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Big-Wave Mindfulness: Surfing For A Connection
Surfing is mindfulness in action. Riding the biggest waves is an all-out, fully-present-or-die-trying proposition. Thanks to a persistent case of aquaphobia, I've never tried surfing. However, I've done my share of snowboarding, and I am trying to imagine what it would be like to carve the slopes with several tons of avalanche chasing me down the mountain. First of all, I would have to hike to the top and wait to catch the biggest avalanche, getting pummeled by several in the process. Oh, and then try not to think too much about the abominable snowman poised to take a hunk out of my leg when I least expect it. Yeah. I'm stoked. I don't really "get" surfing, but I stand in awe of it. It's impossible to avoid acknowledging the strength, timing, grace and heart-blazing courage required just to catch those enormous waves, let alone ride them smoothly without wiping out. Whether or not you're into water, "Riding Giants" is a breathtaking film guaranteed to raise your pulse rate. Following the rise of big wave surfing from its ragtag roots in the fifties to the jet-ski boosted endorsement deals of today, "Riding Giants" offers a fascinating look at surf culture in all its guts and glory--not to mention its sun-bleached hair, wave-toned bodies, and plenty of pre-cancerous skin cells. Although several world-class surfers are profiled, the one I find most amazing is Jeff Clark, a 43-year-old native of Half Moon Bay, California who is credited with discovering Mavericks, a notoriously gnarly big wave mecca twenty miles south of San Francisco. Clark spotted the monstrous waves from the cliffs of Half Moon Bay as a teenager. One day, he decided to paddle the half-mile in chilly ocean water to check it out. Never mind that he was too far out for his worried friend--or anyone else--to save him. Forget that these waves would turn out to be so huge that, years later, seasoned pros from Waimea would find them jaw-dropping. Disregard the razor-sharp rocks waiting to chew up anyone unfortunate enough to be slammed to the shore. Clark had his first of many ride-of-your-life experiences that day. He couldn't believe the power of it, the magic, the unimaginable thrill. He went out to surf that incredible vortex every day. Alone. For fifteen years. I'm guessing that his parents were either a) clueless about where he was, or b) powerless to prevent him from returning. He couldn't find anyone insane enough to join him. He wasn't doing it for the attention, for the chicks, for the cameras, or for the money. He was out there getting pounded for the sake of that big ol' grin on his face and the unfathomable sense of connection to something larger than himself. Clark was like some modern day ascetic, putting himself through tortuous rites and death defying acts of faith while living in seclusion. He became one with the water on a daily basis through rigorous attention and exhaustive exploration. I am humbled. I envy him. And I can't stop thinking about how most of us will never have this all-consuming passion or such a magnificent opportunity to experience oneness with anything. Jeff Clark may be crazy. He may be obsessed. But he is a man whose mindfulness has inspired and elevated him--and saved his skin on numerous occasions. We should all be so lucky to discover such a wondrous wave. Maya Talisman Frost is a mind masseuse in Portland, Oregon. Through her company, Real-World Mindfulness Training, she teaches fun and effective eyes-wide-open alternatives to meditation. To subscribe to her free weekly ezine, the Friday Mind Massage, please visit http://www.MassageYourMind.com
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A Prison Cell? Do you have a goal? A focus in life? Have you invested a great deal of time, effort, money to achieve and yet feel you haven't made it yet? For all your effort do you still feel that there is something missing in your life? It is obviously very important to set goals in your life. It gives you a focus a way forward a mechanism for making decisions when faced with a number of options. However, it can also be a prison cell. Keep on Keeping on! Whenever we are working on our dreams we are going to run into some road blocks or obstacles. The important thing for us to remember is that these are only temporary set backs. We should treat each obstacle as a learning experience and make a mental note not to take that road again. As long as we keep this in mind we won't give up on our dreams. The Secret Of Lasting Personal Change Why do so many of us end up frustrated when we try to improve our personal reality? 3 Big Fat Lies that Deserve to Die Big Fat Lie 1: Your personality is formed and unchangeable by age 5 or 6 Fulfill Your Dreams: Believe in You What we believe plays a very big role in outcomes in our life. If you believe you cannot do something, then you will not even try. You will give up without lifting a finger. When you label something impossible, you brain simply shuts down. It does not bother processing the information at it's disposal. It is not worth the effort. Worship and Football: Lets Take Another Look At a recent seminar we were asked to imagine if some football commentators were giving advice to churches about how to increase their attendance. They might suggest the following: Everyone Has Been Hurt..... Part 5 Continued... Keep On Believing It has been said that a man is what he eats. Someone else said that a man is what he reads. Still another has said that a man is what he thinks. The proverbial writer said, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." What the editor is saying is that you are not only what you consume physically or what you conceptualize or internalize mentally, but you are also and foremost, what you believe in your heart. On Stand-by Direct Answers - Column for the week of April 28, 2003 Justice Delayed Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 22, 2003 Parental Consent Direct Answers - Column for the week of August 11, 2003 My Lost Immortality Oh my God, I'm not immortal anymore! What happened? Where's my neverending youth? My long summers? My bright future? Conscious Living Earlier this year, following an intention to live more consciously, I deemed it the Year of Awakening. For me, I envision a lifetime of conscious living as I more fully awaken to the spiritual being that I truly am. As a part of my spiritual journey, I love to look up the meanings of things to gain an even deeper understanding. This is what Webster's Dictionary had to say about the word conscious: in the "moment", in waking awareness, mentally perceptive, alert, subjectively knowing, intentional, deliberate, inwardly attentive, mindful, possessing knowledge, cognizant, knowing one's self, realizing and recognizing. 7 Strategies to Overcoming Anxiety and Panic Attacks You Can Overcome panic attacks and anxiety! Embracing Your Wildness As small children, we were all wild. Not unlike the wolf pup in the den, we ran when we felt like it, sniffed or tasted things to see what they were, yelled when the mood struck us and danced at the drop of a hat. We loved to dig in the earth, heave a rock into a pool, roll and tumble on the ground and run naked whenever we could. We loved ourselves and we loved our bodies. We knew no fear. What in the World are You Doing? Here is the typical life ? typical, though not everybody does it this way. But for the most part, lives generally go something like this: Teachers Pet Direct Answers - Column for the week of October 20, 2003 I Dare You To Be Successful Just imagine how it would feel to be successful...., to have sufficient money finding its way into your bank account on a monthly basis, to have absolutely no sleepless nights about income and how you are going to pay all the bills at the end of the month. Just imagine how it would feel to be able to take a vacation when you want to. Just imagine how it would feel to pay cash for your next vehicle....... Why My Wife Is My Hero My name is Chas Brothers. Many of you know me as an author of motivational articles directed towards both big and small business alike. As writers, we draw upon our knowledge and experience to offer our readers the one or two things they may need to inspire them to greatness. Does Your Childhood Hold You Back? Have you come to a point in your life and got stuck and unable to move on? ![]() |
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