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The Wandle Trail - Announced Regeneration Project
The River Wandle is sourced from the North Downs above Croydon, surfacing now in Waddon, running west until it meets the secondary source in Carshalton, then via Hackbridge Mitcham, Ravensbury St Helier Morden Wimbledon Colliers Wood, Summerstown and Wandsworth to the Thames passing through the London Boroughs of Croydon Sutton, Merton, and Wandsworth. The wandle Trail is a 13-mile long route follows the River Wandle from its two sourrces in Sutton and Crodoydon, through Merton to where it enters the Thames in Wandsworth. The route links many little parks and two National Trust properties. Groundwork Merton have announced the commencement of the project to enhance the existing walking and cycling route along the Wandle to 'enhance the amenity value of the river and its hinterland'. This project is in partnership with the London Boroughs of Wandsworth, Merton and Sutton, as well as Sustrans (the National Cycle Network's campaign name), and has a particular aim to fit it into the National Cycle Network as NCN route 22, but will provide landscaping, seats, information boards, and viewpoints. A rolling 4 year program is envisaged, with the first 3 sections being Watermead Lane to Bishopsford Road, Plough Lane to Garratt Mills, and Garratt Mills to Rufus Business Centre. The image on this page is from the new 'Wandle Guide', published by Sutton Leisure Services, and available through the Museum shop at £4.95. The new Wandle Trail map generated by Groundwork Merton was launched last month, with a fanfare of publicity, associated with its various public art projects. It has been much praised, and rightly, for the work that has been done. We were pleased to see that, as published, the new map complements our own, but now face the task of selling our own map, a crucial part of our cashflow, in apparent competition to the new one, which is either given away free, or sold for nominal amounts. The current answer, in fact, as you will see if you visit our shop, is that we sell the two as a package; we provide the new one free to purchasers of our own map. We had expressed concerns about the risks of mixed cycle and pedestrian use of the Trail, partly solved by Groundwork's clear marking of the alternate cycle routes where that is legally or practically necessary. "30th October 1991 Dear Gillian Further to our discussion at the Heritage Action concerning the Wandle Trail, we comment as follows: (1) We understand that there are proposals for waymarking/sign posting the Wandle Trail using a water wheel logo. Whilst we agree this is naturally a suitable logo to adopt, we also propose an alternative logo of a horse and wagon to honour the Surrey Iron Railway which was built to serve the busy industries of the Wandle. The sign posting would present a perfect opportunity to promote this fascinating part of the famous Wandle story and the railway was horse drawn and also the first public railway in the country. This would certainly add a new dimension to the Wandle Trail. (2) Also, the Wandle past of the Surrey Iron Railway could be significantly enhanced by erecting a "Surrey Iron Railway sculpture". Refer attached sketch of to-day's date. We understand this project would be of interest to the new Arts Officer and would complement the sign posting if a Surrey Iron Railway logo was adopted. (3) Also, we feel there is a lot of value in retaining the present identity of the Wandle Trail, as it is now known. Its simplicity is its attraction. We recommend that when final agreement is reached by Merton, it should be co-ordinated and fully adopted by the other Wandle Boroughs. I trust these comments are helpful. Regards, Ray Leyden" Equally, the express function of the Trail, from the community's point of view, is as a way of encouraging use and enjoyment of our environment. Sustrans support for the Trail is as an alternative to road use in travelling from A to B. The one use a leisurely stroll, the other more direct and forceful. We hope that the two uses can live in harmony, and safety. Anything which encourages the use of the Trail is good, in principle, and we must now wait and see. In effect the problems will arise from success! We have been due to update our well known map of the Wandle Trail. This has been put on hold, since Groundwork Trust have been upgrading much of the Trail, and the situation keeps changing. There are also some errors - recently we have also had pointed out to us by an email correspondent, for the first time since the map was published over 10 years ago, that Morden Lodge was never a pub! We have been increasingly concerned that the work Groundwork are doing has taken on a life of its own, which now threatens the Wandle Trail as we know it. The main point of issue is their proposed promotion of it as a cycling route, and as a means of getting from A to B, rather than as a stroll to enjoy it for what it is. It is also disappointing that there has been little or no acknowledgement of our rights as original creators of the project. A visit to the new website www.wandletrail.org.uk shows a direction that is far removed from the heritage of the valley. It speaks of the artworks to be constructed as if new concepts, despite our input on this 10 years ago (see reproduction of Rays letter to Gillian Hein of Merton below). We are also very concerned about the legal issues. A well used cycle way along such narrow paths will be offputting, if not dangerous to pedestrians. Cycle access will encourage the motorised variety. 24 hour access has its own dangers, and the parks groups are already moving to locked gates at nights to restrict vandalisation. Worse, we fear that areas of the trail now used may be shut off by landowners faced with new insurance and upkeep obligations. Groundwork are currently considering our fears, and we will report in due course. I am the website administrator of the Wandle industrial museum (http://www.wandle.org). Established in 1983 by local people to ensure that the history of the valley was no longer neglected but enhanced awareness its heritage for the use and benefits of the community.
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How to Create a Multi-Artistic Piece (Article 1 of 2) In the late 19th century the music world was graced by an artist who would push the boundaries of music and art. Richard Wagner laid the foundation for performance art. Wagner combined several art forms into a cohesive unit. One of the primary elements that Wagner would use to create this holistic creation was music, which was the driving force for many of his pieces. But he incorporated other media such as scenic design, costumes, and intricate themes. The themes of many of his operas explored love between people and were at times expressed through mythical elements. Human Cultural Evolution If we think about it at this juncture, clearly there is little to commend this Judaeo/ Christian/Islamic God if he is represented by the people who led this church. Pagans have a far better history and stand foursquare and 'head and shoulders' above this God of this often re-written Bible. The separation of man from his soul; man from his equal (woman); man from Nature and man from most all that is good; is all I see! Maybe Melchizedek or some other Biblical character (like the Mormon secret society is named after) will be raised up and made a new savior. Maybe it will be John the Baptist (the Johannites and Benjaminites) or it might even be one of the censored people of the Bible like Jasher who will be re-cycled and make it appear they've changed. Whatever it is, I don't want the same structure and would like to see people DOING what Jesus did. Thinking for themselves and communing with his soul 'within' to touch the beauty in all nature! Marcus Garvey: A Symbol for Black Nationalism My first kid's father named my son Marcus after legendary Marcus Garvey. Which made me curious to know more about who Marcus Garvey actually was? The Contingencies of Despair: How Existentialists Survive ~ Dread is dizziness unto freedom-freedom that gazes down into its own possibility. In this dizziness freedom succumbs. ~ Jewelry and the Darkside: Fashionable Gothic Jewelry No, by jewelry and the darkside, we are not referring to Darth Vader's dark side of the force. However, the idea of jewelry inspired by Anakin Skywalker, the Sith and his Emperor sure is tantalizing. Here, if you think more about the likes of Morticia Addams of the Addams family, then you're on the right track. Gothic jewelry is the type of jewelry that the likes of her would wear: mysterious, brooding, yet elegant. Viewed this way, jewelry and the darkside certainly can go hand in hand. Accurate Psychic Advice Psychic readings can be an invaluable tool for obtaining answers to your most confusing questions. A psychic reading can help you gain insight regarding your love life, family, career, finances and more! Fictions Galore FABULOUS: - Many 'fabulous' personages and concepts are created by man. Some are attempts to make sense of a confusing array of real things he doesn't understand, others are created by those who would have us 'believe'. The art of making others 'believe' what you want them to, is an art that developed over millions of years even if man is only modern for the last hundred thousand years. 'As you believe so shall you do' and fables which set early modes of relating to our environment in nursery rhymes and other equally 'fabulous' or fantastic histories. Revisionist history was definitely begun in earnest during the Babylonian and early Greek era. By the time of Alexander he was so convinced this art was achievable that he declared himself a divine creature and no longer just used the descended from divine or demi-god fiction. All knowledge was to become Hellenized or made to fit the needs of his Empire. Sixties: The Decade of Rebellion It is safe to say that in the sixties everything changed: society, fashion, music, art, media, everything was impacted. It was a time when everyone truly believed they could make a difference, when it seemed as if the world had limitless possibilities and a few people trying really hard, willing to sacrifice everything, could change the direction of everything. And it proved the power of believing in yourself. Ordinary people did change things, extraordinary things like the attitude of society at large, like the way people viewed war and music and art. Student protests, often led by folk musicians, helped lead to the demise of the Vietnamese War, helped make social consciousness and equality for all a living fact, helped people really achieve the freedom that America and the West have always striven for. It was a remarkable time, and no wonder that many people look back to it as a time of dreams and passion. Social Activism, Celebrities, and Music Rock music became its own genre in the mid-1950s. Less than ten years later, the Beatles burst onto the music scene, the vanguard of a revolution in music. Parents hated them, sometimes even worse than they hated Elvis. But the kids loved them, and would buy anything with a picture of John, Paul, Ringo, or George. Their innovations paved the way for later artists, both British and American: the Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, The Doors, The Mamas and the Papas ? dozens of legendary bands have the Beatles to thank. By the middle of the decade, the Beatles were writing songs about social issues, like war and loneliness. And other bands followed suit. There was a lot to write about; in the United States, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was leading American Blacks to unheard-of levels of social equality, and soon the British would put special military troops in Northern Ireland to quell the unrest there, leading to nearly-open guerilla warfare with the IRA. Women all over the world were following a movement to equal rights. And anti-war activists like Jane Fonda were making a name for themselves, both famous and infamous. Food: Trends Good And Bad Though founded much longer ago, McDonalds and other fast food restaurants grew into a major power in the food industry during the 60s, probably driven by the high energy of the time coupled with an increasing dependence on automobiles as a means of transportation. At the same time the stuff that's bad for you became popular, other people began to realize that you really are what you eat. Because of new age conservationist movements, those people began to eat healthier: whole grains, organic foods they grew themselves, and semi-vegetarianism, vegetarianism, and vegan lifestyles. War: What Is It Good For? You can't talk about the sixties, the decade of peace, without talking about war. Particularly, you have to look at the Vietnamese war. The US entered the country in Southeast Asia in the early 1960s at the request of the French ? who subsequently abandoned the war. And America's presence in Vietnam grew, gradually forcing a draft of the very young men who were just discovering the dizzying freedom the sixties ushered in. The result? An impressive increase in the numbers of young people going to college, and an equally impressive increase in the number of young men moving to Canada. Ref: http://www.sixties.gb.com But why was this war so different from Korea, only about ten years earlier? The simple answer: television. Reporters with cameras covered the bloodiest parts of the war, capturing the pain on both sides in film. And those films made their way to broadcast television, which for the first time could be found in half or more American homes. It was difficult to watch the images of war without being moved, and it was a real shock to teenagers and young adults who had never known the touch of violence before. But there was another kind of war going on, a social war. Blacks in America were discovering their power, partly spurred by the thought of the draft and partly by the energy of the decade carrying them forward. Women throughout the world were discovering not only their political power, but the social freedom brought about by a little pill ? the birth control pill. For better or worse, relations between the sexes would never be the same. Sixties Fun, Games, and Fashion Toys were undergoing change, too. Physical games, like Frisbees and Twister, became very popular indeed. Boys began collecting Matchbox cars, the latest rage; and the self-image of little girls everywhere was changed as Barbie dolls, Sindy dolls, and other anatomically correct dolls that weren't baby dolls entered their pink frilly rooms. Older boys were finding they had much more to look at than ever before. Girls' skirts moved from the near-ankle-length full skirts of the fifties to the short ? shorter ? shortest skirts of the sixties. Short skirts and midriff-revealing hipster jeans also made it important that as little cellulite as possible showed ? girls could no longer wear industrial-strength girdles. The most effective way of getting rid of cellulite? Be as thin as possible. The other problem with changing clothes was that if you used garters (or suspenders, if you're in Britain) they showed under the short tight skirts. The answer? Pantyhose, an invention of the devil. Inventions and Innovations Computers also moved from being a scientific curiosity to a genuine industrial innovation; punch cards and tape were the programming tools of the time ? until the integrated circuit, the precursor to today's microchips. This innovation led to the development of the hand-held pocket calculator by Texas Instruments, though calculators did not come into general use until the early seventies. But the world didn't understand how much science and technology was really going to change their lives ? until Neil Armstrong spoke to the world from the surface of the Moon in 1969. It was a fitting end to a remarkable decade. True Story; Why Can?t We all Just Get Along? A little girl came up to her mom in the store and she asked, Mom do we celebrate Hanukah? The little girl had obviously seen a sign in the store that said Celebrate Hanukah next to some merchandise. The mom said no we do not celebrate hanakah, but pointed to a lady sitting in the bookstore in the middle of the café and said that lady over there does. The girl asked her mom, what does Hanukah do? The mom said; ask the lady with the gold circle necklace over there. The Birth Of Eskimo Inuit Art Prints Unlike Inuit sculpture, art prints from the Canadian Arctic are a twentieth century innovation in Inuit Eskimo art. One of the most significant events that happened during the development of contemporary Inuit art was when Canadian James Houston taught the Inuit to make art prints by incising designs into linoleum tiles, stone blocks and stencils from sealskins. He had previously studied printmaking in Japan since the Japanese were considered innovators in this art process. Cant Afford Illness in America I had become too sick to live in America. What is Feng Shui, and How Does It Work? Feng shui (say "fung shway"), often called the art of placement, could just as accurately be called "the art of flow." This ancient Chinese practice, literally translated as "wind" and "water," aims to maximize the beneficial movement of chi--the universal life force present in all things--through an environment. Elvis Presley, Lifting Off He seems to live forever. A network television movie about his life is scheduled for 2005.Three years ago,in 2002, the month of August was set aside for him. He was everywhere, as if he never died twenty-five years earlier. The old records reappeared as freshly minted CD's, he was seen shaking his hips on TV "news" clips and one CBS news piece revealed that an astounding forty two percent of the US population consider themselves to be Elvis Presley fans. His short life was looked at anew, re-examined and pontificated upon. Every day was accounted for, except that one day in January 1956 when he shot to stardom. Who could have known what would happen on that day? The biographers could not have been there but a handful of people did see what happened on that unusual and fascinating day. As a college student working as a weekend gofer in the CBS- TV studio, I was one of them. To fill in that gap in the Elvis Presley story, this is what happened on that remarkable day, January 26, 1956. The Sixties A decade that stands out above the rest of our world's history as a time of revolutionary changes from all over the globe - changes that even effected outer space. There was unprecedented levels of sexual freedom celebrated among the world's youth, and teenagers around the world revolted against the generations before them. Radio brought the people completely new sounds in music, with the chart toppers fighting over the number one spots each week. The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley, among others, released one hit after another throughout the sixties. Rules of Noble Succession Let me first say that the rules of noble succession, as they apply to a specific noble family, can normally not be changed. They are determined either by: Dreaming of Love and Peace She dreams of touring Europe and the US to sing of love and peace. That is her 'big ambition.' A rising star amongst Egypt's singers, Rula Zaki tells us in her best known song that we live on an indivisible planet. At 60 plus Amitabh Bachchan Rules! - A Vastu Study No words in this universe are enough to describe him, superstar, living legend, and the face of Indian cinema. Amitabh Bachchan today is an icon to reckon with, both nationally and internationally. He has become a household name today on the lips of young and old alike. The very mention of his name spells magic. One must surely appreciate the hardwork and dedication that was shown by him to capture the film world. Success always follows hard work. Has vastu played any role in his success ?. Yes, looking at the juhu residence of Amitabh Bachchan any vastu expert can will answer positive. Vaastu Shastra cannot be directly linked with prosperity. It only suggests ways in which one can live in tune with the laws of nature, so that you can be healthy and peaceful and work efficiently. A Maiden Trip I belong to a hamlet called 'Konthai' which is in South Tamil Nadu, India. Twenty years back I was there as an unemployed graduate hunting for a job. Among the competitive examination the one conducted by the Staff Selection Commission for the non-gazetted posts was popular as it was the only mass civilian recruitment by the Central Government. Even petty shops one can find the application form. So as a annual ritual, I used to appear for the examination but never bothered about the results. Troubadours CHRETIEN DE TROYES: Timbuktu and Brotherhood Too Juba II in America: ![]() |
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