century elitists who wrote with some excitement about what could be. The almighty dollar and the increasing social support network is a positive re-inforcer of mass behavior. B. F. Skinner was certainly a bad person for doing what he did to his daughter (keeping her in his attic, etc.) but he was the maven or guru of behavioral psychology and knew what society was headed towards and why; to an extent that his name was synonymous with the word behavior. He said the feudal 'negative reinforcers' like serfdom and whippings actually left a greater freedom for the masses than our great education from birth to grave. Taxes to provide the very controls which we are led to believe we want; might well be why Joseph Kennedy, Sr. (a true villain) told his kids the way to power was going to be in government as he prepared to buy the Presidency for Joe Jr., and eventually Jack. There was no need to tell the truth when great fiction writers could be bought and the image of 'Camelot' and the Kennedy clan was created. We now know that Jackie was probably the world's highest paid courtesan for her brief time spent with Onassis. A detailed look at their marriage agreement would amaze even the most jaundiced and cynical person. Arts and Entertainment did a decent documentary that showed some of the Chicago mob involvement in the making of what many still consider to be the best American President ever. Jack was a drug abuser and lecher who misused his fellow man in the image and model of his stock swindling drug or alcohol running parent. It isn't so much what they did as how they manipulated the media. In Watergate everyone got to see Nixon try to do it on national TV every night for months. Still we think what we are told has some semblance of truth, or at least the majority of people do, as they follow the footsteps laid out for them. FAINT-HEARTED: - The faint of heart include those who have serious causes and philanthropical intentions as well as the great unwashed. It is easy to hide oneself in the intensity of any number of issues while losing sight of the real underlying causes of all the concerns that permeate our great society. When we learn to avoid confrontation and begin to accept the polite purpose promulgated by peer pressure we lose perspective and actually support the prevailing ethic of deceit. In fact it is a good thing to share one's thoughts about sex, religion and politics despite the taboos against such behavior. Yes, it might not make you popular and it certainly puts you in some sticky situations; in the end if you go along with the game and take your piece of the action what might your karma be? Are we not responsible for what is happening at the hands of our collective governments because we participate in the apparent benefits and vote to maintain such frauds and guises of deceit? Why allow your children to be taught the lies of history? Why listen to the same tired clichés and rationalizations about 'What can one man do?' or 'You can't fight City Hall!' We imagine if you were put inside the skin of an Ethiopian or Saudi woman you would find a reason to fight. I know most people want to believe there is justice rather than vengeance in the hearts of our police and penal guards who work for empires of amazing incompetence while fighting to get a piece of the 'pad' or drug action. Who really knows what effect the drugs given mental patients have? Is not the straight-jacket actually more humane than burning or destroying brain cells and 'libido', in pursuit of making people 'manageable'? Did you know they try to sell ECT's as a boon to the elderly while they force Ritalin (an amphetamine, gateway drug) down the throats of children?
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African Americans: Get the Winning Edge Everybody wants an edge that will give him or her a competitive advantage that will help him or her accomplish a goal faster, easier or better. Athletes will train harder and longer. They will eat right, sleep right and even give up sex if they think it will give them a winning edge. Some athletes have gone as far as taking up ballet, yoga or illegal drugs to improve performance. Her Last Day in Court "Ron, I can't take much more of his sleazy behavior! I really don't think you are going to win this case for me anyway. I've lost everything; at least I can have the pleasure of making sure the jury knows their judge is another sexual power tripper, going in to his chambers to satisfy himself with the bailiff while he screws me over under the law! I don't..." A Maiden Trip I belong to a hamlet called 'Konthai' which is in South Tamil Nadu, India. Twenty years back I was there as an unemployed graduate hunting for a job. Among the competitive examination the one conducted by the Staff Selection Commission for the non-gazetted posts was popular as it was the only mass civilian recruitment by the Central Government. Even petty shops one can find the application form. So as a annual ritual, I used to appear for the examination but never bothered about the results. Mexican Living: Somethings Got to be Done! Mexico needs to do something about the behavior of Gringos who come to their country who are hell-bent on acting out the Ugly American Syndrome stereotype no matter what. The Symbolism Behind an Anchor Tattoo and Anchor Tattoo Design Anchor tattoos were all the rage for sailors. It was often the symbol of a very experienced sailor. Anchor tattoo designs are one of the oldest types of tattoos. However with an interest in all things retro and chic these have come back into fashion. In fact in the tattoo field as a whole retro tattoo designs have been experiencing a resurgence. These retro tattoo designs have come back to life with new more vibrant tattoo colors, designs and placements on the body. This trend originated on the west coast mostly and has even become known as west coast tattoo style. Lance Armstrong Bracelets: Fashion Accessories for a Worthy Cause Lance Armstrong bracelets, the yellow rubber wrist bands inscribed with the motto LiveStrong, are tangible parts of champion American cyclist Lance Armstrong's legacy. Diagnosed with testicular cancer on October 2, 1996, Armstrong battled with the disease and didn't let it get in the way of his will to wear the yellow jersey once again to compete in the Tour de France cycling tournament. In partnership with sports apparel firm Nike, he started selling his Lance Armstrong bracelets for a dollar apiece, with the profits going to the Lance Armstrong Foundation to fund cancer research. Is Timing the Secret of Success? Success is often viewed as a magic potion. Market demand has always been there, but no-one has worked out the recipe or how to bottle it. Masking European Animism The ancient peoples of Europe were more fond of masks and religious ritual than you would suspect if you saw Europeans today. Mask wearing and shamanism was part and parcel of everyday life in ancient Western European tradition, say researchers. Conceptual Art: Who Appreciates It? Art is sometimes overwhelming. Life as a whole can become overwhelming, and at times I do find myself caught up in its whirlwind of drama. Being the person that I am, being faced with it, I tend to question the things that I don't understand, and sometimes I questions the things I understand the most, the things that I am certain of the most, like art. Your Souls Purpose Is Found In the Zodiac Of course, science has explained this to us, and we accept it intellectually, but most of us don't think of ourselves as being born in the sky while riding the earth spaceship. Nelsons Last Words: Kiss Me, Hardy or Kismet, Hardy? "Kiss me, Hardy" or "Kismet, Hardy"? Both versions are commonly used, the former being clearly more universal . The easy answer is that, whatever variation, these were not his final words (that is a trick question!). Mexican Living: So You Want To Expatriate? Expatriate wannebees often ask us how we managed our expatriation to Guanajuato, Mexico. They want to know how we overcame the seemingly overwhelming logistics of deciding where to live, if it's affordable, if there is reasonable medical care, how to find housing, can Americans find work, what about visas, and will the culture shock be too great to handle? Export/Import of Inuit Eskimo Art Sculpture Containing Whalebone or Ivory The export of certain Inuit sculpture from Canada to other parts of the world including the United States does have some restrictions. In order to reduce harvesting of marine animals such as whales and walruses, the United States Congress passed the Marine Mammal Protection Act in 1972. It was later modified in 1981 and a special section (101) of the act was developed to exclude Eskimo Inuit and other aboriginals living in the state of Alaska. Section 101 allowed Alaskan Natives to continue their traditions of hunting marine mammals for food and using parts of such animals as raw materials in the making of clothes, crafts and artwork. Spain´s Flag - A Red And Yellow Beauty Spain´s flag (the national one) is as colorful as the country itself with its red and yellow horizontal triband. Family, Incest, and Law Family Values in Ancient Times: Creating a Virtual Art Gallery To the online artist, it might seem a paradox, at first glance, to hear a recommendation to hold back work. The artist on the Internet often overproduces and displays their entire body of work. In essence, by placing it for casual viewing, known as "shopping" the work, devalues its worth by defying the Law of Supply and Demand. A Short Biography on Some of Europes Most Loved and Hated Monarchs - Pt 3 King Ludwig II King Ludwig II of Bavaria, named after his grandfather, was born in Nymphenburg Castle outside Munich on August 25, 1845 and was the eldest son of King Maximillian II and Queen Marie. As a boy, Ludwig's favourite time of the year were the summer holidays spent at the Royal Castle Hohenschwangau which his father restored between 1832 and 1836. Amaterasu The Goddess of the Sun Amaterasu is a shining example of how adversity can help us to 'blossom and bloom' more at times. She helps us look for the lesson to be learned when the adverse times come into our lives. Bits of Heritage, Whose Heritage Change is the only inevitably constant aspect of life in this world we all live in. Our cultures have been dynamic. In some places we experience a rapidly vanishing heritage. While others keep theirs and improve on them, others simply do not know what to do with theirs. Technology and new discoveries in science have greatly influenced global cultural values including a supposedly described 'uninformed and primitive' African continent. This is truly not the case. In fact Africa has gradually embraced a foreign culture as its traditional values are fast loosing their place in the scheme of things. An Interview on History and Educational Media 1. Can you briefly summarize why you think history is a weapon of war against people? ![]() |
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