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Tarot Cards Demystified: The Suit of Pentacles
There are many ways to interpret the symbolism found in Tarot Cards. There are varying points of view that exist about what each card means or represents. This is just one way of interpreting them. When you understand this method you will find it to be extremely accurate. Tarot Cards have a lot in common with Regular Playing Cards. Both types of cards have four suits. However, the Tarot also has some additional cards that a Regular Playing Card Deck does not have. A Tarot Card Deck has seventy-eight cards. The suit of Pentacles is similar to Diamonds in a deck of regular playing cards. Some of the qualities and meanings for the suit of Pentacles are: * Earth * Money * Diamonds (as in regular playing cards) * Diamonds and other Minerals * Feminine * Mother Earth * Fertility * Female * Physical Body * Material Plane * Matter * Industry * Ego * Motherhood * Power * Dark * Yin Energy * Riches, Wealth * Business * Banking * Real Estate * Land * Possessions * Investments * Income * Nurturing * Home * Security * Grounding Read over this list several times while trying to get a sense of the type of energies associated with the suit of Pentacles. Generally, when there are many Pentacle cards in a reading, or Pentacle cards appear in important key placements within a spread of tarot cards, finances or financial situations are probably emphasized in that particular reading. In the Rider ? Waite Tarot deck the Pentacle resembles a large coin. Coins symbolize money and finances. Coins are usually made of gold, silver, copper, nickel or other types of minerals found in the earth. So the Pentacle represents money, finances and wealth, minerals and metals of all types, the land, earth, and real estate or property ownership. Pentacles represent anything on the material plane, including the physical body. Pentacles represent physicality, that which is solid, real, grounded, secure, concrete, stable, etc. When I see the King of Pentacles in a prominent place within a tarot spread, it usually indicates to me that real estate matters are at hand, or the possibility of a real estate transaction, a real estate loan or a move of some sort is coming up shortly. Copyright Đ 2005 Sherry Sims Sherry Sims has spent the last 20 years assisting people as a professional psychic, intuitive counselor, energy healer and teacher. Helping people to resolve personal and relationship issues has been at the core of her work. She gently assists her clients to accept their true power which allows them to begin taking control of their lives through healing, awareness, and self-love. To learn more about creating happiness and fulfillment in your life you will want to sign up for her free newsletter: SIMPLE MAGIC - Creating the Life You Want For more about Tarot Cards and Tarot Readings, or for more articles by Sherry Sims please visit http://Mystic-Hearts.com
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Each successful prediction proves that it is indeed possible to correctly predict future. Mythology and Parables in Modern Communication - Part 1 Today there is a growing need to examine all our systems of thought and communication. We are witness to an information explosion. Never before has there been such a plethora of relevant and not so relevant information available on every subject imaginable. Most of us cannot even begin to fathom the depths of this apparent inexhaustible supply. ![]() |
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