Have You Ever Felt GOD in You?

God is the primordial Creative Force that is believed to have created each atom that we see around us. When you sit and muse, have you ever heard a voice inside you talking to you? That is the voice that is in you, whom you may also call GOD.

Think logically, if you have heard of the voice of that inner soul in you, who indeed is the never-lying, never-forsaking GOD, then is it JUST NOT possible that you are devoid of even a spark of that Divine Creativity? It definitely isn't! And it is never too late to bring it out.

Start with something as small as designing a cookie in a very unique way or icing a cake beautifully or growing blossoms in your garden. Help your kids to make a tent and watch him or her glow with domestic bliss -- to him, it is a blessing that you have designed for him. Yes, you are the CREATOR. At any level, being a creator is really a very Divine thing.

To create is human, to Create is Divine

Human beings have been blessed with the power to create and that is where Nature has been partial with us. That we are humans evinces the fact that we have creativity innate in us. It has to be explored, cultivated and expressed. That's all!

Explore : Remember your childhood. Remind yourself the compliments that pleased you. What are the qualities that you had? Were you good at dancing? Singing? Did you speak well? Stitched lovely clothes for your dolls? Scored well in cricket? Travel down the vista of years and remind yourself of the happy moments of your past. Explore the talents that you have nearly forgotten about.

Cultivate : Wash away the rust and let it shine. Re-live the happy moments, by practising those things yet again. Let your children help you. Find the notes in your voice, try a gig like you did years ago. And indeed why not go for a new hobby. Try pottery or gardening or glass painting anything creative.

Express : Let your creativity be expressed and appreciated. And never ever forget how creative you are. Let the world at large find out that you have a place in God's Creation, and are blessed with the creative instinct. Not only that, but you also have the strength in you to express your creativity with confidence.

Do not fear criticism, for criticism is just the thing you need to improve your art. Did Satan not criticize God's creation. It only helped God to improve His creation, and thus human beings populated the earth!

Again, it is NEVER TOO LATE to begin. Let your inner voice stimulate your creativity right now. And at the end of it all, when you create something, however small it might be, you will the happiest person when you find that you are a creator.

Shreelina Ghosh is an Indian Classical dancer and web designer. A post-graduate in English Literature and Language, she looks forward to studying the finer nuances of web rhetorics.

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