Count Your Blessings

Each day brings a new beginning. It's a new leaf in the story of your life. It can be bright, cheerful and positive, with the courage to face another day, whatever it may bring with enthusiasm.

Or, let the dark clouds hover and you shiver in the cold. Let yourself be overcome with the jitters. Wallow in all the negative issues in your life, past and present. You are a victim, helpless and forgotten. You are ready to go back to bed and hide from the world under the comfort and security of your blanket. Where does this get you?

You don't want your day to be filled with these powerful negative vibrations. NO. Remember, negative thoughts develop energy of their own, take a life of their own and if you let it, this energy can overwhelm you.

If you'd only stop and be thankful for another day, another page in your life. Enjoy your first cup of coffee, juice or whatever nourishment you take to start your day. Energize yourself, bless today with a prayer and a smile, a big dose of faith and optimism. Feel the fresh air, savor the peace around you, your freedom from aggression, from natural causes or that caused by man.

What are you afraid of? Fear tends to be bigger than you, and clouds your thinking. Fear is a powerful emotion. Take control, shower yourself with a refreshing outlook as you start your day. Empower yourself. A problem is only as unmanageable as you allow it to be.

Take another sip of coffee and some deep breathes. This is your world, let it be a world of your design.

Welcome today with feelings of faith and courage. It's not about waking up each day with the thoughts of the burdens of yesterday. It's not about feeling down because yesterday did not open doors, answer your dilemma, get you out of your crisis. Dark nights instill fear, anger and covers you with a blanket of insecurity if not despair. It's another day of burden, worry, stress, and depression and frustration. There is no miracle happening in your life.

Do not immerse in negative thoughts. It will get you nowhere. It does not mean you trivialize your problems.

Life should not be on a crisis management mode nor should it be about apprehensions, fear, anger or disappointments.

What's really dragging you down? A stale/fearful relationship? Bills? Dysfunctional household? Work ,career?related problems? Getting old? Health issues? Lack of gumption? So much to do and not enough hours in the day to get them all done?

What do you have?

You kept warm in the night.
You did not go to bed hungry.
You enjoyed the movie on tv, you read a good book,
listened to your favorite music.
You have a roof over your head.
You don't have to fear bombs blasting you away at a moment's notice.
You can dream.

Think of these as you start your day:

- Times are uncertain, but you will walk with confidence that you will ride out the storms this life brings.

- You have the freedom to make choices and decisions

- You are not afraid of making mistakes, but instead learn precious lessons.

- You can speak your mind freely.

- You are free to pursue your dreams or just day-dream, and not feel guilty.

- You are free, you know how to keep your mind, body and spirit healthy.

- You have loved ones.

- You have friends.

- You have a lot to contribute to society.

Perhaps, you çan take time to reflect on these:

- pray for this world, and for all mankind,

- for the innocent victims of man's inhumanity to man,

- pray for the hungry, the frightened, the sick , the weak,

- pray for the young , the old and the able alike

- for the neglected,innocent children who suffer in the hands of those who are supposed to take care of them.

- for the victims of war and for those who sacrifice their lives to keep this world a better place for all of mankind;

- may those who lead others be guided by the power higher than themselves

- pray for these, if one soul should be delivered from suffering, you'll be very grateful.

- there is only so much a human body, mind and spirit can endure.

You can make a difference, one soul, one person at a time because YOU are blessed!

This article is free for electronic reprint- newsletter, e-zine, website or e-mail,The only condition is you please let me know and supply the link or furnish a copy of the media used. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

(c)2005 Bonnie Moss

About the writer: Bonnie Moss writes about spirituality, tools available to all to walk the path. She is the Executive Secretary of Tarot Canada International, as well as a regular contributor of articles to the newletter, Future Endeavours. She is a tarot consultant and also does dream interpretations.

Visit her website:; a metaphysical site that offers information on tarot, crystals, aura, angels, journalling and other topics.

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