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Christopher Columbus
CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS: - It seems a mystery to most academics why the governments who are based on Manifest Destiny and the 'colon'-ization of the world by Christophe Colon (this is the name he wanted to be called and may actually be the Catalan Cathar name for him. Colon means 'Dove' and it is the Dove of Jesus or Peace which the Cathars sought to provide in their Gnostic ecumenicism.) to know why these governments pay them to lie about Colon. The Library of Congress (15) is still acting like there was no real contact before him and saying the same kind of unsubstantiated and outright garbage that we were taught in school. I guess some of these academics don't check anything out for themselves. Here are some point form things you can check into: 1. He took a Hebrew interpreter/friend on his first voyage supposedly looking for Chinese Khans. There had been lots of contact with China and the Nestorian Catholics were politically involved in China as is shown by Byzantine 5th Century coins there in recent archaeology as well as just a couple of centuries before Colon went there Temujin (Genghis Khan) found the Nestorians doing the political intrigue lobbying later perfected by Jesuits. Hebrew is Phoenician and I can show that relates to Ogham of the earlier Kelts. Can was the title of the Mayan leaders. 2. He brought dogs that the fleas which carried plague and disease lived on. In my research I had much of the puzzle when I knew William of Rubruck had noted the marmot was the origin of Plague and how the Mongols cleaned and quarantined to stop it. When I saw the man who gassed Arabs as the Colonial Secretary say the Plague was a necessary use in his book The Island Race (Churchill) I had the confession to go with motive, means and opportunity. The science that proves its later use at Fort Pitt and other things make me certain Columbus and de Soto were sent on the mission with someone knowing full well that Paradise would be destroyed and the 70,000,000 North Americans including many white cultures became a scraggly remnant with 4,000,000 in just a century. In the more resistant areas where constant contact had been maintained throughout millennia, they later gave muskets to their allies the Iroquois. 3. The trinkets in his hold would not interest the Chinese. 4. His prior voyages to Iceland or the British Isles certainly would have made him aware of Prince Henry Sinclair's voyage and many earlier ones. 5. He had an Irish pilot on board that he picked up in St. Malo before making the first trip. His logs which I have seen reproductions of, say it was Guillermo Ires which means William of Ireland, who might be William Penrise of Galway. 6. The arrangements for his trip include his relationship with the father of his children's mother. He was a leader or Nautonnier of the Knights of Christ. They are the continuation of the Templars who also went to Scotland and Prince Henry after Robert the Bruce, learned much from them. That includes the Portolan maps that were suddenly available to mariners all over Europe after the demise of the Templars. It leads to a freedom in travel not seen in millennia. He may have had Plutarch's map for the northern route and he most likely had other maps showing North America. 7. The financing of his trip by the Los Hermanos seems to be a Jewish guise to avoid the need to become 'conversos' just as the Pinzón family is most interesting to explore. Even the Britannica flat out calls the Isabella jewels a pure fiction, now. On the day he left port all Jews were to be dealt with harshly and assets seized. The Britannica calls him crazy in their Macropaedia and acknowledged his Jewish possible heritage to the Cathar ecumenical people. 8. He kept at least one secret journal to report to the likes of the Knights and Don Francisco Coloma. Champlain could similarly be a double agent. In the case of Colon he had a signature with an 'S' that had dots either above or below it depending on the code to use in interpreting. I think this is the Heliopolitan long standing symbol of the 'sun or son' worship. It is therefore likely that he was like Nostradamus ? an agent in the Hibernian intrigue behind the Priory which founded the Templars whose flag or insignia flew proudly on his sails. Vasco da Gama had this same red palette cross on his sails. I am near to certain he was a lot more than a mere Mason who use the 'Sons of the Widow' greeting and code. 9. The Papal cosmographer and friar astronomer who arranged his return to Isabella's court is likely a go-between for the Borgia/De Medicis Pope who was already at work on the Treaty of Tordesillas and the plan to spread the Inquisition and split the world between two vassal states he had power over. These points are well known to the likes of Britannica and yet we were told other things for centuries. The Vatican knew about the so-called New World as did the Templars or Phoenicians who kept a monopoly of trade there for millennia. 10. His third voyage had a person of Arabic expertise to interpret and he went to the Berber or Melungeon regions further north. I could continue the list of intrigue and 'miss'-story but I hope others choose to look further into these and many things I cover in greater detail in books like Columbus the Itinerant Cathar. I will include part of a journal he kept for the Spanish Monarch's consumption which is full of hype so you can get the gist of the game. It has a brief comment from what I presume is a Fordham University professor and I recommend looking at the whole link for his further input. Note the reference to having people request Catholic emissaries to India. This is a reference to Marco Polo's slave trade trips, and two were sent with him on the return to Kublai Khan's court; but they returned after getting some prime slaves and having only traveled a short distance. They returned under protection of Templars. The Kublai Khan had issued a challenge to Catholic scholars in which he said he would make Catholicism the religion of his whole large Empire if they had any merit and could present a good case compared to his (far better) science. "Christopher Columbus: Extracts from Journal This document is from the journal of Columbus in his voyage of 1492. The meaning of this voyage is highly contested. On the one hand, it is witness to the tremendous vitality and verve of late medieval and early modern Europe - which was on the verge of acquiring a world hegemony. On the other hand, the direct result of this and later voyages was the virtual extermination, by ill-treatment and disease, of the vast majority of the Native inhabitants, and the enormous growth of the transatlantic slave trade. It might not be fair to lay the blame at Columbus' feet, but since all sides treat him as a symbol, such questions cannot be avoided. IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST Whereas, Most Christian, High, Excellent, and Powerful Princes, King and Queen of Spain and of the Islands of the Sea, our Sovereigns, this present year 1492, after your Highnesses had terminated the war with the Moors reigning in Europe, the same having been brought to an end in the great city of Granada, where on the second day of January, this present year, I saw the royal banners of your Highnesses planted by force of arms upon the towers of the Alhambra, which is the fortress of that city, and saw the Moorish king come out at the gate of the city and kiss the hands of your Highnesses, and of the Prince my Sovereign; and in the present month, in consequence of the information which I had given your Highnesses respecting the countries of India and of a Prince, called Great Can, which in our language signifies King of Kings, how, at many times he, and his predecessors had sent to Rome soliciting instructors who might teach him our holy faith, and the holy Father had never granted his request, whereby great numbers of people were lost, believing in idolatry and doctrines of perdition. Your Highnesses, as Catholic Christians, and princes who love and promote the holy Christian faith, and are enemies of the doctrine of Mahomet, and of all idolatry and heresy, determined to send me, Christopher Columbus, to the above-mentioned countries of India, to see the said princes, people, and territories, and to learn their disposition and the proper method of converting them to our holy faith; and furthermore directed that I should not proceed by land to the East, as is customary, but by a Westerly route, in which direction we have hitherto no certain evidence that any one has gone. So after having expelled the Jews from your dominions, your Highnesses, in the same month of January, ordered me to proceed with a sufficient armament to the said regions of India, and for that purpose granted me great favors, and ennobled me that thenceforth I might call myself Don, and be High Admiral of the Sea, and perpetual Viceroy and Governor in all the islands and continents which I might discover and acquire, or which may hereafter he discovered and acquired in the ocean; and that this dignity should be inherited by my eldest son, and thus descend from degree to degree forever. Hereupon I left the city of Granada, on Saturday, the twelfth day of May, 1492, and proceeded to Palos, a seaport, where I armed three vessels, very fit for such an enterprise, and having provided myself with abundance of stores and seamen, I set sail from the port, on Friday, the third of August, half an hour before sunrise, and steered for the Canary Islands of your Highnesses which are in the said ocean, thence to take my departure and proceed till I arrived at the Indies, and perform the embassy of your Highnesses to the Princes there, and discharge the orders given me. For this purpose I determined to keep an account of the voyage, and to write down punctually every thing we performed or saw from day to day, as will hereafter appear. Moreover, Sovereign Princes, besides describing every night the occurrences of the day, and every day those of the preceding night, I intend to draw up a nautical chart, which shall contain the several parts of the ocean and land in their proper situations; and also to compose a book to represent the whole by picture with latitudes and longitudes, on all which accounts it behooves me to abstain from my sleep, and make many trials in navigation, which things will demand much labor. Friday, 3 August 1492. Set sail from the bar of Saltes at 8 o'clock, and proceeded with a strong breeze till sunset, sixty miles or fifteen leagues south, afterwards southwest and south by west, which is the direction of the Canaries." (16) Author of Diverse Druids
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Being the person that I am, being faced with it, I tend to question the things that I don't understand, and sometimes I questions the things I understand the most, the things that I am certain of the most, like art. A Short Biography on Some of Europes Most Loved and Hated Monarchs - Pt2 (Mad) King George III King George III who suffered from porphyria, a maddening disease, was born in 1738 to Frederick, Prince of Wales and Augusta. In 1761 George married Charlotte of Mecklinburg-Strelitz and together produced fifteen children: nine sons and six daughters. Archaeology and Spirit Guides One of the northern derivatives of Hopewell of interest to a few scholars is the anomalous Effigy Mound culture of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa. The remains attract attention because of the range of animal forms represented by the low effigy mounds. There are sometimes burials at the "vital" points - hips, head or heart area - of the animals, but there is only the simplest of grave goods. 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As a college student working as a weekend gofer in the CBS- TV studio, I was one of them. To fill in that gap in the Elvis Presley story, this is what happened on that remarkable day, January 26, 1956. A Hidden Oriental Jewel: 100% Chinese Hand-Made Silk Embroidery Introduction Mexican Living: Doctors, Doctors, Doctors I am sick. I don't know what's wrong nor if what I have has an official name. Maybe they call it, "Ah-ha-now-you-can't-breathe-well-and-feel-like-you-are-going-to-die virus. I don't know. I will probably go to the doctor tomorrow if I am not feeling better. The Sterling Silver Story Silver is the most common of the Precious Metals. It's working qualities are very similar to gold. Pure silver, which is seldom used for jewelry because it is too soft. Silver weighs about half as much as gold and has greater flexibility. Though silver is not as malleable as gold it can achieve a more brilliant polish. In fact, silver shines above all other metals in this respect. Shakespeares Art: Understanding King Lear Students of Shakespeare have spent a very great deal of time debating the meanings of "Othello", "King Lear", and "Macbeth". The wealth of criticism of any one of his plays can be overwhelming to the casual student. I cite my own experience as a high school student struggling to write credible criticism of "King Lear" whilst juggling History, German, and General Studies reading and assignments. Students benefit from guidance concerning what it is best; at the very least to make best use of the time they have, opting perhaps to read the very best sources only. Human Cultural Evolution If we think about it at this juncture, clearly there is little to commend this Judaeo/ Christian/Islamic God if he is represented by the people who led this church. Pagans have a far better history and stand foursquare and 'head and shoulders' above this God of this often re-written Bible. The separation of man from his soul; man from his equal (woman); man from Nature and man from most all that is good; is all I see! Maybe Melchizedek or some other Biblical character (like the Mormon secret society is named after) will be raised up and made a new savior. Maybe it will be John the Baptist (the Johannites and Benjaminites) or it might even be one of the censored people of the Bible like Jasher who will be re-cycled and make it appear they've changed. Whatever it is, I don't want the same structure and would like to see people DOING what Jesus did. Thinking for themselves and communing with his soul 'within' to touch the beauty in all nature! ![]() |
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