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In Seach Of Heroes - Matrimonial Heroes (Part One)
Just as our arrival at destination is tied to the supply of fuel, even if we are travelling by a perfectly functioning vehicle, so are our destinies tied to the Heroes in our midst, even though we seem to be doing well on the average. Their absence from our midst is the reason for the reign of 'lack-lustre' mediocres on the throne of our private lives. Heroes are the ones who stir up the innate virtues in us for success. They serve, not really as role models as many think, but as a beacon of greatness that rally us to aspire for self-fulfilment and actualisation. (Afterall, many of us don't really want to be the exact copy of our heroes, we are rather content to know and always see someone bearing the burden and lofty standard of societal aspirations). The successes and triumphs of our Heroes are the loud voice that shut up the quiet wishpers of mockery, defeat and failures in our own lives. The making of heroes begins, first, from the home: 'Matrimonial Heroes'. As a father or parent, have you ever felt the tremors of what possible future backlash it would be if you fail to provide or meet basic parental obligation to your innocent young ones? For how long do you think you can manipulate their innocence with fragile excuses for passing the buck? The first, and not the least, hero of every child is the parent, but when a parent fails in the heroic responsibilities toward the child, it is only a matter of time before the growing child 'switch' loyalty and consequently reshuffle his or her hero list. May we not be victims of such revolutionary change of a teenager's moral constitution. How do you explain why a teenager would strap himself with a bomb to blow to death and drag other innocent people with him to the grave, without the slightest iota of foreknowledge or suspicion by the parents, that their teenager has sold-out to a completely strange doctrine and a tragic figure as his hero? Yesterday's careless symptom of 'matrimonial-hero-failure' has become a pandemic explosion today, threatening civility with babarism. Take a careful and studious note of this; every nation that failed by every ramification and definition of that word, is a nation without a hero-model that can inspire to aspire. It is therefore logical for such a nation to begin to expire. In fact, a wise man once said that our success as a nation is largely dependent on our personal or individual successes. That is why the untimely death or assasination of national heroes always inflict a mortal wound on the body of such nations for a long time before healing, if at all, it heals. Do you know that our heroes are also a product of other heroes? Hear out J. K. Rowling talking about Harry Potter: "...I didn't have to stop and think very hard about my hero." This article is dedicated to her, who, though being a literary heroine of our time, refuse to be distracted by fame and fortune from being a matrimonial heroine to her three children and family. Happy birthday to J.K.R. who marks 40 today -31st July. Aderemi Ojikutu (Aderaskeey) is a Motivational Author and Youth Mentor. He is a minister of the Word of God. A political economist and political leader. He is President of the TREASURE WRITERS CLUB in Nigeria (http://treasurewriters.50megs.com). He is also the current President of the National Democratic Forum (N.D.F). He was National Mobilisation Officer of the National Association of Nigerian Students (N.A.N.S) for several years. A revolutionary of over two decades, he was also the political secretary of the defunct Nigerian Labour Party in 1991.
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Take a look at any fashion or entertainment magazine and you'll see plenty of well-known celebrities with body piercings like navel rings or a labret. You might be surprised to find out that piercing is actually an ancient form of expression that most cultures have practiced at some time or other for thousands of years. Spainīs Flag - A Red And Yellow Beauty Spainīs flag (the national one) is as colorful as the country itself with its red and yellow horizontal triband. A Short Biography on Some of Europes Most Loved and Hated Monarchs - Pt 3 King Ludwig II King Ludwig II of Bavaria, named after his grandfather, was born in Nymphenburg Castle outside Munich on August 25, 1845 and was the eldest son of King Maximillian II and Queen Marie. As a boy, Ludwig's favourite time of the year were the summer holidays spent at the Royal Castle Hohenschwangau which his father restored between 1832 and 1836. Humans are not special, hate to break it to you I hate to break it to you, but humans are not all that special really. I laugh at the self importance humans place on this species as if some how they are better, more evolved or the divine work and special project of a God. There is actually not a single piece of evidence for that. We see the same general characteristics we see in humans in house pets, primates, birds and even fish. Yes, indeed we have a larger brain and the point is? Few humans bother to use its potential. Now that I have offended every human on the planet, let me recommend a book to you: Understanding Astrological Predictions Opinions about astrological prediction are generally divided: "Mysterious! Magical!", say some; "Nonsense!", reply others. In fact, both views are based on a misunderstanding of the nature of how astrology really "works". In this article, I will use a story to show both the true value of astrological prediction, as well as its limits. Zorro ZORRO:Timon of Athens. But most often they wrote in code or refused to write at all. They actually taught through techniques and disciplines which made people truly know what can be and how to become adept as individuated parts of the collective or 'nous'. Better Red than Dead! Red, perhaps the first color our eyes perceive. Christopher Columbus CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS: - It seems a mystery to most academics why the governments who are based on Manifest Destiny and the 'colon'-ization of the world by Christophe Colon (this is the name he wanted to be called and may actually be the Catalan Cathar name for him. Colon means 'Dove' and it is the Dove of Jesus or Peace which the Cathars sought to provide in their Gnostic ecumenicism.) to know why these governments pay them to lie about Colon. The Library of Congress (15) is still acting like there was no real contact before him and saying the same kind of unsubstantiated and outright garbage that we were taught in school. I guess some of these academics don't check anything out for themselves. Murder Solved From The Grave I am very interested in reading about ghostly stories and spirits etc. A couple of years ago I heard about a story which is apparently true, about a murder which was solved from the grave. I, Ego, and Power I: - A vowel that didn't appear in sacerdotal alphabets for which there is little, or should I say not one IOTA of, reason to hold up for personal glorification. The ego is man's greatest hindrance and his competitiveness possesses him like the demons he has created in his IGNORANCE! The Life of Nikola Tesla - Intro It is not my purpose to claim to know all the wonders of the life of this great man who is acknowledged as one of the great inventors of all time. Those who give him that kind of acknowledgement on TV or elsewhere are not telling the whole story. There are secret projects underway that he was involved with. HAARP is just one example; it is an extension of his radio antennae that he spent a fortune trying to develop. These technologies are potentially able to destroy all life on earth; as they are kept by war-mongers and those who might leave earth for a while and then return to take over and start anew. Or maybe it will simply be a case of successful social engineering as the mind control uses get ramped out on space platforms to accentuate the ground carrier thought cloning already done by the likes of Michael Persinger. There was a time when Tesla was hood-winked by the power elite and despite him being a good person he was not politically as wise as we all must become if things are to really change. Sun Tzu: The Art of War The Art of War is an ancient Chinese text on strategy and warfare written by a Sun Wu, a brilliant military general more than two thousand years ago. 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