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Why Not Reinvent The Wheel?
"Why go and reinvent the wheel?" It's a question that's been around for centuries; right? Here's a better question: Why not reinvent the wheel? As a Peak Performance Coach, I do a lot of personal development trainings for adults and children, alike. I love kids! They don't think like us adults. Kids are just so incredibly and infectiously optimistic. And, they are absolute Masters of embracing, "what could be." Recently, I asked a group of elementary school students this thought-provoking, question: "Why should we reinvent the wheel?" My aim was to challenge their beliefs and encourage them to think, outside of their thinking. Take a look at just a few of the amazing reasons they came up with addressing why they would reinvent the wheels ... on their bicycles. -They only come in one color -They don't bounce -You can't see inside -They need some style -They're not made of steel -Too many flat tires -They're boring -They slow down when on grass -They don't glow in the dark Pretty remarkable answers; I'm sure you agree. But, the students didn't stop there. They got on the computer and started letting the manufacturers know their demands. All of the children gained an incredible sense of empowerment. One of the students enthusiastically suggested that the group "think of even more things that could be reinvented!" By nature, children are visionaries. Unlike their adult counterparts, they consistently tap into the "research and development" department within themselves. As such, they are always taking something apart, asking innumerable questions, and looking to do differently. Children are not only intrinsically free; but they give themselves permission to pursue ... anything they want to. The point is, when I implied (with my question) that the wheel should be reinvented, not one of the students deferred their opportunity to share with me the reasons why. Each took what has been recognized as the norm -- for decades -- and identified the concepts required for total transformation. Then, after crystallizing their incredible vision, they took immediate action in their quest to bring it into fruition. What could you reinvent? Your bank account balance? The number on your scale? Your thoughts? Your marriage? What about your life? Does it only come in one color? Can you see inside? Do you need some style? Could you use more bounce? Once you begin visualizing what could be, life will become much more fascinating. You'll actually start to take the steps that will move you in the direction of your optimal self. Challenge That Which Is! This inspiring, mastermind group of students empowered themselves when they dynamically challenged, "that which is." My hope is that you will use this magnificent model to construct new meaning (and perhaps even a new wheel) in your own life. Fran Briggs is an author, peak performance coach and motivational speaker. She is also the President of The Fran Briggs Companies, an organization dedicated to the personal and professional development of individuals and groups around the globe. The company's personal development website offers a free, exciting twice-monthly newsletter that helps you live a happier, healthier and wealthier life. Please visit http://www.franbriggs.com and http://www.dwjd.info for more information.
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Money or Faith? I've been to 64-countries, and yes money comes in handy, and goes quickly (and is useful and has its influence), I've had a ton of it at one time or another and an ounce of faith, and I'll take faith any day-why? I'll explain. Anybody who has been in a combated zone, under fire will tell you: '?keep the money, I need faith right now.' In a like manner, when I was in the hospital, had a stroke that paralyzed me, a heart attack also, and bypass surgery, they said I was a Fruitcake. But three days later I got out of bed, and when I did, for three weeks they called me "The miracle of the ward." Even the atheist doctors were spellbound. Money walked away, as faith took over. Taking the Leap of Faith So often we stop and look at our lives and say silently within, "What am I doing here? What is this life I have chosen and is it all that I wished for?" " Am I living my purpose? Is this what I really intended to achieve in this life experience?" Learn From Failure and Confirm with Success Both failure and success are good... if you know what their specific purpose is. Play It Forward --Living A Life Youve Always Wanted! What would your life be like if you lived each event backwards? If you knew what was coming in your life next how would you react? Overcoming Addiction Dear Candace, From the Hint of a Rainbow to... The grey sky of morning contained an ominous quality. The clouds were so thick they were almost tangible. Then I saw it. Faintly sandwiched between the clouds was the hint of a rainbow. Barely visible were the bands of color, with a straining, subtle expectancy as the dim colors arched upward. It was the beginnings of a rainbow. The hint of a possibility of something beautiful, magical and rare. Moral Obligation & Responsibility Chances are you have seen some type of disturbance in your lifetime. Whether it was a bully picking on someone or a piece of trash on the ground, disturbances happen daily on several different levels. Some people address them and others wait or assume someone else will handle the situation. Personal Philosophy is Like The Set of The Sail We have all experienced the blowing winds of disappointment, despair and heartbreak. Why, then, would each of us, in our own individual ship of life, all beginning at the same point, with the same intended destination in mind, arrive at such different places at the end of the journey? Have we not all been blown by the winds of circumstances and buffeted by the turbulent storms of discontent? Make Mistakes! Its Okay - Really! When you fall, do you get right back up? Do you learn from your mistake and move on? Or do you kick yourself so hard in the butt that you just mope around for days in your PJs and wonder why you're so miserable? Come on! Get a grip! I Hate My Computer and Other Inspirational Thoughts The New Year has not started out very well for Yours Truly. After the first day of the new year, my life went south for the rest of the winter. All I can say is, I hope it has a wonderful winter, and don't forget to write. Fulfilling Your Dreams: The Magic Of Starting Fulfilling your dreams will remain a mirage if you simply sit down and dream on. Unconditional Love is Absolute Freedom to Screw Up Your Life In my lifetime, I have never witnessed enduring unconditional love from another human being. I do not believe it is physically possible. I think that once we have reached that position of being able to give it, we have already passed over to join with the one that is unconditional love. I believe that this state is only experienced spiritually. Big-Wave Mindfulness: Surfing For A Connection Surfing is mindfulness in action. Riding the biggest waves is an all-out, fully-present-or-die-trying proposition. Aftermath of a Child?s Near Death Experience An 18 month-old girl lay dying of diphtheria in January of 1944. It was before the widespread use of antibiotics. In fact, the antibiotics were reserved for the troops fighting in World War II. That's where the little girl's father was...on Iwo Jima. A Reason For Living in a Nutshell In brief, my book A REASON FOR LIVING is the product of a sustained effort to answer in the most enlightening and inspiring way this single question: Why live? I started to ask myself that question about thirty years ago after my diving accident, which left the husky and lusty teenage athlete that I was a near quadriplegic. What had given meaning to my life until then had become largely impossible. As a result, my life seemed absurd. False Start Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 7, 2003. Accelerate Your Abilities In today's fast-paced life, the wins usually go to those with exceptional skills and abilities. The old quote is true, "The race is not always won by the swift and the strong, but that is the way to bet." Two Drops Of Water Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 17, 2002 Are You Really Living Your Life Today! Yesterday I was but a child, looking. Looking ahead at a world of wonder. Everything was always ahead of me. All my dreams. All of my hopes. All my ambitions. When Self-Growth becomes Self-Sabotage Many of us invest quality time and energy into our personal development. We buy inspiring books, sometimes with the workbooks or journals that complement them. We discuss psychology with our friends ? or we look for friends with whom we can have open discussions on the subject. There is activity in our mind ? at times a little bit of confusion. We encounter so many different lines of thoughts, so many tools, so many exploratory exercises we can do. It's as if we were in the middle of a dense, majestic forest? ![]() |
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