Who is My Mother?

Text: Matthew 12:46-50, Mark 3: 31-35, Luke 8:19

Mother's Day has passed. All the dinners have been served, flowers and gifts delivered. The question remains- Who is My Mother?

In the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke Jesus asks and answers this question.

Isn't my mother the one who gave birth to me? Isn't she the one who took care of me when I was a baby? The one who fed me, clothed me and cleaned me?

Jesus says, "Whosoever does the will of God is my brother, and my sister and mother." The kind of relationship Jesus has in mind is a spiritual one. Jesus' words must have prompted some of those around (including his mother) to think, "How disrespectful for your mother to call for you and you ask who is your mother!" Jesus is simply teaching a new way of thinking that God's people are to posess and live by.

What is God's plan to bring us into this spiritual family? Paul answers that question in Galatians 3: 26,27, " Forwe are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ." So when we are baptized into Christ as many individuals who obey all become brothers, sisters and mothers in Christ.

In my life,(and I am sure many of you can identify with me) I have had relationships with sisters, brothers, mother and fathers even in Christ that are closer than my relationshipss with my physical family. There have been times I have felt guilty about that, but I attended a workshop at Pepperdine Bible Lectures and Landon Saunders years ago and he spoke about the family of God. I was so relieved to learn that the close relationships God intended for us through Jesus Christ.

So if you have not been open to the idea of family in Christ and have been focued on the physical family to share this Christian journey with, You have as many brothers and sisters as you can love! Or if you are an only child in your physical family - Good News! you have brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers in Christ! This is great news to those of us who feel a need for additional family to add to our current family. God's family is awesome! Take time to get to know your other brothers and sisters, you will discover a treasure!

This past Mother's Day I was blessed to have my own birth children to wish my a happy Mother's Day. I was called "Mom" by other young people in God's family! What a blessing since my birth children do not live near me, God has given me some children nearby.

Finally, there is a bonus if you have great relationships with your physical family members, and you are both in Christ, you are bonded eternally! Wow! That is really an awesome thought! And it will be even more awesome to experience the joy of Jesus family when we meet Him and spend eternity with Him in heaven.

Glenda M Thomas 6-7-05

Glenda Thomas is the editor of Sister 2 Sister Newsletter. http://www.glendathomas.com

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