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Worship and Football: Lets Take Another Look
At a recent seminar we were asked to imagine if some football commentators were giving advice to churches about how to increase their attendance. They might suggest the following:
A football game is always a dramatic conflict. It is always clear which side to root for, who is ahead, and which side has won. In a worship assembly the conflict is there; in fact, it's a much more vital conflict than the clashing line of scrimmage. But this conflict is often hidden. People may be unaware that it even exists. Even more difficult to discern is which team is ahead. And when the assembly is over, who has really won? In a sense, the game is not over then--it just goes on and on. The most significant difference is in the degree of involvement. Someone has said that in football, thousands badly in need of exercise watch 22 players badly in need of rest. But a worship assembly actually has no spectators. We are all in the game, on one side or the other. If you arrive at an assembly thinking you are a spectator, how differently do you act than if you realize you are a player? Imagine how many would attend a football game if all were expected to play. It's your involvement that makes a worship assembly truly meaningful. Get up off the bench and throw yourself into the game! Copyright ©2005 Steve Singleton, All rights reserved. Steve Singleton has written and edited several books and numerous articles on subjects of interest to Bible students. He has taught Greek, Bible, and religious studies courses Bible college, university, and adult education programs. He has taught seminars and workshops in 11 states and the Caribbean. Go to his DeeperStudy.com for Bible study resources, no matter what your level of expertise. Explore "The Shallows," plumb "The Depths," or use the well-organized "Study Links" for original sources in English translation. Sign up for Steve's free "DeeperStudy Newsletter."
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Practice Being Like a Child Remember the master teacher once said 2000 years ago, "Unless you can become like little children, your chances are zero, you haven't got a prayer." A major consideration for adults. Anam Cara - Losing your Religion I am sitting before a window of morning light "losing my religion." Living Authentically in a Masked World Humanity seems to be the only species that never seems pleased with its own. People tend to spend the majority of their life living up to an illusion that no one has ever been able to attain. It is the illusion of perfection. The problem is, that is a course that is marked with failure and pain. Someone came up with the concept that people should be wafting through the fields picking lilies and singing songs of the angels. If you stay on this course you will never measure up. You were not meant to. Challenge Your Problems Life teaches us in peculiar ways. It knocks us down. It makes us struggle to get back up. Duplicity Direct Answers - Column for the week of January 26, 2004 Here is The Inspirational Wisdom From The Masters Have you always wanted to do invent something, create something, improve the lives of other people, write a book, meet the partner of your dreams, and make more money. Here is some inspiration for you then. Overcoming Fear of Terrorism This week I did a radical thing. I bought a newspaper. 3 Big Fat Lies that Deserve to Die Big Fat Lie 1: Your personality is formed and unchangeable by age 5 or 6 Choicemaking: Self-Help Secrets Revealed We all assume that making choices is a simple process. We see what's in front of us and we choose the best option. That's the way it goes in this choicemaking process. Discernment and Judgement Discernment is an inner guide or compass. It is loving and expansive, and offers freedom, honor and options. Judgment on the other hand dishonors, condemns, and contradicts. 5 Things That Americans Can Do To Remember Reviving, Surviving and Thriving in the Wake of Sept 11 For those people who lost friends and loved ones in the September 11th World Trade Center attacks, the anniversary will re-open the wounds and renew the pain of great loss. For the rest of us, it is a painful reminder of our vulnerability. The anniversary renews our grief for the loss of security and innocence we enjoyed in peaceful times. How do we experience the anniversary of our greatest national disaster in a positive way? Talk about it with others. How far have we come? What have we learned? How are we feeling? as a country, and as individuals? Honor those we knew and loved who lost their lives. Write about them, look at the pictures again, and talk about them. Keep their memories alive openly. Be with your supporters, at home and away. Reconnect with the positive people in your life. Sharing with others always makes the burden lighter. Take care of yourself, physically and emotionally. Do physical exercise? breath deeply and live fully. Do something you always wanted to do. Take a long walk. Turn your most negative experience to a positive, by giving to others. It is through giving that you will receive so much more in return. By helping others, anger and pain are transformed into power; the power to make our world better in the wake of crisis. Cheryl Perlitz ~ 2004 All Rights Reserved World Kindness Day Once upon a time, in ancient India, a beggar favored a certain foot of land in a village square. He wanted to be rich, but he only knew dire poverty. One day he died on the spot where he had been begging for decades. The villagers decided to bury him on the spot where he had spent decades begging. They marveled when they found that only a few feet beneath the surface lay a treasure chest from an ancient kingdom. 5 Simple Tips For A Better Life How can we enjoy a better lifestyle? Following Through Direct Answers - Column for the week of March 24, 2003 How Do You Read the Bible? Here's a simple parable with an important moral. Oldies Direct Answers - Column for the week of January 5, 2004 Attitude Adjustment "If you are pained by external things, it is not they that disturb you, but your own judgment of them. And it is in your power to wipe out that judgment now." Selfish Beings Trouble, trouble, trouble. Nothing but trouble. The night before, I was just talking to a friend-cum-feng-shui master about the direction of my life. The horrible things that are currently going in my life right now. The things that could go wrong, is going to go wrong or has gone wrong. I spent a total of 3 hours complaining, ranting and raving about how unfair life is and how come others who are close to me or my husband can afford luxurious lifestyles. How come they have 2 family cars and we have to share 1 car. How come they can afford to have four computers for the four family members of their home. The youngest being barely 3 have her own computer at all ? like she's got tons of work to do on her own and absolutely needs her own computer, you know what I mean? I was just ranting and raving about how my kids have to fight with me for the computer ? me rushing things out for my clients and my kids sitting right next to me, waiting for me to finish with the consistent but patient enquiries like, 'Mom, are you done yet?' or 'Have you made enough money yet?'. Create Your Own Self Esteem - Part 1 Self-esteem is something that we all wish we had more of. Some of us go through our entire life feeling "self-esteem deficient". The constraints placed on us by low self esteem can feel so impenetrable that we find ourselves shrinking back from our dreams and accepting something less than desirable. This often results in feelings of emptiness, sadness, deprivation and a life not fully lived. Why Buddhism Succeeds - The Right Thing is the Thing to do The ongoing teachings are exemplified in an understanding and execution of two ideas, which I will briefly describe: ![]() |
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